Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ To Pass The Time: RW Short Stories ❯ Chapter 3: Is It Natural? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

To Pass The Time

Disclaimer: I do not own Ronin Warrior, if I did... welll trust me when I say so many things would be different.

A.n: Oh god, she updates! And with more then one yet.


Is It Natural?


T'was on a hot summer day that little kender Yul... ::gets shot at::

Er... lets start over Ne?

T'was a hot summer day and all the Ronins were cooling off inside the house when Sage Date was struck with a curious thought, a thought so great that everyone in the world wanted to know. He looked over at the book reading Rowen Hishiba and stared before proclaiming rather loudly:

"Is it real?"

And time came to a complete halt. The birds stopped chirping, little decals stopped peeing on rams and the rams stopped headbutting the peeing decals. (If you've seen that one car commerical then you should not what I mean XD) For you see everyone who's anyone wanted to know that very question, Is Rowen Hishiba hair really blue?

"Is it real?" Sage asked again as Rowen stared at him confusedly.

"Nani? Is what real?"

"Your hair. Is it naturally blue?"

"Is yours naturally perfect?" Rowen asked trying to unsuccessfully change the subject. (Come on, it wouldn't be any good if he succeded)

"Iie its a wig."

Me: ::Author gets shot at by sage:: Sage: It is not! Me: ::Grumbles and dodges bullets:: Alright, Alright I'll use my o mighty author powers and change it happy.... (In laymens terms.. I'm gonna rewrite it ^^;;)

"Hai of course it is but thats not the question." Sage told him as Rowen went back to his book.

"Yes, its real." Rowen told him as he suddenely screamed in pain. He glanced upwards angerily at a smiling Ryo Sanada.

"I'm curious myself. It looks real but then why do you spend so much time in the bathroom?"

"I do not spend a lot of time in the bathroom." Rowen said defensivily as he smacked away Ryo's hand.

Ryo looked over at Sage who suddenely grinned. Of course Rowen didn't see the grin for if he had he would of probably ran away screaming to his room and locked the doors up tight... but then as I'd like to point out, I wouldn't have a story here.

I know how we can find out flashed threw both boys mind as they grinned evilly to themselves.

~*~**~*~ Next Day ~*~**~*~

Loud screaming filled the Koji household around 3 pm as Rowen came bounding down the stairs like a herd of elephants and into the Kitchen.

And everything stopped once again as 3 people stared open mouthed at Rowen in complete shock.

Cye who had been cooking at the time dropped the spatchula as his food started to burn into a nice black crisp. (mmmm sounds good)

Kento food, which was on a fork, dropped to the plate with a loud clatter as he tried to think of something to say to him but nothing would come out.

And our 3rd person... well... Yulie screamed. He screamed loudly for a few mintues before shouting the Boogie man had found him and then ran out and drowned himself in Cyes lake, which was a good thing when you think about it except now cye would have to disenfect the lake. (Thats another story though ^^!)

Mia walked in around that time also but saw Rowen and walked out muttering something about having to get to her classes and regain eyesight.

Now your probably wondering just what in the world was done to poor Rowen and if your not well... How about I end the story here till you do wonder? ::Gets guns aimed at her:: Er... how about I don't.

Rowen stood there in the doorward half bald half not. The words "Is it natural" carved on the side of his head in his hair. Which, I know isn't that bad but lets pretend Rowen a little vain or that this has happened to yourself... well you'd seema little mad to right?

"Who, Know nevermind I know who, where are they?" Rowen asked as they continued to stare at the angry Rowen some more. He turned around and marched out of the kitchen in an angry huff.

... ...

And a few tumble weeds rolled by before the 2 ronins did something. They laughed. They fell to the floor laughing and clutching there sides as tears rolled down the side of there face. They probably would of more then likely kept laughing if Sage and Ryo hadn't run in through the kitchen door at that moment waving around papers excitedly.

They grinned childishly at the Two snickering ronins before proclaiming loudly:

"Its Natural"

Though now everyone had to wonder... How?




Alright, theres 2 more after this but I haven't exactly finished the third one yet. So as soon as I finish it it'll be up to, but I will tell you whats expected:

Ryo's Addiction to a new game, Dead Bodies, Treasures, and... Hurts God?