Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh GX Digi-Stars: Twilight Wars ❯ Wrath of the Hell Kaiser ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I've got to say that with over fifty reviews in just seven chapters, I'm really glad that this story is turning into a real success. Plus, there is plenty of inspiration coming from you and your reviews, so, please keep them coming! Next, I would like to give thanks and credit to inu-yusukekaiba102, the Fanfiction author of great stories like `The Demon', `Darkness Powers Unleashed', and `Demon of Darkness', for the idea of Yusuke meeting his past self, Prince Sasuke, in his dreams, the scene for the `dream' of Yusuke meeting his `other self', Prince Sasuke, the idea for Yusuke's `Forbidden deck', the `Hell Dragon' deck, the future attacks on the `White Dorm', the upgrades to the Seal of the Ancients Field Spell card, and other ideas that I didn't mention in this and the other commentary. Then I would like to give Princess Lena aka Lady Kittuna for the idea of how `White Bastion' and Sartorius find out about Naruto's and Bastion's `family connection' as well as Naruto's and Bastion's relationship to the Fourth Hokage used in the previous chapter, this chapter, and future chapters.
Next, I would like to give thanks and credit to Tri-Edge of the Azure Flames and this author's story of `Turn to the Darkness' and inu-yusukekaiba102 and this author's story of `Darkness Powers Unleashed' for the idea of the plot of the story, the original Duel Monsters' card known as Darkness Veil, the new `darker looks' of Jaden, Serena, and all those that will be joining them, and any and all items and/or ideas from these stories that aren't mentioned in this commentary. Plus, I would also like to give thanks and credit to Tri-Edge of the Azure Flames and this author's story of `Turn to the Darkness' for the idea of Chaos Yeshua/Yeshua, his clothing, his back-story, and his original Duel Monsters deck and cards since they were created by the author mentioned. Then I would like to give thanks and credit to inu-yusukekaiba102 and this author's story of `Darkness Powers Unleashed' for the idea of the `Darkness of Salvation', the Light of Destruction's moral enemy, the dueling decks of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata, the idea for `The Clown' Tarot card and its connection to Naruto, the ideas for Hikari Urameshi and Kira Urameshi, their personalities, style of clothing, and backgrounds, and their dueling decks, Hikari's and Kira's Silver Millennium pasts, Hikari's Sailor Scout form of Sailor Galaxy and Kira's Sailor Scout from of Sailor Milky Way, and their `royal forms' as well, the duel spirits for Naruto and Sasuke, Kagome's `Sick Girl' reputation, and the idea for Inuyasha's elder twin sister, Melody, in this story, and any and all things that come from this author that aren't mention in this commentary. Also, I would like to give thanks and credit to inu-yusukekaiba102 and this author's story of `All Fair in Love and War' for the scenes in Chapter 3 between Yusuke and Keiko. Next, I would like to give thanks and credit to Infinite Freedom for the ideas of Naruto's Kyubi monster card, the Silver Millennium `royal forms' of Sasuke and Naruto, and the elements for Sakura's and Hinata's Sailor Scout forms as well as other elements in this story from this author not mentioned in this commentary at this time. Plus, I would like to give thanks and credit to YallRCrazy and this author's story of `To the Digital World We Go' for the ability of Sailor Star able to copy the other Sailor Scout's attacks. Next, I would like to give thanks and credit to deathwish, also known as Chaos and Deathwish, and who is an author from adultfanfiction(dot)net for the ideas of the idea of the Catalysts, the `erotic', mental, and power-enhancing abilities of his OC character, Kori, and the ideas of Sailor Scouts like Sailor Andromeda and other Sailor Scouts made up from the moons in the Milky Way or stars and constellations named in our known universe from his story known simply as `Boredom'. Then I would like to give thanks and credit to V-4-VeNdEtTa and this author's story of `Sailor Moon?' for the idea of the Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Universe. Next, I would like take the time to give thanks and credit to SailorStar9 and this author's fanfiction of `The Astral Twins' for the idea of Supreme Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Astral and I would also like to give this author credit for the idea of the Sailor Senshi known as Sailor Vortex that comes from this author's story of `Sailor Vortex Returned'. Then I would like to give thanks and credit to ggctuk, another Fanfiction author, and this author's story of `Vengeance' for the idea to the `heir to Egypt', the successor to Pharaoh Atem as the next great Pharaoh of Egypt and the next one to bear the `power of the Pharaoh' that Atem has as well as the idea for the alternate forms of the Egyptian Gods known as, Obelisk, God of War, Slifer, Dragon of Osiris, and Sun Dragon Ra, the use of Polymerization with the Egyptian God Cards, Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra, to create the Creator of Light in a duel, and the use of this author's version of the Anti-God/Wicked God Cards used in the Yu-Gi-Oh R Manga story. Finally, I would like to give credit to two Fanfiction authors, SSJ4Takeru also known as Kanius the V and Belletiger, an author that helps SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V with his stories, and SSJ4Takeru's/Kanius the V's story `YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Invasion of the Rajita' for the idea of the Valkyrie Sailor Senshi and all of the ideas that go with the Valkyrie Sailor Senshi, including the Spirit Beasts and Valkyrie Scout Transformation Items, that's going to be used in this story as well as give thanks and credit to SSJ4Takeru/Kanius the V and this author's story of `YuYuGiDigiMoon: The Invasion of the Rajita' for the idea of the Sailor Scout known as Sailor Sedna.
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Sailor Moon, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Digimon, Yu-Yu-Hakusho, Naruto, Inuyasha, `Tenchi Muyo!', Dragonball Z/GT, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Sailor Moon is owned/licensed by Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animation, Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Inuyasha is owned/licensed by Rumiko Takahashi and Sunrise Studios, Yu-Yu-Hakusho is owned/licensed by Yoshihiro Togashi and Studio Pierrot, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot, `Tenchi Muyo!' is owned/licensed by Hitoshi Okuda, Masaki Kajishima, various others directors, Studio Geneon and FUNimation Entertainment, and Dragonball Z/GT is owned/licensed by Akira Toriyama, Daisuke Nishio, and Toei Animation!
Warning: This chapter contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and X-rated adult themes/situations, including masturbation!
Yu-Gi-Oh GX Digi-Stars: Twilight Wars
Chapter 8: Wrath of the Hell Kaiser
(Within the `White Dorms'; sometime after the duel between `White Yusuke' and `Dark Keiko')
Inside of the `White Dorm', we find our heroes' and heroines' `former' friends, Alexis, Atticus, Syrus, Bastion, Ami, Mina, Lita, Hotaru, Amara, Michelle, Trista, Darien, Kagome, TK, Yolei, Kiyone, and Mihoshi, assembled together in Sartorius' private quarters as Kagome, Syrus, Ami, and Alexis give their report on what happened between `White Yusuke' and `Dark Keiko'. Needless to say, Sartorius' eyes don't show anger, but worry.
Sartorius asks, with a slight bit of worry in his tone, “So, not only did Yusuke Urameshi leave our organization, but it was his own beloved girlfriend that sent him back into the darkness?”
Alexis says, with a cold serious tone, “Yes, sir! Keiko dueled Yusuke in another ruthless Shadow Game using a weird card known as `The Seal of the Ancients', using a Forbidden deck known as the `Hellfire deck' with monsters that we never seen before, and she used an incredible card known as a `The Wicked God Card'. It was called `The Wicked Avatar'.”
Ami says, with a cold plain tone, “I have never heard of a `Wicked God Card' before.”
Syrus says, with a stunned tone, “Neither have I, Ami! But Keiko used as plain as day and it was powerful!”
Sartorius says, with a serious tone, “As it should be, the Wicked God Cards are the polar opposite of the Egyptian God Cards. Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra are Divine Deities of Light while the Wicked God Cards, The Wicked Dread-Root, The Wicked Eraser, and The Wicked Avatar are Divine Deities of Darkness and they are just as powerful as the Egyptian God Monsters. Pegasus created card versions to be a `balance' for the powers of the Egyptian God Monsters, but these cards were also buried and they vanished.”
Kagome asks, with a curious tone, “But how did Keiko get her hands on them?”
Sartorius tells Kagome, in a plain tone, “I wish that I knew, Ms. Higurashi. However, this is very disturbing news. With Mr. Urameshi back on the side of the nonbelievers, we have lost a critical core to our Society and the nonbelievers have become more powerful than ever.”
Darien nods his head and says, with a cold serious tone, “Yusuke Urameshi was the only one that could stand up to his sisters, but now, with him back on their side, we are no one that's close to rivaling to power of the Urameshi siblings since they are half-demons.”
Sartorius says, with a serious tone, “However, there seems to be another half-demon with them other than the Urameshi siblings.”
Yolei asks Sartorius, curiously, “What do you mean, sir?”
Sartorius tells the SOL members, with a serious tone, “The cards told me that a great demonic power has fused with Ms. Yukimura along with the powers of darkness and from what I could tell, this great demonic power rival the Ma-zoku in many ways.”
The SOL members gasp in shock and Mina exclaims, stunned, “Sartorius-sama, are you saying that Keiko is also a half-demon now?!”
Sartorius nods his head and says, seriously, “Yes, I am, Ms. Aino. However, there is more to Keiko Yukimura's power than that. I'm sensing other incredible powers inside of her, which means that all of you must be careful when approaching her as well.”
Amara says, with a cold plain tone, “We understand, sir.”
Alexis steps forward and says, with a cold serious tone, “Master Sartorius, sir, I have something to report.”
Sartorius says, with a serious tone, “Come forward.” Alexis takes out broken observation equipped that `White Sakura' and `White Hinata' had before they were freed from the control of the Society from behind her, goes over to Sartorius, and puts them on the table.
Alexis tells Sartorius, with a cold plain tone, “Sir, these are the remains of the observation equipment that Sakura and Hinata had when they were observing the nonbelievers before they were taken from the Society of Light. The nonbelievers tried to destroy the data on the equipment by smashing it up. However, we found that even though they destroyed the equipment, the video and audio data on it is still intact and able to be retrieved. Syrus, Ami, Kagome, and I found them on our way back.”
Sartorius says, with an evil smile, “Excellent. This is indeed good news. We need to learn what is on those audio and video recordings, Ms. Rhodes. It could give us what we need to fight back against the nonbelievers.”
Bastion steps forward and says, with a cold logical tone, “Sir, allow Ami and me to decipher the data on those recordings for you.”
Sartorius tells Bastion, with a serious tone, “Yes. You, two, are the best choices for the job.”
Ami and Bastion bow in front of Sartorius and Bastion says, with a cold plain tone, “Ami-chan and I won't fail you, sir.”
Sartorius says, with a nod, “Thank you. That's all for now, but we must stay prepared for any attacks by the nonbelievers with every victory they grow stronger and far more bold.”
Kiyone says, with a cold plain tone, “Amara and I will post more guards during the next evening hours, Master Sartorius, sir.”
Sartorius nods his head and says, plainly, “Thank you. You may leave.” The group bows their heads and they leave the room, closing the door behind them. Sartorius thinks in his mind, seriously, “The nonbelievers are indeed growing stronger and with them taking Yusuke Urameshi out of the light, it only leaves me with Ms. Higurashi as the only Chosen Duelist that's part of the Society of Light. However, with her great anger and rage towards the half-demon Inuyasha, my control over her is much stronger than the ones on Yusuke Urameshi and Keiko Yukimura. She might be the `key' of bringing every one of the `Chosen Duelists' into the light. However, this new demonic power that Ms. Yukimura has gained is very disturbing and very familiar to the Light along with the dark power that they possess. I need to find out what these powers are.” Sartorius gives an evil smile and thinks in his mind, “However, as Kagome, Yusuke, and Keiko proven, not even the `Chosen Duelists' can escape from destiny for long! Sooner or later, they will see the light! Everyone does sooner or later!”
(Within the Slifer Red dorms; A short time later)
Inside of the redesigned room that Chazz made in the Slifer Red dorms, we find all of our heroes and heroines, including Yusuke, who has changed back into a male Obelisk Blue uniform instead of an Obelisk White uniform, which he made sure to tell Davis, Kira, and Hikari to totally burn to pieces with their Spirit Guns, assembled in the living room of the dorm as Yusuke sits down with head held low after learning what happened after he lost to `White Keiko' and was brainwashed into the Society of Light along with the other `back-stories' that he needs to know in order know what is going on currently. Needless to say, Yusuke feeling lower than dirt is a good assessment of his feelings right now.
Yusuke, his head down low, yells out, angered at Sartorius and himself, “God damn it! How could I've let that asshole get to me?! I could have won that duel and saved Keiko before all this and I let him get into my mind and manipulate me like a little puppet! Damn it!”
Hikari tells Yusuke, with a reassuring tone, “Bro, it wasn't your fault while that asshole messed with your head! He used what happened between you and Keiko in order to brainwash you and her!”
Yusuke says, with a solemn and angered tone, “But if I didn't act like a damn idiot, assumed Keiko was kissing another guy of her own free will, and hurt like that, she wouldn't have been in that damn cult in the first place! I'm such an idiot!”
Keiko says, solemnly, “Oh, Yusuke . . .”
Kira tells Yusuke, with a plain tone, “Yeah, bro, you are an idiot, but that doesn't mean that what happened was your fault! You were tricked by Sartorius and the white goon that he forced down on Keiko!”
Hikari tells Kira, slamming her fists together with a dark serious tone, “Don't make me think about that son of a bitch and his fucking tool?! I'm still so tempted to find that white tool and turn him inside out!”
Davis says, with a dark serious sneer, “Join the club, Kari! I wanted to do that to tool that Sartorius used like that on my friend and kick his butt right into volcano!”
Yusuke says, with a solemn tone, “Thanks for trying to cheer me up, guys. But the facts are the facts simple and clear: I let myself falling for that brainwashing freak's trick, I hurt Keiko without giving her time to explain what happened, and both of us got fucked up into that damn white cult because of it!” Yusuke buries his head in his hands and says, solemnly, “God damn it! I'm such an idiot!”
Kuwabara yells out, in an annoyed tone, “Snap out of it, Urameshi! You are trying to be not the `Great Urameshi' anymore, but the Yusuke Urameshi I know would let himself get into a funk like this and sit down in self-pity!”
Yusuke replies, drolly, “Well, Kuwabara, the Yusuke Urameshi you know left the building when he found that he allowed himself to get turned into a tool for a fucking madman that could destroy the entire universe by letting himself get tricked to hurt the girl that he loves most!”
Mimi says, with a low and solemn tone, “Poor guy.”
Tai nods his head and says, “No joke, Mimi.”
Matt says, with a plain tone, “Yeah, Tai, I would feel the same way if the same thing happened to me.”
Joe tells Matt, Tai, and Mimi, plainly, “Well, we didn't. So, I don't think that we should try to act as we know how he is feeling because deep down, we don't.”
Cody nods his head and says, “Good point, Joe.”
Kurama says, changing the subject and with a logical tone, “However, right now, there is another subject on my idea. How did Keiko get such a forbidden deck and those three `Wicked God Cards'?”
Everyone looks at Keiko and she replies, plainly, “They were given to me as a gift to fight Sartorius and his white dorks.”
Botan asks Keiko, “Actually, Keiko, Kurama was asking about who gave them to you. You had to get them from someone. So, who gave them to you?”
Kari steps forward, goes over to Keiko, and Davis asks Kari, curiously, “Kari?”
Kari tells her friends and allies, “Actually, Keiko and I have something to tell all of you.”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “I believe that you do indeed, Ms. Kamiya.” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Koenma with Luna and Atremis join our heroes and heroines.
Botan yells out, amazed, “Lord Koenma!”
Serena asks Luna, curiously, “Where were you?!”
Luna replies, with a plain and stern tone, “Helping with your `Shadow Academia' and Chancellorship work, Serena! You really to get more organized in what you do!”
Serena yells out, seriously, “Hey! It isn't easy preparing for class, duels, and running a school with an organization against those white dorks at the same time!”
Naruto asks Serena, with a curious tone, “Why don't you use a Shadow Clone Jutsu, Serena?”
Rei says, seriously, “Yeah, Meatball Head! You can produce hundred of clones of you at the same time!”
Serena replies, nervously, “Oh, right. I didn't even think of that.” Rei, Luna, and Atriums sigh about this reply from Serena.
Yusuke says, with a solemn tone, “What are you doing here, toddler breath? Here to arrest me for helping that damn asshole to take over the world? Through I can't say that I blame for that. I would do the same thing.”
Kira says, a bit worried, “Oh, bro . . .”
Koenma says, with a plain tone, “Actually, I'm here to see if you are okay and to aid Kari and Keiko in what they are about to reveal to all of you.”
Mimi asks Koenma, “What do you mean?”
Keiko replies, with a serious tone, “He means about Kari and I no longer being human.”
Our heroes and heroines give perplexed look and Hikari asks, stunned, “What do you mean, Keiko?!”
Jasmine says, seriously, “You look pretty human to me.”
Yeshua says, with a serious tone, “Actually, they are only half-human now. Kari Kamiya and Keiko Yukimura are now half-demon as well.”
Tai yells out, stunned, “What?! What in hell are you talking about?! My sister is no demon!”
Kari replies, nervously, “Actually, Tai, Yeshua is right.” When everyone looks at Kari and Keiko, they close their eyes and powerful demonic red auras come from their bodies.
Davis gasps in shock and says, stunned, “No way. Kari?”
Kurama yells out, amazed, “They are producing demonic auras!”
Alister calls out, stunned, “Are you sure?!”
Hiei says, with a serious tone, “Yes, they are! Keiko and Kari Kamiya are producing powerful demonic auras!” Soon after, Keiko's hair become dark violet in color with black and crimson blood red highlights on it, dark blue demonic markings appear on their faces, she has dark blue lips, and her fingernails transform into dark violet claws similar to Inuyasha's claws. On the meanwhile, Kari's hair also becomes dark violet in color with black and dark aqua-blue highlights in her hair, dark violet demonic markings on her face that look like Native American ritual war paint, and dark red colored lips. When the two of them open their eyes, Keiko's eyes are deep dark violet while Kari has dark ruby red eyes.
When their transformation is done, everyone is stunned silent for a few minutes and Sakura yells out, stunned, “Whoa! What in the hell happened to you?!”
Kari says, with a sly grin, “Don't worry, everyone. They are just our more `demonic forms'. I'm part Yu-zoku and Keiko is part Yu-Zen.”
Hiei yells out, with a rare very serious and stunned tone, “What?! That's a lie! The Yu-Zen and Yu-zoku vanished from the plains of the Demon World centuries ago!”
Davis asks Hiei, “You know what in the world a `Yu-zoku' and `Yu-Zen' are?!”
Yeshua tells Davis, with a plain and logical tone, “The Yu-zoku and Yu-Zen are two demon kinds that are S-class demons that vanished from the view of most demons in Demon World many centuries ago, but they have existed for many millennia.”
Ayeka says, with a serious tone, “I know of those demons. The Yu-Zen originally came from Jurai and they helped us with many wars in our pasts, but they mysterious migrated to Earth for one reason or another.”
Koenma then says, with a serious tone, “Where they became good allies of the Ma-zoku and Yu-zoku and the Yu-Zen and Yu-zoku rival the Ma-zoku in power and warrior ability.”
Hikari yells out, stunned, “These demons rival the Ma-zoku in power?!”
Koenma nods his head and says, “Yes, but they held more than just raw demonic power. The Yu-Zen are powerful in the realms of mystical and super-natural energies and it is said that they can summon power `dark' spirits. They worship an incredible `dark power', one of the most powerful dark forces that the positive forces of the universe have, and they are honorable warriors. They fight with a strict honor code, but that doesn't mean that they won't kill someone as long as it doesn't violate their honor code. The Yu-zoku weren't originally demons, they were originally a people known as `Celestials', a powerful group of humanoids with celestial powers and with the ability to gain angel wings out of their backs. But some of the `Celestials' had `fallen' when they became part of a cult that worship other `things' that are outside of the beliefs and morals of the `Celestials', the Yu-zoku became part demon and forced to become part of the demon realm. They worshipped mainly the same `dark power' that the Yu-Zen do and they became very close. The Yu-zoku has many of the same powers as the Yu-Zen, but they are beings of Light and Darkness, through not as powerful as Yeshua, and they have the ability to harness the powers of nature and the elements along with their demonic, super-natural, and mystical powers.”
Kira asks, curiously, “And Keiko is a Yu-Zen and Kari is a Yu-zoku?”
Yeshua replies, with a plain and logical tone, “Actually, Keiko is half Yu-Zen and Kari is half Yu-zoku. They became half-demons when the two demons visited them in their dreams.”
Keiko nods her head and says, with a plain tone, “Let me explain what happened to me and Kari can explain what happened to her.” Soon after, Keiko and Kari explained what happened in their dreams and the meeting with the two demons that they are now merged with.
When they were done, Gatomon exclaims, stunned, “Kari, why would you do such a thing?!”
Kari says, with a serious tone, “I wanted to protect everyone else and stop having to put the others in danger by being saved all the time! TK, Davis, Tai, and others always put themselves in mortal danger because of me and I'm sick and tired of putting you in danger! With that asshole Sartorius and what he did to me as well as what he made me do, I couldn't take it anymore! Using me to hurt my friends and others was the very last straw and I couldn't bear to have him hurt anyone else, especially Davis! So, I did what I had to do to help free our friends from that madman and protect the people that I care and this whole universe from him! So, I permanently fused with the Yu-zoku and gained her demon powers.”
Sora asks Kari, curiously, “Do you know what you did, Kari?”
Kari tells Sora, “Yes, I do, Sora. And I don't regret my choice. So, I'm stuck as a half-demon for the rest of my life as long as this asshole is stopped and the people I care about are safe, I willing to face the consequence of my actions!”
Tai tells Kari, flabbergasted, “But Kari . . .!”
Kari tells Tai, seriously, “No, buts, Tai! I'm not a little girl anymore and I can make my own choices! And this is what I choose to do! I love you and Davis too much! And I couldn't bear to lose you! I didn't care what happened to me as long as you, Davis, and the others that we care about are safe and sound and this madman is stopped!”
Davis tells Kari, with a plain tone, “Kari, you didn't have to . . .”
Kari goes over to Davis and tells him, with a loving tone, “But I wanted to, Davis. I need to. I love you, too much. And I can't bear to lose you.” Kari kisses Davis straight on the lips.
Tai slaps his forehead and he exclaims, with a groan, “How am I going to explain this to mom?! She will have a heart-attack!”
Matt shrugs his shoulders and says, “You got me, Tai.”
Sora tells Tai, reassuringly, “Don't worry, Tai. We will think of something.”
Alister tells Keiko, with a stunned tone, “Sis, did you really have to go this far? Did it really become so necessary for my sis to become a half-demon for good?!”
Keiko tells Alister, with a serious tone, “Alister, I know that you are concerned about me, but what's done is done.” Keiko says, with a serious tone, “What that asshole did to Yusuke and I was beyond unforgivable and I hated him to my very core for it! I didn't care what it took, I just wanted Yusuke back with m-I mean us and that asshole stopped once and for all! When the Yu-Zen made her offer to my `other self', Princess Sakura, and me, I didn't care if I was a half-demon for the rest of my life, if that's what it took to get Yusuke back along with the rest of our friends and for that asshole, Sartorius, to be stopped, I don't care! King Emma could send his own Spirit Defense Force to try to kill me because he sees me as a threat as a half Yu-Zen for all I care! Yusuke mean the world to me and what he did to us was unforgivable, so, I was ready to do what it took to get Yusuke and our friends back and I'm willing to suffer the consequence!”
Yusuke thinks in his mind, amazed, “Keiko risked getting hunted down by that damn father of Koenma's in order to save me, the pathetic asshole that hurt her and got her brainwashed in the first place?!”
Alister says, with a sigh, “I'm not one to stop you, sissy. When you make up your mind, not even the end of the world would stop you.”
Kuwabara says, with a serious tone, “Don't we know it.”
Kira says, with a sly smile, “Got that right?”
Katina asks Keiko, “So, the Yu-Zen `other half' is the one that awoke your Sailor Scout powers as well?”
Keiko says, with a serious tone, “Yeah, with help from my `other half', Princess Sakura.”
Rei asks Keiko, curiously, “Keiko, are you and Princess Sakura?”
Keiko shakes her head and replies, “No, not yet. The part of my soul that's Princess Sakura and the part that's me as Keiko Yukimura aren't one and the same yet.”
Yeshua says, with a plain and logical tone, “If it was, she would have regained her Silver Millennium memories in full.”
Keiko nods her head and says, “Yeshua's right. Princess Sakura is an `active' part of me, but we aren't one just yet. All I've got of my Silver Millennium memories are bits and pieces.”
Kurama asks Keiko, “So, your new `Yu-Zen half' is the one that gave you the Hellfire deck and the Wicked God Cards.”
Keiko says, with a sly smile, “Yep! They are just as powerful as the Egyptian God Cards. Take a look.” Soon after, Keiko displays the three Wicked God Cards: The Wicked Avatar (?/?), The Wicked Eraser (?/?), a mysterious dark grayish-red creature that looks as large as Slifer the Sky Dragon and kind of has a serpent-like look to it, and The Wicked Dread-Root (4000/4000), a behemoth as large as Obelisk the Tormentor, green muscular skin and body, glowing yellow eyes, horned skull-like helmet on his head, demonic wings, and bone-like armor on its arms and shoulders with claws coming out of the armor on the knuckles.
Kira asks Hikari, “Whoa! Can you feel that, sis?”
Hikari says, seriously, “Yep! That's a lot of dark energy coming from those cards!”
Kurama says, with a serious tone, “They are indeed the real Wicked God Cards: The opposite of the Egyptian God Cards.”
Tyranno asks, plainly, “But why in the Sam Hill weren't we told about them?”
Hiei says, plainly, “Simple. You didn't need to know about them, human. That's because they were never expected to be unleashed into the world.”
Izzy says, with a serious tone, “Until now.”
Botan asks Kari, curiously, “Kari, do you have your own Forbidden deck?”
Kari takes out two Duel Monsters' decks that give off a black glow for a second and she says, with a dark sly grin, “Yep! I found these cards after I woke up! They are my new Underworld Spellcaster along with my Chaos Fairy deck and yes, they are Forbidden decks like Keiko's Hellfire and Serena's Advanced Crystal Beasts.”
Davis asks, concerned tone, “Isn't it dangerous to have, Kari?”
Kari tells Davis, with a sly grin, “Thank you for your concern, Dai-chan, but I will be fine. With my `dark demon half' helping me and as long as my will and strength of spirit is strong, the Underworld Spellcaster and Chaos Fairy decks can't take me over and I don't plan on it either.”
Keiko then says, a bit nervously, “Actually, everyone, there is something else that you need to know about me.”
Alister asks Keiko, curiously, “What is it, Sissy?!”
Keiko yells out, annoyed, “Damn it! By Solaris' Hand, can you stop calling me that?!”
Mimi asks Keiko, “What did you say Keiko?”
Keiko replies, plainly, “Solaris. It is kind of like what Lunarian say with `By the Goddess Selene' when something shocking happens.”
Atremis says, with a serious tone, “However, Solaris is mainly used in the Sun Kingdom.”
Yusuke says, drolly and solemnly, “Yeah, I'm supposed to be the reincarnation of its big bad prince . . . Yeah, right.”
Kira yells out, annoyed, “Bro, just damn well snap out of it!”
Koenma tells Kira, with a plain tone, “Leave him alone, Kira. Your brother just needs `some time' that's all.”
Kurama asks Keiko, “Anyway, Keiko, what do you want to tell us?”
Koenma says, seriously, “I had found this out some time ago. Keiko has a `royal heritage' in this day and age as well. You see, Keiko is the granddaughter of a member of the Juraian royal family. Namely, the legendary Lady Amaterasu.”
Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, and Washu yell out in unison, shocked, “What?!”
Sora asks their four outer space friends, “Someone that you know?”
Sasami says, with a nod, “Lady Amaterasu is the legendary princess of Jurai. She is known as the `Sun Princess of Jurai' because she has been very well compared to the daughters of the Sun Kingdom royal family including Hikari and Kira as Princess Hikari and Princess Xena. She lived at the same time of Tenchi's grandfather, Lord Yosho, and it is said that she had the powers of the Light Hawk that Tenchi does now.”
Tenchi asks, stunned, “She has the power of the Light Hawk like my Light Hawk sword?!”
Ayeka nods her head and she says, “Yes, Lord Tenchi. Lady Amaterasu came one of the four royal houses of Jurai and not only was she trained well in the arts, but she was an excellent warrior. She seemed the bright new future for our kingdom until the day that she vanished with Yosho. I can't believe that she made it to Earth.”
Yeshua says, with a plain and logical tone, “And she did. She knew that she would never get back to Jurai, so, her tree got planted into a mysterious lake. Soon enough, she found that the lake had mysterious properties that kept her tree alive and her, young and vibrant, through she disguises herself as an elderly lady. She meet a young Earthling, fell in love, and she gave birth to Keiko's mother. Soon after, Keiko was born and she is the granddaughter and heir to Lady Amaterasu' title and power on Jurai.”
Ryoko yells out, with an annoyed tone, “Yeah! I'll believe it when I see it!”
Keiko says, with a sly grin, “Okay, Ryoko, you asked for it!” Keiko then transforms back into her `human form' and then closes her eyes again as this time, she focuses her Jurai energy. A small wind swirls around her as two pairs of twp stripes, one pair on Keiko's left and the other pair on Keiko's right cheek, begins to glow on her face.
Tenchi yells out, amazed, “That's Juraian energy!” Soon after, Keiko's female Ra Yellow transforms into female Juraian battle uniform.
Keiko's Juraian battle uniform looks similar to Ayeka's `Juraian Battle Uniform' in `Tenchi Muyo!' series, but there are some differences. Keiko's long flowing hair is put into a single ponytail behind her back, her ivory skin has become dark chocolate brown with two dark violet stripes on each of her cheeks, there is a dark violet version of the same symbol on Tenchi's forehead when he uses the power of the Light Hawk Wings on `Tenchi Muyo!' the top is dark violet in color, the sleeves on the uniform are dark ruby red, her gloves are dark violet in color, the waist area is dark blue in color, the `skirt' of the uniform is dark pink in color, the `leggings' portion of the uniform are pitch black in color, and she has dark high-heeled boots on her feet.
Washu says, with a plain tone, “Well, that proves that Keiko is a Juraian descendant. Through I'm not really surprised.”
Sasami asks Washu, “Why is that Miss Washu?”
Washu says, with a sly grin, “In order to handle someone like Yusuke Urameshi like the way Keiko does, she has to be a descendant of Jurai because you have to a lot of energy to deal with him and two, with his powers, the ability to slap him so hard to make him fall right on his face.”
Kuwabara says, with a nod and a plain tone, “Good point.”
Alister says, with a serious tone, “Wait a minute! Since sis is a descendant of Jurai, it means that I am too!”
Koenma nods his head and says, “That's right, Alister. Since you are Keiko's brother, you have Juraian powers, too. But like your sister's powers were, they are sealed. At a young age, your powers threatened to tear you apart from within like it did your mother until your grandmother, Lady Amaterasu, sealed them . . . until you were old enough to handle the power. Your mother's powers were unsealed later in life. She then trained to handle her Juraian powers, and learned to control and suppress her power as not to make herself look suspicious. However, it looks like that your Juraian heritage did have an interesting effect on you . . . namely your spiritual senses and powers that you have.”
Serena asks, curiously, “Is there a way to unlock the seal on his powers?”
Koenma nods his head and he says, plainly, “Yes, I know of it well along with Princess Ayeka and Washu as well.”
Rei asks Keiko, curiously, “Does that `Yu-Zen half' help learn to control your Juraian powers, Keiko?”
Keiko nods her head and says, “Yep! I'm in full control of them along with my demonic and Sailor Scout powers. And this is my `Dark Juraian Battle Uniform', Rei.”
Kira tells Keiko, plainly, “We kind of that got with all of the `dark' and `Goth' in it, Kei.”
Joe says, amazed, “Oh, boy! This is starting to become really confusing! First, we find out that some brainwashing freak wants to brainwash the world and maybe even the universe! Then we find that two of Kari's new friends are the legendary super-heroes of Tokyo, the Sailor Scouts! Next, we find out about demons, Spirit Detectives, and more special powers along with ninjas and then some! Then we find out about more alien royal from another planet that's in another part of the universe along with space pirates and whatnot. And now, Tai's sister and one of Davis' childhood friends turn into half-demons that fused with them!”
Mimi tells Joe, with a plain tone, “Easy, Joe. Or you might blow a blood vessel!”
Joey says, with a plain tone, “You know, Yug'. I thought that we had seen it all! But this really takes the cake!”
Tea nods her head and says, “I know what you mean, Joey.”
Davis asks, with a curious tone, “Okay, now, we've gotten this out of the way. What is our next plan of attack?”
Serena says, with a dark plain tone, “I think that we did enough damage to those dorks for now. Let's take a breath and try to straighten things out.”
Jaden tells Serena, with a nod, “Good idea, Serena. Things are really getting along more complex and we need to straighten things out.”
Chazz states, with a sly grin and his usual snobbish tone, “Yeah! Wouldn't want to strain that brain of yours, eh, Slacker?”
Naruto asks Kakashi, “Kakashi-sensei, don't you think that we should call for reinforcements or something?”
Kakashi says, with a sly tone, “Why would we need to do that Naruto? You and the others do have things under control.”
Naruto says, with a dark sly grin, “Yeah! You're right! We've been kicking these dorks' butts right and left! We can handle this ourselves!”
Sasuke tells Naruto, with a dark plain tone, “Idiot. We can't get overconfident here. We are indeed beating the Society of Light at their own game, but that doesn't mean we should start celebrating just yet. They are weakened, but they are far from done.”
Sakura tells Naruto, with a dark serious tone, “Sasuke's right, Naruto. We might have gotten plenty done over those dweebs, but they are far from finished and still pretty dangerous. I mean who knows what knowledge they could have `stolen' from me and Hinata when that asshole Sartorius used us as his little puppets.” Sakura's right hand turns into a fist and her anger increase from that `knowledge'.
Kakashi says, with a serious tone, “You and Sasuke do bring up good points, Sakura. This is why I'm sending a message to Lady Hokage for advice and the possibility of needing reinforcements here in Duel Academy. I doubt that we need ANBU black ops here, but we are going need some strong Shinobi from our village that are also strong duelists.”
Hinata asks, curiously, “But what kind of excuse can they use to come to Duel Academy?”
Kakashi says, with a sly tone, “Simple, Hinata. There is an upcoming tournament that Chancellor Sheppard is organizing and all of Academy Island will be the `battlefield'.”
Davis asks, curiously, “You mean the GX tournament that we heard about from Tai and the others?”
Kakashi nods his head and he says, “Yes. Chancellor Sheppard has been gathering duelists from all over the world, including professional duelists, to take part in this tournament.”
Hikari thinks in her mind, curiously, “Pro Duelists?! Like Zane?!”
Sasuke says, with a dark serious tone, “I see. And this tournament would be an excellent chance for Sartorius and his Society of Trash to spread their influence beyond the island by brainwashing the duelists that come to this tournament.”
Ken says, with a dark serious tone, “We've got to stop this freak! Do we know when the date of the tournament is?!”
Tai shakes his head and says, “We don't know. Matt, Sora, and I are going to be part of this tournament, but we don't know when it will start.”
Kakashi says, with a serious tone, “Chancellor Sheppard is the only one that knows when he will start this tournament of his, but it is rumored to start a few weeks or so after he returns to Duel Academy. And he will be returning pretty shortly. Lady Hokage tells me that intelligence show that he will be due to arrive on Duel Academy within the next few days.”
Our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Jaden exclaims, stunned, “Chancellor Sheppard is going to be back soon?!”
Koenma says, with a plain tone, “Based on my intelligence, Kakashi is correct. Chancellor Sheppard will be arriving at Duel Academy soon.”
Matt says, with a dark serious tone, “And it's pretty obvious that he won't be happy with the `changes' around here. And those mainly connected with the Society of Trash.”
Davis says, with a dark sly smile, “However, with the majority of the teachers here on our side and with their `good advice', I don't think that it is too much trouble to convince Chancellor Sheppard that the `changes' that Serena and Kari made are good for the school.”
Kari says, with a dark serious tone, “Let's just make sure that we keep Chancellor Sheppard out of those dorks' hands before and while he returns to power as Chancellor.”
Rei says, with dark sly smile, “However, we can make sure he chooses a good Vice-Chancellor that's not one of those Society Dorks.”
Kira says, with a dark plain tone, “Okay, we've got a plan to protect Chancellor Sheppard when he returns.”
Luna tells Serena and Hikari, “And the two of you need to make sure when he is coming back.”
Serena and Hikari nod their heads in unison and they reply in unison, “Right!”
Soon after, Yeshua leaves the group of heroes and heroines and heads for the door causing Keiko to ask him, “Yeshua, where are you going?”
Yeshua replies, with a plain and logical tone, “I shall head to the Ra Yellow dorm to make that the Society of Light isn't trying any `sneak tactics' while we are discussing plans. Good day.” Soon after, Yeshua gets to the door, opens the door, leaves through the door, and closes the door behind him.
Davis states, with a plain tone, “I'm glad to know that guy is on our side, but why does he have to dress in similar way to those losers?”
Atremis says, with a serious tone, “In order to contain his great power, Davis. You see, Yeshua's great powers can only be contained by the colors of black to represent his darkness powers and white to represent his light powers. Yeshua's great powers, if he didn't have those clothes, would rage out of control and cause more problems than Sartorius and his Society of Light or any of our previous enemies ever could. Even after ten thousand years, he is in very good control of his powers, but suppressing them a lot isn't his specialty. The colors of his uniform allow greater control and suppression of his abilities. I'm not sure Yeshua believes he can fully control his powers without those colors.”
Serena asks, perplexed, “Are you sure?”
Koenma replies, with a serious tone, “I never met Yeshua personally, but I know plenty about him. And what Atremis says is indeed true.”
Mimi says, plainly, “Talk about having real fashion problems.”
Luna says, with a suspicious tone, “However, I'm not sure about Yeshua going off to the Ra Yellow dorm since female transfer students and female students that we brought back from the Society of Light are there.”
Rei asks Luna, perplexed, “What's wrong about that? Yeshua is purely logical and non-emotional type from I can tell. I doubt he would do any `naughty things' Unless there is something that you know about him that we don't, Luna?”
Luna sighs and says, “It's not a real `problem'. It's just a `quirk' or `flaw' in Yeshua. Yeshua, you see, he has a tendency to seduce any woman that thinks that he is attractive. He puts them under a spell that makes them want Yeshua even not under of their own will . . . Namely overwhelming `desire' for Yeshua.”
Keiko says, stunned, “You're kidding, right?”
Atremis says, plainly, “No, he is not. And the woman that Yeshua really `likes', he tends to turn them into his eternal love slaves and make them a part of his own personal harem. You have to understand that Yeshua has been around for many millennia in one form or another. Yeshua has a vast range of mind-control and mind manipulation techniques that would made the villains that used that all of us faced quite jealous. It is said that Yeshua had his own personal harem in Pharaoh Atem's court.”
Rei asks, suspiciously, “And did he have any other `harems' around?”
Luna says, a bit nervously and with a sigh, “Yes, he did. After the end of the Shadow Games between Zorc and Pharaoh Atem, when Zorc's and Atem's spirits were sealed in the Millennium Puzzle, he went up into the Moon Kingdom. He was a good friend of Queen Serenity, but the lines of the Lunarian and Martian royal families seem to be immune to Yeshua's `charms' and mind-control. However, the Pluto royal family wasn't as `lucky' as the royal houses of Mars and the Moon.”
The group of heroes and heroines, minus Hiei, gasp in shock and Serena yells out, stunned, “You mean that Trista was . . .?!”
Luna says, with a sigh, “Yes, she was.”
Serena giggles and says, with a sly grin, “After we get rid of that white fake of Trista, I can't wait to see her face about this.”
Rei says, with a sly grin, “I never knew that Trista could be so `naughty' herself.”
Inuyasha yells out, seriously, “All right! Can we get back to more important things?! Like getting Kagome and the others out of that hellhole?!”
Kurama tells Inuyasha, “Inuyasha, I know how anxious that you are to get Kagome out of the Society of Light. However, we need to work this careful or all the good that we do so far will be undone.”
Inuyasha calls out, annoyed, “Fine! But the longer that Kagome stays there, the more I get really pissed off!”
Rei asks Inuyasha, curiously, “You really do love her, don't you?”
Inuyasha blushes red and yells out, with a plain tone, “Yeah, I do! I just can't help it! I do really love Kagome and after what happened, I'm willing to do what it takes to help her and make up for that mistake!”
Melody tells Inuyasha, “Hey, bro! It wasn't your fault! It was that damn wench, Kikyo, which did it!”
Inuyasha says, with a serious tone, “Well, I should have known that Kikyo would do something like that and now, I broke Kagome's heart because of it!”
Kira yells out at Inuyasha, angrily, “And fucking sitting on your ass and blaming yourself isn't going to do anything to help! I'm sorry that Melody has to hear this, but you need to stop putting your head in your asshole and start fighting back! Kagome told before this whole mess that the Inuyasha she knew was a major tough guy and wouldn't let something like this get him down! Instead, he gets up and gets kicking some damn ass! If you are going to let yourself fall down in self-pity, that's fine by me! Your friends, my sister, Keiko, and the rest of us can save Kagome by ourselves!”
Inuyasha yells out, angrily, “No damn way! You are not doing this without me, girl!”
Kira calls out, with a deadly serious tone, “Then if you truly love my cousin, then stop blaming yourself and start helping us to kick this asshole's butt!”
Inuyasha says, with a serious tone, “Damn straight I'm going to help kick that asshole's butt! Right back to the hellhole he came from!”
Sango says, amazed, “Wow. Now, I know why she, Yusuke, and Hikari are Kagome's cousins.”
Shippo nods his head and says, “You said it, Sango.”
Serena says, with a yawn, “Can we not talk about these white dorks for awhile? I'm getting really bored.”
Davis says, with a dark serious tone, “Yeah. They are giving me one heck of a migraine.”
Chazz says, with his usual snobbish tone, “You aren't the only Motomiya. Just thinking about these dorks make me sick.”
Jasmine says, with a dark serious tone, “No joke.”
Jaden says, with a plain tone, “Anyway, gang, lets settle on who is going to stand guard on the Red and Yellow Dorms for tonight so that those geeks don't try anything.”
Tyranno says, with a smile, “Good idea, Sarge.” Soon after, our heroes and heroines began to discuss about who would be on `guard duty' for tonight, Yusuke doesn't participate at all in the discussion. He keeps his head lowered, his face solemn, and his mouth quiet causing Davis, Hikari, Kira, Kurama, Kuwabara, Alister, Jaden, and especially Keiko to become worried about him.
Keiko thinks in her mind, worriedly, “Oh, Yusuke . . .”
Kuwabara thinks in his mind, concerned tone in his thoughts, “Damn! Urameshi looks low, lower than dirt! What must have happened between him, Keiko, and SOB really has got to him?! I never seen him so depressed in his life! Well, he better learn that what happened wasn't his fault and get his damn head out of his ass! We need him! Since he is one of the `Chosen Duelists' that we need to stop this freak, if he doesn't fight, there might be a chance that we're finished!”
(Evening hours at Duel Academy; On top of the Ra Yellow dorms)
In the evening hours on Academy Island, we find ourselves on the rooftops of the Ra Yellow dorms where we see a familiar black-clad Kunochi, female Shinobi, Sakura Haruno, watching over the Ra Yellow dorm. For tonight, Sakura and Hinata insisted that they would be the ones to watch over the dorms for the night and not wanting to make an argument over it, the rest of our heroes and heroines, expect for Yusuke, who didn't participate at all in the discussion, agreed with Hinata watching over the Slifer Red dorm and Sakura watching over the Ra Yellow dorms. However, tonight, Sakura has a saddened look on her expression as she looks at the stars. The memories of her time in the Society of Light were coming back and she had become horrified and saddened at what she became. A monster that would sell her friends and the people that she cared about for power.
Sakura thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Why? Why didn't I fight back harder? I helped that madman in so many ways including spying on the others and trying to bring both Naruto and Sasuke into the fucking cult! With Naruto was when Hinata was brainwashed into the Society of Light and I tried to force Serena to give up Naruto to be brainwashed by that madman! And then with Sasuke, I tried to brainwash him when he and Naruto forced me and Hinata into those duels! Not to mentioning all of the spying and stuff on the others that I did for him to allow him to try to brainwash Sasuke, Naruto, and the others even easier! How could I've let this go so far?! I was trained in handling genjutsu by Kakashi-sensei, but that madman controlled me like his puppet with ease. How can I call myself a Shinobi when I allow this to happen?!” A few tears come from Sakura's eyes and she wipes them away. Just then Sakura senses someone with her and she looks to see Sasuke slowly walking up to her. Sakura says, plainly, “Sasuke! What are you doing here?!”
Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “I didn't have anything better to do, so, I decided to join you in guard duty.”
Sakura tells Sasuke, with a slight nervous tone, “Thanks, Sasuke. But you really don't have to help me.”
Sasuke tells Sakura, with a plain tone, “Well, I insist.”
Sakura says, a bit nervously, “T-Thank you, Sasuke.”
Sasuke shrugs his shoulders and says, plainly, “No problem.” Sasuke looks at Sakura, notices the wetness in her eyes, and he asks, sternly, “Have you bee crying?!”
Sakura says, nervously, “Me?! I-I . . . Well, I might have shed a few tears . . .”
Sasuke says, with a serious tone, “Shinobi are not allowed to show their emotions. Kakashi taught us that back when we were just genin in our first mission, Sakura.”
Sakura yells out, annoyed, “Well, we don't have to be that all the time, Sasuke! Or else we will be like those Society Dorks!” Sakura gasps out in shock and she says, solemnly, “Sorry, Sasuke . . . I . . .”
Sasuke replies, with a plain tone, “No, Sakura. You are right.”
Sakura asks, nervously, “I am?”
Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Those Society Assholes are cold and heartless beings and if we try to be like them, too much, then we are not better than them. And I will never become anything like them, ever again.” Sasuke asks Sakura, curiously, “Sakura, why were you crying?”
Sakura says, solemnly, “About my time when I was a Society Geek.”
Sasuke tells Sakura, with a serious and stern tone, “You can't be still blaming yourself for what happened while you were under that bastard's control.”
Sakura yells out, solemnly, “Well, can you blame for blaming myself?! I tried to have you and Naruto brainwashed by that freak at two different times! One, after Hinata was brainwashed, when those Society Dorks, me included, tried to steal Naruto away to have him brainwashed by that asshole! Two, when you forced me in that duel, I tried to brainwash you, too! Plus, not to mention all of the battles that I helped those dorks in as well as the spying that I did for them! Who knows what kind of fucking sick plans that Sartorius will do since he will know the secret of Naruto and Bastion?!”
Sasuke says, with a serious tone, “Yes. When Sartorius knows that Naruto and Bastion are family, he might used by Sartorius that to try to lure Naruto into the Society of Light. However, that fool is no complete idiot, he won't be lured in. He will instead do his best to bring Bastion out of the Society of Trash and crush those dorks.”
Sakura says, with a solemn tone, “Yeah . . . but Naruto and Bastion might not be in more dangerous if it wasn't for me.”
Sasuke yells at Sakura, in a surprising annoyed tone, “Sakura, cut that out! Is that what you are going to do?! Wallow in self-pity?!” Sakura yelps in surprise of Sasuke's yelling at her. Sasuke tells Sakura, “Keiko was also depressed about what happened between her and Yusuke, but did she let her drown in self-pity?! No! Even through she did it in extreme way, by fusing with a demon, to do, she gained the power to fight back and she fought with all of heart and soul to get Yusuke back from those dorks and make those Society Dorks pay for what they and their `Master' did to them! And you have to do that too Sakura! You have to stop blaming yourself for stuff that you did under his control and fight with us to make him pay for what he did to you and the rest of us! The majority of Serena's friends and her boyfriend are still part of that cult, but she is fighting back with her heart and her soul!”
Sakura tells Sasuke, with a smile and strong tone, “Yeah . . . you are right, Sasuke! Cha! I didn't know what I was thinking, Sasuke! I can't just keep kicking myself around forever! I've got to fight back and show them that you don't use Sakura Haruno for a puppet and not get away with it!”
Sasuke says, with a sly smile, “Excellent. That's the Sakura that I know and care for.”
Sakura asks, surprised, “Wait a minute! Sasuke, did you say that you cared for me?”
Sasuke mentally slaps himself in the head and he thinks, in an annoyed tone, “Damn it! I'm slipping! Being back with Naruto for so long made me pick up a bit of his bad habits: Making words slip out of my mouth. How disturbing.” Sasuke tells Sakura, with a plain tone, “Yes, I do, Sakura. Out of the people other than that fool, Naruto, you are the only one that could understand the darkness within me. What that traitor of a brother, Itachi, did to my clan and why I craved power so much. The power to destroy him and restore my clan's and my own honor. When you were brainwashed by that asshole, I felt rage that I only felt for HIM! It was then I swore with the others that I would get you back and make the Society of Light pay for their actions!”
Sakura says, with a blush, “Oh, Sasuke . . .” Sakura gently moves to him and kisses him on the lips causing Sasuke to give a rare blush. Soon enough, Sasuke felt a warmth within him, something he never felt before, and he couldn't exactly understand. However, Sasuke gently pulls Sakura closer to him and she gently embraces him. On the meanwhile, in the distance trees, unseen by Sakura and Sasuke, Kakashi is watching the newly forming couple with a very quiet chuckle and a grin under his mask.
Kakashi says, with a sly tone, “Well, Sasuke, you never cease to amaze me. At long last, you let someone a bit more deeper into your life.” Kakashi then says, with a plain tone, “Better check on Hinata. Something tells me that Naruto isn't getting much sleep either.” Kakashi then stealthy leaves the new couple alone and moves to the Slifer Red dorm where Hinata is on `guard duty'.
(Within Yusuke's dreams; during that same night)
Inside of the dreams of our former spirit detective, we find Yusuke Urameshi groaning as he wakes up in a field of white roses and he goes into a sitting position.
Yusuke says, with a snarl, “Great. What I needed to see. More white.” Yusuke then looks behind him and he is amazed to see the Moon Kingdom in its full glory during the Silver Millennium in front of him. Yusuke yells out, amazed, “Whoa! Now, that's some pad! Interesting place someone has here!” Yusuke then asks, perplexed, “Through I wonder where here is.” Yusuke then looks up in the sky and yelps out in shock as he sees the Earth above him. Yusuke exclaims, shocked, “What the hell?! That's the Earth! So, I must be on the moon!” Yusuke looks back at the Moon Kingdom and he says, perplexed, “But I don't remember anything about any civilization on the moon unless this is what that Silver Millennium that Koenma and the others say that Serena, Rei, Hikari, Kira, Keiko, and I are originally from is.”
Just then a deeper and more mature version of Yusuke's voice calls out, in a plain and sarcastic tone, “What in the hell do you think that this is, genius?!” Yusuke whips his head to the right to find the owner of the voice and he is stunned to see a young prince that looks exactly like him. This `Prince Yusuke' is the same age as our former spirit detective with a pitch black hair with golden highlights, he has a golden metallic neck-choker, and his outfit is similar to Prince Endymon's, expect his shirt is dark golden-yellow in color, with brownish-yellow pants and boots, and a large yellow trench coat over the shirt along with his battle armor being a dark golden yellow color. He has a brownish-yellow belt across his chest armor and on that belt is a sheath for a sword that has a golden hilt that has a golden-reddish sun sigil on the top center of the portion of the hilt and a beautiful silver blade with ancient symbols engraved on the blade. Plus, he has two sets of golden huge and fluffy angel wings coming out of his back.
Yusuke yells out at his counterpart, “Who the hell are you?!”
Yusuke's `royal counterpart' rolls his eyes and replies, in a nasty tone similar to Yusuke's, but his voice is a bit deeper and more mature sounding as well as commanding, “Who do you think asshole?! I'm you!”
Yusuke calls out, shocked, “Me?!” Yusuke then remember something and says, stunned, “What the hell?! That means that you must be my past self that Serena and the others told me about! From that Silver Millennium, Prince Sasuke Hyperion of the Sun Kingdom and the legendary Sun Prince, one of the most powerful warriors back in that Silver Millennium!”
Prince Sasuke replies, drolly, “Gee, nothing gets pasted you does it, pal.”
Yusuke asks, curiously, “Okay, how in the hell did I get here?”
Prince Sasuke replies, plainly, “How do you think, Urameshi? I brought you here! Your distress over what happened in the Society of Light has awakened me from inside of you, genius!”
Yusuke says, lowering his head and sitting down on the ground with a solemn tone, “I guess that you're here to take over for me with the battle against the Society of Light and that sadistic son of a bitch. Fine, go ahead. I'm not of any use, anymore.”
Prince Sasuke snarls in annoyance and yells at Yusuke, in an annoyed tone, “Get off your ass, Yusuke! You may think that you're not fit to protect Keiko, your sisters, and friends after what happened when that bastard messed up your head, but you are fit, pal!”
Yusuke asks, drolly, “If that's the case then why did I allow myself to get tricked by that asshole twice?! First, he tricked me into thinking that Keiko betrayed me, when one of those white freaks was kissing her against her will and the other one was when he made me lose that duel that allowed me to get brainwashed. Even though Keiko apologized for that, I forgave her, but I don't think I can forgive myself. I'm supposed to be one of the `Chosen Duelists' and have the power to stop SOB and his cult! Look what happened, bro?! I get myself tricked by that asshole into thinking that the girl that I love with all my heart and soul had betrayed me and hurt her in a horrible way, allow myself to get tricked by that bastard when I was planning to bring Keiko back from that cult, which brought me into that son of a bitch's control, hit my sister when she was attacking that fucking SOB and hurting her real bad, helped in that sicko with his plans including brainwashing the whole of the Ra Yellow dorm with Chazz, while he was in that damn cult, bashed my childhood friend, Daisuke Motomiya, ruthlessly into the ground and tried to bring him into that cult, and what breaks the camel's back, I WAS TRYING TO BRING THE GIRL THAT I LOVE BACK INTO THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE'S CONTROL AGAIN!! AND RUTHLESS AND WITHOUT MERCY I MIGHT ADD!!!” Yusuke slams his fist into the ground creating a good sized crater around his hand, his eyes began to flood with tears, and yells out, his voice full of guilt, remorse, and self-blame, “Face it! I'm not worthy of Keiko's, my sister's, and my friends' forgiveness I'm not fit to protect the ones that I love! I'm not fit to be a warrior! Why did that toddler, Koenma, ever recruit me as a spirit detective in the past?! Why did Genkai entrust me with her spirit wave?! Furthermore, when Kira and I was in Demon World, why . . . WHY IN THE FUCKING HELL DID KEIKO HAVE TO WAIT FOR SOMEONE LIKE ME, WHO'D PROBABLY HURT HER?! Damn it! She's just better . . . off with someone else . . .”
An anime-vein comes on Prince Sasuke's forehead, he gains a really annoyed and angered look on his face, marches over to the weeping Yusuke, grabs him by the collar, pulls him up to his face, and yells out, in a really pissed off tone, “YOU FUCKING IDIOT!!” Prince Sasuke bashes Yusuke in the face, hard, with incredible super-strength, and knocking him into the ground hard causing an imprint of him to appear on the ground. Prince Sasuke then goes over to Yusuke, grabs him by collar, puts him back to his feet, and yells out, angrily, “I can't believe that this is what I've been reincarnated as . . . a complete pathetic loser, who's acting like he is some kind of whipped animal!” Prince Sasuke slaps Yusuke on the face and yells at him, in a serious tone, “Yusuke, Keiko and the others are counting on you for this battle and what you are doing?! Acting like a fucking whaling baby! They don't blame you for what happened when you were under that sadistic son of a bitch's control! In case, you have forgotten, Yusuke, he still has your cousin, Kagome, under his control and she's count on you to help save her! Do you see Inuyasha, who is incredibly guilty about what happened when Kikyo forced himself on him and made Kagome think that she betrayed him, just crying like a baby! NO!!! He is on his butt and helping the others get Kagome back! AND HE ISN'T A CHOSEN DUELIST, I MIGHT ADD! Plus, do you see Serena Tsukino AKA Princess Serenity AKA Sailor Moon, crying her eyes?! She might have done so before, BUT SHE DAMN WELL ISN'T THIS TIME! She is out there getting her friends and the man that she loves back from that son of a bitch! You're a Chosen Duelists and have the power to save the universe and what do you do?! Weeping like a baby and don't say that I don't know you, Yusuke, because I AM YOU!! The Yusuke Urameshi that I know isn't the weeping crybaby or a worthless street thug that everyone at your old school thought! The Yusuke Urameshi that I know might not be smart at times, crude, harsh, and rash, but he had at least a strong will, heart, and spirit! Furthermore, the Yusuke Urameshi that I know would never sit on his ass and cry about what happened! He would get up on his feet and give that bastard some major payback for using him as a fucking tool and hurting his friends, his sisters, and the girl that he loves with all of his heart and soul!” Prince Sasuke let's go of Yusuke's collar and tells him, seriously, “If the same thing happened to me and I hurt my soulmate, Princess Sakura, I'd never forgive myself and I feel you, bro! But right now, you need to realize that your friends, sisters, and Keiko don't blame you for what you did under that jerk's control! And I know, that it's time to stop crying like a baby and take the time to finally forgive yourself over what happened?!”
Just then a male voice similar to Yusuke's voice calls out, in a cold annoyed tone, “And just what are you dorks yapping about?!” Yusuke and Prince Sasuke turn to see a male figure coming towards them that's wearing a Duel Academy uniform with a duel disk attached to his left wrist and as the male figure takes shape, Yusuke realizes it is a very familiar male figure. When Yusuke and Prince Sasuke get a closer look at the male figure, Yusuke gasps to see himself expect this Yusuke is wearing a male SOL uniform and an evil gleam in his cold and lifeless eyes exactly like Yusuke's when he was deep under Sartorius' control during his duel against Keiko.
Yusuke yells out, annoyed, “Hey, what in the hell is going on here?!”
Yusuke's `white counterpart', `White Yusuke', tells our former spirit detective and Sun Prince in Yusuke's exact voice expect with coldness and harsh like when he was in the Society of Light, “What do you think, dork?!”
Prince Sasuke tells Yusuke, “This is your challenge, Yusuke. I knew that you are afraid to turn back into that person that you were when you were in that cult and once again, hurt all that you love. This `white dork' version of you represents you and all that you were while that Society of Light. In order to conquer your fear and destroy, if any remains, traces of that asshole's influence on you, you must face yourself while you were possessed by that asshole!” Prince Sasuke tells Yusuke, seriously, “However, I must warn you. If you take up this challenge, there is a great chance that you will lose everything here and become possessed by this damn evil once more. If you wish to back down now, bro, there will be nothing said and no one will think any less of you. Many times, the greatest battle is for someone to face himself or herself.”
White Yusuke says, with a cold, harsh, and rude tone, “Ha! Don't even bother, dweeb! This cowardly loser is nowhere near as powerful enough to defeat me! It took his damn fucking girlfriend's, Keiko's, Hellfire deck and Wicked God Card to defeat me! He is better off leaving this to his dorky girlfriend, but then again, if she has to worry about him all the time, Master Sartorius will put Keiko where she belongs! By his side in the light where his bitchy sisters and his friends are all going!”
Yusuke exclaims, angrily, “No fucking way! Fine! If I have to do this, then let's get it over with! I'll never back down from a challenge!” Just then a bright light appears onto Yusuke's wrist that forms into an Academy Duel disk with his Dragon and Warrior deck inside of it. Yusuke says, with a plain tone, “That's what I call service.” Yusuke then activates his duel disk and its life-point counter displays 4000 life-points.
White Yusuke says, with an evil taunting tone, “So, the little crybaby is showing some backbone. About time, dork!”
Yusuke tells his evil counterpart, in a serious tone, “We'll see who the dork really is when this is over, you fake!”
White Yusuke says, in an evil taunting tone, “Ah, so, the little crybaby has an attitude, huh?! Are you sure that there isn't a bit of me in there?!”
Yusuke yells out, angrily, “Shut up, asshole! Your mind games won't work on me!”
White Yusuke puts his deck into his duel disk, activates it, the life-point counter displays 4000 life-points, and he says, coldly, “We'll see, pal!”
The two Yusuke Urameshis then draw five cards from their dueling decks, Prince Sasuke goes to the sidelines, and both of them say in unison, “Game on!”
Starting Scores:
Yusuke: 4000
White Yusuke: 4000
Yusuke draws one card from his deck and says, seriously, “All right, asshole, I'll go first!”
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty tone, “Whatever, dork. You had better not think that going first will help you out at all, dweeb.”
Yusuke growls in annoyances, looks at his hand, puts one card on his duel disk, and calls out, “I'll play my Marauding Captain in defense mode!” Soon after, Marauding Captain (1200/700) comes to the field in defense mode. Yusuke puts another card from his hand on his duel disk and calls out, “Next, I play his effect! Now, I get to summon one level four monster from my hand to field and I choose my Masked Dragon!” Soon after, Masked Dragon (1400/1100) comes to the field in defense mode. Yusuke says, with a serious tone, “I'm done for now! So, go, jerk!”
White Yusuke draws one card from his deck and he says, with a cold nasty tone, “Your funeral, wimp!” White Yusuke puts one card on his duel disk and calls out, coldly, “Okay, you pathetic peon, I play my Spear Dragon in attack mode!” Soon after, Spear Dragon (1900/0) comes to the field in attack mode. White Yusuke then yells out, in a cold serious tone, “Now, Spear Dragon, take out his pathetic warrior! Cyclone Blast!” Spear Dragon fires a cyclone of wind energy at Marauding Captain, destroying it, and costing Yusuke 1200 life-points in one shot, thanks to Spear Dragon's special ability. White Yusuke says, with a cold sly tone, “Thanks to my dragon's ability, you lose life-points even if your damn peon was in defense mode! And then my dragon switches to defense mode!” Spear Dragon switches to defense mode, White Yusuke puts two cards in the spell/trap slots, and he says, with a cold nasty tone, “I'll place two cards face-down and end your suffering, pathetic wimp! Try again?!”
Current Score:
Yusuke: 2800
White Yusuke: 4000
Yusuke draws one card from his deck, looks to see his Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, flinches at memory when he was under Sartorius' control with him and other SOL members attacking the Ra Yellow dorm, shakes his head, and he says, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, “I play my Cost Down spell card! I discard one card from my hand and I can lower the level of a monster in my hand by two stars!” Yusuke discards his Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, puts one card on his duel disk, and yells out, strongly, “All right, fake, I sacrifice my Masked Dragon in order to summon my Red-Eyes Black Dragon!” Soon after, Masked Dragon vanishes from the field and Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000) comes to the field in attack mode. Yusuke yells out, strongly, “Now, Red-Eyes, attack his Spear Dragon! Inferno Fire Blast!” Red-Eyes Black Dragon launches a sphere of dark flames at White Yusuke's monster.
Prince Sasuke shouts out, annoyed, “Hey, idiot, what are you doing?!”
White Yusuke pushes a button on his duel disk and he says, with a cold nasty tone, “Losing, that's what! I play my trap! Waboku!” White Yusuke's face-down card is revealed to be the Waboku trap card and he says, in cold taunting tone, “Too bad, wimp! But your little attack is negated! Oh, well!” Just then a trio of maidens appears on the field and negates Red-Eyes Black Dragon's attack.
Yusuke puts one card in the spell/trap slots and he says, annoyed, “I end my turn!”
White Yusuke says, with a cold sly grin and cold taunting tone, “And there is my point why you will lose! You go into things without thinking! Remember what happened between you and your damn girlfriend!”
Yusuke yells out, angrily, “Shut up asshole!”
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty tone, “Ha! Admit it! You are nowhere near to changing for the better, Urameshi! You are still the damn idiot that hurt his pathetic girlfriend when he let his emotions get the better of him! Did you let Keiko explain what happened between her and my fellow Society member? No! You just blew her off like nothing! She was better of when she was with someone like me!”
Yusuke calls out, angrily, “You wish!”
White Yusuke says, drawing one card from his deck, “We'll see about that Yusuke! My move!” White Yusuke puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, “I play my Pot of Greed! And I draw two more cards from my deck!” White Yusuke then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my Fiend's Sanctuary and I gain one Metal Fiend Token on the field!” Soon after, one Metal Fiend Token (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode, White Yusuke puts one card on his duel disk, and yells out, with an evil grin, “But like you, dork, they won't be staying long since I'll sacrifice them to summon this! My strongest card!” The two monsters vanish as a wind picks up and Yusuke yelps in shock. White Yusuke yells out, with a cold serious tone, “My Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Soon after, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) comes to the field in attack mode.
Yusuke says, drolly, “Just great.”
White Yusuke then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, coldly, “Next, I play this spell card! It is known as Obligatory Summon! I choose one monster on the field and summon as many monster as the same type as the monster that I summon the owner's deck to the field! So, I choose my dragon and summon two more Blue-Eyes White Dragons from my deck!” Two cards come out of White Yusuke's deck, he puts them on his duel disk, and two more Blue-Eyes White Dragons (3000/2500 X 2) come to the field in attack mode. White Yusuke says, with a cold sly grin while putting another card in the spell/trap slots, “Next, I play Polymerization to fuse my three Dragons together!” Soon after, the three Blue-Eyes White Dragons go into a fusion vortex as White Yusuke puts a fusion monster card from his fusion deck, and calls out, coldly, “Okay, dork, meet my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) comes to the field in attack mode. White Yusuke puts the last card in his hand onto his duel disk and he calls out, cold sly smile on his lips, “And now, dweeb, I send my Ultimate Dragon to the grave to summon my Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon!”
Yusuke says, worriedly, “Oh boy!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon cracks apart and explodes, leaving Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon (3000/2500) in its place in attack mode.
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty tone, “Now, my dragon gains three hundred attack points for every dragon in my grave! And if you are too dumb to figure it out, I have five dragons and that equals fifteen hundred more points!” Soon after, Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's stats rise from 3000/2500 to 4500/2500! White Yusuke pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, with a cold sly grin, “And now, I play one final spell! One that you might remember, dork! White Veil!” Yusuke yelps out in shock as White Yusuke's face-down card is revealed to be White Veil equip spell card transforming Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon by making it pitch white with evil glowing violet eyes.
Yusuke thinks in his mind, worriedly, “Oh shit! Thanks to that card, my Negate Attack trap card is totally useless because that cheating card negates and destroys all of the opponent's spell and trap card when the monster equipped with that fucking card attacks!”
White Yusuke yells out, coldly, “It is time for the beginning of your end, dork! Shining Dragon, take out his pathetic Red-Eyes with White Shining Neutron Blast!” Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon fires its attack, Yusuke's face-down Negate Attack trap card is destroyed, thanks to White Veil, and Red-Eyes Black Dragon is destroyed in a huge explosion of white lightning energy that throws him to the ground costing him 2100 life-points! White Yusuke says, with evil sly grin, “That's enough for the moment, but next turn, you are dead, dork!”
Current Score:
Yusuke: 700
White Yusuke: 4000
Yusuke is breathing heavily and he yells out, seriously, “This duel isn't over, yet, jerk!”
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty tone, “Well, from what I see, you have only seven hundred life-points, one card in your hand, and no tricks up your sleeves, idiot! Face the facts! You put on this strong `tough guy' act when in fact you are nothing, but a weakling! You are losing this duel to a `fake'! I'm the real you and you know it, Urameshi! You are going down and the others are better off than with a weakling like you! Let's say that you double duel with Keiko, Kari, or Kira against my fellow Society members, dork! Most likely, you and your `partner' is going to lose because of you! I'm beating the hell out of you in this duel and you aren't even putting up much of a fight! You can't win and most likely, by some fluke if you do, you are just going to put the others in danger. They are just better off without you since you made them `suffer' during your time as me! You hurt Keiko, you hurt Kari, and you hurt everyone else that cares about you!”
Remember all of the painful memories, including the ones of his time in the SOL and what happened between him and Keiko, Yusuke's face turns solemn and he thinks, solemnly, “Damn it! Damn it! What if . . .What if this asshole is right? What if I'm nothing but a burden to Keiko and the others? I always did things my way and others got hurt in the process! Keiko, when I forced to fight in the Dark Tournament, I left Keiko behind on my own selfish pursuit of my demon ancestor just because he got in the way in the fight with Sensui, she waited for two years of me with worry and wondering when I would come back, I let that asshole trick me into hurting Keiko, I let that asshole brainwash me when I tried to get Keiko back, I helped him brainwash the Ra Yellow dorm with Chazz and the others, and I TRIED TO GET KEIKO BACK INTO THAT WHITE HELLHOLE?! What if I'm nothing, but a burden to all of them?!”
Yusuke moves his hand towards his deck, preparing for a surrender, and Prince Sasuke yells out, angrily, “Don't you fucking dare surrender to son of a bitch!”
Yusuke looks at his `royal counterpart' and says, drolly, “And why shouldn't I?! He's right! I'm nothing, but a burden to everyone!”
Prince Sasuke yells out, angrily, “Damn you, asshole! Don't listen to that son of a bitch! You aren't a burden to everyone and you know it, Yusuke, especially to Keiko! Remember when she tried to save your body as you were taking the test to regain your life! Who threw that egg and seemly sacrificed his chance to come back without any hesitation?! Who gave it his all to get an innocent boy's soul back when a damn demon swallowed and he refused to give up even through that demon beat him to ground when he was a `Rookie Spirit Detective'? Who helped Kurama save his human mother without having him to sacrifice his life?! Who fought with all that he had to save Keiko from being turned into demon by an fucking evil sword?! Who gave it his all to protect Keiko from the Sacred Beast demons of Maze Castle when they sent hordes of mind-controlled teachers against her and nearly sacrifice his life for?! And when the trouble in Demon World threatened to spill into the Human and Spirit Worlds, who had the idea, even through a very risky one, to come up with the Demon World Tournament and fought with everything to stop Yomi's plans?! Listen up, jackass, because I'm going to say this once and only once: IF YOU GIVE THE FUCK UP, YOU ARE GOING TO LET EVERYONE DOWN, JERK!!! You are one of the `Chosen Duelists' that could save the universe, but the `Chosen Duelists' can't win without you! Kagome, your cousin is still trapped in that hellhole, and she and Inuyasha, that half-dog demon, is counting on you to help the others save her! Keiko, Jaden, Davis, Hikari, Kira, and everyone else are counting on you to help them fight and win! Do you remember the words of Grandma that came to your head during the last phase of the battle with Yomi?! You can't just think about yourself?! You have to think about them, their future, and the future of every living being in the human world . . . on Earth! Now, the universe is on the line and you are needed to help! You have to remember that and everything that you have done! You are not going to let some fake take you down when everyone needs you, Yusuke Urameshi! Now, get up and fight back!” Yusuke thinks in his mind about his adventures from his days when he was `dead' until after the Demon World Tournament, the good and bad times, the good he had done as Spirit Detective, the friends that he made, and the girl that he loved along with his family and friends causing Yusuke to grown more and more determined to win and protect everything and everyone that he loved and cared for.
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty tone, “Don't bother, dweeb! He is finished!”
Yusuke yells out, with a serious tone, “Don't count on it, pal!” White Yusuke and Prince Sasuke look to see Yusuke covered not in spirit or demon aura, but his same yellowish-red Sacred Energy aura during his battle with Yomi. Yusuke roars out, seriously, “Damn well that `royal half' of mine is right! I'm not going to give up until the last card is played! Everyone does need me and Keiko needs me! And damn well, I'm going to allow that son of a bitch or any evil asshole, including an evil version of me, ever hurt them! Get ready you son of a bitch, it is time to really get your game on!”
Prince Sasuke thinks in his mind, with a sly grin, “It's about time, Yusuke!”
Yusuke, glowing with a golden light, draws one card from his deck, puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, “Now, I play my Pot of Greed and draw two more cards!” Yusuke draws two cards from his deck, gives a sly smile when he sees them, and calls out, putting one card in the spell/trap slots, “Next, I play my Mystical Space Typhoon to take out that cheating spell card!” Just then a huge twist comes to the field and White Yusuke's White Veil spell card is destroying, turning his dragon back to normal.
White Yusuke yells out, in a cold annoyed tone, “You will pay for that asshole!”
Yusuke puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, with a sly grin, “Don't count on it, freak! I play my Scrap Fusion spell card! Now, I remove Fusion Material Monsters from your graveyard from play to play one fusion monster from your deck! So, I remove your Blue-Eyes White Dragons, Spear Dragon, and Ultimate Dragon to summon your Five-Headed Dragon!”
White Yusuke calls out, in disbelief, “You are fucking kidding me!”
Yusuke yells out, seriously, “Does this look like a joke, dork?!” Just then White Yusuke's graveyard shoots five beams of light as the five cards from the graveyard, a fusion monster card from White Yusuke's fusion deck flies into the air and onto Yusuke's duel disk, and the beams of light gather behind Yusuke and Five-Headed Dragon (5000/5000) comes to the field in attack mode. Yusuke then says, with a sly grin, “And since five dragons are gone, your dragon's damn power is back down again!” Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon's glow becomes weaker as its stats reduce down to 3000/2500!
White Yusuke says, with a cold nasty snarl, “So, what, dweeb?! This won't end the duel!”
Yusuke puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, in a nasty sarcastic tone, “Hey, dweeb, did you forget that I have one card left in my hand?! Namely, my Pump Up spell card and it doubles my new friends' power!” Five-Headed Dragon roars as its stats rise from 5000/5000 to 10,000/5000!
White Yusuke yells out, in disbelief, “No way! How in the hell can I lose to a weakling like you?!”
Yusuke calls out, with an angered tone, “You might have kept me down with my guilt over what happened when I was you, dork, but I've finally realized that sitting here and crying like whipped dog isn't going to make things any better! I may never get over what I did, but I'm not going to take it lying down! I'm going to make sure that son of a bitch doesn't do the same thing to anyone else like what did to me and Keiko! And that fucking asshole is going to pay for what he did! And as long as Keiko, my sisters, and all of my friends need me, I'm going to get back and keep on kicking ass! Like I'm about to do, right now! Yusuke commands, with a very serious tone, “Five-Headed Dragon, send this fake back to the hellhole where he belongs! Five-Headed Flame Attack!” Five-Headed Dragon fires multiple elemental attacks at Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon and Yusuke yells out, with a serious tone, “The one AND only Yusuke Urameshi is back baby!” Soon after, Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon is slammed by the attack causing White Yusuke and the dragon to engulf in aurora colored light and White Yusuke screams out in shock and pain as Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon is destroyed while he loses 7000 life-points, ending the duel immediately.
Final Score:
Yusuke: 700
White Yusuke: 0
When the final holograms of the duel fade, White Yusuke fades away into particles of light until he totally vanishes and Yusuke falls to his right knee in exhaustion.
Yusuke says, lowly and with a sly grin, “And stay gone, asshole.”
Prince Sasuke runs over to Yusuke and calls out, excitedly, “Awesome! I can't believe it! You did it, pal! I knew that you could do it!” Yusuke gets onto his feet and swings his right fist, bashing Prince Sasuke's face, knocking him to the ground, extreme hard, and cracking it somewhat.
Prince Sasuke leaps to his feet, holds his right cheek, where Yusuke punched him, and yells at Yusuke, annoyed, “What in the hell was that for?!”
Yusuke says, with his usual sly tone, “That was for that punch from earlier!”
Prince Sasuke yells at Yusuke, angered tone, “That's because you needed it, you jerk! Just for that, consider your asshole kicked, you ungrateful bastard!” Soon enough, the two of them were fighting it out with punching each other in the face and chest as well as kicking themselves all over the place. On the meanwhile, Keiko and her `other half', Princess Sakura, who were watching from a distance with annoyed and embarrassed looks on their faces. The two of them were there since the start of the duel between Yusuke and White Yusuke and both of them sigh as they see their loves beating each other up.
Keiko asks Princess Sakura, “Did you have to deal with in the Silver Millennium?”
Princess Sakura replies, with a droll tone, “You will know when you and I finally become one, girlfriend, but as you Earthlings would say: No joke, girlfriend.”
Keiko says, with a sigh, “Some things never change, do they?”
Princess Sakura nods her head and replies, plainly, “Indeed.” Keiko then whistles to the two of them and the Yusuke and his `royal counterpart' look to see their beloveds in looking at them.
Yusuke yells out, shocked, “Keiko! When did you get in my dreams?!”
Keiko replies, with a smile, “Ever since your duel with your dorky counterpart started!”
Yusuke calls out, stunned, “You mean that you saw that whole thing?!”
Keiko says, with a warm smile, “Yep! I knew that you could do it, Yusuke!”
Yusuke looks at Princess Sakura and he asks, perplexed, “Hey, Kei, who is that weird princess that looks like you?!”
Prince Sasuke yells out, annoyed, “That's my girlfriend, Princess Sakura, and Keiko's past self you asshole!” Prince Sasuke then bashes Yusuke right in the chin and he gets really pissed off.
Yusuke yells out, angrily, “Damn you! You are really going to get it! I don't care if you are me for another life! No one sucker punches Yusuke Urameshi and gets away with it!” Soon after, the two of them were fighting again and rolling on the ground. Keiko and Princess Sakura gives anime-like sweatdrops from their forehead and the two of them walk over to their fighting beloveds, who are getting to their feet, and prepared to fight each other some more.
Just then Keiko pulls Yusuke's ear and Princess Sakura pulls Prince Sasuke's ear and the two of them yell out in unison, really annoyed tone with deadly glares in their eyes, `WOULD YOU TWO FOR ONCE CUT IT OUT?!” Keiko and Princess Sakura let go of their beloved's ear, the two of them hug each other for dear life, and Yusuke says, in a scared tone, “Tell me something, bro. Is Princess Sakura always that scary when she's really angry?”
Prince Sasuke nods his head and asks Yusuke, in a scared tone of his own, “Is Keiko this scary when she's really angry?”
Yusuke nods his head and says, plainly, “Now, with that mixture of demon, Juraian, and Sailor Scout strength, I really need to stop pissing her hell off or I'll really get it!”
Prince Sasuke exclaims, nodding his head, “No joke, bro!” Prince Sasuke asks, curiously, “Ever wondering why we're holding each other?” Yusuke and Prince Sasuke yelp as they let go of each other and move away from each other while Keiko and Princess Sakura giggles at this.
Prince Sasuke tells Yusuke, in a serious tone, “Hey, Yusuke, I don't know that you are aware of this, but you still have a sister and brother from the Silver Millennium that's still with that brainwashing son of a bitch!”
Yusuke yells out, shocked, “I have another sister and brother?!”
Prince Sasuke nods his head and says, seriously, “Your sister's name is Princess Arinna of the Sun Kingdom, heir to the throne of the Sun Kingdom, and welder of the Imperium Sun Crystal. She is also the soulmate on my best friend, Prince Judai Chons Serenity of the Moon Kingdom, the tsuki-no-ouji or Moon Prince, and the brother to Princess Serenity, who you know is Serena Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon or Sailor Eclipse. Your brother's name is Prince Apollo of the Sun Kingdom. You or the reincarnation of my friend, Prince Judai, must bring them back.”
Yusuke asks, curiously, “Do you know who they are?”
Prince Sasuke replies, in a sarcastic tone similar to Yusuke, “Don't you think that I would have told if I knew?”
Yusuke says, with a snarl, “Hey, bro, you better watch or I'll . . .!”
Keiko tells Yusuke, with a serious tone, “Yusuke, if you are fighting and hurting Prince Sasuke, don't you think you are hurting yourself since he is a part of you.”
Princess Sakura tells Prince Sasuke, with a serious tone, “And the same goes for you, Sasuke. Didn't you think of that?”
Yusuke and Prince Sasuke sweatdrop and they say in unison, nervously, “Oh, yeah, right.”
Keiko and Princess Sakura sigh and say in unison, drolly, “Some things never change.”
Prince Sasuke tells Yusuke, “Anyway, I know that my sis' and bro's reincarnations are under the control of that asshole, but I know that my best friend, Prince Judai, is not with those dorks. He is one of the male students that are free from that asshole's control.”
Yusuke says, with a droll tone, “Well, at least that greatly reduces the number of possible people that Prince Judai can be.”
Princess Sakura says, with a serious tone, “You need to inform Luna and Atriums about what we talked about.”
Keiko says, with a serious tone and a smile on her lips, “That's no problem for us.”
Prince Sasuke says, with a sly smile, “Thanks, bro. And good luck to you and Keiko.”
Yusuke says, with a sly grin, “Yeah! We are going to need it!”
Princess Sakura says, going over to Prince Sasuke and with a warm smile, “Believe in yourselves and never give up!”
Keiko says, with a warm smile, “We won't give up until that rotten freak and his cult are gone!”
Yusuke kisses Keiko on the forehead and yells out, “You know it, Kei!” Soon after, the scenery fades away as Yusuke's and Keiko's combined dream comes to an end.
(Outside of the `White Dorm'; A bit later that evening)
Just outside of the `White Dorm', we find a small male figure leaving the `White Dorm' through the fire escape on the side and walking away into the distance. When the light of the star exposes this person, we find it is Syrus Truesdale, with a solemn expression on his face, running away from the `White Dorm' as quickly as possible.
Syrus thinks in his mind, solemnly, “Master Sartorius told us that it is too dangerous to go out alone with Jay and the others being so violent with that rival organization of theirs, but with everything that's happened, I'm so confused! Why do Jay and the others hate us so much?! Why have he and the others become so violent and deadly with these Shadow Games that they are playing?! I just can't stop thinking about what Jay, Serena, and the others have become! I need some place to clear my head!” Soon after, Syrus runs off in the direction of the Slifer Red dorms to go to the only place where he can have a chance to clear his mind. The cliff by the Slifer Red dorms overlooking the ocean where he and Jaden used to relax and think before Syrus `joined' the Society of Light.
(On the meanwhile; back within `White Dorm')
Inside of the `White Dorm', on the meanwhile, we find a sleeping Hotaru Tomoe within her quarters as she moans and groans as she sleeps with her body giving off a sickly white aura while her Saturn sigil glows a faint dark violet on her forehead as she struggles under the cover.
(Within Hotaru's dreams)
Inside of Hotaru's dreams, we find her, in her original Super Sailor Saturn uniform, stuck in a white room and surrounded by white light. Sailor Saturn is holding her glaive tightly and wonders where she is.
Sailor Saturn says, lowly, “Where am I? What is this place?” Just then images rush through her mind, her defeat by Alexis' hands, helping the Society of Light, including the traps for Serena to brainwash her into the Society of Light, brainwashing Trista Meiou AKA Sailor Pluto into the SOL, and images of how cold and ruthless she was begin until the point our heroes and heroines embraced the darkness. Sailor Saturn says, horrified, “What are these images? What have been doing to Serena-hime and Trista-mama?”
Just then a bright evil violet light comes into the white room and a mystic evil male voice calls out, “You know what you have been doing Hotaru Tomoe.” Sailor Saturn is unable to help herself, but to look towards the evil violet light, and her eyes become dull and lifeless. The mystic evil male voice tells Sailor Saturn, plainly, “You know what you have been doing, Hotaru Tomoe. You have been protecting the world from darkness and trying to save your princess from the darkness.”
Sailor Saturn says, in a labor toned like a hypnotized person, “Yes. I remember, Alexis-sempai showed me the light and I must save the world from darkness! My princess is blind from the truth and she must be brought into the light by any means necessary.”
Just then another voice, a female one, yells out, begging tone, “Hotaru, please! Don't listen to him!” A bright pink then enters the white room and Sailor Saturn turns her dull and lifeless eyes towards the pink light and they regain some life in them.
Sailor Saturn asks, her tone somewhat labored, “What . . .?!”
The female voice, sounding kind of child-like, tells Sailor Saturn, in a begging tone, “Hotaru, you must fight back! You are being controlled! You must fight his control! Fight the evil!”
The evil violet light grows brighter, increases its hold over Sailor Saturn, and it yells out, in an evil angered tone, “Don't listen to that voice, Hotaru! She is the voice of the nonbelievers trying to lead away from the path of light! Remember what the darkness did to you . . . do to the people that you cared about! You joined the Society of Light to rid the world and this universe of the darkness!”
Sailor Saturn asks, confused, “I did?” Sailor Saturn's eyes become dull and lifeless again and she says, with a cold serious tone, “What am I saying? I did join the Society of Light of my will! Sartorius-sama showed me the light and I shouldn't doubt him!”
The female child-like voice yells out, begging tone, “No, Hotaru! Don't listen to him! He's evil!”
Sailor Saturn turns to the pink light and she says, her eyes regaining a little life, “That voice . . . so familiar . . .!”
The female child-like voice calls out to Hotaru, in a begging and pleading tone, “Hotaru, you have to remember who you are! You are Sailor Saturn, the Soldier of Death and Rebirth! You are a protector of Princess Serenity . . . Sailor Moon! You are being blind by this evil light! Can't you see the pain of Serena? He trying to turn you into his weapon against her!”
Sailor Saturn's eyes regain some more life and she stutters, “Turn me . . . against Serena-hime . . .?”
The evil male voice yells out, strongly, “Don't listen, Hotaru! She is just trying blind you with her lies! You joined the Society of Light to protect your princess!”
Sailor Saturn says, with a cold tone, “Yes, I did . . .” Sailor Saturn then says, with some doubt in her voice, “ . . . Did I?”
The evil male voice calls out, strongly, “Yes, you did, my dear! Don't let the darkness fool you! Listen to my voice! Listen to the light!” The evil violet grows stronger and it gains a stronger hold on Hotaru.
The female child-like voice exclaims, in a begging and pleading tone, “No, Hotaru! Fight back! Think of your daddy . . . Amara, Michelle, Trista . . . Serena . . . Rini . . .!”
Sailor Saturn gasps in shock and she exclaims, stunned, “R-Rini?”
The female child-like voice yells out, as the pink light grows stronger, “Yes! Think of your friends, think of the good, the love, caring, and good in your heart Hotaru! Don't let him take away! Fight back! Fight the evil! Fight the evil light!”
As the life returns to Sailor Saturn's eyes, the evil male voice yells out, in an evil strong tone, “No! Don't listen! You have been reborn under the power of light! You are a warrior for the light! It is the only way to save the world and save your princess! Don't listen to her, Hotaru!” The two entities in Hotaru's mind struggle for `control' and Sailor Saturn holds her head in pain.
Sailor Saturn thinks, “The pain . . . it hurts . . . My head . . . its feeling like it is going to split open . . . I'm so confused . . . I don't know who I should listen to . . . Is the darkness trying to trick . . . Was I really brainwashed . . . I don't . . . I don't know what to do . . .!!”
Just then a deeper and more mature version of Hotaru's voice calls out, “Hotaru, you must listen!” Sailor Saturn looks to the source of the voice where she sees herself or the original Sailor Saturn glowing with a bright dark violet light. The original Sailor Saturn tells Hotaru/Super Sailor Saturn, in a deeper and more mature version of Hotaru's voice, “Hotaru, you must listen! Focus! Focus on the light within your heart! Use it to burn this evil light from you! You are being blind from the truth! You are hurting your princess! Remember your duty! Remember who you are!”
The evil voice yells out, frantically, “Don't listen to her! She is a force of the darkness trying to trick you!”
The original Sailor Saturn tells Hotaru, “Hotaru, look inside of your heart and block out his evil influence! Remember who you truly are! You are Hotaru Tomoe, Sailor Soldier of Saturn, Soldier of Darkness, Death, Destruction, and Rebirth! Remember your friends . . . your family . . . and the ones that extended your heart to . . . Serena . . . Sailor Moon . . . Sailor Mini-Moon . . . Rini . . .!”
Hotaru says, weakly, “Serena-hime . . . Rini . . .”
The original Sailor Saturn yells out, strongly and begging tone in her voice, “Fight back! Fight him as your fought Mistress Nine! You have the strength! I can help you, but you have will it, Hotaru! You have to regain control!”
The evil male voice shouts out, strongly, “NO! YOU WILL NOT HAVE HER! SHE BELONGS TO THE LIGHT NOW!!!” The evil violet light increases its intensity and Hotaru yells out in extreme pain as the control it has on her increases.
Hotaru says, weakly, “Must remember . . . my friends . . . my daddy . . . Serena-hime . . . Rini . . . who I am . . .” Soon after, images and memories of the good times with her father, with Rini, the battle with Mistress Nine and the Heart-Snatchers, her rebirth during the battle with the leader of the Dead Moon Circus when she came back for revenge, the battle against Sailor Galaxia and the Sailor Animamates, the times with Serena, the Inner Sailor Scouts, and her adopted family, the Outer Sailor Scouts, and all of the `good times' with all of her friends and family before all of the `insanity' with the Society of Light and Sartorius started and the memories of her times in the Society of Light along with the attempts to brainwash Serena, her ruthless duel with Trista, and all of the others come back to her mind. Hotaru says, life coming to her eyes, “No . . . No . . . No! I won't let you! I won't let you control! I've got . . . I've got . . . I've got too much that I care about!” Just then the symbol of Saturn blazes on Hotaru's forehead and bright dark violet light surrounds her causing the evil violet light to yell out in great pain as it is thrown back.
The original Sailor Saturn, with her form glowing with a bright dark violet, yells out, strongly, “Hotaru Tomoe has and with her free, I can finish off the control you have on her! She is part of who I am and you will flee the wrath of the Soldier of Destruction for using her like that! Now, BE GONE!!” The original Sailor Saturn swings her Silent Glaive at the evil violet light and send a powerful force of violet energy right into it causing the male voice to scream out in extreme pain as it is bashed from Hotaru's mind and body.
(Back in the `Real World'; on the meanwhile)
Back in Hotaru's room, we find our sleeping Soldier of Saturn's forehead giving off a bright violet glow in the form of the symbol of Saturn as the sickly white light around her body just shatters apart and disperse into light particles before fading away. With a great gasp, Hotaru shoots up and wakes up as she quickly turns on the light. For a minute, she breathes heavily while holding her head and then the memories of what she did while in the Society of Light come back and tears come to her eyes.
Hotaru says, weakly, “Oh . . . Oh my god . . . What . . . What have I done . . .?” However, Hotaru quickly realizes that there is no time for tears as she gets to her feet, goes over to her deck, finds the White Veil spell card given to her by Sartorius when she was inducted into the SOL, she winches in pain from the white sickly light that comes from it, and she says, strongly, “You don't control me anymore!” Hotaru then shreds the card to pieces as white sickly light then leaves the card. Hotaru says, lowly and seriously, “Most likely, that monster will know that I'm not under his control anymore. I have to get out of here quickly before he can try to brainwash me again.” Quickly, Hotaru picks up her dueling deck, minus the White Veil spell card inside, reluctantly puts on her female SOL uniform, attached her duel disk to her left wrist, putting her cards in a card pouch, and then her pocket. Hotaru says, winching from the SOL uniform, “I don't like having to wear this `thing' anymore, but I'll need to get out of here.” Hotaru then goes over to her drawer, gets her sailor communicator and sailor transformation wand, which have transformed back to its normal colors, heads out the door, looks around to see if anyone can see her, and seemly seeing no one around, Hotaru quickly makes a bee-line out of her room and towards the roof. However, Mina, wearing a white nightgown, looks to see Hotaru heading off.
Mina asks, curiously, “Hotaru-chan?” Mina then quickly runs to her room to get her uniform and follow Hotaru.
(Within Sartorius' room; around the same time)
Inside of Sartorius' private room within the `White Dorm', he `senses' Hotaru's freedom from his control and the destruction of the White Veil spell card that he gave her.

Sartorius says, seriously, “Hotaru Tomoe is free from the Light's control. But how? How did she resist and break free from the Light's control? Doesn't matter! I must bring her back!” Sartorius quickly gets to his feet and gets out his PDA.
(On the roof; A short time later)
On the roof of the `White Dorm', two male SOL members are standing guard with observation equipment to make sure that our heroes and heroines don't try any attacks on their dorm. They hear someone coming towards them and they see Hotaru walking up towards them.
One of the male SOL members asks her, curiously, “Hotaru-san, what are you doing here?”
Hotaru replies, trying to sound cold, “I'm here to help. Sartorius-sama told me to assist you just in case the nonbelievers try something bold since we lost Yusuke Urameshi to the darkness.”
The other SOL member asks, perplexed, “Why didn't Master Sartorius inform us of this?”
Hotaru says, in a serious tone trying to sound cold, “Do you doubt Sartorius-sama's decisions?!”
The two male SOL members shake their heads and they say in unison, “No way!” They turn back to watching into the distance away from the `White Dorm', but then Hotaru hits them with two well-placed hits to the neck and knocks them unconscious.
Hotaru makes sure that they fall on their backs and she thinks, “I must remember to thank Lita-chan for those martial arts lessons . . . when we are able to set her free of course. I don't want to leave Amara-papa, Michelle-mama, and Trista-mama with that . . . that evil `demon', but I can't do this alone! I'll be no help if that `demon' brainwashing me again! I've got to rejoin Serena-hime and the others!”
Hotaru slowly makes her way to the fire escape to climb down, but then a familiar female voice calls out, with a cold plain tone, “Hotaru-chan, what are you doing here?” Hotaru gasps silently and she turns to see Mina, in her female SOL uniform, walking towards her. Mina asks, with a cold plain tone, “Hotaru-chan, what are you doing here?! And what happened to our guards?!” Hotaru winches as she tries to lie out of this while secretly grabbing her henshin wand.
Just then Sartorius comes onto the room and he yells out, seriously, “Ms. Aino! Get away from her! Miss Tomoe is back with nonbelievers!”
Mina looks at Sartorius and asks, confused, “Huh?” Hotaru, knowing that she had been found out, gets out her henshin wand and prepares to transform.
Saturn Crystal Power, Make-up!”
Just then Hotaru is bathed in violet light as her SOL uniform melts away and a sailor fuku takes its place. Soon after, Super Sailor Saturn, in her original Super Sailor Scout uniform, takes Hotaru's place. Quickly, Sailor Saturn attacks Mina with two well-placed punches, knocking her out.
Sailor Saturn says, seriously, “Sorry, Mina-chan, I hope that you will forgive me one day.” Quickly, Sailor Saturn leaps back as she prepares to escape when Amara, Michelle, and Trista, in their female SOL uniforms, burst onto the roof.
Amara yells out, in a cold serious tone, “What's going on here?!”
Sailor Saturn yells out, solemnly, “I'm sorry, Amara-papa!”
Silent Glaive Surprise!”
Sailor Saturn launches purple energy that causes a huge explosion in front of Sartorius, Amara, Michelle, and Trista and they yell out in shock and hold their arms over their eyes to protect them from the dust. When the dust and dirt clear, they find that Sailor Saturn has vanished.
Michelle asks, perplexed, “What has gotten into Firefly?”
Sartorius tells Michelle, with a serious tone, “The nonbelievers has regained control over her.”
Amara yells out, shocked, “What?!”
Sartorius tells Amara, plainly, “It's true. I've sensed it. Now, they are directly her to rejoin them in the darkness.”
Amara yells out, with a cold serious tone, “To hell they are!” Amara, Michelle, and Trista take out their white henshin wands and prepare to transform.
Uranus White Night Power, Make-up!”
Neptune White Night Power, Make-up!”
Pluto White Night Power, Make-up!”
Amara, Michelle, and Trista are bathed in sickly white, orange, aqua-blue, and bright pink light and they transform into their SOL version of their Super Sailor Scouts forms of Super Sailor Uranus, Super Sailor Neptune, and Super Sailor Pluto in front of Sartorius.
Sartorius tells the three of them, “I shall take care of Ms. Aino and call the others to your aid.”
Sailor Pluto says, with a cold plain tone, “Thank you, sir.”
Sailor Uranus says, with a cold serious tone, “Come on! We've got to catch her before the nonbelievers do!” Soon after, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto move to follow their `former' comrade, but what they didn't know is that dark pink cloaked figure is watching them from a distance with binoculars.
The dark pink cloaked figure says, in the same female child-like voice heard in Sailor Saturn's dream earlier, “Hotaru is going to need help. I better get the others to her as quick as possible.” Soon after, the dark pink cloaked figure pulls out a PDA and starts to type in it.
(Inside of the Ra Yellow dorms; A short time soon after)
Inside of the Ra Yellow dorms, we find Rei Hino, in her black and blue female Obelisk Blue uniform, sitting down in front of the computer of her room in the Ra Yellow with a cup of tea in front of her and working on something on the computer. Rei was finishing up important documents that Serena failed to finish up before she went to bed.
Rei says, with an annoyed moan, “Man! That Meatball Head might be maturing, but she is retains plenty of the `stuff' that make her quite the pain!” Rei then sighs and says, plainly, “But then again, with all that we've been through so far, I can't really blame her. She has a lot on her mind and she has been working overly hard lately. Hopefully, when this is over, her heart will start to heal. However, as long as those dorks and their fucking `Master' remain here, I'm not seeing that happening anytime soon. Anyway, it is for the best that she gets some rest. She is going to need the sleep.” Just then Rei's PDA starts to beep and she says, lowly, “My PDA.” When she activates the PDA and reads the message on the screen, Rei jumps to her feet and yells out, stunned, “What?!” Rei looks at the message, again, and she thinks, seriously and darkly, “Is this some kind of Society trick?! Or could whoever be sending this be right?! Could have . . .?!” Rei then immediately leaps to her feet, runs to the door, opens the door, and runs out the door, slamming the door behind her.
(A brief time later; in another room in the Ra Yellow Dorms)
In another room in the Ra Yellow dorms, we find our Moon Princess, dressed in a partial see through nightgown, black bra covering much of her voluptuous breasts, and a pair of black panties, with tears of sadness in her eyes, and she is rubbing her own left breast with her own left hand, pinching her own nipples, and she using her right hand to massage her own labia while she silently moans and groans as she masturbates while erotic images of Darien dominating in lovemaking fill her mind. Serena uses her new powers to put up a magical sound barrier to make sure that she isn't disturbing while she is `pleasuring herself'.
Serena moans out, erotically, “Darien . . . Ah . . . Ah . . . My love . . . Ah . . . I need . . . I need you so badly . . . Ah . . . Please come . . . Ah . . .!!” Soon after, unable to take anymore, Serena comes in her own panties and leaving a large wet stain on them, but since the panties are black, it can't be seen unless you look closely. Serena moves her right hand out of her panties, looks at the sticky female fluids on her right hand, uses a nearby tissue to wipe the fluids from her hand, and starts to cry her eyes out as she moves to a sitting position with images of her friends and the good times as well as the adventures that they had filled her mind. Serena says, weakly, “Girls . . . Darien-chan . . . I'm miss . . . I miss you so much . . . *sob* . . . *sob* . . . Why . . . Why did he have to take you away from me . . . *sob* . . .?” Soon after, images of Sartorius and all the pain and misery that he has caused her, her other friends, and everyone else on Duel Academy fill Serena's mind, her expression becomes one of great anger and rage, her body becomes surround in a black, dark violet, and silver aura, and she yells out, in pure dark anger, “HE HAD NO RIGHT TO TAKE YOU AWAY . . . HE HAD NO RIGHT . . .!!” Serena then slams her fist into the nearby wall causing large amounts of cracks and good-sized imprint of her fist to appear on the wall and while the sound barrier negated the loud sound it produced, the whole of her room shook a bit from the impact. Serena then puts her face to her knees and starts to greatly cry.
But then Hotaru's voice booms in her mind, “Someone help . . .!”
Serena's head shoot up and she thinks in her mind, “Hotaru-chan?!” After three seconds, Serena doesn't hear anything and she thinks in her mind, drolly, “Great! Now, I'm starting to hear things!”
Just then Hotaru's voice call out in Serena's mind, again, “Serena-hime . . . Rei-chan . . . please help . . .!!”
Serena gasps and she thinks in her mind, seriously, “I'm not hearing things! Hotaru . . . She crying for help in my mind . . . I know it!” Just then a knock come from Serena's door, she gets rid of the sound barrier while going to the door, and she opens it to reveal Rei standing in front of her. Serena asks Rei, curiously, “What is it, Rei?”
Rei says, with a serious tone, “There is an anonymous message that's saying that Hotaru broke free from Sartorius' control and she is trying to escape from the fucking `White Dorm', but Amara, Michelle, and Trista are after her.” Rei then gives Serena her PDA, Serena looks at the message, and Serena gets a real serious look on her expression.
Serena says, with a dark serious tone, “Get the Urameshi sisters! We're going to need them!”
Rei tells Serena, with a dark plain tone, “Hey, Serena, how do you know that this message is real?”
Serena tells Rei, with a dark serious tone, “I just know, Pyro! You need to trust me! I'm going to get Hotaru-chan back and I will be damned to let her get brainwashed by that dork and his cult ever again!” Serena quickly goes over to her drawer to get her brooch while Rei activates her PDA to contact Hikari Urameshi and Kira Urameshi about what's happening.
(Somewhere within the forests nearing the Ra Yellow dorms; Sometime later)
Within the forests of Academy Island, we find our Sailor Scout of Saturn running through the woods as fast as she is able until she gets somewhat worn out and takes sometime to rest near the trunk of a tree. Even through Mistress Nine was removed from her body, she is no longer sickly, and she is one of the strongest Sailor Scouts of the Moon Kingdom other than Sailor Moon, Sailor Saturn isn't exactly as physically fit as her elder counterparts even through her body is as physically mature as the Inner Sailor Scouts and the Moon Princess despite being 14 years old going on 15 years of age soon.
Sailor Saturn says, breathing a bit heavily, “I wish that I would be just as trained as Serena-hime and the other girls are.”
Sailor Saturn takes a minute to catch her breath, but a familiar female voice call out, in a cold serious tone, “Sailor Saturn!”
Sailor Saturn gasps in shock and she thinks in her mind, worriedly, “Oh no!” Sailor Saturn whips around to see Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Jupiter, and Tuxedo Mask right in front of her. Sailor Saturn thinks in her mind, worriedly, “This is not good! I don't know if I can fight them, especially Amara-papa, Michelle-mama, and Trista-mama, and I'm facing everyone expect for Mina-chan! They could overpower me!”
Sailor Neptune tells Sailor Saturn, in a cold plain tone, “Don't make this hard on yourself, Firefly. Please just return with us so Sartorius-sama can make you see the light again.”
Sailor Saturn puts herself into a defense position with her Silent Glaive and she yells out, defiantly, “No! I won't become Sartorius' tool and her Serena-hime ever again!”
Sailor Jupiter yells out, in a cold serious tone, “Have the nonbelievers made you forget why we are doing this?! We are trying to save the world from darkness by making mankind see the light!”
Sailor Saturn calls out, with a strong tone, “By hurting and forcing innocent people into his Society?!”
Sailor Pluto tells Sailor Saturn, coldly, “No one is being forced, Hotaru-chan. Everyone, like you and us, joined of our will when we saw the light.”
Sailor Saturn shakes her head and she says, strongly, “No! He controlled me! He used his evil power to brainwash me through Alexis-sempai and I'm never becoming that cold and heartless monster ever again!”
Just then another female voice calls out, coldly, “You don't have a choice, Hotaru!” Sailor Saturn looks up into the trees to see none other than Alexis Rhodes with her kunai knives and shuriken ready to attack her with. Alexis tells Sailor Saturn, with a cold plain tone, “Surrender peacefully, Hotaru. We don't want to hurt you, but you have lost your way to the darkness and it is time for you to see the light again.”
Just then a familiar female voice yells out, dark serious tone in her voice, “Not in this lifetime, bitch!” Everyone gasps in shock, knowing that female voice, from anyway and Sailor Eclipse teleports right in front of Alexis. Before she or anyone could react, Sailor Eclipse bashes right in the nose, breaking and blooding her nose, and sending her to the ground hard causing it to crack on impact.
Sailor Jupiter says, with a cold serious tone, “It's Serena!”
Just then another female voice calls out, darkly, “That's Sailor Eclipse to you, traitor!” Just then a beam of black and red flames slams into Sailor Jupiter and she screams out in pain as she right into a tree, slamming into it so hard that the tree breaks and falls down behind while Sailor Jupiter gets a rib broken from the power of the attack and the impact from the tree as well as coughing blood from her mouth. Everyone else looks to the source of the attack to see Sailor Dark Mars, Sailor Darkness Milky Way, and another brand new `Dark Sailor Scout' as well.
This brand new Sailor Scout looks similar to Sailor Galaxy/Hikari, but her hair, exactly like Sailor Mars' in design, is pitch black in color with dark violet highlights on it, there are two sets of three small dark violet feathers on the forward portion of her scalp, one of the left side and the other on the right side, she had a dark red and golden sun sigil in the center of a black Milky Way sigil on her forehead, she has pitch black colored lips, her earrings are jewels in the shape of the dark red and golden sun jewel in the center of the black Milky Way jewel below dark violet heart and star jewels, her cloth choker is dark violet in color with a dark silver heart and a dark red and golden sun sigil jewel in the center of a black Milky Way sigil in the center of the choker, her V-style sailor collar is dark violet in color, her bodysuit is pitch black with a new transform brooch, a heart-shaped pitch black colored brooch with a dark red sun sigil in the center surround by the ancient symbol of Earth along with the symbols of Mercury through Pluto, the symbols of the twelve Zodiac star constellations around them, and four dark violet angel wings are attached to it, her shoulder pads are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's shoulder pads, but they are pitch black in color, her gloves are similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's gloves, but they are dark violet in color, have dark red bands, the bands at the ends of the gloves have three small dark violet feathers attached to them, and they are fingerless, exposing black fingernails with a rainbow Milky Way sigils on five of her fingers and golden sun sigils on the other five, her mini-skirt is triple layered with black, dark red, and violet as the colors of the mini-skirt, in the top center portion of the mini-skirt there is a large black heart jewel with four dark violet angel wings attached to it, the bow on the rear of the mini-skirt is similar to Eternal Sailor Moon's bow, but it is dark blue in color, she has a pair of high-heeled boots similar to Sailor Jupiter's boots, but they are pitch black in color, and she has four dark violet angel wings coming out of her back. She has the same type of sword that Sailor Darkness Milky Way has attached to the same type of sheath on the left side of her mini-skirt and in her right hand, she has a specter with a dark violet staff adorned with all types of jewels, on top of the staff there is a large black diamond-like sphere with the Sun, the Asteroid Belt, and the planets of the Milky Way inside of the jewel sphere, and on the bottom of the staff is five inch long and five inch wide black blade making the specter into a spear as well.
Sailor Dark Mars says, with a dark sneer, “So, what we heard was right? You dorks are bullying our friends back into your fucking Society!”
Sailor Eclipse says, with a dark sly grin, “Well, it's time that you played the price!”
Sailor Darkness Milky Way points to the new `Dark Sailor Scout' and she says, with a dark sly grin, “By the way, you've already my sister, Hikari Urameshi, but this is her Sailor Scout form of Eternal Darkness Sailor Galaxy.”
The SOL controlled Sailor Scouts and Tuxedo Mask gasp in shock and Sailor Uranus says, in cold serious tone, “So, it's true! Hikari Urameshi is a Sailor Scout!”
Darkness Sailor Galaxy yells out, with a dark nasty tone, “No, duh, bitch! And it is time to teach you dorks why it isn't nice to pick on our friends!” Darkness Sailor Galaxy and Sailor Darkness Milky Way launch spheres of dark energy right Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune. They scream as the attacks rips into their sides and knocking them to the ground with a large hole in their fukus with bad third degree burns on their exposed skin.
Sailor Mercury shouts out, horrified, “Uranus! Neptune!”
Sailor Saturn asks them, curiously, “How did you know that I've come to my senses?”
Sailor Dark Mars tells Sailor Saturn, “We got an anonymous message saying that you were leaving the Society of Light and needed help. I wasn't sure about it, but Serena . . . I mean Sailor Eclipse felt better about it and came here immediately with Darkness Sailor Galaxy and Darkness Milky Way to help out.”
Tuxedo Mask yells out, with a cold serious tone, “Can't you see what you are doing to us?!”
Sailor Eclipse calls out, with a dark nasty tone, “Yeah! We're kicking your damn butts all over this island!” Sailor Eclipse then rushes at Tuxedo Mask, slams her right knee into Tuxedo Mask's gut hard causing him to cough out blood from his mouth, and she yells out, in a dark angered tone, “That's what you get for betraying me, you son of a bitch!” Sailor Eclipse then grabs Tuxedo Mask's head and slams it into her kneecap causing his nose to be bloodied in which Sailor Eclipse bases Tuxedo Mask into the dirt.
Sailor Mercury yells out, horrified, “Serena, stop!” Sailor Mercury prepares to attack Sailor Eclipse and try to stop her.
Sailor Dark Mars calls out, with a dark serious tone, “I don't think so, bitch!” Sailor Dark Mars then launches herself at Sailor Mercury, rams her in the gut causing her to gasp out for air and then Sailor Dark Mars kicks her with incredible force, sending her into the a tree, knocking the tree down behind Mercury, breaking a few of her ribs in the process, and Sailor Mercury falls down to the ground senseless.
Sailor Pluto yells out, stunned, “Mercury!”
Darkness Sailor Galaxy shouts out, darkly, “Forgetting about me, witch!” Darkness Sailor Galaxy fires a beam of darkness and star energy to Sailor Pluto, which slams into her with terrific force, and she cries out as the attack rips into her, tearing her fuku, and badly cutting and burning her.
Sailor Jupiter managing to get to her feet after Sailor Dark Mars' attack and she yells out, in a cold angered tone, “Bitch! You are going to pay for that!”
Sailor Darkness Milky Way shouts out, in a dark nasty tone, “I don't think so, asshole!” Sailor Darkness Milky Way creates a large open black ring of energy, throws at Sailor Jupiter, and wraps around his body. Sailor Jupiter struggles to get free, but she can't. Sailor Darkness Milky Way then says, with a dark sly tone, “Don't even try. My Darkness Cosmic Halo can't be broken.”
Sailor Jupiter yells out, in a cold serious tone, “I have the Light on my side! This shouldn't contain me!”
Sailor Darkness Milky Way yells out, with a dark nasty tone, “That's what you think, wench! And see how I feel about your hellish `Light'!” Sailor Darkness Milky Way turns her free hand into a fist and Sailor Jupiter yells out in extreme pain as she is shocked by dark electric energy causing her to fall to the ground senseless after getting shock for about a minute. Sailor Saturn looks on in shock, amazed, and a bit of horror as her friends beat their `former' friends and comrades down to the ground. However, Sailor Saturn doesn't notice Alexis getting to her feet and preparing to tackle her from the side.
However, Sailor Eclipse sees this and she thinks in her mind, darkly, “Oh no, you don't!” Sailor Eclipse throws the beaten and bloody Tuxedo Mask, his white uniform torn, to the ground and teleports in front of Alexis, putting her in-between Alexis and Sailor Saturn. Sailor Eclipse yells out, darkly, “Not this time, you fucking white whore! You aren't getting Hotaru-chan ever again!” Sailor Eclipse closes her eyes for a moment and when she opens them again, they are lavender pupil-less eyes of the Hyuga clan, the Byakugan, and she prepares them for battle with the veins near the temples of her eyes bulging.
Alexis yells out, stunned, “No way! That's the Byakugan! That's Hinata's Kekkai Genkai!”
Sailor Eclipse says, with a dark sly grin, “No joke, witch! This is a gift from Hinata and let me show what else that I've got!” Sailor Eclipse prepares to use Hinata's special technique, the Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, and Alexis gasps in shock, knowing what Sailor Eclipse is going to do, but it is too late and Sailor Eclipse says, with a dark sly smirk, “From the expression on your face, you know what I'm going to do, but it is too late! Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms!” Sailor Eclipse then performs Hinata's special attack, hitting Alexis, two, four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, and finally, sixty four times with the Hyuga Gentle Fist technique, sealing all of Alexis' chakra points, and causing her to cough out blood from her mouth as she sent to the ground on her stomach. Alexis groans out in pain as she slightly lifts her head, Sailor Eclipse grabs her by the hair, lifts her up, and she yells out, in a dark angered tone, “If you to hurt Hotaru-chan like you did before, you damn whore, I won't be so nice! And I won't just seal all of your chakra points for a period of time!” Sailor Eclipse then throws Alexis into a tree and knocking her senseless. Soon after, Darkness Sailor Galaxy, Darkness Milky Way, and Dark Mars leave the beaten and batter Tuxedo Mask and SOL controlled Sailor Scouts and go over to Sailor Saturn.
Sailor Dark Mars asks Sailor Saturn, in a concerned tone, “Are you okay?”
Sailor Saturn, still stunned by what happened, nods her head and replies, “I'm okay, Rei-chan.” Soon after, Sailor Eclipse unexpected hugs Sailor Saturn with tears in her eyes and Sailor Saturn asks, perplexed, “Serena-hime?”
Sailor Eclipse says, with a smile on her lips, “I'm just so glad that you are back, Hotaru-chan.”
Darkness Sailor Galaxy says, in a dark plain tone, “Let's get out before white geeks show up.”
Sailor Eclipse says, with a nod, “Right!” Sailor Eclipse asks Sailor Saturn, holding out her hand, “Ready, Sailor Saturn?”
Sailor Saturn nods her head and replies, with a weak smile, “Yes.” Sailor Saturn takes Sailor Eclipse's hand and all of them teleport away. Soon after, Sailor Venus, Kiyone, Mihoshi, Atticus, Bastion, and TK arrive on the scene.
Sailor Venus yells out, horrified, “Darien! Girls!”
Atticus calls out, horrified, “Lexy!”
Bastion and Mihoshi say in unison, “Oh my!” Sailor Venus, Kiyone, and Mihoshi go over to the fallen Sailor Scouts, TK goes to Tuxedo Mask, and Atticus and Bastion go over to the fallen Alexis.
Bastion asks Alexis, concerned, “Alexis, what happened here?”
Atticus says, worriedly, “Speak to us, Sissy!” However, Alexis can only moan to show that she was still alive.
Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, and Sailor Pluto get to their feet, managing to recover from the attack by the `Dark Sailor Scouts', and Sailor Venus asks them, in a cold serious tone, “What happened here? What happened to Saturn?”
Sailor Neptune says, with a cold plain tone, “Serena, Kira, Hikari, and Rei arrived and Sartorius-sama and Trista was right about Hikari Urameshi. She was indeed a Sailor Scout!”
Sailor Pluto says, with a cold serious tone, “She was the Sailor Scout that I explained about: Known as Sailor Galaxy, but she is a `Dark Sailor Scout' like our princess, Rei, and Kira Urameshi. She calls herself Eternal Darkness Sailor Galaxy.”
Kiyone says, in a cold droll tone, “That's just great.”
Sailor Uranus says, plainly, “They ruthlessly attacked us with their attacks and Serena somehow managed to get Hinata Hyuga's Kekkai Genkai using it to beat Alexis Rhodes to the ground with the Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms, Hinata's special technique.”
Atticus yells out, in cold angered tone, “Serena did this to my sister?!”
Bastion asks, perplexed, “What has gotten over them? Why are they so violent?”
TK says, helping Tuxedo Mask to his feet and in a cold plain tone, “I don't know, but we had better get back before they decided for round two.”
Bastion says, with a nod, “Good idea.” Soon after, the new arrivals helps the SOL controlled Sailor Scouts, Tuxedo Mask, and the unconsciousness Alexis to their feet with Atticus and Bastion carrying Alexis on their backs.
Atticus thinks in his mind, with a cold angered tone, “Damn you, Serena! You fucking bitch! You will pay for doing this to my sister! You will pay even I have to show you and Jaden the light personally!”
Tuxedo Mask thinks in his mind, confused, “Sere', I don't know why you are doing this to us?! Why do you hate us so much? Can't you see that you are being blinded by the darkness?! Why?!”
Sailor Uranus tells Sailor Neptune, determinedly, “Don't worry, Neptune. We will get Firefly back into the light.”
Sailor Neptune says, with a cold serious tone, “I know, Uranus. Whatever those nonbelievers did to her, we will reserve it. Destiny is on our side.”
Mihoshi asks, concerned, “What will do now about your wounds? Without Hotaru and Sakura, we don't have people that can quickly heal the wounds that the nonbelievers give us now.”
Sailor Mercury, who has just recovered from the assault, says, with a cold plain tone, “Sakura Haruno left me a lot of her healing techniques and medicines that she knew of. Hopefully, we can use them to help us and our enhanced healing might be able to help us recover from this.”
Bastion says, in a cold serious tone, “However, we better leave or the nonbelievers might not give us the chance.”
Kiyone says, with a cold serious tone, “Agreed.” Soon after, the group of SOL members with the unconsciousness Alexis Rhodes being helped by Bastion and Atticus, Sailor Venus helping Sailor Jupiter, who is still badly injured even through she is conscious now, leave the area.
(On the meanwhile; at the cliff area near the Slifer Red dorms)
Some distance away, at the cliff area near the Slifer Red dorms where Jaden goes to think, we find Syrus Truesdale walking into the area while quietly being watched by our black-clad Naruto Uzumaki and Hinata Hyuga.
Hinata asks Naruto, in a dark curious tone and a whisper, “What do you think that he is doing here, Naruto?”
Naruto whispers to Hinata, in a dark serious tone, “I don't know, Hinata. Be keep your eyes open for anything!” Hinata nods her head as she and Naruto continue to look at Syrus as he looks up into the stars. As he looked towards the stars, he sighed and couldn't believe what was happening as well as what his former best friend and all of his `former' friends have become. As Syrus looked towards the stars, the memories of the good times that he spent with Jaden during the first year flowed back into his mind. The day that they first met during the Academy exams, their first days in Duel Academy, the times that Jaden defend Syrus and the Slifer Reds from Crowler and his lowdown trick, how Jaden dueled Alexis after he fell for Crowler's trick meant for Jaden, his tag duel against the Paradox brothers and how he encouraged him to victory in that duel, the battles with the Shadow Riders, how Jaden dueled his hardest against Nightshroud to save Chumley and him from molten lava in a Shadow Duel, how Jaden and all of his other friends, new and old, congratulated him on his victory against Missy, and how Jaden dueled with hardest with Aster Phoenix's help to save him and Hassleberry from Sarina while Serena Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon/Sailor Eclipse did the same with another `minion' of Sarina's sent against our Moon Princess in the virtual world and transform him back from a compact car. Thinking about these memories causes Syrus to shed a tear from his right eye and he wipes it off.
Soon after, Syrus takes out his deck, goes through it, and after he looks at the Power Bond card that Zane gave him, he finds the White Veil card that Sartorius gave as a reward for his loyalty to the Society of Light causing the words that Sartorius told him to ring out in his mind, “Do you want your brother to return back to the way that he was Syrus? Do you want him back as the respectable duelist as he was once and save him from shadows? Lose this duel and join my Society. Together, you and I will bring Zane back from the darkness and into the light. Leave your three friends behind. It is the only way to get your brother back. They can't help you get Zane back, but I can. Join me and Zane will be back to the way that he was.” Soon after, the memories of him purposely losing the duel that he fought against the SOL member and him walking off with Serena's `former' friends, `ex'-boyfriend, Yusuke, Keiko, Kagome, TK, Ken, Yolei, Kari, Sakura, Bastion, Atticus, Jasmine, Mindy, Chazz, and Alexis, with Yusuke, Keiko, Ken, Kari, Sakura, Jasmine, Mindy, and Chazz being members of the SOL at the time, to join the Society of Light. Just then Syrus looks back behind him to see a horrified and shocked Jaden Yuki, in his original `attire', along with Tyranno Hassleberry, in his `original attire', Hinata Hyuga, looking solemnly at him, Naruto Uzumaki, who with Sasuke Uchiha, is looking angrily at Sartorius, Kira Urameshi, who with her elder twin sister, Hikari Urameshi, Hiei, and Kuwabara, are looking Sartorius with enraged look in their eyes and already crest-fallen Serena Tsukino AKA Sailor Moon, in her original `attire' at the time with Rei Hino, who was looking at Sartorius with great anger in her expression, by her side, with his hands by his side and falling to his knees with tears coming down from both of his eyes.
The words that Jaden said at that moment ring out in his mind, “Why, Syi? Why? WHY?!!”
Soon after, tears flowed down Syrus' eyes and he thinks in his mind, “Oh, god! What . . . What have I become?! I betrayed and sold out my best friend just for power! Power that I wanted to return Zane back to normal! How could I let Sartorius get to me and brainwash me like that?! How could I have let him use my brother against me?! What have I done?! I hurt Jaden even more when he was already hurting! I don't deserve to be his friend anymore!” Syrus felt an immense anger and rage building in his heart against one person, the one person that manipulated him to betraying the best friend that he had ever had, that always stood by him, helped him when he needed him, encouraged him to get stronger, and always stood by his side no matter. And that person was no other than Sartorius. Syrus angrily took the White Veil spell card out of his deck and prepares to tear it up, but something inside of him stops him.
Sartorius' words ring out in his mind, “Don't you want your brother by to the way that he was? Don't your remember your promise if you join my Society? Do you want to lose your brother forever to the shadows?”
Syrus says, in a low tone, “No . . . I don't . . .” Syrus then roars out, angrily, “But I don't want to do it by betraying the best friend that I ever had! I won't hurt Jaden and Serena anymore! Now, GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!” As Syrus continues to resist whatever control that Sartorius still had on him, he tries to tear apart the White Veil spell card that Sartorius added to his deck, but something was stopping him.
Hinata asks Naruto, curiously, “Naruto, do you think . . .?”
Naruto says, seriously, “You know, Hinata! Come on, we have to help him!” Naruto immediately throws a kunai knife at the White Veil spell card, striking it dead center and onto the ground, and Syrus, against his will, was reaching for it, but Hinata comes up behind him and restrains him.
Syrus asks, wearily, “Naruto . . . Hinata . . .?”
Naruto says, seriously, “Don't worry, Syi! We'll set you free!” Naruto picks up the White Veil spell card he pinned into the ground, but he yelps out in pain as the white sickly white from it burns him.
Hinata calls out, worriedly, “Naruto! Please be careful!”
Naruto says, seriously, “Don't worry, Hinata! I'm okay!” Naruto calls out, seemly to nobody with a dark serious tone, “Sartorius! You son of a bitch! Do you hear me?! You are not controlling our friends anymore! And we're going to get them back and stopping you once and for all! Believe it!” With a loud roar, Naruto rips the card in half and white sickly light leaves it and Syrus, causing him to yelp out, which flies into the air turning into particles. Naruto rips the card into pieces and blows them out to sea. Naruto says, with a dark plain tone, “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Hinata lets go of Syrus and she asks him, concerned tone, “Are you okay, Syrus?”

Syrus replies, with a solemn tone, “Yeah, I'm okay.”
Naruto asks Syrus, with a curious tone, “Hey, what's wrong pal?”
Syrus asks, curiously, “You call me a friend? After I betrayed all of you for power?”
Naruto tells Syrus, with a sly smile, “Hey, Syi, you never betrayed us! That asshole screwed up your mind and used what happened to your big bro!”
Syrus asks Naruto and Hinata, solemnly, “But will Jaden ever believe that?”
Hinata tells Syrus, kindly, “Syrus, Jaden already knew that. He was just upset that you were brainwashed by that freak.”
Naruto tells Syrus, with an excited tone, “Yeah! But now that you are back! Jaden is going to be thrilled!”
Syrus asks Naruto and Hinata, concerned, “Yeah, maybe, but what about Jay and Serena? Will they go back to bring to who they were or will they remain the way that they are?”
Hinata replies, with a solemn tone, “I wish I can be sure about that answer, Syrus. That rotten jerk, Sartorius, really hurt them bad by taking many of us, his friends, away. It is the same with Serena, especially taking away her best friends, the Sailor Scouts, and the man that she loves so much, Darien.”
Naruto yells out, with a confident tone, “Yeah, but once we get them back and kick that asshole off this island, Serena and the others could return to normal!” Naruto thinks in his mind, however, “Through I wish I could be as confident as I'm sounding right now because what he did will never leave my mind.” Hinata nods her head in agreement, through she can't keep what happened while she was an SOL member and think solemnly about it. The three of them head off into the Slifer Red dorms. On the meanwhile, what they didn't know is that familiar male figure with a black Slifer Red blazer is watching from a distance and vanishing into the shadows quick enough.
(Inside of Jaden Yuki's dreams; Sometime soon after)
Within Jaden Yuki's dreams, we find our Slifer Red hero in his original attire and hair color looking at someone that looks like him in his `Dark Form' known as simple as `Dark Jaden'. Jaden and his dark counterpart, `Dark Jaden', are inside a dream version of Obelisk Arena.
Jaden asks his dark counterpart, `Dark Jaden', drolly, “What do you want now? Do you want me to duel Alexis or Atticus inside of the volcano like Nightshroud did and have one of them inside of the sphere while lava rises to engulf them?”
`Dark Jaden' tells Jaden, with a dark sly grin, “Not bad of an idea, bro. I'll consider it. However, that's not why I'm here. I'm just here to tell you that Syrus is here.”
Jaden yells out, shocked and fearfully, “Syrus?! What in the world did you do to them?!”
`Dark Jaden' tells Jaden, with a dark plain tone, “Don't worry, Jay. I didn't do a thing, bro. Syi quitted the Society and he is back on your side. Naruto made sure to get rid of the last bit of control that fucking freak had on him. Naruto and Hinata are escorting Syrus back and now, you can be friends again.” Soon after, the dream version of Obelisk Arena begins to fade away as Jaden starts to wake up.
(Back in the `Real World'; A short time soon after)
Back in Jaden's dorm room which he shares with Tyranno Hassleberry, Jaden slowly opens his eyes and goes up to look at the second bunk to see Syrus Truesdale, with his white male SOL blazer gone, sleeping peacefully in the second bunk. Jaden gives a wide sly grin as he gets to his feet, pushes the covers over him, and looks at his best friend with a smile.
Jaden says, lowly and happily, “Welcome back, Syi.” Soon after, Jaden Yuki returns to his bunk in his dorm room and goes back to sleep.
(A bit later that night; at the beach)
In this star filled night, we find a ship anchor off-shore from the beach at Duel Academy and we find small life-boat like craft with a motor coming onto shore. Soon after, a male figure gets out of the boat and when the light of the stars shines on him right, we get a full view of this male figure with dark blue hair, dark blue eyes, wearing a black leather jacket designed like Seto Kaiba's jacket, black tight-fitting shirt that displays his well-develop muscular frame, black belt with a grey buckle that has `R' engraved in the center, black jeans, and pitch black boots. This male figure has a duel disk attached to his left wrist. It is none other than Syrus' older brother, Zane Truesdale, in his new `Hell Kaiser' persona.
Zane overlooks the whole school and he says to himself, in a dark tone, “Didn't think that I would ever return here again, but the chance to test out my deck was too tempting. I wouldn't have set foot here until the start of Sheppard's little tournament, but when I heard about these Society Dorks and how `good' they are supposed to be, it would be a good chance to show these dweebs what true power is all about. And now that I think about it, this is how my rise to greatness began even through I was still using that ridiculous and stupid `Respect Dueling' method at the time. I know no way in hell that I would have some kind of asshole that believes everything is predestined and crap transform the place that helped me rise into the power duelist that I am today until a home for some kind of fucking cult. I show them and their `leader' what real power is and real `destiny' is all about by tearing his pathetic cult apart, piece by damn piece, and take out his loser members, one by one.” As Zane drags his boat to shore and prepares to cover it, he thinks in his mind, darkly, “I hope that Hikari Urameshi isn't involved in all this! But then again, she is the sister to the famous Yusuke and Kira Urameshi, two of the greatest street punks of all time and during the last year in Duel Academy, she proved to be one tough duelists and plus, she is one person that you don't want to get mad, especially by picking on Slifers. Whenever Obelisk, like Chazz Princeton was once during the early part of his first year, picks on Slifers, she makes sure that they pay for it! Hikari hates bullies with a passion and most likely, they have been bullying others and she has been taking them to the cleaners in more ways than one!” Zane gives a dark sick smile and he says, with a dark snicker, “That would be Kari for you. Like it or not, she is real Urameshi like her brother and sister, Yusuke and Kira. I heard rumors that they are students here in the Academy now. Makes me wonder what my little brother did when he met them.” Zane then holds his head as images of a beautiful princess that looks similar to Hikari Urameshi fill his mind and memories with a knight wearing `dark' armor and looks like him enter his mind. Zane shakes his head and thinks in his mind, darkly, “What in fucking hell was that?! Who was that damn knight that looks like me?! And who was that princess that looks like Kari Urameshi?!” Zane looks towards the Slifer Red and Ra Yellow dorms and he thinks, seriously, “What is damn feeling inside of me?! I feel like that I've got to see Kari and make sure that she is all right! Well, I don't know why, but I feel like I've got find her and keep her safe from those white freaks! I don't know why I'm following this damn feeling, but all I know is that these white dorks are going to pay and if they try anything with Kari, they will know what true power is all about from me as well as the true meaning of pain!” Zane hides his life-boat like craft, takes two black briefcases out of the boat, and covers up the boat. Soon after, Zane takes the two black briefcases into his hands and heads off into the distance.
(The following morning; on the cliff near the Slifer Red dorm)
At the cliff overlooking the sea near the Slifer Red dorm where Jaden and Syrus go to think, we find our Sailor Soldier of Saturn, in her female Obelisk Blue uniform, not her female SOL uniform, which she had Rei burn with her flames as Sailor Dark Mars, sitting down by a tree and looking out into the distance with a solemn look in her face. The extend of her memories during her time in the SOL came back to her and she was horrified at what she became: A cold and heartless as terrible or even worse than Mistress Nine. Under that `demon's' control, she had tried to turn her princess that she is sworn to protect into cold and heartless mind-control soldier of this `demon' because she was one of the `Chosen Duelists' that he needed to take over the world and the universe and she assisted him to also to try get the other `Chosen Duelists' that he didn't have under his control other than Aster Phoenix, namely Yusuke Urameshi, Keiko Yukimura, Kira Urameshi, Jaden Yuki, Hikari Urameshi, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, one of her scouts, Rei Hino, and Daisuke `Davis' Motomiya.
Hotaru starts to cry and she thinks in her mind, solemnly, “Why? Why didn't I fight back sooner? I tried to help that . . . `devil' to turn my princess into one of his mind-controlled soldiers. I helped him set up a trap for her for his rotten `tests' and in his attempts to brainwash her. Plus, I've helped him to hurt other friends like Jaden Yuki, Davis Motomiya, Yusuke Urameshi, his family, and all they care about. I've hurt them so badly. I . . . I don't deserve to be one of Serena-hime's guardians.”
Just then a familiar female voice calls out, concerned tone, “Are you okay, Firefly?” Hotaru looks to the source to see Serena Tsukino in her `Dark Civilian Form' and her Digimon partner, BlackGatomon, walking towards them.
Hotaru asks, weakly and motioning to BlackGatomon, “Who is that, Serena-hime?”
Serena tells Hotaru, with a kind tone, “Oh, she is my Digimon partner. Her name is BlackGatomon.”
BlackGatomon tells Hotaru, with a kind tone, “Hi! How are you?”
Hotaru tells BlackGatomon, with a weak smile, “You are so cute.”
BlackGatomon blushes in embarrassment and she tells Hotaru, nervously, “Thanks . . . I think.”
Serena sits down by Hotaru and she tells her, concerned tone, “Are you okay, Hotaru? We're concerned when you left the dorm.”
Hotaru asks, a bit surprised, “You were concerned about me?”
Serena tells Hotaru, with a serious tone, “Of course we were, Hotaru! Why would you ask that?”
Hotaru tells Serena, with a solemn tone, “But I . . . I helped that madman to turn you into one of his mindless soldiers in his attempt to take over the world! I help him hurt you and the others in terrible ways! How can you forgive me for what I've done?!”
Serena tells Hotaru, in a comforting tone, “Hotaru, you have to understand what you did was not of your own free will. He was controlling your mind and emotions! When he took you away from me and turned you into one of his mindless tools, I was so heartbroken. I felt it was my fault that you were the way that you were because I was the one that he was after! Just because I'm one of the Chosen Duelists that he needs to take over the world and the universe! All of you and Darien-chan are my family and you mean so much to me! He just took you away just because of me! Sartorius . . . Right now, that name still fills me with anger and rage. If he wanted me, he should have just come after me, but instead, he took all of you away, my family, the people that mattered most to me. And he did it on purpose because that asshole wanted to weaken me in order to brainwash me. I did what it took to get all of you back and I won't stop until I do. And I won't stop until Sartorius faces justice for his crimes, once and for all.” Hotaru looks to see the intense look in Serena's cerulean blue eyes in amazement. Serena then gently hugs Hotaru and she says, happily, “I'm just glad that you are okay, Hotaru-chan.”
When Serena releases Hotaru from her hug, Hotaru asks Serena, concerned tone, “Serena-chan, are you going to be like this forever or are you going to ever go back to the Serena-hime that I know and all of us care about?”
Serena replies, with a sigh, “I don't know, Hotaru-chan . . . I really don't know . . . That asshole hurt me in the worse way possible . . . and I've embraced the darkness and there is no way to turn back . . . However, I don't regret my choice . . . I will do everything in my power to get all of you back . . . I will face whatever consequence that I will have to face in the future . . .”
Hotaru doesn't say a word for a few moments and she tells Serena, with a serious tone, “Serena-chan, I want to fight with you!”
Serena tells Hotaru, with a worried tone, “I don't know what I do if I lose you, again, Hotaru-chan. Plus, if you use the powers of darkness, they will always be a part of you.”
Hotaru tells Serena, with a begging tone, “But I'm the Sailor Senshi of the Darkness for the Moon Kingdom, I can handle the darkness, Serena-hime! Plus, Amara-papa, Michelle-mama, and Trista-mama are still under that `devil's' control! I need to save them! They are my guardians! They are my family, too! Please, Serena-chan! Please!”
BlackGatomon tells Serena, with a sly smile and a plain tone, “Come on, Serena . . .”
Serena tells Hotaru, with a sigh and kind smile, “Okay, Hotaru-chan, if that's what you are wanting, how I am to stop you? You are part of this team and this battle involves all of us.” Serena stands up on her feet and she says, with a smile, “Let's go back to the others. They might be worried about you still and they need to know that you are okay. Plus, since Syrus Truesdale is back with us, he might want to help us too.”
Hotaru says, with a smile, “Right!” Soon enough, Serena, Hotaru, and BlackGatomon walk back to the Slifer Red dorms to meet up with the others.
(Within the unknown cave that contains the Millennium Stone; A short time later)
Inside of the cave with the Millennium Stone, we find the dark pink cloaked figure looking at the crystal ball that's displaying the scene between Hotaru, Serena, and BlackGatomon as they head back to the Slifer Red dorm to meet up with the others.
The dark pink cloaked figure says, with a smile, “Way to go, Meatball Head. I know that you can do it. Please just try to keep it together.”
Soon after, a familiar female voice calls out, with a sly tone, “I thought that it was you.” The dark pink cloaked figure looks at the source of the voice to see the black cloaked female figure coming towards her. The black cloaked female figure tells the dark pink cloaked figure, “You took a major risk you know that?”
The dark pink cloaked figure tells the black cloaked figure, “I'm sorry, but I had to try when you taught me those telepathic and telekinetic powers and when I sensed his control on Hotaru lacking, I had to try and reach her.”
The black cloaked female figure tells dark pink cloaked figure, “And you succeed. You reawakened the spirit of Saturn sealed by the evil power of Sartorius when Hotaru was brainwashed and with yours and Saturn's help, Hotaru broke free of his control and she is back with the others.” The black cloaked figure says, with a sly tone, “You are more like your mother than you want to admit, you know.”
The dark pink cloaked figure states, looking at the crystal and with a concerned tone, “Do you think that mommy will be okay?”
The black cloaked figure tells the dark pink cloaked figure, with a sigh, “I hope so. She is not exactly in a `good emotional state' right now and even through she looks all right, it is going to take time. However, with Hotaru back, I think that she will find her way.”
The dark pink cloaked figure says, concerned tone, “I hope so.” The dark pink cloaked figure tells the black cloaked figure, with a thankful tone, “Thank you for giving me that bracelet that will allow me to exist even through daddy is under that jerk's control.”
The black cloaked figure says, with a serious tone, “Remember, you are just backup until the time is right you know and you must make sure to keep that bracelet on at all times.”
The dark pink cloaked figure says, with a kind tone, “I'm amazing that you could really do this, Auntie.”
The black cloaked figure says, with a sly tone, “You are talking to the Mistress of Existence here. There are very few things that I can't do.”
The dark pink cloaked figure giggles and replies, “You are right, Auntie.”
The black cloaked figure asks the dark pink cloaked figure, “Are your guardians ready just in case?”
The dark pink cloaked figure nods her head and says, “Yep! They are ready whenever you or I call them!”
The black cloaked figure nods her head in understand and she thinks in her mind, when she looks at the crystal ball, “Good luck, Moon girl! I hope that you can keep it together! I don't want to put this little moon girl and her guardians in danger, but they are ready just in case. Hopefully, they will be really ready if they are needed.”
(Around the same time this very same morning; within the `White Dorm')
Inside of the `White Dorm', we find Yolei Inoue and Takeru `TK' Takashi sitting down by Alexis Rhodes as she is in a sitting position on a bed in the medical ward of the `White Dorm'.
Yolei tells Alexis, stunned, “I can't believe that Serena would do that to you and her friends, not to mention the one that she loves.”
TK tells Yolei, with a cold plain tone, “Remember, the nonbelievers are possessed by this mysterious dark power and they are becoming more and more violet, Yolei. I'm not if you see Ken again, he won't ruthlessly beat you to the ground.”
Alexis tells TK, with a cold plain tone, “That's obvious, TK. With every one of their attacks, we keep getting weaker and weaker.”
Yolei tells Alexis, with a cold serious tone, “I know that it is hard, Lex. But we need to keep faith in Master Sartorius and the Light and we will find a way to win. Destiny is on our side.”
Alexis nods her head and she says, in a dark serious tone, “I know, Yolei. I believe, but these nonbelievers and this dark devious power is indeed weakened us. They are proving sneaky and we need a way to show them the Light, but I just don't know how.”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “I believe that I have a way, Miss Rhodes.” Yolei, TK, and Alexis turn to the source to see Sartorius walking towards them.
The three SOL members yell out in shock, “Master Sartorius!”
Sartorius tells them, in a calm manner, “Easy, my friends. I do not mean to spy on all of you.”
Alexis tells Sartorius, in a cold plain tone, “Master, we, of the Society of Light, don't keep secrets for that's the way of darkness. You taught us that.”
TK asks, curiously, “What brings you around here, sir?”
Sartorius tells TK and Yolei, “Actually, Ms. Inoue and Mr. Takashi, I am in need of your services. I need the two of you to go through to the Digital World to an area of Tokyo known as Shibuya. There are people there that are taking exams to come to Duel Academy that need to see the light.”
Yolei tells Sartorius, with a cold serious tone, “We are at your service, sir. We will make whoever you need to see the Light of Truth!”
Sartorius tells Yolei and TK, handing them a file filled with papers, “Thank you, Ms. Inoue. Here is the information about the people that you need to find and help see the light.”
TK tells Sartorius, with a cold serious tone, “We'll get on it right away, Master Sartorius.”
Sartorius tells them, with a nod, “Thank you. Carry on.”
Yolei and TK yell out in unison, “Yes, sir!” The two of them head off to find a computer screen to go to the Digital World and head for Shibuya district of Tokyo to find whoever Sartorius needs to be inducted into the Society of Light.
(Inside of the Slifer Red cafeteria; Sometime soon after)
Within the Slifer Red cafeteria, we find Jaden, Tyranno, Syrus, back in his male Ra Yellow uniform, Jasmine, Mindy, Chazz, Serena, Rei, Hotaru, Hikari, Kira, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Yukina, Davis, Kari, Cody, Ken, the elder Digidestined, all of the Digidestined's Digimon partners, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Sasuke, Inuyasha, Melody, and their friends from the Feudal Era, Alister, Katina, Yeshua, Botan, Guilmon, and BlackGatomon. Hotaru explains with Serena's, Hikari's, Rei's, and Kira's help about how she escaped from the Society of Light after she broke free from Sartorius' control and Syrus explains how he broke free from Sartorius' control with Naruto's and Hinata's help. When they were done, they were given mixture of looks of amazement, shocked, and/or admiration.
Tyranno says, with a sly grin, “Great job, soldier! You broke free of his mind-control and propaganda right on your own!”
Jasmine says, with a sly grin, “Yeah, Syrus! That was pretty awesome!”
Chazz says, with his usual snobbish tone, “Guess you aren't that much of a shrimp as I thought.”
Syrus replies, nervously, “Thanks . . . I think.”
Yukina says, with a smile, “We are just glad that you and Hotaru are back with us, safe and sound.”
Kari says, with a smile, “Yeah! We're all glad that you are okay, Syi!”
Davis says, with a sly grin, “For a little guy, you are quite tough, Syrus!”
Naruto says, with a sly grin, “You know it, Davis!”
Sakura tells Syrus, “That's pretty amazing that you broke free on your own, Syrus!”
Hinata says, with a kind smile, “I'm just glad that Hotaru is back with us, too.”
Ken says, with a serious tone, “But I wonder who that mysterious person that awoke the spirit of Hotaru's `other side', the original Sailor Saturn of the Silver Millennium, when Sartorius' evil light sealed it when Hotaru was brainwashed.”
Rei asks Hotaru, curiously, “Do you know who helped you break free of Sartorius' control, Hotaru-chan?”
Hotaru shakes her head and replies, “The voice sounded so familiar . . . but I wasn't sure . . .”
Matt asks Serena, “Do you think that whoever helped your friend is working with the one that gave you the Black Crystal?”
Serena shakes her head and replies, perplexed, “I don't know. It could be another group that wishes to stop Sartorius and his cult. Or maybe not.”
Tai says, with a dark serious tone, “Knowing that asshole, Sartorius, he might have plenty of enemies that want his ass kicked.”
Joe says, with a dark serious tone, “But we can't be sure that they have good intentions, Tai.”
Hotaru tells everyone, “I don't think whoever helped me had bad intentions on their mind . . . I couldn't sense any evil inside of them . . . and it felt familiar to me . . . and the spirit of Saturn inside of me trusts this person . . .”
Davis says, with a serious tone, “Well, with Sakura and Hotaru free from the control of asshole's control, they can't heal their injuries so quickly anymore.”
Sakura says, nervously, “Unfortunately, I left them with plenty of my medical knowledge given to me by Lady Tsunade.”
Sasuke says, with a dark sly smile, “Don't worry, Sakura. I doubt that any of them have any medical knowledge including that white bitch, Alexis Rhodes.”
Syrus says, with a serious tone, “But they know about the connection between Naruto and Bastion. Sartorius and Society of Light know they are family.”
Hinata says, with a solemn tone, “So, the videos and recordings that we made while we were spying on you survived.”
Hotaru says, with a serious tone, “Yes, they did.”
Naruto says, with a dark sly grin, “So, what?!”
Sakura tells Naruto, with a dark serious tone, “Naruto, they know that you and Bastion are family now!” Sakura says, with her right hand turned into a fist and with a dark annoyed tone, “That asshole used us like his little puppets to get that information for him.”
Sasuke tells Sakura, with a dark serious tone, “Don't worry, Sakura. That bastard will pay for what he has done.”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “We are just glad that you and Hinata are safe and back to your senses.” Everyone looks to see Kakashi, Yugi and his friends, Yusuke, and Keiko walk into the room.
Sakura tells Kakashi, “Good morning, Kakashi-sensei!”
Naruto says, with a sly grin, “Did you have a good sleep?!”
Kakashi says, with his usual tone, “Yes. With excellent guest rooms at this Academy, I slept quite well.”
Joey says, with his usual sly grin, “Man! I slept awesome tonight! That Kaiba might be a major jerk, but he really knows how to create a school!”
Keiko notices Hotaru and Syrus and yells out, amazed, “Hotaru?! Syrus?!”
Yusuke then notices them and exclaims, amazed, “When did the two of you get out that fucking cult?!”
Jaden tells Yusuke, with a sly grin, “Syrus and Hotaru broke free from Sartorius' control on their own!”
Keiko yells out, awe-struck, “On their own?! Amazing!”
Hotaru says, a bit shyly, “I've had a bit of help and escaping.” Soon after, Syrus, with help from Naruto and Hinata, and Hotaru, with help from Serena, Rei, Hikari, and Kira, tell how they escaped from Sartorius' control and escaped from the Society of Light.
When they were done, Keiko tells Hotaru and Syrus, happily, “We're glad that you are back!”
Yusuke says, with his usual sly tone, “You two are a lot tougher than you admit!”
Kira tells Yusuke, with a smile and sly tone, “Sounds like you are back to normal, bro!”
Yusuke tells Kira, with his usual sly grin and tone, “There is one that fucking freak was going to keep Yusuke Urameshi down for long!”
Hikari tells Yusuke, with a sly grin, “Okay, bro, spill it! Who knocked some sense into you?!”
Yusuke yells out, indignantly, “Hey!”
Keiko tells Hikari, with a sly grin, “Yusuke got his senses knocked into him by himself!”
Alister asks Keiko, perplexed, “What do you mean by that sis?” Soon after, Yusuke, forced by his girlfriend, and Keiko explained what happened in Yusuke's dream last night.
When Yusuke and Keiko were done with the story, Kuwabara says, with a sly grin, “Leave to Urameshi to beat himself up literally!” Kuwabara starts to laugh at Yusuke until he slams his right fist into Kuwabara's head.
Yusuke tells Kuwabara, with his usual tone, “If I can damn well stand up to myself, Kuwabara, I smash your butt back into the ground!”
Davis and Jaden say in unison, with a sly grin, “Yusuke's back!”
Yusuke says, with a serious and angered tone, “Damn right I'm back! I'm not going to let sit down and mope while that fucking son of a bitch that messed with Keiko's and my head continue to run around with plenty of our friends under his control! When I get my hands on him, I'm going to kick his fat ass back to whatever hellhole he came from!”
Rei tells Yusuke, with a dark serious tone, “Get in line, Yusuke! There are plenty of us here that want to do the same thing or worse!”
Matt says, with a dark strong tone, “No damn kidding! My bro is still under the control of that fucking son of a bitch!”
Tai says, with a dark serious tone, “And no one messes with my sister's and our friends minds turning them into his puppets without a price! Mess with one Digidestined and you mess with all of us!”
Botan tells Yusuke, with a sly smile, “We're glad that you are back with us, Yusuke.”
Yusuke tells Botan, with a sly grin, “You know it, Botan!”
Katina says, with a sly tone, “Well, I hope to see my brother's good friend in action.”
Yusuke states, with a serious tone, “So, you are Kurama's sister, huh? Why did Kurama keep you a secret?”
Kurama tells Yusuke, with a plain tone, “It's because I didn't know that she did the same thing that I did.”
Yusuke looks at Davis and he asks, curiously, “So, how did toddler breath get you in this rut?”
Davis replies, with a plain tone, “Demons attacked me, I got my powers, and Koemna and Botan saved my life. I owed him greatly.”
Yusuke says, with a nod, “Ah.”
Alister says, with a serious tone, “If you need to know, dude, I followed Davis on one of his cases, got attached, had spiritual sense of my own, got my own spirit energy weapon, and helped Davis finish his case.”
Yusuke says, with a serious tone, “And Koemna dragged you into the Spirit Detective business.”
Davis says, with a sigh, “No joke, Yusuke. He told me about you and your adventures as a Spirit Detective. Been at for a few years.”
Yusuke asks Davis, curiously, “Been in any `Dark Tournaments'?”
Davis replies, plainly, “Oh, a few.”
Yusuke asks, stunned, “A few?!”
Alister tells Yusuke, with a sigh, “Don't remind us, dude. Not exactly wanting to remember seeing one of your best buds getting bashed into walls several times in a match.”
Davis replies, drolly and with a sarcastic tone, “Thanks for reminding me, Alister.”
Jasmine says, with a plain tone, “And please, Yusuke, don't get them started with `Grandma Genkai's Boot Camp from Hell' or something like that.”
Yusuke asks Davis, plainly, “You, too, huh?”
Davis says, drolly, “Don't remind me, bud.”
Yusuke asks Davis, “So, how do you rank up in power?”
Katina says, with a logical tone, “I'm an upper A-class level demon in power, Alister has around mid to upper A class strength as well, and Davis is in the upper S-class levels of the Spirit Power. And Davis' spiritual aura has a unique quirk. With every fight that he is in, his spiritual aura increases in power and if he is gravely injured, when he recovers, his spiritual energy increase is even stronger.”
Yusuke yells out, shocked, “Whoa! No way!”
Botan says, with a serious tone, “Yep! However, even with the fights that he has been up till now, Davis' power isn't even close to your level of power, especially in your Ma-zoku forms.”
Davis tells Botan, drolly, “Thanks a lot, Botan.”
Kurama says, with a serious tone, “However, this does mean we have some S-class powers on our side and with Yusuke back with us, the Society of Light is at an incredible disadvantage.”
Hikari says, with a dark serious tone, “Speaking of those Society Dweebs, Chancellor Sheppard is due back today.”
Keiko asks, stunned, “Chancellor Sheppard is coming back today?!”
Serena says, with a dark serious tone, “You know it, Kei! We've gotten the memo in his office! And you know who wants to meet him?!”
Kari tells Serena, with a dark annoyed tone, “I don't need to guess Serena! Doesn't those dorks ever give it up?!”
Jasmine tells Kari, with a dark serious tone, “Don't count on it, Kari! Those dorks are so thick-headed or fill that asshole's damn hellish light that they can't see the writing on the wall even if it was right in front of their faces!”
Mindy says, with a dark sly grin, “Nice one, Mindy!”
Chazz yells out, with his usual snobbish tone, “Well, what are waiting for?! Let's go crush those dweebs and show why they don't mess with us!”
Rei tells Chazz, in a serious tone, “Hold your horses, Princeton! We need to give Syrus and Hotaru the dark powers of the Black Crystal!”
Keiko tells Rei, with a dark serious tone, “Yusuke wants the power of darkness from the Black Crystal in order to fight with us!”
Serena asks Yusuke, in a serious tone, “Are you sure about this? Keiko told you about the powers of darkness. Do you want to this?”
Yusuke yells out, with his usual serious tone, “Damn straight I want this! That fucking son of the bitch tricked me into hurting the girl that I loved most so he could turn her into his puppet along with myself! And he used me to brainwash innocent students and try to bring the girl that I loved the most back into that cult! I just don't want this, I NEED this! I want to pay this asshole back for messing with our feelings and emotions to turn us into his tools just because we are two of the `Chosen Duelists' that we need for his sick plans! I'm going to pay him back and then some for what he did to us and our friends! And before I'm done with him, he will wish that he was never born in this world, much less see our faces or heard our names!”
Davis says, with a sly grin, “That's the Yusuke Urameshi that I know of!”
Kira tells Serena, with a sly grin, “I don't think that there is anymore arguments needed to be made here.”
Rei tells Alister, “By the way, Alister, I've talked with Ayeka and the others. They've found a way to awaken your Jurian powers if you want.”
Alister says, with a dark sly grin, “If it will help me aid my sister against those dorks and protect my friends and family, I'll be glad to try anything to bring them out.”
Rei tells Alister, “They're waiting inside of Washu's lab set up in Professor Banner's room.”
Alister tells Keiko, “Later, sis. I'll see you and the others at the harbor.” Keiko nods her head as Alister heads out of the Slifer Red cafeteria to Washu's lab in Professor Banner's former place of residence.
Syrus says, with a sigh, “I wish that Professor Banner was here. He would know how to take care of those jerks!”
Jaden tells Syrus, with a sigh, “I know how you feel, Syi. He gave up everything to give me the chance to defeat Kagemaru and the Sacred Beasts.”
Hikari says, with a serious tone, “Well, we owe it to him to stop those Society Dorks.”
Jaden nods his head and says, with a dark serious tone, “Right!”
Serena summons the Black Crystal to her two hands, it pulsates with dark energy, and Hotaru says, feeling the soothing feeling from the dark energy, “The dark energy . . . it feels so soothing . . . it doesn't feel like anything like Mistress Nine . . . or Sailor Galaxia . . .”
Yeshua tells Hotaru, with a logical and plain tone, “The dark powers of the Black Crystal are the greatest positive dark force in the universe. They are supposed to bring balance to Silver Crystal of Princess Serenity. However, you must remember that like the Silver Crystal, the Black Crystal can be abused and be corrupted with powerful negative forces and emotions. So, you must be careful when welding the dark power. If you lose yourself to the dark energy and negative emotions, you can corrupt the power and the power and you can become dangerous and destructive as the evil light of Sartorius.”
Serena says, with a serious tone, “And once you take the dark powers, it will be a part of you for the rest of your lives. This is your last choice to pull back.”
Yusuke yells out, with a serious and angered tone, “No damn well! I don't fucking care if my soul is sent to hell! That asshole is going to pay for what he did to Keiko and Yusuke, messing with our emotions, and using us like his little tools! He is going to learn that you don't mess with Yusuke Urameshi and the people that he cares about and not pay a price . . . an EXTREME price!”
Hotaru tells Serena, in a determined tone, “I'm going to fight, too, Serena-chan! Amara-papa, Michelle-mama, and Trista-mama are still with the heartless devil and I need to save them! He used me to brainwash Trista-mama into that Society of Light of his! And I'm one of your guardians! I'm here to protect you and I won't let you fight alone, Serena-chan, because you are also my friend!”
Syrus tells Serena, with a determined tone, “He used what happened with my brother to turn me against my best friend and I tried to spy on you guys to get that jerk information to try to allow him to brainwash all of you! I'll never forgive him for that! I want to fight with you, too, because you are my friends!”
Keiko then says, taking out a deck of Duel Monsters' cards that give off a black light, “By the way, Yusuke, after you take the powers of darkness, this deck is for you. This is the Hell Dragon deck.”
Botan yelps out in shock and she yells out, stunned, “Keiko! That's another Forbidden deck like your new Hellfire and Serena's Advanced Crystal Beast deck! Where did you get it?!”
Keiko says, with a sigh, “My new `demon half' gave it to me. She also told me to give Yusuke one of the three Wicked God Cards, the namely The Wicked Dread-Root. I'll keep The Wicked Avatar.”
Jaden asks, curiously, “Who is going to get The Wicked Eraser?”
Keiko shrugs her shoulders and she replies, perplexed, “My `demon half' told me that she and Princess Sakura will tell me.”
Davis says, with a droll tone, “How terribly crypt.”
Tai asks Rei, curiously, “Sorry to insult you, but are you `Silver Millennium types' like that?”
Rei says, with a sigh, “Those who weren't reborn like Serena and me . . . namely Trista. She might look like a young woman, but she is over five millennia in age.”
Davis yells out, stunned, “Whoa! You're kidding!”
Botan tells Davis, plainly, “No, she isn't Davis. She is the one of the few survivors of the Silver Millennium as the guardian of the Gates of Time.”
Serena tells everyone, with a dark serious tone, “Well, until she isn't with those dorks anymore, she is our enemy along with the others under that fucking asshole's control.”
Yusuke says, with his usual tone, “No damn arguments from me. Now, let's get going so we can kick some dork butt!”
Jaden says, with a sly grin, “Like I said: That's the Yusuke Urameshi that we know!”
Yusuke tells Jaden, with a sly grin, “You had better believe it, Jay!”
Hiei says, with a plain tone, “I think that we should get going in order to make sure that Sheppard isn't taken by those white dorks.”
Syrus says, plainly, “Good idea.”
Serena tells Yusuke, Hotaru, and Syrus, with a serious tone, “Okay, you, three, put your hands on the Black Crystal and remember, don't fight the dark powers of the crystal. Let them become a part of you and get control over them.”
Hotaru nods her head and says, plainly, “Right, Serena-chan.” Soon after, Yusuke, Hotaru, and Syrus put their hands on the Black Crystal and they yelp out as the dark energy starts to surge in them. The three of them groan out in slight pain as the intensity of the dark energy going into them increases.
Serena yells out, seriously, “Focus! You need to focus! Don't fight it! Control it! Focus it and your emotions!”
Yusuke groans out, wearily, “Easy . . . for you . . . to say . . .” Soon after, a great black light fills the room forcing everyone else to cover their eyes as the dark energy absorbs into Yusuke, Hotaru, and Syrus.
(Later that day; At Duel Academy's harbor)
In the late morning hours, we find Kagome, Atticus, Bastion, Ami, Mina, Lita, Amara, Michelle, Trista, Darien, Kiyone, and Mihoshi walking over to the harbor. Alexis, Yolei, and TK aren't with them since Alexis is still recovering from the attack by Sailor Eclipse during the evening hours the previous evening with her chakra abilities not fully recovered from our Dark Moon Princess' version of Hinata's technique on her and Yolei and TK are keeping an eye on her. The SOL controlled Sailor Scouts and Darien have managed to recover thanks to Trista's knowledge and Sakura's medical knowledge that she left before our heroes and heroines freed her from the control of the Society of Light.
Mina says, with a sigh, “It was a good thing that Trista knew how to use the medical knowledge that Sakura left behind before she was taken by the nonbelievers.”
Trista says, with a cold plain tone, “With the knowledge that I have acquired over the many years that I lived in watching the Time Gates, it wasn't too hard to use the medical knowledge to help our advanced healing abilities to get us back on our feet since last night.”
Mihoshi says, with a cold plain tone, “What I can't believe is that your friend would do that to you.”
Kagome says, with a cold serious tone, “I don't get why Serena, Rei, Kari, Kira, and the others are acting so violently towards us!”
Bastion tells Kagome, with a cold logical tone, “It is most likely that dark power that they are using. It is corrupted them somehow, which makes bringing them into the Society of Light more important than ever.”
Mihoshi asks, with a worried tone, “But how? We are getting every time that we face them? How can we defeat them?”
Kiyone tells Mihoshi, with a cold serious tone, “We can't think that way Mihoshi! Destiny is on our side! Master Sartorius told us that we need to believe in the Light! They might have gotten some good hits in, but they can't escape destiny forever!”
Ami says, with a cold logical tone, “However, Bastion-semapi is right to tell us that they are dangerous. We need to make Serena and the others see the light as soon as possible.”
Atticus thinks in his mind, in a cold angered tone, “Damn that fucking wench! It is hurt fault that Alexis got so beaten up! She ruthlessly beat her to the ground! If Serena wasn't one of the Chosen Duelists that Master Sartorius needs to help save the world, I would make her pay for what she did to Alexis!”
Lita yells out, with a cold serious tone, “But how are we going to make Serena and the others see the light?!”
Just then a familiar female voice yells out, with a dark nasty tone, “How about this: Never in a million years, dweeb!” Everyone gasps in shock when they heard that voice and they turn to see Jaden, Tyranno, Syrus, Chazz, Jasmine, Mindy, Serena, Rei, Hotaru, Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, Davis, Kari, Cody, Ken, the elder Digidestined, their Digimon partners, Yusuke, Hikari, Keiko, Kira, Kuwabara, Kurama, Hiei, Tenchi, Ryoko, Ayeka, Sasami, Alister, Katina, Yeshua, BlackGatomon, and Guilmon. However, Yusuke, Hotaru, and Syrus were sporting brand new `dark' looks.
Yusuke's new dark look has his black hair in his usual style in his days as a Spirit Detective, red highlights, he has a black spiked leather neck-choker around his neck with a dark red and golden sun sigil jewel in the center of the choker, his male Obelisk Blazer is pitch black in color, he has a dark blue shirt under the blazer, he has black fingerless fighting gloves on his hands that has dark red and gold sun sigils on the backhand portion of the gloves, dark blue jeans with a matching black belt with a card pouch for his cards, and blood red sneakers.
Hotaru's new dark look has her dark violet hair that can be mistaken for black is pitch black in color now with dark violet highlights in her hair, her lips are dark violet, she has dark violet and black star jewels attached to both her ears as earrings, she has a black leather neck-choker with a dark violet jewel in the form of the symbol of Saturn in the center of the choker, her female Obelisk Blue uniform has become a black and blue mixture with every part of it that was white is now pitch black, she has dark violet fingerless latex gloves that goes up to her elbows on her hands, her fingernails are pitch black with dark violet symbols of Saturn painted on each fingernail, she has pitch black stockings covering all of her legs, and her high-heeled boots are pitch black as well.
Syrus' hair has become pitch black with dark red highlights, he has a black leather choker around his neck, his male Ra Yellow blazer is pitch black in color, he has a dark green shirt under the blazer, he has black leather fingerless gloves on his hands, his jeans are dark green, and he has pitch black sneakers on his feet.
Michelle yells out, shocked, “Firefly?!”
Hotaru says, with a dark nasty tone that's not like Hotaru, “Don't ever call me that! Only my friends and my real family have the right to call me `Firefly' and you are certain not my family!”
Amara yells out, in a cold angered tone, “What in hell did you do to Hotaru?!”
Hotaru calls out, in a dark nasty tone, “They didn't do anything to me! I've just learned that the only way to get rid of you and your Society is become tough and hard! Your rotten `Master' turned me into a cold and heartless monster and turned me against my princess! And he is going to pay for using me like his tool to harm the princess that I'm swore to protect and my friends!”
Atticus yells at Syrus, in a cold serious tone, “Syrus, what in the hell are you doing with them?! And why aren't you in uniform?!”
Syrus tells Atticus, with a dark nasty tone that's totally unlike him, “Did you hear, dork?! I quit your cult! I'm not going to hurt Jay and my friends anymore just for power!”
Bastion tells Syrus, with a cold serious tone, “Did you forget what you promised Master Sartorius by joining us?!”
Syrus yells out, with a dark angered tone, “That jerk used the pain that I felt from what happened to my big brother against me! He manipulated my emotions and made me lose that duel, turning me against my best friends! Well, he is going to pay for manipulating me!”
Yusuke yells out, with a dark angered tone, “And same goes for me! That fucking son of a bitch tricked me into hurting one of the people that I love most with his dirty trick by forcing one of his damn Society Goons on Keiko and making me believe that she betrayed me! That piece of fucking filth then used my emotions to turn me into one of his fucking tools and that son of a bitch is going to pay for using Yusuke Urameshi as one of his damn pawns! When I see I'm going to turn him into my personal punching bag and that will just the start! He will be begging me for mercy far before I send his ass into hell!”
Lita yells out, in a cold serious tone, “Just try it traitor!”
Yusuke's spiritual aura, a black and blue aura, flares up, unnerving the SOL members, and he yells out, with a dark angered tone, “Don't tempt me, wench! I would be glad to make you into my first victim of my fists as a warm up for that son of a bitch, Sartorius! And if you dorks mention the time that I or Keiko were your damn cult . . . YOU ARE GOING TO WISH THAT YOU WEREN'T BORN BEFORE YOU GO TO HELL BY MY SPIRIT GUN, SPIRIT WORLD BE DAMNED!!!” Yusuke's spiritual aura that shakes the whole area for a moment and greatly cracking the concrete harbor, greatly unnerving the SOL members.
Atticus tells Serena, trying to stay strong and emotionless, “You know, you've got some nerve to show your face to me after what you did to my sister, Tsukino!”
Serena replies, with a dark nasty tone, “Boo hoo! Like I care! That bitch got what she deserved after what she did to Hotaru-chan!”
Rei says, with a dark sly tone, “I'm just sad that I wasn't the one that beat that fucking whore to the ground! I would have made sure that she would be in the hospital for weeks!” The SOL controlled Sailor Scouts and Darien gasp in shock from Rei's `statement'.
Serena tells Rei, with a dark sly tone, “Hey, that's a good idea, Pyro! Maybe I'll see how much I can pound her before I break her!”
Lita calls out, shocked, “Serena just didn't say that!”
Mina tells Lita, horrified, “Serena just did Lita!”
Hotaru tells Serena and Rei, with a dark sly tone, “Maybe I should that white wench why I'm called the Sailor Soldier of Destruction personally and give her what she deserves!”
Ami says, horrified, “Not Hotaru-chan, too!”
Chazz calls out, darkly, “Now, what are damn dorks doing here?!”
Jaden tells them, darkly, “Trying to get to Sheppard before we do?!”
Ryoko yells out, darkly, “Not a chance, dweebs!”
Ayeka says, with a dark serious tone, “Indeed, Ryoko! Now, we suggest all of you better leave or we won't be responsible for the consequences!”
Amara says, with a cold serious tone, “Is that a threat?!”
Sakura cracks her knuckles and she says, with a dark nasty tone, “No, that's a promise wench! You are going to pay for what you and your fucking Society did to us!”
Hinata says, getting into a battle position and with a dark serious tone, “You rotten `Master' turned against our friends and teammates, used us to turn them into your `tools' as well as hurt them, and you are going to get away with hurting anyone else!
Naruto says, with a dark sly grin, “Believe it, asshole! You are getting your butts kicked all over this island and the pain isn't going to stop until all of you Society Dorks are gone for good!”
Sasuke says, with dark sly grin, “For once, I agree with you, Naruto. All of you Society Freaks are returning to hellhole where you came from and your `Master' will follow you into hell!”
Kiyone yells out, in cold strong tone, “We don't think so, nonbelievers! Destiny is on our side and no matter how powerful you get, you are going to see the light!”
Kira yells out, in a dark annoyed tone, “You know if I hear that phase again, I'm going to throw up!”
Hikari says, with a dark sly grin, “Or more likely, we are going to pound into the ground for annoying us, dweeb!”
Ryoko says, cracking her knuckles, “Mind if I start off, girls?!”
Mihoshi says, worriedly, “Oh, boy!”
Matt says, with a dark serious tone, “Hey, don't leave us out!”
Tai says, with a dark sly grin, “Some of us want to have some `fun' with these white bastards and bitches!”
Davis tells Tai and Matt, with a dark sly grin, “Well, join right in, Tai! The more, the merrier!”
Mina says, nervously, “Oh, great!”
Our `darkened' heroes and heroines prepare themselves for a fight and Kari tells the SOL members, darkly, “You've got two choices, dorks: You either leave in one piece or you leave in pieces! Either way, you are going to leave!”
Just then a familiar female voice calls out, in a cold serious tone, “Not until all of you see the light, Kamiya!” Everyone looks to see Crowler, Bonaparte, Alexis, Yolei, TK, and Dimitri, wearing a white male SOL uniform and having a duel disk that has a dueling deck inside attached to his left wrist, walking up until they are in-between the rest of the SOL members and our darkened heroes and heroines.
Chazz says, with a dark sly grin, “Well, look what the cat dragged in! Where were you, Crowler?! Cowering under your white couch?!”
Crowler yells out, in a cold angered tone, “Watch it, Princeton!”
Chazz call out, in a dark nasty tone, “Ooh, I'm so scared! What are you going to do?! Sick your damn `Master' on me or your fucking `Light'?!”
Jasmine says, with a dark nasty tone, “Bring them on! We need a good laugh!”
Yolei yells out, in cold angered tone, “What was that?!”
Davis calls out, in a dark nasty tone, “You heard us, wench!”
Sora says, with a dark nasty tone and with a dark sly grin, “Face it, Yolei! You and your Society is nothing, but a joke!”
Hikari says, with a dark sly grin, “Nice one, Sora!”
Keiko says, with a dark sly tone, “Your fucking Society and your fucking `Master' is going down and you know it! Your damn `destiny' is already dead and gone!”
Alexis yells out, in a cold angered tone, “You take that back, Yukimura!”
Keiko calls out, with a dark nasty tone, “Make me, Rhodes! And trust me, I'll make you regret!”
Alexis says, with a cold serious tone, “Your empty threats don't scare me!”
Keiko states, with a dark sly grin, “Oh, really?!” Keiko then goes over to one of the metal barrel in the harbor and much to the shock and amazement of the SOL members, lifts it into the air, and crushes it flat. Keiko then kicks the flattened barrel high into the air and deep into the interior of Academy Island.
Alexis yells out, in disbelief, “What the fuck?! How in the hell did she do that?!”
Ayeka says, with a dark nasty tone, “It's simple, wench! Keiko Yukimura is a descendant of one of Jurai's royal family.”
Mihoshi yells out, stunned, “Keiko is a member of the Juraian royal family?!”
Sasami says, with a dark sly tone that's totally unlike her, “That's right, dork! And she is the granddaughter of Lady Amaterasu!”
Kiyone yells out, flabbergasted, “Princess Amaterasu of Jurai?! She is one of most powerful princesses that vanished centuries ago!”
Keiko says, with a dark sly grin, “That's right! She ended up here on Earth and she is my grandmother, not to mention Alister's! Plus, there is something else that you need to know! I'm a Sailor Scout myself!”
The SOL controlled Sailor Scouts yell out in shock and in unison, “What?!”
Keiko then displays her transformation brooch, which is mainly the same expect the heart brooch is dark violet in color, the sideways infinity symbol is dark red in color, crescent moon sigil is dark violet in color, and the sun sigil is dark red and gold, and there are four black angel wings attached to it, and she says, with a dark sly grin, “I'm the Supreme Princess and one of the Protectors of the universe! Namely, Sailor Universe to be more exact!”
Trista yells out, shocked, “Sailor Universe?!”
Keiko says, with a dark nasty tone, “Didn't I just say that bitch?!”
Lita says, in cold annoyed tone, “Oh, great! Another `Dark Sailor Scout' to deal with!”
Serena replies, with a dark nasty tone, “That's tough, Lita! Face it, dorks! We're getting more powerful and you are going the way of the dodos!”
Alexis yells out, with a cold annoyed tone, “We'll change your tunes after you see the light!”
Rei calls out, in a dark annoyed tone, “You know, you are starting to piss me off you white wench!”
Jaden tells Alexis, with a dark nasty tone, “Why don't you do everyone a sweet favor and get lose, wench?!”
Alexis winches in pain from Jaden's `remark' and she yells out, coldly, “Not until you see the light, Jaden!”
Dimitri says, with a cold sly grin, “And I'm the one to do it.”
Hikari says, in a dark annoyed tone, “Not this loser, again!”
Kira asks Hikari, curiously, “You know this white dork, Kari?”
Syrus says, with a dark annoyed tone, “His name is Dimitri. He is a copycat duelist! Last year, he stole Yugi's deck to try to become the greatest duelist, but Jay made sure that he didn't get away with that crime!”
Davis says, with a dark angered tone, “This is the asshole that took cousin Yugi's deck! Okay, he is so mine! No one steals from my family and gets away with it!”
Jaden tells Davis, with a dark sly grin, “Chill, bro! I'll take care of this dweeb!”
Davis asks Jaden, curiously, “Are you sure, Jay?”
Jaden tells Davis, with a dark sly smile on his lips, “Don't worry, crushing this loser won't take long!”
Yusuke tosses Jaden a duel disk and he says, with a dark sly grin, “Here you go, Jay! Crush this white freak!”
Jaden catches the duel disk, attached to his left wrist, and he says, with a dark sly tone, “With pleasure, Yusuke!” Jaden then steps forward to face Dimitri and he calls out, with a dark nasty tone, “Who's deck did you copy this time, dork?!”
Dimitri then says, in Jaden's exact voice, “This might give you a clue, bro!”
Jaden and our darkened heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Rei yells out, stunned, “What the fuck?! He sounds like Jaden!”
Dimitri tells Jaden, in his normal voice, “How do you like it?! Now, I can copy anyone's voice perfectly . . . including yours!”
Jaden says, with a dark snarl, “And let me guess, dweeb? You copied the deck I used before I got my Neo-Spacians pals!”
Dimitri tells Jaden, in his copy of Jaden's voice, “You know it, bro!”
Yusuke yells out, in a dark annoyed tone, “That's not funny, asshole! Copying our friend like that is really pissing me off!”
Syrus says, with a dark annoyed tone, “No joke, Yusuke! That's a low blow!”
Jaden tells Syrus and Yusuke, “Don't worry, guys, I won't get beat by some pal imitation!” Jaden activates his duel disk and calls out, in a dark nasty tone, “Okay, dork, we are playing by Deck Master rules so pick your Deck Master!” Jaden takes a card from his deck and yells out, in a dark serious tone, “I've already got mine! Elemental Hero Necroshade!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Necroshade (1600/1800) comes to Jaden's right side.
Dimitri activates his duel disk, takes one card from his deck, and exclaims, with a cold sly tone, “What do you know?! That's my Deck Master, too!” Just then another Elemental Hero Necroshade (1600/1800) comes to Dimitri's right side.
Tai says, with a dark annoyed tone, “You know, that copycat is starting to get my goat!”
Izzy says, with a dark logical tone, “Usually mimicking someone is a form of flattery, but in this case, this jerk is insulting Jaden with the way that he is doing it! Just like these villains!”
Mimi says, with a dark annoyed tone not heard in Mimi before, “No kidding, Izzy! And they are major fashion rejects as well as jerks!” Jaden puts his deck into his duel disk causing it to give off a familiar black and dark violet glow, Dimitri's and Jaden's duel disks displays 4000 life-points each on their life-points counters, and they draw five cards from their decks.
“Game on!” Dimitri and Jaden say in unison as their duel begins.
Starting Scores:
Jaden: 4000
Dimitri: 4000
Jaden draws one card from his deck and calls out, darkly, “Okay, dweeb, I'll start this duel off!”
Dimitri replies, in Jaden's voice, “Okay, bro, get your game on!”
Davis yells out, in a dark angered tone, “Hey, that's Jaden's line, asshole!”
Yusuke tells Dimitri, with a dark annoyed tone, “Mimic Jay likes that again and you won't live to see another duel!”
Jaden tells Yusuke and Davis, with a dark sly grin, “Don't worry, you, two! This copycat dweeb is toast!” Jaden then closes his eyes, concentrates, a dark violet and black aura surrounds his body, and the Millennium Key appears around his neck.
Ami yells out, horrified, “That's the Millennium Key!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly tone, “Ding! Ding! The white wench gets it right the first time! Looks like your damn Light didn't take out too many brain cells, bitch! Now, your little copycat is about to experience his first Shadow Game!”
Dimitri yells out, horrified, “Shadow Game?!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “That's right, dork! Shadow Game! If you want to copy me, then you have to experience what I did! And that includes Shadow Games!” Just then a whole area is covered in a dark violet and black fog and Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “Welcome to the Shadow Realm, dweeb!”
Michelle says, with a cold serious tone, “This is how Serena-hime defeated Chazz Princeton.”
Jaden says, with a dark serious tone, “I see that your memories hasn't failed you, witch! Now, your dorky friend is about to get a real shock of his life!” Just then black shackles appear on Jaden's and Dimitri's necks and upper arms with the Millennium Symbol in the center.
Dimitri yells out, perplexed, “What are these?!”
Jaden tells Dimitri, with a dark nasty tone, “I thought that you dorks can see the future! Well, let me dumb it down for your, dweeb! Every time that we lose life-points, we get one hell of a nasty shock! Got it?!”
Alexis yells out, in total disbelief, “Jaden, have you gone totally insane!”
Jaden tells Alexis, in a dark nasty tone, “I didn't ask for your damn opinion, you blond whore!”
Atticus tells Jaden, with a cold angered tone, “Watch you say to my sister or I will . . .?!” Just then a Spirit Gun blast glazes his right cheek and he is thrown back a little and they find it was Yusuke Urameshi that fired it.
Alexis yells out, stunned, “Yusuke, you could have killed him!”
Yusuke says, with a dark nasty tone, “Yeah, I could have! And the next Spirit Gun blast will be where the sun doesn't shine if he threatens my pal again!”
Jaden then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and he says, darkly, “Now, if we don't have interrupts, the pain can begin, dork! First, I play Graceful Charity! I draw three more cards from my deck and discard two from my hand!” Jaden draws three cards from his deck, discards two from his hand, put one card on his duel disk and calls out, “Next, I summon my Elemental Hero Clayman in defense mode!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Clayman (800/2000) comes to the field in defense mode. Jaden puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, darkly, “I'll throw down a face-down and call it a turn! Your turn, dork!”
Dimitri says, with a cold sly grin, “Fine by me!” Dimitri draws one card from his deck, puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and yells out, “First, I kick things off with Polymerization!” Dimitri discards Elemental Hero Avian (1000/1000) and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200/800) monster cards from his hand to the graveyard, takes a fusion monster card from his fusion deck, the two monsters appear on the field, go into a fusion vortex, and Dimitri yells out, “I fuse Avian and Burstinatrix to form . . . Elemental Hero Flame Wingman!” Dimitri puts the card on his duel disk and out of the fusion vortex, Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100/1200) comes to the field in attack mode. Dimitri calls out, with Jaden's voice, “Okay, Flame Wingman, attack his monster! Inferno Rage!” Flame Wingman fires a beam of flames from his dragon head right hand and destroys Clayman in attack mode. Dimitri then says, with Jaden's voice, “And now, thanks to Flame Wingman's super-power, you lose life-points equal to destroyed monster's attack points! Take it away Wingman!” Flame Wingman goes over to Jaden, blasts him with a jet of flames, burning him, and Jaden then gets shocked by dark electric energy as he loses 800 life-points, but he doesn't even flinch, which disturbs the SOL members.
Lita states, with a cold taunting tone, “What's the matter, dork?! Shocked that you got attacked by your own favorite monster?!”
Jaden doesn't lose his dark sly grin, he straight out his neck while his body is still smoking somewhat from Flame Wingman's flames, and he says, with a dark sly grin, “Is that all your dorky friend has?!” The SOL members are unnerved by Jaden's comment and his apparent lack of injury from the attack.
Dimitri puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and calls out, unnerved, “I'll throw two face-downs and call it a turn.”
Current Score:
Jaden: 3200
Dimitri: 4000
Jaden draws one card from his deck and calls out, “My move, dork!” Jaden puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, with a dark sly grin, “I play Pot of Greed! That's two cards for me and a lot more pain for you!” Jaden looks at two cards that he drew, he gives a wider dark sly grin, and he says, darkly, “Sweet.”
Keiko says, with a dark plain tone, “Jay must have drawn so good cards.”
Jaden pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, “Now, I play my face-down! Call of the Haunted!” Jaden's face-down card is revealed to be the Call of the Haunted trap card and Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “With this dweeb, I can summon back one of the monster in my graveyard! And I choose my Hero Kid!” Soon after, Hero Kid (300/600) comes to the field in attack mode.
Dimitri yells out, in shock, “Hey, I didn't send that card to your graveyard!”
Jaden tells Dimitri, darkly, “But I did, dweeb! Or did your dorky mind forget about the cards that I sent to my grave, thanks to my Graceful Charity!” Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “And since I special summoned my Hero Kid, I get two more from my deck!” Two cards come out of Jaden's deck, Jaden puts them on his duel disk, and two more Hero Kids (300/600 X 2) come to the field in attack mode.
Dimitri says, with a cold sly grin, “And what are those little brats going to do for you? They can't stand up to my monster!”
Jaden yells out, with a dark sly grin, “They might be able to, but I sacrifice all three of them to summon someone who can!” Just then a huge wind comes onto the field as the three Hero Kids are sacrificed.
Atticus yells out, perplexed, “Hey, what's with the wind dudes?!”
Alexis thinks in her mind, horrified, “Oh no! Jaden isn't going to . . .!”
Jaden puts one card on his duel disk causing it to wildly spark and he yells out, “I summon my Egyptian God Card! Slifer the Sky Dragon! Come on down, pal!” The SOL members gasp in shock as a red beam of light goes into the sky and then a red lighting bolt crashes behind Jaden that transforms into Slifer the Sky Dragon (5000/5000) in attack mode.
Bastion yells out, horrified, “Oh no! He summoned another of the Egyptian God Cards!”
Yolei tells Bastion, in a cold annoyed tone, “We can see that, Bastion!”
Jaden tells Dimitri, who is shocked and horrified, in a dark tone, “Since you are too stunned to speak, dweeb, let me explain about my bud Slifer, here. He gains one thousand attack and defense points for every card in my hand and since I have five, he has five thousand attack and defense points!”
Dimitri yells out, horrified, “Five thousand?!”
Jaden puts one card in the spell/trap slots and exclaims, with a dark sly grin, “Yeah, but I'm going to lower it to play my Heavy Storm spell card! This card destroys the spell and trap cards on the field!” Just then a huge storm comes onto the field and Dimitri's face-down cards, Mirror Gate and Hero Barrier, are destroyed while Slifer's stats are reduced to 4000/4000!
Dimitri calls out, stunned, “Oh no! My trap cards!”
Jaden calls out, darkly, “Are gone, dweeb?! As if they would have been use to you anyway! Now, Slifer, attack his fraud of a hero with Thunder Force Strike!” Slifer roars as it fires a powerful yellow electric beam of energy at Flame Wingman, it plows into him, and the attack totally vaporizes him with the force of the explosion forcing all of the SOL members to cover their eyes with their arms, but Dimitri yells out in pain as he is greatly shocked with dark electrical energy as he loses 1900 life-points from the attack.
Dimitri falls to his knees, breathes heavily, and he says, wearily, “That . . . That hurt!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “And the pain is going to continue as long as you are a Society Dork! Why don't you a smart dweeb and stay down like the dog that you are?”
Amara yells at Dimitri, in cold serious tone, “Get up! Do you want to the nonbelievers to beat us?!”
Alexis yells at Dimitri, in cold serious tone, “Get up, dork, right now! You are making us and the Society of Light look bad!”
Ryoko says, with a dark nasty tone, “Actually, you, dweebs, do a good job of doing that yourselves.”
Dimitri gets to his feet and he says, in a cold defiant tone, “I'm standing, dork!”
Jaden tells Dimitri, with a dark nasty tone, “Bad move, dweeb! Make your move!”
Current Score:
Jaden: 3200
Dimitri: 2100
Dimitri draws one card from his deck, puts one card on his duel disk, and calls out, “I summon one monster face-down!” Soon after, a monster card appears on the field face-down in defense mode, Dimitri puts one card in the spell/trap slots, and he says, coldly, “I'll throw a face-down and end my turn!”
Jaden says, with a dark nasty tone, “Is that it?! So, sad!”
Dimitri tells Jaden, with a cold serious tone, “I'm not afraid of you, Jaden! I've got destiny and the Light on my side!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly tone, “You should be, geek!” Jaden draws one card from his deck, he gives a wider dark sly grin on his lips, and it unnerves the SOL members.
Mina says, worriedly, “That's not good when Jaden smiles like that, even it is dark.”
Bastion says, with a cold logical tone, “Yes. It means that he has drawn a good card.”
Jaden then says, with a dark serious tone, “Now, I play my Deck Master's special ability! Once per turn, I can Normal summon one high-level Elemental Hero from my hand without a sacrifice!” Jaden's Deck Master gives off a violet light, Jaden puts one card on his duel disk, and calls out, “And I choose my Elemental Hero Neos!” Soon after, Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000) comes to the field in attack mode. Jaden puts one card in the spell/trap slots and he says, “Next, I play my Monster Reborn! This card allows me to summon monster back from the graveyard and I choose the other monster that I sent to my grave, thanks to Graceful Charity! Neo-Spacian Dark Panther!” Soon after, Neo-Spacian Dark Panther (1000/100) comes to the field in attack mode. Jaden then puts one more card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Next, I play my Contact Soul! Since Neos is on the field, bad news for you loser, I can summon another Neo-Spacian from my deck, hand, or graveyard! And I choose my Neo-Spacian Glow Moss!” A card comes out of Jaden's deck, he puts one card on his duel disk, and Neo-Spacian (300/900) comes to the field in attack mode.
Dimitri tells Jaden, with a cold sly grin, “And what are those monsters going to do?!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “Simple, dweeb! They are going to kick your butt!” Jaden then calls out, as the outer space theme appears behind him, “Neos! Dark Panther! Glow Moss! Triple Contact Fusion!” The SOL members gasps in shock as the three named monsters leap into the sky.
Alexis yells out, stunned, “A triple fusion?!”
Jaden's friends and allies look up into the sky and Keiko says, amazed, “That's new.”
Yeshua says, in a plain and logical tone, “Jaden is mastering the power of the Neo-Space.”
As the three named monster cards return to Jaden's deck, Jaden takes a fusion monster card from his fusion deck, the three monsters combine in a bright light, and Jaden yells out, with a dark sly grin, “All right, dweeb, meet Elemental Hero Chaos Neos!” Out of the bright light, Elemental Hero Chaos Neos (3000/2500), a humanoid monster with black and silver helmet with red eyes, silver armor on his shoulders, upper chest, and lower arms, blue jewel on the center of the chest armor, black bodysuit, his right hand has huge three foot long and one foot thick claws as fingers, clawed feet, and two huge silver and dark red demonic-like wings, comes to the field in attack mode. Jaden then displays one more card from his hand, displays it to be the Eye of Timaeus Legendary Dragon card, and calls out, “But I'm far from finished, dweeb! I play my Legendary Dragon card: The Eye of Timaeus!”
Dimitri yells out, stunned, “There is no such card!”
Jaden calls out, in a dark nasty tone, “Then what do you call this?!” Just then Eye of Timaeus card gives off a rainbow glow. Then the card shoots a beam of energy into the sky and the Legendary Dragon Timaeus comes to the field with a mighty roar! Jaden yells out, darkly, “And now, Chaos Neos unite with my new pal, Timaeus!” Chaos Neos leaps up to Timaeus and the two of them are bathed in rainbow light. Jaden then calls out, with a dark sly grin, “Meet Elemental Hero Chaos Dragoon Neos!” Out of the light, Elemental Hero Chaos Dragoon Neos (4500/3000), a monster that has Timaeus having blood red eyes and having silver and black colored skin with Chaos Neos, wearing dark silver armor on its arms, legs, and chest and its wings are missing, on the field in attack mode.
Bastion yells out, shocked, “Egad! Forty-five thousand attack points?!”
Jaden says, with a dark nasty tone, “Well, at least your dorky friend can count!”
Dimitri says, in Jaden's voice, but in cold sly tone, “Well, bro, you have forgotten that you used nearly all of your cards! With only one card, Slifer the Sky Dragon only have a grand in power!”
Jaden puts the last card in his hand in the spell/trap slots and exclaims, with a dark sly tone, “Not for long, dork! I play my Card of Sanctity! Now, both of us have to draw until we have six cards in our hands!”
Ami says, worriedly, “Oh no! That will give Slifer the Sky Dragon six thousand attack points!”
Serena retorts, with a dark nasty tone, “Thank you, Sailor Obvious! We could have told you that dork!” Jaden and Dimitri draw six cards from their deck and Slifer the Sky Dragon's stats rise from 1000/1000 to 6000/6000!
Jaden then says, with a dark sly tone, “Next, I play Chaos Dragoon Neos' special ability! Chaos Chooser!” Just then a large dark blue dice appears in the sky, rolls greatly, and lands on the middle of the field.
Dimitri asks, perplexed, “What's going on?! What's with the dice?”
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “Confused, dork? Let me dumb this down for you in Dorkanese for you. Chaos Dragoon Neos has six special abilities, but he can only use one, once per turn. So, during every Main Phase number one, I roll this dice and what Chaos Dragoon Neos does to you is chosen by what number comes up. And if you know the future so well, dweeb, you know exactly what is coming up for you. Want to tell me?” However, Dimitri can't say a thing since he doesn't know. Just then the dice lands on the number six and Jaden says, with a dark sly tone, “Well, it is a six! That's good for me and bad for you since this effect destroys all cards on your side of the field, face-up or face-down!”
Dimitri yells out, stunned, “No! You can't!”
Jaden calls out, darkly, “I just did, dweeb! Neos, you and Timaeus use Banshee Screech!” Chaos Dragoon Neos fires a powerful sound wave from Timaeus' head that destroys Dimitri's face-down monster and his face-down card.
Dimitri calls out, shocked, “No! This can't be! I can't lose! Destiny is on my side!”
Jaden yells out, darkly, “Neos! Slifer! Show this dork what I think about his `Master' and his so called `destiny'! Get rid of this dork now! Chaos Dragonic Crusher! Thunder Force Strike!” Slifer and Chaos Dragoon Neos fire their attacks right at Dimitri and they slam into him with terrific force causing him to scream out in extreme pain from the attacks as well as getting shocked by dark electric energy as he loses 10,500 life-points, ending the duel immediately.
Final Score:
Jaden: 3200
Dimitri: 0
With the duel of the duel, a lot of smoke and dust cover Dimitri's form and when the smoke and dust cleared, Dimitri is badly burned, his uniform torn, and his eyes glazed over. The hologram fade away along with the shackles and Dimitri closes his eyes as his body hits the ground face-first while the black and dark violet shadows fade away.
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “That's game, dork!”
Rei tells Jaden, with a dark sly grin, “Way to go, Jay!”
Yusuke says, with a dark sly tone, “Yeah, you set that dweeb packing!”
Syrus says, amazed, “And Jaden didn't lose his temper at all.”
Jaden tells Syrus, with a dark sly grin and tone, “Ah, it was nothing, Syi! I've seen that white idiot, Crowler, duel plenty of times, so, I know how to keep my temper in check!”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, in a dark tone, “Impressive, Jaden. I never knew that you had it in you.” Everyone looks at the source of the voice to see none other than Zane Truesdale, with a duel disk attached to his left wrist and a dark sick smile on his face, come out of the shadows.
Syrus yells out, shocked and freaked out, “Zane?!” Hikari Urameshi's expression softens when she sees her crush before her. Zane looks at Hikari and winches in a slight bit of pain as images of the princess that looks like Hikari and the `dark knight' that looks like himself flow into his mind with more `erotic' images between the `dark knight' and the princess with the `dark knight' dominating and controlling the princess with the princess showing no resistance, but instead a look of pure lust, love, and desire in her eyes for the `dark knight' that similar to our Hell Kaiser.
Zane gets those images out of his mind for a moment and he says, with the sick smile, “Kari, you look good in black. You should ware it more often.” Hikari's cheeks flare up when she hears that comment.
Hotaru thinks in her mind, amazed, “So, this is Syrus-chan's older brother? He looks scary, but I don't think he is dangerous. Well, to any of us, that is.”
Jaden asks Zane, curiously, “So, Zane, what brings you to our neck of the woods?”
Zane replies, with a dark plain tone, “Sheppard invited me for his little `GX tournament' and I wasn't sure about coming, but I thought that this would be a good chance to try out a new deck that I acquired.” Zane looks at the SOL members with a dark deadly gaze and he says, darkly, “Personally, I wasn't going to come until the start of the GX tournament, but when I heard about this fucking Society of Light taking over the school, I thought that would perfect guinea pigs for my new Underworld deck!”
Lita yells out, in a cold indignant tone, “Guinea Pigs?!”
Keiko asks, perplexed, “Underworld deck?”

Yeshua replies, with a logical and plain tone, “Yes, Underworld deck. It is the dark opposite of Zane's original Cyber Dragon deck and it contains a powerful deck force. It is a Forbidden deck much like Kari Kamiya's two new decks, your Hellfire deck, Keiko, Yusuke's new Hell Dragon deck, and Serena's Advanced Crystal Beast deck. What you don't know about Zane is that he is the heir to an ancient Duel Monsters' legacy known as the Cyber Legacy and that deck was stored away for good reason. However, Zane dueled Chancellor Sheppard and took the deck away. But I'm not sure that Chancellor Sheppard is right about the deck's dark powers consuming away Zane's soul. In his new `Hell Kaiser' persona, Zane is not the type of person to get conquered by a `dark deck' much like you, Serena.”
Zane then takes two black briefcases from where he was hiding, goes over to our heroes and heroines, and he says, with a dark sick smile, “Personally, even through I was using that stupid `Respect Dueling' philosophy of mine at the time, this place gave me plenty of the skills that I needed to become the powerful duelists that I am today and I was not going to let some freak who thinks that we have no control over our lives turn it into the home of his dumb cult! So, I decided to come here to take care of this problem for good!”
Kira says, with a dark plain tone, “It seems you and the rest of us share the same `thing' for these Society Dorks: We want to crush them flat!”
Zane says, with a dark serious tone, “Indeed! I was going to show them that true dueling power doesn't come from some fucking `Light' or `destiny' and take apart this dumb Society of Trash piece by pathetic piece!” Zane then says, looking at the SOL members with a dark sick smile that unnerves them slightly, “However, I heard rumors that this `trash problem' was already being taken care of by some `old friends' of mine. I come here to the harbor and what do I find? Jaden Yuki using the powers of darkness and Shadow Realm to beat these dorks flat. However, I can see that you and all of your friends, here, have embraced the darkness while staying true to themselves . . . for the moment. Needless to say, I'm impressed.”
Jaden rubs his head and says, with a dark sly grin, “Wow! I've just got a compliment from Zane, the Hell Kaiser of Duel Academy!”
Zane tells Jaden, with a dark sick smile on his lips, “Since we have a common foe to defeat, why don't we team up? Also, all of us could rule the world of dueling and make names for ourselves.”
Jaden looks at his friends, they give silent nods, including Syrus, and Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “Okay, you've got it, Zane, old pal!” Jaden and Zane then shake hands and the group turned back to the stunned SOL members. Jaden tells Zane, with a dark sly grin, “By the way, Zane, do you want to join our own organization? It is dedicated the protection of real duelists and the crushing of these Society Dorks. The teachers that are not dumb enough to go with that freak are in it, too. It is called the Shadow Academia.”
Zane says, with a dark sick smile on his lips, “Shadow Academia, huh? I like the name of it. Consider myself a brand new member.”
Serena comes forward and she says, with a dark sly grin while holding out a card, “Zane-sempai, I'm one of Jaden's newest friends. I am Serena Tsukino, the Princess of the Obelisk Blue dorm, and the current Chancellor of Duel Academy.”
Zane's eyebrow quirks up and he says, with a dark serious tone, “A student in charge of Duel Academy?”
Hikari tells Zane, with a dark serious tone motioning to Crowler and Bonaparte, “Those two were the original Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor and they didn't do a thing before going into that vile cult.”
Jaden says, with a dark snarl, “Yeah! It is a good thing that we took the power away from those two idiots and then the teachers gave it to Serena and Hikari in order to keep these mindless mutts in line!”
Crowler yells out, in a cold annoyed tone, “Mindless mutts?!”
Serena calls out, in a dark nasty tone, “You don't like it, dork! Too bad! That's what you and your pathetic Society members are!”
Alexis yells out, in a cold annoyed tone, “You are really starting to push it, Tsukino?!”
Kira exclaims, with a dark nasty tone, “Ooh, we are so scared! Ha! Didn't you forget who beat your ass to the ground last time you white whore?!”
Atticus yells out, with a cold angered tone, “Watch what you say about my sister, Kira, or else!” Just then two Spirit Gun blasts pass by Atticus' cheeks, scratching him. Everyone looks to see Yusuke Urameshi and Hikari Urameshi were the ones that fired those attacks.
Hikari calls out, in a dark angered tone, “Try to threaten our sister, again, asshole . . .!!”
Yusuke roars out, with a dark deadly glare and dark deadly tone, “. . . AND WE WILL MAKE SURE TO GET RID OF THAT PRETTY FACE FOR GOOD, SURFER BOY!!!” The SOL members winch in fear from Yusuke's outburst.
Zane says, with a dark plain tone, “So, it seems like using special powers run in the family.”
Yusuke says, surprised, “You aren't surprised?!”
Jaden tells Yusuke, a bit nervously with Hikari blushing, “Actually, Yusuke, Zane is among the few that know about Hikari's Spirit Gun before you and the others came to Duel Academy.”
Zane says, with a dark serious tone, “I learned why that you didn't mess with her or get her angry back in the day.”
Kira tells Hikari, with a dark sly grin, “Ooh, I see . . . Hey, Zane, did you know . . .?!”
Hikari yells out, in a dark annoyed tone, “Hey, Kira, cut that out! Beside, we've got more important things to do!”
Zane steps forward, taking one of the briefcases with him, and he says, with a dark sick smile on his face, “Allow me. If we are going to be allies, I'm going to need to prove my worth in the new organization and what better way than taking out one of these dorks.”
Serena throws Zane the card she is holding and she calls out, with a dark sly smile, “Zane-sempai, catch!” Zane catches the card, looks at it, his eyes widen at it, and she says, with a dark sly grin, “I think that you would agree that this card would go well with your Forbidden deck, wouldn't you say? And since you are a top pro and Syi's elder brother, you should be a top member of the Shadow Academia.”
Zane tells Serena, with a dark sick smile, “Well, we agree on both accounts, Miss Tsukino.”
Serena tells Zane, with a dark sly smile, “Please, Zane-sempai, call me Serena. My REAL friends do.”
Zane says, with a dark sly grin, “Of course, Serena.” Zane then shuffles the card that Serena gave him with into his Underworld deck and turns to face Atticus. Zane tells Atticus, with a dark sly grin, “Okay, dork, I'm calling you out to a duel! Unless you are scared to duel me `little Atti'?!”
Atticus yells out, in a cold indignant tone, “Little Atti?!”
Alexis tells Atticus, concerned tone, “Don't do it, Atticus! We're not sure what Zane will do with this new `dark persona' of his!”
Zane kicks open the briefcase and he yells out, darkly, “This is what you would expect when you duel me!” Everyone then looks at our darkened heroes and heroines and the SOL members gasp in shock to see six black shackles in the briefcase.
Jasmine yells out, stunned, “Whoa! Are those what I think they are?!”
Izzy says, with a dark logical tone, “Yes. Those are the same shackles that are used in the Underground duels. Every time that a duelist loses life-points, you get a powerful electrical shock and the length of the shock depends on the amount of life-points lost.”
Jaden asks Zane, with a dark serious tone, “Zane, did you . . . did you participate in the Underground Dueling Circuit?”
Zane tells Jaden, with a dark sick smile, “Yes, I did. In fact, it was the Underground Dueling that help take my dueling skills to the next level! They taught me the way to true power and that you have to use your anger and rage to win in duels, in which you make your own rules and strive for victory!”
Our heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Davis yells out, stunned, “Whoa! No wonder that Zane is this way!”
Yusuke tells his friends, with a dark serious tone, “Back in my street punk days, I've heard about the Underground Dueling Circuit and many of the rumors that I heard about them make what I did as a street punk look picking flowers.”
Mimi says, worriedly, “Scary.”
Tai says, with a dark serious tone, “And unfortunately, it might be true.”
Hikari thinks in her mind, stunned and a bit horrified, “So, this is why that Zane is acting this way? Who knows what kind of things that they made him go through in the Underground Dueling Circuit?!”
Zane says, with a dark serious tone, “However, I've also learned that you use your true power as a duelist to win and not rely on some kind of cheating power or some fucking `destiny' or `Light' to win! It's time that these pathetic little dogs learn what true power is all about!”
Lita yells out, in a cold angered tone, “Okay, you are starting to push it pal!”
Ami says, stunned and in a cold plain tone, “You can't expect Atticus-semapi use those shackles!”
Mina yells out, with a cold serious tone, “Are you out of your minds?!”
Rei retorts, with a dark nasty tone, “Oh, like your dorks aren't?!”
Zane says, with a dark sick smile on his lips and a dark sly tone, “Ha! I knew it! Your so called `Light' and `destiny' is nothing, but mindless garbage and your `Master' must be the weakest of you all!”
Amara yells out, in a cold angered tone, “How dare you insult Sartorius-sama and insult the power of the Light like that?!”
Zane then retorts, with a dark sick smile, “Then why is `little Atti' too chicken to duel me and prove which is stronger! Your fucking `Light' or my Underworld deck?!”
Atticus yells out, with a cold serious tone, “Fine! Let's go Truesdale!” Atticus takes Dimitri's duel disk, takes out Dimitri's copy of Jaden's original Elemental Heroes deck, puts it with Dimitri, attached the duel disk to his left wrist, puts his deck into his duel disk, while Zane puts his deck into his duel disk, and Zane then throws him three of the shackles. Atticus and Zane put the shackles on their necks and their upper arms and activate their duel disks causing the life-point counters on the duel disks to display 4000 life-point each.
Tyranno whispers to Syrus, in a dark curious tone, “Do you know what that dork is playing?”
Syrus tells Tyranno, with a dark serious tone, “Atticus is playing a `White Night's deck' similar to his Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon deck when he was Nightshroud.”
Atticus yells out at Syrus, in a cold annoyed tone, “Hey, traitor, why don't you keep your mouth shut?!”
Jaden yells out, in a dark angered tone, “You threaten Syi, again, asshole and I will kick in a place that's so not sweet! GOT IT?!”
Hotaru calls out, in a dark serious tone, “And you will experience what I'm called the Sailor Scout of Destruction FIRST HAND!!” Jaden and Hotaru give Atticus and the SOL member dark deadly glares that unnerve all of them.
Michelle tells Amara and Trista, with a cold serious tone, “What have those nonbelievers done to our Firefly?”
Amara tells Michelle, with a cold serious and reassuring tone, “Don't worry, Michelle. We'll get Firefly back when we make sure that all of the nonbelievers see the light.”
Kari thinks in her mind, darkly, “Not in this lifetime, you damn tool!”
Atticus says, with a cold plain tone, “Whatever! Let's just get this over with Truesdale!”
Keiko tells the SOL members and she says, with a dark sly grin, “And the conditions still stand, if geek boy manages to get a win, you get a new member, but when Zane wins, Atti has to leave the Society of Light for good!”
Alexis yells out, with a cold serious tone, “Not going to happen! He has got destiny on his side!”
Yolei calls out, with a cold serious tone, “Yeah!”
Davis yells out, with a dark nasty tone, “Would you damn mutts keep it down?! You are putting me to sleep with your damn mindless gibberish!” Atticus and Zane draw five cards from their decks as they prepared to duel.
“Let's duel!!!” Atticus and Zane yell out in unison as their duel begins.
Starting Scores:
Zane: 4000
Atticus: 4000
Sasami says, with a dark serious tone, “I can't believe that they are going through with this duel!”
Ryoko asks, with a dark plain tone, “But can dork boy beat one of the strongest duelists in the Pro Leagues?!”
Keiko says, with a dark sly grin, “That dweeb beat Syi's elder brother? Doubtful.”
Hikari says, with a dark sly grin, “You know it, girlfriend!”
Zane draws one card from his deck and yells out, darkly, “I'll go first!” Zane's Field Spell slot opens, he puts a card in the spell/trap slots, and he yells out, darkly, “I'll play this card first! A field spell known as Fallen Paradise!” The Field Spell slot on Zane's duel disk closes and the field transforms into a large barren mountainside and Zane calls out, darkly, “Thanks to this card, during every Main Phase, I'm allowed to draw two more cards from my deck!” Zane draws two more cards from his deck, displays a spell card with a picture of hand trapped in molten lava with a card on top of the hand, Zane puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, darkly, “Next, I play another spell card! Underworld Treasure! This card allows me to draw two cards every Draw Phase as long as this card remains on the field! However, there is a price with this card, during every Standby Phase, I give up five hundred life-points!”
Our heroes and heroines and SOL members give looks of shock causing Ayeka to say, “But every turn, Lord Zane will lose life-points and get shocked by those shackles. Won't he be hurt?”
Tenchi tells Ayeka, with a dark serious tone, “I'm not sure, Ayeka. With what I hear about those types of duels, I'm not sure much affects Syi's brother anymore.”
Syrus and Hikari think in their minds, worriedly, “I hope Zane knows what he is doing.”
Zane puts one card on his duel disk and says, darkly, “Next, I summon my Cyber Dark Gardna in defense mode!” Soon after, Cyber Dark Gardna (800/1800), a black humanoid machine monster with red glowing eyes and a large black metal shield in front of it, comes to the field in defense mode. Zane puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and he says, darkly, “I'll throw these down and end my turn.”
Atticus draws one card from his deck and calls out, coldly, “My move!” Atticus puts one card on his duel disk and calls out, with a cold serious tone, “Okay, come out, Purple-Eyes White Chick!” Just then Purple-Eyes White Chick (800/500), a monster that's a white egg comes on the field and out of the egg hatches a baby dragon that looks similar to Red-Eyes Black Chick, expect it had white scales and purple colored eyes, comes to the field in attack mode. Atticus then puts another card from his hand onto his duel disk and calls out, in a cold serious tone, “And checks this out, Zane! If I send my little chick to the grave, I can summon my Purple-Eyes White Dragon!” Soon after, the white baby dragon fully emerges from the shell and transforms into the Purple-Eyes White Dragon (2400/2000), a huge dragon similar to Red-Eyes Black Dragon, expect with white scales and purple eyes. Atticus then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, coldly, “Next, I play my Fairy Meteor Crush! With this card, whenever my dragon destroys a monster in defense mode! The difference between its attack points and the defending monster's defense points is dealt to you as damage!”
Zane says, with a dark annoyed tone, “Do you think that scares me, dork?!”
Atticus tells Zane, with a cold serious tone, “You had better be worried about my dragon's ability! I can reveal one face-down card on your side of the field and destroy it!” Atticus points to one of Zane's face-down cards and exclaims, coldly, “And I choose that one!” Zane's face-down card is revealed the Mirror Force trap card and it shatters apart as it is destroyed. Atticus gives a cold sly grin and yells out, “White Dragon, attack his Cyber Dark Gardna, now! Luminous Flare Blast!” Atticus' dragon launches a sphere of fiery red and gold energy at Zane's monster, destroys it, and thanks to the equip spell, Zane loses 600 life-points causing the shackles to activate and shock him with red electrical energy, but he doesn't even scream out. In fact, his sick smile becomes even wider and he starts to chuckle darkly, which disturbs Atticus. Atticus yells out, in disbelief, “Oh, come on, here, but you've got be feeling something!”
Zane tells Atticus, with a dark tone, “Sorry, dweeb, but I don't feel a thing!”
Even our heroes and heroines are shocked and Rei tells Tenchi, with a plain tone, “Now, we see what you mean, Tenchi.”
Kuwabara yells out, stunned, “Whoa! He got shocked real bad and he didn't even flinch!”
Zane tells Atticus, with a dark sick smile on his lips, “And by the way, dweeb, by destroying my Cyber Dark Gardna, you've activates its special ability! Now, I get one monster with `Cyber Dark' in its name from my deck to my hand!” A card comes out of Zane's deck and he puts it into his hands. Soon after, he displays Cyber Dark Horn (800/800) monster card and he yells out, darkly, “And I choose my Cyber Dark Horn!”
Mina asks, perplexed, “Cyber Dark what?”
Ami asks, confused, “I never heard of that monster before.”
Yusuke whispers to his friends, in a dark serious tone, “Well, I do. My new Hell Dragon deck has that same card along with several other `Cyber Dark' monsters.”
Jaden asks Yusuke, surprised, “Are you sure?” Yusuke gives a nod and Zane, managing to hear this, gives a curious eyebrow at this.
Atticus puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, coldly, “I'll place this face-down and end my turn!”
Current Score:
Zane: 3400
Atticus: 4000
Zane pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, darkly, “Before I begin, I will play my trap card! Collateral Shockwave!” Zane's face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with the picture of a large building collapsing into another building and Zane says, with a dark sick smile, “When I lose life-points thanks to an effect of my own spell or trap cards, you lose the same amount that I do!”
Atticus yells out, shocked, “Say what?!”
Zane replies, darkly, “You heard me, dork!” Zane draws two cards from his deck and calls out, darkly, “Now, let the destruction begin! Thanks to my Underworld Treasure, I lose five hundred life-points, but thanks to my trap, so do you!” Just then Atticus' and Zane's shackles activate at the same time and both are shocked with red electric energy, but Atticus is the one yelling out in pain as he is shocked as Zane just darkly smirks.
Alexis and Mina yells out in shock, “Atticus!”
Zane tells Atticus, with a dark sick smile on his lips, “Is the pain too much for you, dork?! Well, prepare for some more! Thanks to Fallen Paradise, I get two more cards from my deck!” Zane draws two more cards from his deck and puts them into his hand. Zane puts one card on his duel disk and calls out, darkly, “Now, meet Cyber Dark Horn!” Soon after, Cyber Dark Horn (800/800) comes to the field in attack mode. Zane then says, with a dark sly grin, “When this card is summoned, it takes one level four or less dragon from either of our graveyards and equips it to itself! So, I'll take your Purple-Eyes White Chick!” Soon after, a beam of light comes from Atticus' graveyard, goes in front of Cyber Dark Horn, the light transforms into Purple-Eyes White Chick, Cyber Dark Horn captures it in its claws, attached IV wires into its head, and Cyber Dark Horn's stats rise from 800/800 to 1600/800!
Kuwabara yells out, stunned, “Whoa! What is that monster doing?!”
Lita says, a bit disgusted, “I think that I'm going to be sick.”
Zane tells Atticus, with a dark sick smile, “Now, all the power that your chick had is being transferred to a real monster and when Cyber Dark Horn attacks a monster in defense mode, if its defense points are weaken then my monster's attack points, then the difference is given to you as damage.” Zane then puts one card in the spell/trap slots and he says, darkly, “Next, I give my monster the equip spell known as Megamorph! Since my life-points are less than yours, this card doubles my monster's original attack points!” Cyber Dark Horn's stats rise from 1600/800 to 2400/800!
Atticus says, stunned, “Now, that monster is equal to my dragon.”
Zane says, with a dark sly grin, “Actually, my monster has a slight advantage. You see, by sacrificing your chick, it can't be destroyed in battle!”
Davis yells out, amazed, “Whoa! That's one strong monster and one powerful ability!”
Zane yells out, darkly, “Dark Horn, attack his dragon with Dark Spear!” Cyber Dark Horn fires a beam of dark energy from its four dark horns right at Purple-Eyes White Dragon.
Atticus pushes a button on his duel disk and he says, coldly, “Not so fast! I play my trap! Negate Attack!” Atticus' face-down card is revealed to be the Negate Attack trap card and a shield protects Purple-Eyes White Dragon.
Zane tells Atticus, darkly, “I'll end my turn and let you off the hook for now.”
Current Score:
Zane: 2900
Atticus: 3500
Atticus draws one card from his deck, puts the card in the spell/trap slots, and he says, “I play Pot of Greed! This gives me two more cards from my deck!” Atticus draws two more cards from his deck, puts one card on his duel disk, and calls out, in a cold serious tone, “Okay, it is time I brought my A-game! Later, pal!” Soon after, Purple-Eyes White Dragon roars as it is sacrificed and Atticus yells out, in a cold strong tone, “I summon Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon!” Purple-Eyes White Dragon turns into sickly white flames and those flames turn into Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon (2400/2000), a monster similar in shape to Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon expect it has golden stripes along its body and head with six white metallic dragon wings coming out its back, in attack mode.
Jaden whistles and says, with a dark plain tone, “Well, that's a dragon all right.”
Hikari says, darkly, “Well, Zane will destroy it in no time.”
Keiko nods her head and states, while going into Yusuke's arms and in a dark serious tone, “Along with its loser of an owner!”
Atticus then says, with a cold serious tone, “And since Purple-Eyes White Dragon is in the graveyard, he gets stronger by three hundred attack points.” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats rise from 2400/2000 to 2700/2000!
Rei rolls her eyes and states, in a dark annoyed tone, “That's real original!”
Atticus then yells out, darkly, “Now, Purple-Eyes, destroy his Cyber Dark Horn with Infernal Light Fire!” Atticus' dragon launches a beam of white fire energy right Cyber Dark Horn, but only Purple-Eyes White Chick is destroyed, reducing Dark Horn's stats to 1600/800, however, Zane does loses 300 life-points causing him to get shocked, but he doesn't even flinch from the electrical assault.
Zane tells Atticus, with a dark sly grin on his lips, “Is that all?! Too bad, but my Cyber Dark Horn is safe! Your chick took the hit for it! Sorry about that!”
Atticus tells Zane, with a cold plain tone, “Don't be! Since my Chick is back in the grave, Purple-Eyes get an additional three hundred attack points.” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats increase from 2700/2000 to 3000/2000! Atticus puts one card in the spell/trap slots and says, “Next, I'll play this spell card! Super Rejuvenation!” Now, for every dragon that's sacrificed, I get a new card!” Atticus draws one card from his deck and puts it into his hand.
Current Score:
Zane: 2600
Atticus: 3500
Zane draws two cards from his deck and calls out, “I assume that you are done! Now, thanks to Underworld Treasure and Collateral Shockwave, both of us lose five hundred life-points!” Zane's and Atticus' shackles activate at the same time, they get shocked, but Atticus is the only one screaming in pain as he and Zane lose 500 life-points each.
Atticus groans out in pain and he says, wearily, “So, what?! I've still got more life-points than you, Zane!”
Zane pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, darkly, “You might want to recheck your math because I play this! Emergency Provisions!” Zane's face-down card is the Emergency Provisions Quick-Spell card and Zane yells out, darkly, “This card destroys one spell or trap card on my side of the field and I regain one thousand life-points! And I choose my Dark Horn's Megamorph!” Soon after, the hologram of Megamorph vanishes, Dark Horn's stats reduce back down to 800/800, and Zane's life-points increase by 1000. Zane then draws two more cards from his deck and calls out, “Next, I play Fallen Paradise's effect and draw two more cards from my deck!” Zane puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, darkly, “I'm not done, yet! I play my Hinotama spell card! This card takes five hundred points away from you automatically!” Atticus gasps in shock and he yelps out as he is hit by dozens of fireballs causing his shackles to activate and he yells out in pain as he loses 500 more life-points while he is being shocked.
The SOL members, minus Trista, yell out in unison and in horror, “Atticus!”
Michelle says, stunned, “This nonbeliever is just plain sick. This is just as terrible as these Shadow Duels that they have been forcing on us or worse.”
Ami tells Michelle, with a cold logical tone, “I know, but Atticus-semapi can win. He has the power of light on his side.”
Zane puts one card on his duel disk and calls out, “Next, I summon my Cyber Dark Edge!” Soon after, Cyber Dark Edge (800/800) comes to the field in attack mode. Zane then says, with a dark sick smile, “Like Dark Horn, my Dark Edge can go grave-robbing and then feed on its victim's attack points! So, I choose to take your Chick, again!” Soon after, a beam of light comes from Atticus' graveyard, the beam of light stops in front of Cyber Dark Edge, it transforms into Purple-Eyes White Chick, Cyber Dark Edge captures it in its claws, puts IV wires into its forehead, and its stats rise from 800/800 to 1600/800! Zane then says, with a dark serious tone, “And with that little scrub back on the field, your dragon loses three hundred attack points!” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats go down from 3000/2000 to 2700/2000! Zane then yells out, darkly, “And now, Dark Edge's effect activates, by cutting its power in half, it can attack you directly!”
Alexis yells out, flabbergasted, “You're kidding me!” Cyber Dark Edge's stats go down from 1600/800 to 800/800, flies up as it bypasses Atticus' dragon, and launches a powerful wind attack that strikes Atticus directly causing him to yell out in pain as he get shocked again as he loses 800 life-points.
Mina calls out, horrified, “Atticus-sempai!”
Zane puts two cards in the spell/trap slots and he says, darkly, “I'll place this cards face-down and give you a break!”
Current Score:
Zane: 3100
Atticus: 1700
Atticus gets to his feet, draws one card from his deck, and yells out, in a cold angered tone, “You will pay for that, Zane! Mark my words!” Atticus looks at the card that he drew and he yells out, in cold serious tone, “Yes!” Atticus puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “Now, I play my Card of Sanctity! Both of us are forced to draw until we have six cards in our hands, but since you have a full hand, I get more cards!” Since Zane has a full hand, only Atticus then draws more cards from his deck until he has six cards in his hand. Atticus says, with a cold serious tone, “Perfect!” Atticus puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, “I play Dragon Heart spell card! For this turn, I can't Normal summon a monster, but I can do this!” Atticus takes out his deck, takes three cards from his deck, puts his deck back in his duel disk, discards his Mirage Dragon (1600/600), Troop Dragon (700/800), and Attachment Dragon (100/100) to the graveyard, and calls out, “Discard three dragons to the graveyard to increase my dragon's power by one thousand, but since three more dragons are in the graveyard, he gets nine hundred more points! Now, that's what I call power!” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats rise from 2700/2000 to 4600/2000! Atticus then puts one more card in the spell/trap slots and he calls out, coldly, “And to make my dragon even more deadly, I play my White Veil!” Atticus' dragon gives off a bright white aura as White Veil equipped.
Alexis yells out, with a cold sly tone, “Yes!”
Mina calls out, excitedly, “Atticus-sempai has got him now!”
Kagome says, with a cold sly grin, “With White Veil, Atticus can't lose!”
Zane pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, darkly, “Doubtful, geek! I play my trap! Curse Seal of the Forbidden Spell!” Zane's face-down card is revealed to be the Curse Seal of Forbidden trap card, Zane discards his Photon Generator Unit Quick-spell card, and yells out, darkly, “By discarding one spell card from my hand, your spell card is destroyed and you can no longer use the same spell for the rest of the duel!” Atticus yells out in shock as his White Veil spell card is destroyed causing the white aura around his dragon to fade away.
Bastion yells out, shocked, “Great Scott! Zane can counter White Veil now!”
Atticus yells out, with a cold angered tone, “You will pay for that Zane! White Night's Dragon attack his Dark Edge with Infernal Light Fire!” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon launches a beam of white fire energy right Cyber Dark Edge, destroying Purple-Eyes White Chick, leaving Cyber Dark Edge alive, and Atticus says, with a cold sly grin, “Even through your dragon survived that attack, I'm afraid that you still lose three thousand life-points.”
Zane pushes a button on his duel disk and calls out, “Wrong, again, dork! You need to improve on your math skills! I play my Power Wall!” Zane's face-down card is revealed to be the Power Wall trap card and he calls out, darkly, “And I ditch thirty cards from my deck!” Zane then takes thirty cards from his deck and throws them into the air surprising both sides, heroes and heroines and SOL.
Syrus asks, perplexed, “What kind of card did Zane play?”
Zane yells out, with a dark sick smile, “It's called Power Wall, Syi! I can play it when my life-points are under threat from Battle Damage! For every card that I scrap, my damage is reduced by one hundred points! And since I ditched thirty cards, I get to keep the three thousand points that little Atti, there, tried to take away!”
Mindy exclaims, stunned, “Whoa! That's a powerful card!”
Syrus says, concerned, “But Zane . . . he treated his cards like trash.”
Hikari thinks in her mind, concerned, “What happened to you, Zane?”
Alexis calls out, in a cold serious tone, “This is nuts! Atticus, you should have known that Zane has a trap card that negated Battle Damage!”
Atticus tells Alexis, in a cold plain tone, “I know, sis! But I'm having the same problem as Chazz had before with Serena! I can't see her face-downs! My power is being blocked!”
Amara yells out, stunned, “Blocked?! That's impossible! The Light reveals all to us!”
Serena calls out, with a dark nasty tone, “Don't count on it, wench!”
Trista exclaims, in a cold plain tone, “What have you done, Serena?!”
Jaden replies, with a dark nasty tone, “Wouldn't you like to know, bitch?!”
Atticus puts one card in the spell/trap slots and he says, coldly, “Fine! I play one face-down and end my turn! With only a few cards left, there is little that you can do.” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats decrease from 4900/2000 to 3900/2000, since the end of the effect of the Dragon Heart spell card.
Zane draws two cards from his deck and calls out, darkly, “Doubtful, dork! Now, thanks to my two cards, Underworld Treasure and Collateral Shockwave, we lose five hundred life-points!” Atticus' and Zane's shackles activates, but only Atticus yells out in pain as he and Zane loses 500 life-points each. Zane says, with a dark sly grin, “Normally, I can add more cards from my deck to my hand thanks to Fallen Paradise, but I won't need to since I've got what need to end this duel!”
Atticus yells out, in a cold serious tone, “You lie!”
Zane puts one card in the spell/trap slots and yells out, darkly, “I play Polymerization!” I fuse my Cyber Dark Horn, Cyber Dark Edge . . .!” Zane then displays his Cyber Dark Keel (800/800) monster card and yells out, darkly, “. . . and my Cyber Dark Keel!” The monster appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with the other two monsters, the three monster cards are sent to the graveyard, and Zane puts a fusion monster card from his fusion deck on his duel disk.
Tai yells out, amazed, “No way!”
Davis calls out, stunned, “Something tells me that this is going to be big folks!”
Zane yells out, darkly, “Meet Cyber Dark Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Cyber Dark Dragon (1000/1000) comes to the field in attack mode.
Atticus says, with a cold sly grin, “It takes more than that to impressive me. Your dragon is lacking in power.”
Zane calls out, with a dark sick smile on his lips, “You are forgetting two important words, dweeb: Special effect! When my Cyber Dark Dragon is summoned, it can take a dragon monster from either of our graveyard and equip it to itself!” Zane points to Atticus and yells out, darkly, “So, hand over your Purple-Eyes!” Atticus gasps in shock, a sphere of light comes from his graveyard, it goes to Cyber Dark Dragon, and it transforms into Purple-Eyes White Dragon. The monster is captured in Cyber Dark Dragon's claws, IV wires attached to its head, and Cyber Dark Dragon's stats rise from 1000/1000 to 3400/1000! Zane then says, with a dark sly grin, “And with one less dragon in your graveyard, you White Night's Dragon loses three hundred attack points!” Purple-Eyes White Night's Dragon's stats reduce down from 3900/2000 to 3600/2000!
Alexis says, with a cold plain tone, “So, what?! Atticus' dragon is still stronger!”
Zane yells out, with a dark sick smile, “But my dragon has one more ability left, dork! For every card in my grave, Cyber Dark Dragon gains one hundred attack points!” Everyone else gasp in shock and Zane says, with a dark sly grin, “And I've got forty cards in my grave!”
Jaden calls out, amazed, “Whoa! That's what he ditched all of his cards!”
Syrus says, concerned, “Yeah, but that's not like Zane to do something like that.”
Chazz says, with a dark serious tone, “Yeah, Syrus, but Zane is as good as ever. He calculated every possibility in this duel to the letter if there is plenty of the `old Zane' still left in him.”
Yeshua says, with a plain and logical tone, “And you are correct, Chazz Princeton. Zane did calculate this very strategy.”
Hikari thinks in her mind, curiously, “So, there could be some of the `old Zane' left!”
Bastion calls out, shocked, “Great Scott! With forty cards, that makes four thousand extra attack points!”
Alexis yells out, in a cold annoyed tone, “We know that Bastion! We can count!” Cyber Dark Dragon's stats rise from 3400/1000 to 7400/1000!
Atticus thinks in his mind, with a cold sly grin, “Zane may think that he got me beat, but he is forgetting my face-down Mirror Force! When he attacks, his dragon will be gone and I'll be free to end this! And even if he manages to dodge this, he will still lose next turn! I knew that even Zane couldn't stop destiny!”
Zane puts one card in the spell/trap slots and calls out, darkly, “If you think that your face-down card is going to help you, then you would be wrong, dork! I play my Trap Booster! By discarding one card from my hand, I can play one trap card from my hand!” Zane discards one card from his hand, puts another card in the spell/trap slots, and calls out, “And I play the card that current Chancellor gave me! Darkness Veil!” Just then the hologram of the Darkness Veil trap card comes to the field and Cyber Dark Dragon becomes pitch black with dark red glowing eyes.
Lita yells out, in a cold tone, “What?! Serena gave him that fucking trap card?!”
Zane calls out, with a dark sick smile, “No duh, dork! And thanks to Darkness Veil, your dorky friend's spell and trap are useless, they are destroyed, and he loses four hundred points per card! And plus, since two more cards are in the grave, Cyber Dark Dragon gains two hundred more attack points!” Cyber Dark Dragon's stats rise 7400/1000 to 7600/1000!
Alexis yells out, with a cold serious tone, “That's it! I'm ending this duel right now!”
Ayeka says, with a dark nasty tone, “Not this time, commoner! Azaka! Kamidake!” Just then electric energy field forms around Alexis and she is lifted into the air by Azaka and Kamidake.
Alexis yells out, in a cold serious tone, “What in hell is going on here?! I'm stuck!”
Kiyone says, seriously, “Those are guardians of the Jurai royal family! They are Ayeka's guardians known as Azaka and Kamidake!”
Keiko says, with a dark sly grin, “And Ayeka and Sasami aren't the only Juraians or did you forget dorks?!” Keiko then transforms into her `Dark Jurian form' and she creates a Jurian seal around all of the SOL causing them to groan and moan as they couldn't move.
Mina yells out, shocked, “I can't move!”
Bastion calls out, perplexed, “What in the world is this?!”
Kiyone says, with a cold serious tone, “It's a Juraian seal! It has been used on Ryoko before, but this one is really powerful!”
Sasami says, with a dark nasty tone, “What do you expect from the granddaughter of Lady Amaterasu?!”
Atticus yells out, shocked, “Stop this!”
Davis tells Atticus, with a dark nasty sneer, “Sorry, dweeb, but we're not stopping until this duel is over and you are defeated!”
Zane calls out, darkly, “And that defeat comes right now! Cyber Dark Dragon, destroy his White Night's Dragon! Get rid of that peon with Darkness Hellfire Roar!” Cyber Dark Dragon unearthly roar as it sends a powerful deadly shockwave towards Atticus' White Night's Dragon, destroying it and Atticus' face-down Mirror Force trap card, and Atticus yells out in extreme pain and agony as he is shocked by the shackles as he loses 4400 life-points, ending the duel.
Final Score:
Zane: 2600
Atticus: 0
With the end of the duel, the hologram fades away and Atticus falls onto the ground on his stomach and into unconsciousness.
Alexis and Mina yell out in horror, “Atticus!” Alexis and Mina struggle to try to escape from the `traps' that were put on them, but Rei takes out the Millennium Rod from her subspace pocket while Keiko, Davis, Jaden, and Serena summon their Millennium Ring, Millennium Puzzle, Millennium Key, and Millennium Necklace. All five Millennium Items glow with bright golden lights while the Millennium Symbol appears on their foreheads.
Serena yells out, with a dark sly grin, “Sorry, dweebs, but they belong with us!”
Yusuke calls out, darkly, “So, it is time for you losers to get lost!”
Jaden says, with a dark sly grin, “Later, dorks!” Soon after, the group of SOL members, minus their two defeated members, Dimitri and Atticus, vanish through some kind of teleportation.
Jasmine says, with a dark plain tone, “Good riddance!”
Mindy nods her head and she says, darkly, “No joke! They made me sick!” Soon after, Serena and the others go over to Zane, who takes off his shackles, gathered all of his cards, reshuffles his deck, and puts her deck back in his pockets.
Zane asks the group with a dark sly grin, “Do I pass your `test'?”
Davis says, with a nod of his head, “Yep! Boy, do you ever and with flying colors!”
Zane says, with a dark sick smile, “I expect nothing less!” Zane says, with a dark serious tone, “However, you are going to need to explain some thing because if I didn't know better, there seemed to be aliens involved here!”
Serena tells Zane, with a dark plain tone, “If you are going to be in our organization, you deserve to know everything.”
Rei whispers to Serena, curiously, “Is that wise, Serena?”
Serena replies, in a whisper, “Yes. I don't like him throwing away his cards like trash, but he is a powerful duelist and we need him to stop those Society Dorks. Look, he beat one of them with his Underworld deck.”
Rei tells Serena, in a whisper with a serious tone, “You have a point, Meatball Head.”
Just then a familiar male voice calls out, “Hey, guys!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see Yugi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan running over to all of them.
Tea sees the unconscious Dimitri and Atticus and she asks, curiously, “What happened to them?”
Davis tells Tea, with a plain tone, “Long story, Tea.”
Jaden asks Yugi, “What's wrong, Yugi-sempai?”
Tristan tells our heroes and heroines, “We've got a new problem everyone. Ms. Fontaine gave us a message from Chancellor Sheppard and a group of more transfer students are coming tomorrow after he arrives today, but there is a problem. Two of the transfer students have already been brainwashed into the Society of Light.”
Our group of heroes and heroines gasp in shock and Yusuke yells out, in a dark annoyed tone, “How did those assholes get to them?!”
Yugi says, with a serious tone, “They used your friends Yolei Inoue and Takeru Takashi to get to them.”
Matt says, with a dark annoyed tone, “Damn him! He used TK and Yolei and their D-3s to get through the Digital World and get to those students while they were taking their exams!”
Serena asks, seriously, “Do you have any information about them?”
Joey takes some papers from under his left arm, gives them to Serena, and Tea tells them, “Those are the files on the transfer students. They were to go to the Obelisk Blue dorms. They are Izumi Orimoto and Koji Minamoto from the Shibuya district of Tokyo. They have four friends that are coming to Duel Academy. They are Takuya Kanbara, Junpei Shibayama, Tommy Himi, and Koichi Kimura, who is Koji Minamoto's twin brother, and Chancellor Sheppard is going to be coming with them on a helicopter. They'll be here in the afternoon.”
Tai says, with a dark serious tone, “This changes things!”
Izzy says, with a dark plain tone, “I was afraid that this would happen. Sartorius is using Yolei and TK to get more followers from outside of Duel Academy to the Society of Light here or he could spread it out of Academy Island soon enough.”
Ken says, with a dark serious tone, “That's not all! I don't remember much about my days of a Society Dork, but I do remember that he has plans for the Digital World to `seeing his light' as well! I'm not sure he didn't take the information about Dark Rings and Dark Spirals from my memories from his powers. However, he did have a few `private meetings' with me and I'm not sure what happened.”
Matt yells out, darkly, “Damn! That's not good! He could have taken that information from your dormant memory of your tech as the Digimon Emperor when he was using you for his puppet!”
Davis tells Matt, with a dark serious tone, “Not in the way that I would put it, but Matt does have a point!”
Kari says, with a dark serious tone, “I can't imagine what he will do when he decides to start brainwashing poor Digimon in the Digital World!”
BlackGatomon says, seriously, “He could have a whole army of mind-control Digimon under his control!”
Veemon nods his head and says, “BlackGatomon is right!”
Sora says, with a dark serious tone, “We need to rethink our plans!”
Hikari says, with a dark plain tone, “No joke, girlfriend! Let's get these two to safety and get ready to meet Chancellor Sheppard as quickly as possible!”
Ryoko says, seriously, “You've got it!” Soon enough, Davis quickly gets the shackles off of Atticus' body, Jaden takes them and hands them back to Zane, Ryoko puts Atticus over her right shoulder while the Urameshi sisters put Dimitri on their back and all of our heroes and heroines, joined by Zane, head off to the Slifer Red dorms to get them to safety while rethinking their plans against the Society of Light. And they don't know how much they will rethink their plans.
(A short time later; Within the White Dorm)
Within `White Dorm', we find our heroes' and heroines' former friends and loved ones, minus Atticus, standing together within Sartorius' private quarters while the evil diviner, sitting down on his white chair in front of his white marble table with his Tarot card deck to try to predict into the future and with his back turned to them, listens to what happened at the harbor with our `darkened' heroes and heroines.
Sartorius asks them, plainly, “So, Mister Rhodes and Dimitri, another of our members, have been taken from our Society and Mister Syrus Truesdale, Miss Tomoe, and Yusuke Urameshi have embraced the darkness like the other nonbelievers have. Plus, Syrus Truesdale's elder brother, Zane Truesdale, have arrived and taken the side of the nonbelievers because they have the same goal: The destruction of our Society.”
Trista tells Sartorius, with a cold plain tone, “Yes, sir. We also found that Keiko Yukimura is one of the most powerful Sailor Scouts from the Silver Millennium: The Supreme Princess and one of the protectors of the Universe: Sailor Universe. Plus, from her current life as Keiko Yukimura is also a granddaughter of a famous Juraian princess and it is logical to assure that her brother, Alister Yukimura, is the same.”
Sartorius tells Trista, with a plain tone, “I see.”
Lita yells out, in a cold serious tone, “Don't worry, sir! We will make those traitors and those nonbelievers pay for this!”
Sartorius holds out his right arm and he tells Lita, “Calm, Miss Kino. We can't the nonbelievers and their dark powers get to us. If we lose focus, we will lose our belief on the light.”
Lita replies, with her head bow low, “Sorry, Sartorius-sama.”
Trista tells Sartorius, with a cold logical tone, “Sir, the situation might be worse than we think. Since Keiko Yukimura is the reincarnation of Princess Sakura, we can only believe that Yusuke Urameshi is the reincarnation of the Sun Prince, the beloved soul mate of Princess Sakura, Prince Sasuke of the Sun Kingdom also known as the taiyou-no-ouji, which is Japanese for Sun Prince. He is also the brother of Sailor Galaxy and Sailor Milky Way.”
Ami asks Trista, curiously, “Do you think that his Silver Millennium powers have awakened?”
Trista replies, with a cold serious tone, “It is most likely and it has made his powers even stronger than before.”
Alexis yells out, drolly, “Just great. What we didn't need. Five `Dark Sailor Scouts', two of whom are half-demons, two new Juraians, and a third pumped-up half-demon. Not to mention that Serena and Hikari are in charge of this school until Chancellor Sheppard gets back today and something tells me that the nonbelievers will get to him first.”
Sartorius tells the SOL members, with a plain tone, “Yes. Miss Rhodes brings up some excellent points, but we must remember that even through the nonbelievers are managed to get some advantage, we have the power of the Light and destiny on our side and sooner or later, even the Chosen Duelists will have to see the light. And I do have some good news.”
Kagome asks Sartorius, in a cold plain tone, “What do you mean sir?”
Sartorius tells Kagome, with an evil sly smile, “We have two new members to introduce. Thanks to Miss Inoue and Mister Takashi, they have seen the light and joined our Society. They were to join Duel Academy with a third set of transfer students, but after they saw the light, we helped bring them here early.” Soon after, two figures come out of the corners of the room and the SOL members get a look at them.
The first new SOL member is a male of 16 years of age with white bandana over his black hair, deep brown eyes, he has a cold and emotionless look on his face and eyes, and he is wearing a male SOL uniform on him.
The second new SOL member is a female of the same age as the male, a simple white cap over her long blond hair that flows out of the cap and behind her back down to her buttocks and it is similar to Mina's hair, deep green eyes with a cold look in them, white colored lips, and she is wearing female SOL uniform.
Sartorius tells the rest of the SOL members, with an evil sly smile and plain tone, “Everyone, I would like for you to meet Koji Minamoto and Izumi Orimoto. They are the newest members of our Society and they will be working with you.”
Bastion asks, with a curious tone, “I'm sorry to seem rude to them or to you, sir, but I don't see what's so special about them.”
The two SOL members hold two strange new digivices, the boy holding a white and dark blue one and the girl a white and dark pink one, and the girl says, with a cold sly tone, “I don't blame you. But don't worry, once you see what we can do, we'll be able to bring those rotten nonbelievers and our own friends that will be coming to Duel Academy into the light. As Master Sartorius told you, I'm Izumi Orimoto, but you can call me Zoe.” Pointing to the boy with the white bandana, Zoe tells them, with a cold sly grin, “And that boy who isn't talking is Koji Minamoto and don't mind him, he doesn't trust anyone, even after seeing the light.”
TK says, with a cold sly smile, “Those digivices that they are holding are called D-Tectors.”
Ami asks TK, curiously, “So, they are Digidestined like you?”
Zoe says, with a cold sly grin, “Yes, we are. However, unlike TK and Yolei, Koji and I don't need Digimon partners.”
Kagome asks, curiously, “Why is that?”
Zoe says, with a cold sly grin, “Oh, you'll see.”
Sartorius tells all of the SOL members, with a plain tone and evil sly smile, “I believe that all of you get to know each other because Mister Minamoto's twin brother and he and Miss Orimoto's friends will soon arrive and after that new transfer students will be arriving along with two new powers that I sense.”
Amara asks Sartorius, curiously, “New powers, sir?”
Sartorius nods his head and he says, plainly, “Yes, Miss Ten'ou. It looks like that somehow I was wrong. Mister Motomiya isn't the last of the Chosen Duelists. But out of the Chosen Duelists, his powers are still the most developed. There are two more Chosen Duelists and they are on their way here.”
The group of SOL members gasps in shock and Kagome yells out, stunned, “Two more Chosen Duelists are out there, Master Sartorius?!”
Sartorius tells Kagome, “Correct, my dear. And Miss Rhodes knows one of them already. They are Jade Truesdale, cousin to Syrus and Zane Truesdale, and Jordan Rhodes, cousin to Alexis and Atticus Rhodes.”
Alexis calls out, stunned, “My cousin is a Chosen Duelist?!”
Sartorius nods his head and he says, plainly, “Yes, he is, Miss Rhodes. Even through he isn't good with members of the opposite gender with what happened to his elder brother and that affects his dueling abilities, I can sense that he has the power. We need him and Jade Truesdale to be with us in the light if we are to get the other `Chosen Duelists' and the whole world to see the light and be saved.”
Alexis tells Sartorius, with a cold serious tone, “We won't let you down sir!” Alexis thinks in her mind, with a cold serious tone, “And I'm not going to lose my cousin to those fucking nonbelievers, especially Zane, Serena, Yusuke, Keiko, Hikari, Kira, Davis, and all of the others! Jordan and Jaden will be by my side in the light and Atticus will return as well!”
Kagome says, with a cold plain tone, “We will show these nonbelievers the light.”
Sartorius tells the SOL members, plainly and with an evil sly smile, “I know that you won't. Now, all of you get to know our newest members, Mister Koji Minamoto and Miss Izumi Orimoto, because you will need to work together to make sure their friends and the two new Chosen Duelists are brought into the light.” The SOL members bow as they leave while Sartorius evilly looks at three Tarot cards on the table, The Fool, which is pitch black blank and representing Jaden, The Balance Tarot card, which looks similar to the state of Justice with a female blindfolding holding up a scale in one of her hands, and The Dawn Tarot card, which is a picture of a sun rising over a mountain. Sartorius thinks in his mind, evilly, “The Balance Tarot card is very similar to The Temperance and The Justice cards. Jade Truesdale, who represents this card, has experience the good and the evil in life, but like The Justice she has an excellent sense of justice and truth. The Dawn is similar to The Sun, which represents Alexis Rhodes, it is representing someone that has great darkness in their life, but Light is getting rid of that darkness and this person is starting to emerge into the light and become a strong being. And this card represents Miss Rhodes' cousin, Jordan Rhodes. I need both of them in the light! With Yusuke Urameshi and Keiko Yukimura being sent back into the darkness and back with the nonbelievers, I only have Miss Higurashi left in my Society. However, the two of them will return to the Light and all of the world, including the Chosen Duelists will see the Light! It is destiny and it is only a matter of time!” Sartorius gets a slight sickly white glow to him as his evil sly smile becomes more sadistic in nature.
(In the unknown cave with the Millennium Stone; A short time soon after)
Inside of the cave with the Millennium Stone, we find the dark pink cloaked figure and the female black cloaked figure having some kind of conversation in front of the crystal ball that they were using.
The dark pink cloaked figure says, worriedly, “Oh no! Sartorius has brainwashed two new students and they are two of those kids with the Legendary Warrior spirits!”
The black cloaked figure says, with a serious tone, “I know! Plus, Sartorius has infected the Legendary Warrior spirits with his evil power. However, the others are on their way with Chancellor Sheppard and with our `messenger'.”
The dark pink cloaked figure asks the black cloaked figure, seriously, “Did you tell her about the two new `Chosen Duelists' that are on the way?”
The black cloaked figure nods her head and says, seriously, “Yes, I did. She knows what to tell without giving herself away. It is not time for her to reveal who she truly is, yet. I'm just hoping that Luna and Atremis by her story. Atremis might be silly, but he is no idiot. And Luna is very sharp herself.”
The dark pink cloaked figure says, seriously, “I know. Ooh, this is getting bad. Just when things were going our way with Uncle and Zane Truesdale bring that copycat duelist and Atticus Rhodes out of that bad old cult!”
The black cloaked figure says, with a sigh, “I know. Hopefully, my brother and the others will pull it together and make sure nothing happens to them.”
The dark pink cloaked figure says, worriedly, “I hope so.”
(In the afternoon hours; At the helicopter port)
On the helicopter port, we find a large grey transport helicopter with Duel Academy's logo on the side land on the helicopter pad on top of the warehouse in Duel Academy's harbor where Yeshua, Serena, Rei, Hotaru, Hikari, Kira, Yusuke, Keiko, Naruto, Sasuke, Davis, Kari, Jaden, Syrus, Tyranno, and Ms. Fonda Fontaine. When the helicopter `powers down' and the doors from the helicopter open, Chancellor Sheppard and four other young kids come out of the helicopter and all of them into the view of the group of heroes and heroines as well as the one teacher for all of them to see.
The first of the kids proves to be sixteen years old with somewhat messy dark brown hair, square goggles across his scalp, deep brown eyes, he is wearing male Slifer Red blazer over a yellow shirt, he has dark brown fingerless fighting gloves on his hands, he has dark green jeans, and orange and red sneakers on his feet.
The second of the kids proves to be seventeen years of age with somewhat spiked dark brown hair, but not as spiky as Davis' hair, dark brown eyes, somewhat on the `porky' side, he has a Ra Yellow blazer over an orange shirt, blue baggy pants, and dark blue sneakers.
The third of the kids proves to be the same age as the first kid with well-combined black hair and deep brown eyes, he looks similar to Koji Minamoto, he has a Ra Yellow blazer over a dark red shirt, dark grey jeans with a matching black belt, and black sneakers.
The fourth of the kids looks to be the same age as Cody, around 13 years of age, wearing an oversized orange hat over his brown hair, dark green eyes, he is wearing a Slifer Red blazer over a green shirt, yellow pants, and green and white sneakers.
Ms. Fontaine tells Chancellor Sheppard, with a kind tone, “Welcome back, Chancellor Sheppard.”
Chancellor Sheppard tells Ms. Fontaine, a bit nervously, “It is a good to be back. However, it looks like there have been some changes since I have been gone.
Yeshua steps forward and says, plainly, “As I have stated before, Chancellor Sheppard, there have been some `issues' going on here in Duel Academy.”
The four kids look at Yeshua and the sixteen year old in the Slifer Red blazer yells out, angrily, “Hey! He looks like the white-clad freaks that took Zoe and Koji away!”
Yeshua tells the teen with the square goggles, plainly, “Well, I can assure you that I do not belong to the Society of Light.”
The goggled teen yells out, angrily, “Yeah, right, pal! I don't buy your little act! Now, where are Koji and Zoe?! Starting talking or I will . . .!!”
The somewhat `porky' kid tells the goggled teen, “Takuya, hold it! He isn't one of those white-clad freaks!”
The goggled teen, known as Takuya, asks the `porky' teen, seriously, “How do you know JP?”
The youngest of the kids points to Yeshua's clothing and he tells Takuya, “JP's right, Takuya. Look, he is wearing black!” Takuya looks over Yeshua and he yelps to see black mixed with the white in his uniform.
Takuya yells out, stunned, “That's right! Those two white-clad freaks that brainwashed Zoe and Koji didn't have a damn bit of black on them and this guy has plenty!”
Yusuke says, with a dark serious tone, “It sounds like that you have a run in with those Society Dorks and a bad one at that!”
The third teen that looks similar to Koji tells Yusuke, “Yeah! They took and brainwashed my twin brother and along with another of our friends! By the way, I'm Koichi Kimura.”
Jaden tells Koichi, with a kind tone, “I'm Jaden Yuki! This guy is one of my childhood friends, through you might have heard some bad things about him. His name is Yusuke Urameshi!”
The four kids yelp out in shock and the one called JP yells out, shocked, “You mean THE Yusuke Urameshi AKA the `Great Urameshi', the most notorious street punk of Sarayashiki!” JP then looks around and yells out, fearfully, “I heard that he has one thousand street punks under his command and with a snap of his fingers, he calls them up and you are dead meat!”
Yusuke slaps himself on the forehead and Keiko tells JP, with a kind smile, “Don't worry, Yusuke isn't as bad as people make him out to be. I'm his girlfriend and childhood friend, Keiko Yukimura.”
The young kid with the large hat looks at Sasuke and he says, amazed, “Oh, wow! Aren't you Sasuke Uchiha, the last of the Uchiha clan?!
Naruto tells Sasuke, with a sly grin, “Boy, Sasuke, you are well-known aren't you?!”
Sasuke tells Naruto, with a plain tone, “Oh, shut up, fool.” Naruto gives a growl of annoyance and sticks his tongue out at him causing Sasuke to think, “Same old Naruto. Just as foolish as ever.”
Chancellor Sheppard looks at Davis and he says, with a smile, “Ah! Aren't you Davis Motomiya, cousin to Yugi Moto?”
The four new kids look directly at Davis, shocked, and Davis says, nervously, “Yeah, that would be me, sir.”
The young kid with large hat yells out, excitedly, “Oh, wow! You are related to the King of Games?!”
Davis tells the young kid, with a sly grin, “Yep! Dueling runs in the blood and by the way, my cousin is visiting me right now.”
The four kids and Chancellor Sheppard gasp in shock and Chancellor Sheppard yells out, flabbergasted, “The King of Games is here?!”
Serena steps forward, does a bow, and says, kindly, “Yes, he is, Chancellor Sheppard. Hello to you, I am Serena Tsukino, I am acting Chancellor for this school until you return.”
Chancellor Sheppard says, with a serious tone, “Ah, I see. So, you are the young lady that has been running my school while I'm away.”
Ms. Fontaine tells Chancellor Sheppard, with a kind smile, “Yes, when Crowler and Bonaparte proved . . . not up to the task . . . and after he joined that Society of Light, we, the teachers decided to look for other places for leadership, even in the student bodies, and Serena and Hikari Urameshi came forward to help and after we put them into office, they have done a great job keeping this school in order and keeping our `current problems' down to a minimum.”
Chancellor Sheppard says, with a smile, “That's excellent. I will have to take that into consideration for the announcement that I have when the new transfer students arrive tomorrow.”
Jaden asks, curiously, “What new announcement, Chancellor Sheppard?”
Chancellor Sheppard replies, with a kind smile, “That's a surprise, Jaden, my boy.” Chancellor Sheppard then looks at Serena and he says, seriously, “However, for now, there is another new student that wished to see you, specifically, Miss Tsukino.”
Serena asks, perplexed, “Me?”
Just then familiar female voice calls out, “Why, of course, Serena! Who else would I be talking about?!” Serena and Rei gasp in shock, knowing who that voice belong to, and out from behind Chancellor Sheppard, Molly Baker, wearing a regular female Obelisk Blue uniform, come out in full view of our heroes and heroines.
Rei yells out, flabbergasted, “Molly?! Molly Baker?!”
Molly replies, with a sly smile not seen in her before, “Whom else, Rei? Princess Diana of Wales?”
Davis asks Serena and Rei, curiously, “Do you know her?”
Serena yells out, stunned, “Know her?! She was my best friend before I met Rei and my other friends!” Serena tells Molly, flabbergasted, “What in the world are you doing here Molly?!”
Molly slowly walks over to her best friend and Rei and she whispers into Serena's ear, with a serious tone, “Actually, I'm here on a mission of great importance and I need to talk with you . . . Sailor Moon.”
Serena gasps in shock and she asks, in a whisper and stunned, “Molly . . . how? How do you know?”
Rei asks Serena, perplexed, “Know what?” Then Molly goes over, whispers into her ear, Rei's eyes widen as large as saucers, and she gasps in shock. On the meanwhile, Ms. Fontaine goes over to Chancellor Sheppard.
The young kid asks Takuya, “What do you think that they are talking about Takuya?”
Takuya shrugs his shoulders and replies, plainly, “I don't know, Tommy. Girl talk.”
The young kid with the large hat replies, with a shrug, “Oh.”
Kari asks Serena and Rei, curiously, “What's wrong with you?”
Sasuke replies, seriously and in a tone loud enough for our heroes and heroines to hear, “Molly Baker knows that Serena is Sailor Moon and Rei is Sailor Mars.” The rest of our heroes and heroines gasp in shock.
Molly tells them, in a serious tone and a voice only loud enough for them to hear, “And I know what's been going on here with the Society of Light. I've been sent here as an envoy of someone of great importance. However, we need to talk without Chancellor Sheppard, but we need to talk with those four kids. The Digital World is under threat with the two new kids that Sartorius brainwashed.”
Davis asks, seriously, “What do you mean by that?!”
Yeshua says, with a plain tone, “Perhaps it is for the best that we do as Miss Baker says and discuss this with only those four new students.”
Molly nods her head and says, with a serious tone, “Please believe me. This is very important and it has the fate of the universe on the line.” Soon enough, the group looks at the four new kids and our heroes and heroines, expect for Yeshua, wonder what importance that they will have along with information that Molly Baker bares . . .
Next time in Chapter 9: Chaos Frontier: After the arrival of Takuya, JP, Koichi, and Tommy of the Frontier Digidestined to Duel Academy, they join with the rest of our heroes and heroines and the Frontier Digidestined learn about the Society of Light and Sartorius from them while the Frontier Digidestined tell our heroes and heroines about themselves, their adventures, why they came here originally, and about the two friends, Zoe and Koji, that were brainwashed by TK and Yolei into the Society of Light. After Atticus is revived and what happened is explained to him, he embraces the dark powers of Nightshroud with help from Botan to save his sister from the SOL and Sartorius. In order to save their friends and protect the world and the universe from Sartorius' evil, our four Frontier Digidestined kids gain the powers of darkness from the Black Crystal and join up with the rest of our heroes and heroines to stop Sartorius and the SOL. However, Sartorius and the SOL managed to cover their tracks and Chancellor Sheppard isn't able to press any legal charges on the SOL and Sartorius. But Chancellor Sheppard manages to keep Duel Academy from the Sartorius' hands by making Serena the Assistant Chancellor to Duel Academy, Hikari Urameshi retains her position of Vice-Chancellor, Davis becomes new head of the Obelisk Blue dorm, Kira Urameshi becomes assistant supervisor/leader of the Disciplinary Action Squad, and Ayeka becomes co-supervisor of the female Obelisk Blue dorm with Ms. Fontaine. But things are about to take a terrible turn for our heroes and heroines when the final set of transfer students comes to Duel Academy. Among them are two teens from the Sailor Scouts' hometown of Juuban, Jade Truesdale, cousin to Syrus and Zane Truesdale, and Jordan Rhodes, Atticus' and Alexis' cousin, Kagome's three friends from her hometown, Yuka, Eri, and Ayumi, and finally, a mysterious brother and sister that seem to be looking at our Digidestined of Light and Universe Princess for some reason or another. On the meanwhile, our SOL members, reinforced by Zoe and Koji from the Frontier Digidestined, prepare to move forward with their plans for Jordan and Jade, who know Serena and her friends. Soon enough, our heroes and heroines learn from Davis that Jade is a fellow Spirit Detective and she is quite powerful herself. However, what our heroes and heroines have learned from Molly Baker, who claims to be an envoy for the leader of the Outer Sailor Scouts and the reincarnation of a daughter of a high court member of the Lunarian Kingdom, but Luna and Atremis feel that there is more to Molly than she is talking, that Jade Truesdale and Jordan Rhodes are two more Chosen Duelists! However, even through Jade will be safe, Alexis uses her ninja abilities to trick Jordan and Kagome's three friends into a trap and despite Jordan dueling his best, Sartorius, using his mind-games, manages to get Jordan to make enough mistakes for him to lose the duel and get brainwashed into the SOL along with Kagome's three friends. When Jade finds out that Jordan has been brainwashed into the SOL, she tries to kill Sartorius in total rage, but the SOL controlled Sailor Scouts, two SOL controlled Frontier Digidestined, and SOL controlled Tuxedo Mask attacks poor Jade instead. However, our darkened heroes and heroines have their own way of paying back the SOL and Jade reveals a part of herself that she didn't even know that she had! Find out what we mean and more along with a lot more surprises and then some on the next `Twilight Wars'!
Well, it has taken awhile, but this story is back! After the last chapter of inu-yusukekaiba102's story of `Demon of Darkness', I've decided to add another crossover to this story namely Digimon Frontier into the story and this story takes three years after the end of the Digimon Frontier series. And the Frontier Digidestined's adventures took place shortly after the 02 gang's battle with MaloMyotismon. Plus, I don't own Digimon Frontier! Next, I would like to give thanks and credit to Blue-Eyes White Knight-BEWK for the idea of the OC characters of Jordan Rhodes and Jade Truesdale as well as everything about them, their histories, personalities, and Jade's powers as a Spirit Detective as well their Duel Monsters' decks with Jordan's Spellcaster deck and Jade's Dragon deck. Then I would like to give thanks and credit to inu-yusukekaiba102 and this author's story of `Darkness Powers Unleashed' for the idea of Atticus `White Night's Dragon' deck. Finally, I would like to give thanks and credit to Drachegirl14 and this author's story of `Yu-Gi-Oh GX! The Treasured Era' for the ideas of the Celestial Light and Shadowed Rebirth Kingdoms, the golden age before the Silver Millennium known as The Treasured Era, The Treasured Era's `connection' with the Silver Millennium and the kingdoms within the Silver Alliance, Golden Alliance, and the others, Sailor Heaven Star and Sailor Hell Star, the protectors of Heaven Star and Hell Star, the Warrior of Light and Shadowed Warrior, the Jeweled Defenders and the Dark Jewel Defenders, the Supreme Sailor Scout formed with the fusion of Sailor Heaven Star and Sailor Hell Star, Sailor Celestial Darkness, and the story of the end of `The Treasured Era' by the Light of Destruction and its battle with Heaven and Hell Star as Sailor Celestial Darkness. Now, please read and review and I will read your reviews as soon as possible. I will also catch you later, Crossover, Moon, Digimon, and Dueling Fans!