Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ ~~~~~~~NEW LIFE~~~~~~~~ ❯ new beginings ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

New Begins
#on the plane#
Serena was staring out the window the plan still hadn't taken off and Serena was getting impatient and was startled when she herd a girl the same age as here speak to her. “im sorry what did you say” Serena said the girl only giggled “I said is this seat taken” “oh no it isn't” Serena replied “please may I sit there” “oh of coarse” the girl took the seat next to Serena “hi im lily” said the girl who is now called lily “oh hello im Serena its nice to meet you” Serena said holding out her hand which lily took and they shook hands “so why are you leaving Tokyo then if you don't mind my asking” said lily “not at all im leaving because my boyfriend broke up with me and broke my heart and my friend hate me and wants to kick me out of our group” <for some reason I feel like I can tell her anything>. “Oh that's the exact reason im leaving apart from the reason my boyfriend broke up with me was because I didn't want to sleep with him guys can be such jerks” replied lily slamming her fist into her palm “you can say that again so where in New York you heading?” they were talking like that for hours until eventually they feel asleep they had agreed to move into a apartment together when they got to New York.
#Back in Tokyo#
Serena's mum, dad, brother, were sat on the bed crying all except Rini who sat there in complete shock <how could she think I don't care about her I love her so much but I cant rely blame her I always took Darien away from her just to spite her and always made fun of her not caring how she felt oh Serena I am so sorry please forgive me and come back soon> finally Rini let the tears that she refused to let lose come to surface and she started crying.
~2 days later~
Darien went to Serena's house to pick up Rini he had promised to take her to the park last week. Then he found himself at the door <I hope Serena isn't home I couldn't bare to see her upset like that again>. He knocked on the door and it was opened to a crying Sammy <WHAT some thing must be really wrong for Sammy to be CRYING> “hay Sammy you ok why are crying?” asked Darien who was shocked by the answer he got “SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU BASTARED THIS IS ALL YOUR FALT YOU MOTHER FUCKER HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY SISTER ITS ALL YOUR FALUT all your fault” then Sammy knelt on the floor crying for all he was worth then Serena's mum came running into the room crying also and ran to Sammy and hugged him trying to calm him down until she saw Darien and stood up so fast It almost knocked Darien over “what do YOU want” Serena's mum said which shocked not only Darien by the coldness of her voice which would of sent queen Beryl packing “I-I-I a-a-a-am” “well spit it out boy NOW I DON'T HAVE ALL DAY” Darien gulped <some thing must be really wrong for her to act like this> “i-i-I a-a-am h-h-here t-t-to t-take R-R-Rini t-t-to t-t-the p-p-park” “oh well then I will see if she wants go with the likes of YOU” then she left the room and seconds came back with Rini in hand “Rini this, this scum wants to know if you want to go to the park” “mamma I think we need to tell him what happened before we shout at him we can do that later when papa gets home” Rini said with as much coldness as Serena's mother which made him shiver
#The next day#
Darien had been shown the letter and he was devastated he also had to tell the scouts who where almost as upset ALMOST. He wanted to die he knew he had hurt Serena but not this bad not so bad that she had to leave the country. God he wanted to die so badly but knew that would just make things worse for Rini losing to people in less than a week.<why did you have to leave Serena I didn't mean what I said im so sorry> then Darien started to cry again for the like 500th time that day<im so sorry>…
#In New York 2 weeks later #
Serena and lily had become so close so fast people thought they were sisters (oh and lily looks very similar to Serena apart from the fact she has red black hair about the same length as Serena's but she wore it in a plat that she had done so it hangs over her right shoulder) Serena and lily got a great apartment with a cool view of the statue of liberty for a very good price considering it was in the good part of New York and had a killer view. Serena and lily both wanted to be singers and where taking every chance to sing they got if it was in a club of in a café they took it. They loved it in New York and had already had become great friends with the guy who lived across the hall for them he was called Justin (who was 3 years older then them and had grown up in New York and had brown hair and forest green eyes and was gorgeous =) who lily had a crush on but when Serena would ask her she would say no but Serena knew she was lying because she would always go all cloudy eyed when they saw him and Serena knew he felt the same way but was to embarrassed to say anything. Which made Serena kind of upset knowing she had none in her life to love that much and it made her think of Darien which made her want to cry so much more. It was 5:30am <good iv never woke up so early in my life> she decided to get up just so that she could see lily's face when she walked in the morning which made Serena giggle at the thought of lily's jaw dropping to the floor with eyes as big as saucers dew to shock. Forget giggling Serena was laughing so hard that she was crying but then decided that she should be quiet or she would not see her face like that in the morning at all. So she decided to Wright a letter to her family to take up some time before lily got up.
Dear family
I am doing fine I made a friend with a girl on the plane who was leaving Tokyo because of the same reason. We have become such good friends we have had countless people ask us if we were sisters or maybe even twins. We bout an apartment together and are both singing in clubs and cafes to pay rent and money for food. We get paid a lot and love are jobs. I have also made friends with the guy who lives across the hall he is like a big brother to me. It's like having a family here with me but none can replace the lovely family I selfishly left in Tokyo. I am sorry for leaving but I am not sorry for doing what I did love it here and we have the greatest view from are apartment. I will write again soon love you all
Love your baby girl and meatball head