Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Earth Saga 5- Visions of the Past ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
"Awww....Poor widdle Ewwie," Demitri Rain said as he walked in, "All by herself."

"Demitrain, you're mean!" Carribeth regretted the words as soon as they were out.

"Quit it nw or I'll send you both to Aunt Rei's."

"No, come on! All she does is make us clean!"

"Then start behaving."

"Yes dad."

"Now where was I? Oh yes, The End."

"Nuh uh..." Carribeth said. "Mommy told me there was more!"

"Aww, geez..."

"Come on, daddy!" Carribeth whined.

"Aw, you're making me sick," Demitri Rain said and left the room.

"Well...okay, I'll tell you more..."


"Ellie!" Endymion said as he stuck his head in her bedroom. Ellie looked up from the book she was reading.


"Valerie and Smoke are here!"

"Okay," she mumbled, going back to her book.

"And Demitri," Endymion said. Ellie dropped her book and sat upright. It had been seven years since she had seen him, and she missed him with a passion. She dashed out the door, nearly knocking Endymion over. She bolted down the stairs, leaving startled bystanders in her wake.

"Demitri!" she cried. She saw a young, handsome man of 22 years break into a smile. She ran to him and threw her arms around him.

"Oh, Ell, you're so beautiful." Demitri smiled and gazed into her deep brown eyes.

"It's been so long!" Ellie ran her fingers through Demitri's silky black hair.

"You've grown into a fine woman."

"And you've become a handsome man..." Ellie was lost. She rested her head on his chest.

"I love you, Ellie."

"And I love you, Demitri."

The two of them were lost in their own world.


A few days later, Ellie and Demitri were walking in the garden.

"Ellie, I've been meaning to ask you about something," Demitri said seriously.

"What do you want to ask?"

"Well, bluntly, will you be my wife?" Demitri asked. He took her hand and got down on one knee. He pulled out a small case. Inside was a ring. The most beautiful ring she ever saw. It was a diamond surrounded by alternating emeralds and rose quartzes. The light reflected off of it and caught her eyes.

Ellie turned away quickly but Demitri caught her hand. Ellie quickly wiped her eyes but Demitri saw it.

"Why are you crying?"

"I love you so much and of course I'll marry you but that ring must have cost a fortune. How could you afford it?"

"It was easy. I pulled up a couple of IOUs and if you marry me it's yours."

"Fine but I want one thing first."

"What?" Demitri said. "Name it and it's yours."

Ellie brushed back a lock of hair and gazed into Demitri's eyes. She wrapped her arms around his waist and gently pressed her lips against his. His hands rose to her hair and let the curls flow through his fingers.

"You, tonight."

"Huh?" Demitri had totally forgotten his train of thought.

"I want you tonight."

"Oh?" Demitri flashed a rare smile, one of seductive pleasure.


"Well... I guess. I dunno though," Demitri said, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up," Ellie said playfully.

"Make me."

"Fine." Ellie took Demitri's face in her hands and kissed long and hard.

"Okay, I'm shut up now," Demitri said when she let go.



"Oh, Demitri..." Ellie said, her eyes twinkling with a rare fire.


"I love you."

"And I you, to the ends of the universe and to the end of time."


"No, I just bought the ring and took your heart just to play a prank." Demitri winked at her.

"Demitri..." she said, hitting him playfully and then taking his hand. "I love you."

"Then marry me."

"I will." She smiled mischeviously.

"What?" Demitri said. Ellie giggled mischeviously.

"There's that one thing that I want..."

"Gladly." He smiled as he pulled her close.


So, do you guys want me to write a continuation of what happens between this part and the next chapter? I'm warning you younger readers, it would be rated NC17. Please leave your thoughts in the reviews!
