Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Sailor Earth Saga 5- Visions of the Past ❯ Epilogue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
::Authors note- I almost cried as I wrote the ending of the last chapter. It's very hard to see two of my favorite characters, my own and one of my dearest friend's creations, die like that. It's even harder when you have to do the killing- or at least writing it. It hurts like hell. Well, on with the epilogue. -Ellie::

"Wow, Daddy, that story has a sad ending," Carribeth sighed.

"But it's not totally the end," Demitri said. "Y'see, Demitri and Ellie met up in another lifetime, and although the evil followed them there, Princess Serenity defeated it... And together, Sailor Earth, Demitri, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon fought to keep the peace." Demitri smiled.

"Now I know why you and Mommy love each other so much." Carribeth smiled. "I hope I find someone that nice."

"Someday you will, but for now it's time for you to go to bed.

Carribeth yawned, and nodded her approval. She lay down, and Demitri pulled the covers around his only daughter and kissed her small forehead. He then turned to the door and saw Ellie waiting for him.

"How long have you been there?"

"Long enough, hon." Ellie smiled. "Y'know, you make a wonderful father."

"You're not so bad a mother, either." Demitri smiled and kissed his wife.

The End


So, how did you all like it? Ahh, 24 pages of handwritten bliss that took a year to finish due to the fact I left it behind when I went to college. I'd like to thank the following people- Logan Hunter for letting me use Demitri, Sunshine Aradia for putting the idea in our heads for Demitri and Ellie to be soulmates, Da Cyberfreak for driving me home that one weekend so I could see Logan and talk to Sunny and find a wealth of stories, The Memorial Songbox 6-cd set for giving me the musical inspiration to finish typing up this story, Minerva Blue (my Senshi Sister) for being the first to review my story, Bucko-sama for being so patient while I typed this up, Naoko Takeuchi and Toei Animation for bringing Sailor Moon to life- without them I would never have written these stories (I guess I have to thank DiC and Cloverway, too, for bringing Sailor Moon over to the US)....Hmm, who else to thank? Oh, Cyberfreak again for building the computer I typed this up on, Seth Warren for the music I listen to as I type this up... I think that's it. Stay tuned for more!

Ellie Shields 5/30/01