Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and The Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Chapter: 6/?

Genre: yaoi

Disclaimers: I OWN SLAM DUNK (yeah right, and YOU'RE Queen Elizabeth)

Warnings: Some grammatical errors and not well-written sequencing. Oh, the story tends to be cheesy so be warned, okay?

AN: Thanks for the encouraging reviews. Just so that you know, I'm having a hard time keeping up with the story- I'm not good at mushy or sappy fics. However, I will do my best not to ruin this one, okay?



Confused, Rukawa turned to the redhead's direction and looked at him questioningly.

"Don't leave. Stay."

A rush of thousands thoughts bundled with unexplainable feelings flooded the raven-haired man's being. He stared at the hand clutching his and then back at the hazel eyes looking at him with unreadable expression. Time seemed to halt as Rukawa pondered on the request. Dare he hope?

The pause seemed eternal, but just as the redhead was about to give up and forget that he asked him to stay, Rukawa nodded solemnly and sat again on the chair beside the bed. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air as the two tried to avert their eyes from each other. Hanamichi, for his part, feels confused at his recent actions. Faint crimson stains filled his cheeks as he briefly remembered how his rival's hair felt like. And now, to make matters more confusing, he asked him not to leave.

Of course, he could simply attribute such things due to his impulsiveness. But then, isn't it that his impulsive actions were borne from his heart?

"I-I..." Both of them started, blue eyes meeting brown for a moment before turning away again. Another stretch of silence engulfed the room save for the faint chirping of birds that can be heard outside. Soon, the silence became unbearable for the redhead as he took a deep breath and grasped anything that he could think of to say.

"C-could you please open the windows?" Damn. Hanamichi felt like an ass the moment such lame words left his lips. He pondered briefly whether it would be nice to bash his head on the floor, but dismissed it, knowing full well that he can't stand on his own.

Rukawa silently complied, standing up and heading towards the glass-paneled windows. He unlatched it before going back to his seat.

"Youhei told me about what happened," Hanamichi began, "He said if weren't for you, I wouldn't be here." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Thank you..."


The soft sound of the knob turning made the two glance at the door. It swung open, revealing Haruko Akagi with her friends.

"Ohayo, Sakuragi-kun!" She piped in cheerfully, going inside. "Oh, Ohayo, Rukawa-kun," she greeted the stoic player while placing the basket of fruits she brought on the table.

Rukawa only nodded before he sauntered out of the room, leaving Hanamichi with Haruko and her friends.


"Aw, come on! Speak to me!"

"...." The small blue-eyed boy remained silent, meaning that he is ignoring the redhead. He sat on the ground and leaned on the willow tree. He crossed his arms, rested them on his knees, and then placed his chin on them.





"I'm not leaving here until you say something," Hanamichi said, crossing his arms stubbornly. He sat cross-legged, opposite Kaede. "I won't stand here, I swear. Even though my butt hurts, or the ants bite me, and I'm starving-" He was cut off when he saw the other boy crying. "Aww... please don't cry."

"You lied to me," Kaede said in between sniffles, his chin trembling a little. "You said you'd stay with me..."

"I will!" Hanamichi raised his palms.

"You're leaving..." the blue-eyed boy murmured, closing his eyes and burying his head on his arms. "...You'll leave...and th- then, you'll forget me. I'll be alone..."

"No you won't! I won't forget you!" the redhead said defiantly, going near the dark-haired boy and grabbing his small arm tightly.

Kaede blinked furiously and rubbed his teary cheeks with the back of his hand. "Really?" Looking up at Hanamichi earnestly, "But... but what if you don't want to be my friend anymore?"

Hanamichi raised his arms towards his heart as he made an oath. "It won't happen, I promise."


"Yes," the redhead stood up, gesturing for his companion to do the same. "Even if I leave, we'll still be friends... And whenever we see this tree," he stared directly at the blue eyes gazing back at him, "then we'll always remember. No matter what. Okay?"

"Okay!" Hands clasped and the two made their secret promise, the willow tree as the silent witness of the important moment.


The sun began to set, its amber glow casting a pleasant panorama among the dried leaves falling on trees. The brief dancing of the leaves rustling on the gentle wind seemed to follow a mute rhythm of its own.

Hanamichi sat on the front seat of the car, his father by his side. His knees were drawn up to his chest as he craned his neck looking for the blue-eyed boy on the windows of the hospital.

"Ready to go?" His father asked him, reaching across the car seat and placing a hand on the redhead's knee.

Hanamichi nodded sadly, moving closer to the windows as he still kept on searching. The sound of the engine hummed, signaling their impending departure. As the car moved slowly, the redhead's eyes widened as they focused on the small figure standing on the opened window.

"Don't forget your promise!" the blue-eyed boy shouted, waving frantically to his friend.

"I won't!" Hanamichi answered back. Soon, the car began to speed up, and the dark-haired boy had to lean on the window so he could see the moving car. Tears filled his vision as he finally bade his friend goodbye.

"Don't forget me..."

"I swear... FOREVER."

"G'bye Hana-kun."

"G'bye Kae-chan."

AN: If you've read the previous chapters, you'll realize the connection of the flashbacks on this. Hehehe…just wondering, what do you think? Huh? Well, R&R people!