Slam Dunk Fan Fiction ❯ You, Me and the Willow Tree ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

You, Me and The Willow Tree

Author: Yoshi


Chapter: 7/?

Archive: FF.NET. Ask me if you wanna host this one

Disclaimers: I don't know what to say anymore. Pass the salt, anyone?

Warnings: Contains some blinding grammatical blunder. Poorly sequenced plot and sap to the death.

AN: Gee, It's been a while since I wrote another chapter. Urm...been busy for some time (and still am, mind you), so please forgive the delay. Anyways, thanks for the kind reviews- I really appreciate them.


"That's not what happened," Hanamichi said.

"Yes, it was," Youhei insisted.

"No, It wasn't." he turned to Haruko and her friends who were giggling from the story Youhei told them. He turned back to the dark-haired boy, "Be glad that I can't stand or else you'll get it hard on that big head of yours." He stated.

Youhei waved his hands as he grinned meekly. "Fine, fine, enlighten us then, oh genius one."

The group-Sakuragi's guntai together with Haruko, Fujii and Matsuri had made their regular visit on the redhead. They were now telling stories, mostly about Hanamichi's past.

Hanamichi scowled at Youhei, then turned to the others. "Don't believe a word he said. First, I AM the tensai." He declared. "Second, I did not shave my hair off just for someone."

"Really?" Haruko butted in.

"Come to think of it, Sakuragi had cut his hair after the Kainan match. You were blaming yourself for that, weren't you?" Youhei mused. Everyone fixed their eyes towards the redhead.

Hanamichi fidgeted under the intense gaze. "Err... yeah. Good thing Rukawa made me snap out of that thing."


"Yeah," Sakuragi absently responded as he spaced out for a moment. Everybody failed to notice the lack of bite his voice contained upon mentioning his rival's name. Everyone-except Youhei. A great many things began to make sense as the dark-haired boy noted the changes and turn of events. And the center of these 'things' involved his redheaded friend and a certain kitsune.

Fujii glanced at her wristwatch and whispered something to Haruko. "Oh, we really should be going for class, Sakuragi-kun," She began while looking at Youhei, who nodded as well. "Get well soon."

"Thank you."


Rukawa silently walked along the corridors, his footsteps the only source of sound on the silent hospital. He planned on going to the redhead's room on a much earlier time, but he was tired from basketball practice that he almost slept the whole day off. Taking a glance on the small package he brought with him, he allowed a small flicker of a smile graze his face.

He took a deep breath as he stopped in front of the door, thankful that the room was silent; that only indicates that the redhead was alone. He turned the doorknob, opened it, and then blinked. Hanamichi's body was dangling on the bed as he tried to reach the wheel chair a few inches from his bed. His daring offense was evident, as was the danger it might cause. One slip and he might fall off the bed, increasing the chances of aggravating his already injured leg.

"What the hell are you doing, do'ahou?" he disapproved angrily. "You're supposed to be taking it easy. The doctor said no exerting or fooling around."

"Trying to get the goddamned wheelchair, idiot," the stubborn redhead panted, not heeding the raven-haired boy's advice as he kept on reaching for the said wheelchair. Finally, he gave up and rolled on his back, breathing heavily. "Why do you care, anyway?" he snapped, irritated due to boredom.


"Well?" the redhead pressed, insistent as always.

"BecauseIdososhutupokay?" Rukawa mumbled, cheeks heating bit by bit.


"Because I do, now shut up,"

Silence. The redhead felt his irritation fade away at the answer. "Oh."

"Here," Rukawa flatly muttered as he inched the wheelchair nearer to the Hanamichi's bed.

"Is that for me?"

"???" Rukawa turned to Hanamichi, confused at the question. It dawned to him that the redhead was looking at the small package in his hands.

Rukawa uneasily moved as a small tinge of red brushed his cheeks again. He remained quiet for a few seconds before handing the small box to the redhead. "Yes." He grumbled almost inaudibly, refusing to meet Hanamichi's eyes.

A long stretch of silence again engulfed the room,almost deafening in intensity. Finally the redhead broke the silence, as usual. "Chocolates?"

The raven-haired boy nodded weakly, fearing that the redhead would tease and laugh at him for the present.


Rukawa's eyes brightened visibly, relief etched clearly on his face. He sat on the chair beside the bed, not really knowing what to say to the redhead. He racked his brain for anything, but failed miserably. After all, he was not much of a talker in the first place. "What were you planning to do anyway?" he asked.

"I'm so bored that I need to go somewhere else," Hanamichi said conversationally. "And since you're already here," he glanced at the silent boy beside him, "Can you help me get on that chair?"


"Wow, the tree is still here," Hanamichi breathed, facing at the old tree in awe. Rukawa stood; quiet as ever, beside him.

The two went to the garden, with Rukawa assisting the redhead. It was warm day; hordes of dragonflies flew around, creating a dance among the brownish-green grass as the warm breeze blew.


"Huh?" Hanamichi questioned.

"A Willow tree," the raven-haired boy repeated. He sat on the grassy ground, leaning on the tree. Looking upwards, he felt relaxed as he watched clouds float in the sky, colored with the clearest of blue.

"Urm... Rukawa?" Hanamichi began, hesitating a bit. "Do you think," he asked slowly, "d-do you think we could make it in the IH?" For a brief instance, the redhead knew the answer to the question-Rukawa's answer for that matter.

"We could," Rukawa replied. "But not if you continue to goof around until you're fully healed." he added.

Hanamichi was surprised by the response he got. It was a first; never did Rukawa ever show his appreciation of the redhead before. Most of the time, he would taunt him for the errors and ridiculous antics he would do on court.

"You know," Hanamichi said, remembering something as he gazed as well into the skies. "You kinna remind me of someone."


"Yeah, someone from long time ago," Hanamichi began softly, pausing for a moment. "He even looks like you: dark hair, blue eyes...pale skin..." He glanced at the dark-haired boy for any reaction. "But the difference is, he also talks a lot."


"I met him also in this hospital when I was around five or six," he continued talking again. "And we became the best of friends." He allowed a small smile graze at the thought.


"We used to play around here a lot, catching dragonflies and stuff. And this," he gestured at the old Willow tree behind them, "Is our favorite spot."


"You lied to me," Kaede said in between sniffles, his chin trembling a little. "You said you'd stay with me."

"I will!" Hanamichi raised his palms.

"You're leaving the blue-eyed boy murmured, closing his eyes and burying his head on his arms. You'll leave and th- then, you'll forget me. I'll be alone."

"No you won't! I won't forget you!" The redhead said defiantly, going near the dark-haired boy and grabbing his small arm tightly.

Kaede blinked furiously and rubbed his teary cheeks with the back of his hand. "Really?" Looking up at the Hanamichi earnestly, "But... but what if you don't want to be my friend anymore?"

Hanamichi raised his arms towards his heart as he made an oath. "It won't happen, I promise."


"Yes," the redhead stood up, gesturing for his companion to do the same. "Even if I leave, we'll still be friends . And whenever we see this tree," he stared directly at the blue eyes gazing back at him, "then we'll always remember. No matter what. Okay?"

"Okay!" Hands clasped and the two made their secret promise, the willow tree as the silent witness of the important moment.


"Anyways," Hanamichi drawled, feeling slightly miffed at his companion's unresponsiveness. "To cut the story short, it didn't take long before we parted ways. I didn't meet him again after that though... I wonder where he is no-"

Hanamichi was cut off when he felt Rukawa gently placed something on his palm. Looking down, his gaped in surprise at what he saw: a small brownish paper, its edges tattered a bit. But that is not what caught the redhead's attention. Drawn on the brownish paper are stick figures, one of a redhead and one of a dark-haired boy. On top of the picture was a barely readable scribble of a child that could be made out as FOREVER. There is no doubt; It was the drawing they did when they were still kids. He opened his mouth to speak.

"It happened just as promised," Rukawa whispered, returning his gaze at the skies.

"Y-y-you..." Hanamichi started, unable to voice out the question in his mind.

Rukawa's answer was a small curve of a smile on his lips- and that's all the answer Hanamichi needed.

AN: (huffs) hehe…this is waaay out of control…R&R please!