Slayers Fan Fiction ❯ Gypsy Moon ❯ Chapter 2: What dreams may come... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 2: What Dreams May come

Amelia waited patiently for the women to begin. Part of Amelia wanted to stand up and scream about how it was unjust to keep things hidden that could help others. The other part of Amelia kept telling her 'Hold on. Just wait. Let her tell the story and then you can continue asking questions.' Either way, Amelia knew that something would come out of this. The princess soon realized that she was sitting in a highly stiff manner in her chair. She told herself to relax.

Take a deep breath.


Alright, Amelia. You can do this. For the sake of the city.


Amelia was looking at the young women again. Something was scaring her. Maybe it was the fact that she could not see her eyes. Questions came pouring into her mind again.

Maybe I should ask her to remove her hood. Then I could see her eyes, know that she is making eye contact with me, make sure she-No! How rude! I shouldn't do that. No. OK maybe-


"Wha-?" Amelia found her eyes snapping open and staring at the royal council; the mystic gave her a confused looks. "Who? Wha-what is it?"

The visitor drew back into her chair facing Amelia. "I...asked if you were alright?" She spoke softly.

"Alright?" Amelia thought. "I'm perfect! So sorry! Uh, please continue." She spoke, giving her best smile.

"Um.." The women looked up to the council. Renald shifted his eyes and shrugged. She then turned back to Amelia, and nodded. "Very well," she spoke, lifting her head. "Have any of you heard stories, rumours, or anything at all," (this made her stop for a moment) "about Cymbalien?"

Murmers were heard crossing the room. The younge women didn't show any reaction at all. Amelia thought for a moment. "You mean, that fairy tale city? The myt-"

"It is not a myth, or any fairy tale!", the mystic snapped, in a stern and serious voice.

"Don't you-"

"Renald, stop!" Amelia yelled, putting her hand up. She faced the women again, this time deciding that she would have to be prepared for some sort of argument. "I'm sorry. Just understand, the only times I have ever heard of this city," (she felt he stomach turn a bit, fearing that the guest may get angered) " storys from fairy tale books... or just old myths."

Amelia and the council waited for a reaction from the visitor. Slowy, she lifted her head and faced the princess.

"Then, you may have quite a hard time believing what I am going to tell you."

Amelia nodded. "Maybe, but go on. I have seen things that were hard for me to believe, but they happened."

A faint smile crossed the women's face. "Alright," she began. "I will start. So at least you have heard of the city. That is good." Her hand made a smooth jesture, and she raised it so that her palm faced the ceiling. "Princess, have you ever seen a crystal ball?"

Amelia felt a slight excitment. The feeling that one may get when it is their birthday and they are about to open a gift. She couldn't help but smile. "No, I never have."

"Then, allow me to show you one." Slowly in her hand a solid orb formed. It was just the perfect size so that she could craddle it in both her hands. The council couldn't help but let out a few light gasps and they stared with awe at the watery pattern that swirrled within the object.

At first, Amelia wanted to see more. The women appeared to know so much. She seemed to hold so many suprises that amazed the princess.

"I am sure, that if you have heard storys about Cymbalien, you would also know about gypsies." The women looked up to Amelia, who was still gazing at the crystal ball.

"Oh, um. Yes, I have heard of them." The thought of gypsies reminded Amelia of storys her mother had told her. Some involved gypsies. And when they did, the gypsies were usually tricking people.

The women chuckled. "Exccelent, then I do not have to explain too much to you." Amelia blushed and smiled again. The mystical women turned back to the crystal ball. It began to float slightly in the air.

"Don't you dare go to far, mystic." Renald scolled in a low voice.

The women scoffed. "I plan to take my leave soon. Do not worry, I will not be of bother to you much longer." The words came out sarcasticly and made the councilman twitch. "Dear Princess. Will you look into the orb?" All eyes shifted to Amelia.

Will I look? Into..this...crytal ball? This women has hardly told me anything. Now she expects me to trust her.

Amelia pulled herself together. She went through the possibilities in her mind, ignoring the councilmen shouting 'No! Don't!' repeatedly at her.

"I have to do this." Amelia mused to herself, gathering all her courage.

The mystical women smiled as Amelia leaned in more and more towards the floating orb. "Stay calm, Princess. I am only showing you pictures and adding a story."

Slowly, swirls began to form inside the orb. They floated around and soon began to form a image. The image was of a sand storm in a desert. Everything moved, as if it were a play. As Amelia gazed upon the crystal ball, she heard the women's soothing voice. "This is the Alyfur Desert. You have probably never heard of it, for only people in Cymbalien know of this death trap." Amelia watched closely as a figure began to appear in the middle of the desert scene. "This," the mystic added, in a cold voice. "is Lestophel." The image became more clear. The man was tall and held a metal staff in his left hand. At the top of this staff, a ring formed and smaller rings were latched around it. He wore a light yellow shirt and a purple vest on top of it. Three strings connected the vest in the front from a button on each side. At first Amelia thought he was wearing a loose dress underneath his shirt and vest. But a slit in the front of this white cloth showed that he was not. He wore pants underneath his white robe. Suddenly Amelia heard the council speaking.

"Oh good, I thought he was a cross-dresser."

"Thank the Gods."

"AHEM!", the women butted in. The council shut up and let her continue. "Amelia, Lestophel-"

"He a gypsy. Something from a book." Amelia drew closer to the crystal ball.

"That is correct. You catch on fast.", the mystic answered. She began to focus again on the orb. "Whether you care to believe me or not, gypsies are still around. And their knowledge and magic have not been forgoton. Instead, they have become far more superior with different ways."

"Rubbish!" one of the councilman pouted. "How could they have possibly developed more powerful ways, without any other town or city knowing?"

The mystic twitched, feeling as if one of her veins would pop out from frustration. Her voice became stiff. "Well, if you listen, I will get to that." She then turned back to the crystal ball and tried to relax. "Princess, I want you to listen carefully to what I am about to say."

The image in the orb began to change again. Amelia thought she could see a city. She lifted her hand for a moment, as if she was about to touch the crystal ball, but stopped herself.

"What is it?" She tried squinting her eyes, but it was no good.

"I'm sorry. It is hard for me to bring up this image. The magic that keeps it secret is powerful. But this is a small glimpse of Cymbalien."

The council tried to draw closer for a look. One spoke up. "Impossible. Stop this now!"

"I do not jest you!", the mystic barked back. "This is no game!"

"Get. Out." Renald spoke, through clentched teeth.

"Don't stop", Amelia said. Everyone looked over to her. She stood up and looked down at the woman. "I don't fully believe you, but your story doesn't seem to be a joke so far." Amelia shot a look across to the council. "And as for all of you, you better keep your mouth's shut or else it's the dungeon!" The council began to back off, with wide eyes. Amelia turned back. "I want to finish hearing this story."

The younge women looked down again. As she spoke, the images in the crystal ball played out her tale. "It was at least three hundred years ago that gypsies were driven out of all the land that we know of. People thought that as the gypsies began to dissapear, they were gone for good. All that they left was a myth that told a tale about the city known as Cymbalien. Everyone took it as some old fairy tale that had been passed down. But, that is not true. Cymbalien was really the place that all the gypsies had fled to. It is a place where they were welcomed. Where spirits and charms fly through the air and magic is life." The mystic stopped, and the crystal ball faded.

Amelia lifted her head. She held a suprised look on her face. Slowly she went back to looking at the young women. "What," she rubbed her eyes and placed her hand in front of her, "what does this have to do with the war?"

The woman slowly stood up, making her jewelry jingle again. "Because, Cymbalien is where the war is coming from." Amelia was about to speak again, but the women put her hand up and stopped her. "Lestophel is there. And I came to only tell you that much. I have told you too much as it is."


"This is something you will need." The women lifted her cloak and pulled out a rolled up paper. She took Amelia's hand and placed the paper on her palm. "Princess," she said, as she went down on one knee again and swept her arm over her chest. "For the safety of your kingdom, believe what I have told you. It may not be enough to explain the war, but if you follow what I have just given you, there is a chance for your city to live."

Amelia clutched the paper as if she was holding onto her life. "Then...I thank you."

The women nodded and stood up. "I will take my leave, after I ask one question." Her words came out in a demand.

"What is it?" Amelia said lowering her head a bit.

A cynical smile spread aross the women's face. "Tell me, Amelia. Can you imagine what it would be like to run this kingdom alone?"

Amelia's face grew stern. "I wouldn't. My father is here."

"How true, how true.", she spoke. "I wonder what dreams may come, Amelia?" In one sweep, the women turned around and began to exit the room. "The wheel of fate is always spinning, Amelia. I just gave you a chance to change it."

In less then a second, she was out the door. The council began to come towards Amelia. She put her hand up. "You may go."

The council began to leave the room. Amelia stood still, holding the paper tight in her hands, almost crushing it with her sweaty palms.


Renald left the room. As he closed the tall door, he turned his head slowly to the left. Lina and Gourry had their ears up against the other side of the the double door, trying to listen to what was being said in the royal chamber. Zelgadiss, of course, had some respect and decided not to take part in listening in on the meeting. Of course, he would never admit that thanks to his chimera senses he could hear really well into the room. Renald coughed. "Ahem, what are you doing?"

"Eh?" Lina jerked. Each of traveler's mouth's fell open. They turned their heads to see a pissed off Renald, arms folded and waiting for an answer.

"We were......"Lina began. She waved her hand behind her back and motioned Zel and Gourry to use that plan they put together for a incident like this. "Just...Dancing!" She threw her arms in the air and began move her hips and stomach around in a circular motion.

"I-in the hall?" Renald asked, as he backed off a bit.

"Yes! The hall is perfect for dancing!", Gourry added, as he and Zel waltzed by, hand in hand, past the stunned councilman.

"But-but, we have a ballroom for dancing.", Renald whined, trying hard to prevent his voice from cracking.

"Really?", Zelgadiss asked, as Gourry tilted the chimera back in his arms and made Zel lift one of his legs up.

"Um," Renald stuttered."Ye-yes we do." Suddenly he felt something slim slide up and down his body. He turned and saw Lina moving up and down his side.

"Well, why didn't you say so?!", the sorceress perked up. Renald began to back up against the wall.

"What's a ballroom, Zel?" Gourry asked, as he swung the chimera out of his arms.

"A room made especialy for dancing.", the chimera answered, as he was pulled back into Gourry's arms.

"Well," Renald stated, as he slowly backed up from a seducing Lina. "I should, um, get going-bye!" And with his last words, the councilman was running down the hall.

Lina put her arms down and stopped swaying her hips. "Alright! That worked well! Are you guys ready to see Amelia?" Lina turned and watched, as Zelgadiss and Gourry were still waltzing around.

"Well, I am but-GOURRY STOP DANCING! LET GO!" Zelgadiss yelled, as Gourry continued swinging around and humming a tune.

"When.... I..... look in your eye's like a big-"


"Huh? I thought it was 'pizza pie'?" But Gourry couldn't finish his tune. Instead he and the chimera were hit by a burning fireball and thrown to the floor.

"Lina," Zelgadis moaned from the floor. "you didn' hit me."

The sorceress clapped her hands together and straightened out her clothes. "You were just in the way."

Zelgadiss groaned. "Gourry, when I say stop dancing....STOP DANCING!"

"It burns..." The swordsman was still on the floor, dazed form the impact and feeling as if he had been fried to a crisp. Suddenly the door swung open from the room.

"What was all the noi-Zelgadiss-san!" Amelia rushed over to the fallen chimera and knelt down by him. "Zelgadiss-san, are you OK?"

Zelgadiss began to push himself up. "I'm fine, Amelia. Really."

"So, Amelia," Lina decided to start off. "What's up?" The sorceress couldn't help but get a big grin across her face.

The princess sighed. Her faced showed a true expression of sadness, as the light that was usually in her eyes faded."Well, you see..." She then stopped and brought her head up.

Zelgadiss looked over. "Amelia?"

The young princess looked over to Lina. "Lina-san, what are you, Gourry-san and Zelgadiss-san doing out here?"

"Huh?! I was-"

"We were dancing!", Gourry finally said, getting himself up.

"Dancing?" Amelia looked closely at Lina. "You were dancing?"

Oh crap! She's not gonna' take it!! Lina could feel a justice speech coming on.

Zelgadiss thought to himself, Why did I follow Lina? I knew I shouldn't have! Amelia can take care of herself! What was I thinking? I should not have worried! Now look where I am! She probably thinks I'm a sneak! Damn! Why do I let Lina drag me into these things?! Zelgadiss was about to turn to the nearest wall and hit his head on it repeatedy.

"But," Amelia began. "we have a ballroom for that." Everyone, but Amelia, face faulted onto the floor. "I'm sorry, I should have shown you the ballroom."

"No, no, no! It's fine! Really!", Lina said, smiling at Amelia and taking her hand. "Lets just go eat! I'm starving."

"Alright! Royal dinner!" Gourry added, following the two girls.

This left Zelgadiss standing in the hall. He let out a sigh of relief and began to walk slowly behind his three friends. As they began to walk down the hall, Zelgadiss realized they had passed his room. He suddenly felt anxious and wanted to check on something in there. "I'll be down in a minute.", Zelgadiss told his friends. He opened the door to his room and closed it behind him. One thing he did like about staying in the palace was that he could get his own room and not have to share with a snoring swordsman.

A nice large bed with fluffy pillows and warm covers, nothing like the rooms he had to stay in when he was traveling around. He walked over to a large window in his room and looked outside. The dark cloak of the night had covered the sky and let the stars shine off at their best. Zelgadiss first turned his head up to face the moon. It was bright and beautiful. His eyes then traveled down to where he had seen the colored wagon. It was gone.

Maybe I can go check after dinner.

He began to stand up until he saw the pink bracelet lying on his bed. He went over and picked it up, taking a few moments to look at it. He still had it. The whole time he had it, not matter what, he would never let anyone take it from him.

The chimera took a moment and remembered the first time he had met Amelia. His first thought about her was that she was a klutz.

But look where you are now.

He smiled to himself but then shook his head. He put the bracelet in his pocket. "Still...",he said to himself. "I really must be losing my mind."

He walked over to his door and pushed it open, heading down to the dining hall.


Dinner was just like everyone expected. Lina and Gourry fought over every last bit of food that anyone else had not eaten, if anyone else even got anything to eat.

Zelgadiss sipped his coffee, watching the battle go on. Amelia had just finished her dinner and everyone else had left the table. The dining hall was more like a ballroom. A long table was placed in the middle of a wide room with a marble floor. Naturally the cooks, knowing Lina and Gourry, prepared as much food as they could and served it on shining silver plates.

Lina finaly finished off the last of her drink and slammed her mug down on the table. "Ahh! That was good! Another serving!"

"Lina-san, I think you and Gourry-san finished everything off in the kitchen." Amelia stared with concern. If the sorceress was not yet full, then she knew things would get ugly.

"Hmm... I'll be OK for now.... I guess." Lina leaned back in her chair and patted her stomach.

Amelia knew Lina was up to something. She noticed the sorceress eyeing her and a grin spreading across her face. "Um...Lina-san?"

"Alright, Amelia! Spit it out! What's going on with that gypsy?" Lina slammed her fist on the table and leaned in to keep her eyes on Amelia.

The princess began to panic. "N-n-n-nothing! What gypsy?"

"It's OK, Amelia. We could hear you talking about some gypsy in the room." Gourry said swallowing his food.

Amelia screeched. "What?!" This made Zelgadiss almost spit out his coffee in suprise.

"Gourry, you jellyfish brain!" Lina screamed, smacking Gourry over the head.

"What did I do?"

Amelia stood up from her chair. "You were listening in? On royal buisness?!"

"Come on Amelia! We didn't hurt anyone! Besides, I hardly heard anything. We already saw that gypsie's wagon out the window, so it's not like it was anything new."

Amelia stared at Lina. "Gypsy wagon? What are you talking about? That women was not a gypsy."

"She must have been! Ask Gourry! He said all this smart stuff!" Lina grabbed Gourry by this collar. "Come on Gourry! I want you to tell Amelia everything you said to me and Zel!"

"About what?"

"Gypsies! You said all this stuff about gypsies!'

"Gypsies? AHH! WHERE?!"

Zelgadiss sighed into his coffee mug. "You forgot already?"

"Gourry, you IDIOT!" Lina hit Gourry over the head once again, and he fell to the floor. Lina sat back down at the table. "Alright. Amelia, you know that I am not gonna' leave you alone until I know what's going on. Besides! Your acting weird! You havn't said anything the whole time we've been at dinner!"

Amelia nodded. "Yes, I know."

"Right!" Lina pounded her fist on the table agian. "Me and Zel can tell you about the wagon and all, because I know Gourry will have forgotten by now."

"Well maybe he wouldn't have if you didn't hit him over the head so many times", the chimera mused.


"Enough!" Amelia stood up again, just as Zelgadiss gave a low growl and began to stand himself. "Lina-san! You and Zelgadiss-san tell me everything you know and saw! And I give you my word to tell you what's going on!"

"OK!" The sorceress stood up from the table and streached her arms.

Gourry looked around. "Hm, what are we doing?"


The four friends sat in a open room, their only light source being a fireplace. Zelgadiss leaned against the stone wall, while the other three each sat in tall cushioned arm chairs. Lina and Gourry on one side and Amelia sitting right across from them. Gourry streached out his hands to warm them by the fire, it being the only heat source as well as the light. The shadows from the flickering fire moved across their faces, as if they were performing a dance.

Amelia looked up at the stern chimera. "Are you sure you don't want to sit, Zelgadiss-san?"

"I'm fine."

"Well, we're all here now. Amelia, you first! I want to here everything down to the last detail!" Lina leaned forward a bit, her elbow on the the arm of the chair and holding her head in her hand.

Amelia felt her stomach turn. "OK, I'll go." And then she did.

Amelia told them every deatail about her meeting with the strange women. She had the full attention of her three friends. She explained what the women looked like and how her voice sounded. As the young princess told the story, she found herself getting entranced by the memories of what she saw. She didn't realize how enthusiastic she had become. She spoke about the crystal ball and began to make motions with her hands. She described the man, named Lestophel, down to the very last detail of what he wore. The princess even went as far as to tell her friends the last few things the mystic said to her.

Amelia finished her story. No one said anything for the first few moments. Gourry's mouth had fallen open.

"Woah! That was awsome!... Why is this happening again?"

"Gourry, just don't say anything!" Lina spat. She looked back at Amelia. "She just left?! Why did you let her leave?! How can we then get to Cybalien?!"

"Lina, you can worry about enhancing your magic later.", the chimera scolleded.

"I was not thinking about being the most beautifull and powerfull sorceress to ever live!"

Zelgadiss ignored her and shifted his head slightly to face Amelia. "You said a war?"

Amelia nodded. "Yes."

Zlegadiss notcied how all that light had left her eyes again. Her head hung low as if she felt in shame about something.

Lina thought for a moment. No one else spoke. The only thing on their minds was how to solve this problem of a war and whether to believe the woman.

"Wait a minute," Lina got up from her chair. "Amelia, what did that women give you?"


Lina put her hand out. "I saw you walk out of the room with some rolled up, brown, piece of paper."

"Oh, I forgot about that." Amelia had forgoton that she had been carrying it around with her. She took out the paper from behind her and straightened it out.

"What is it, Amelia?", Lina said, drawing closer. Lina, Gourry and Zelgadiss got behind Amelia to look at the paper.

The princess gawked. "I. Don't. Believe it."

Lina's eyes grew wide and began to sparkle. "IT'S REAL! HAHA!!"

"Wow, what a nice drawing!" Gourry commented.

"Gourry, that's a map." Zelgadiss spoke in a blunt manner.

"It's real, it's real, it's real!" Lina had to hug herself to prevent her body from losing control and dancing.

The paper was a map of every city, town, desert, ocean or forest that there ever was and clearly labled everyone of of them. Everything was labled and drawn out in black ink, except for one part. One city was drawn out in red ink and labled in clear letters that read 'CYMBALIEN'.

"But Lina-san, we don't know if we can trust the women or this map!"

Lina turned back around to Amelia. "Listen, do we really have a choice? A women finally comes and tells you where the war, that could destroy your city, is coming from! Lets go! This is a one time chance and you could save your city and bring justice to all! Don't you want to spread justice to the world?!"


"And save your city?!"


"Well then lets go!"

"But what if it's all a lie?!" Amelia began to roll the paper back up.

Zelgadiss decided to speak up. "Lina, Amelia is right. The women said nothing about herself, and when you think about it, all she told us was that a supposed, fake, fairy tale land exsisted and that the war was coming from there. Maybe this is a back drop so we leave and then the city is attacked while we're gone."

"But then why would she give us all that pointless information about the gypsies and everything!" Lina whinned.

"Ahh! Gypsy! Where?!"

"Shut up Gourry!" Lina walked in front of Zelgadiss and Amelia. "Both of you have looked over the problems, obviously! But what if it is true?! There could be a reason that this women left out all the information about herself! We have a map! We know our destination! Lets leave Renald in charge, and if a war does come, he can take care of it! The guy is stubborn and strict, he can get the job done!"

Zelgadiss just rolled his eyes a little bit and walked over to Amelia. "Could I see the map for a moment?"


Lina just smiled. "So, what do you think, Amelia?"

Amelia began to fidget. "Well, we could do that..."

"It's no where else." Everyone looked over to Zelgadiss.

"What isn't?" Lina asked moving over to Zelgadiss.

The chimera was going through piles of maps that had been left on a desk in the corner. "This map that the women gave us is correct, except for everything drawn in red, that being Cymbalien. Cymbalien is not on any of these other maps."

"Stop analyzing everything, Zel!" Lina stompped over to the chimera and grabbed the map from him. "Cymbalien could be preparing heavy spells to attack us and your going around worrying about whether the city is real or not!"

"Well Lina, it kind of matters." Zel said sarcasticly.

"Well I don't care!" Lina swirlled around and looked at Amelia. "Amelia! What do you wanna' do?!"

At first the princess didn't move. Then she got up from her chair and faced the sorceress and the chimera. "For the sake of justice and to protect my city," she pointed her finger in the air. "we will go and seek out Cymbalien! To protect everything that I know and love! Whether this women was lying to me or not, we shall find out!"

"Alright! We are off again!!" Lina squeeled.

"Oh L-sama, why?" Zelgadiss held his head in his hand.

"Alright! New journey!" Gourry beamed. "After we eat dinner!!"

Everyone turned to face Gourry.

Lina gave a low growl. "Jellyfish brain, WE ALREADY ATE DINNER!" With that, Lina pounded the swordsman in the face.


It was a new morning. Amelia smiled and finished off with a curtsie. "And with that, Renald, I am leaving you in charge!"

The councilman stood stunned. He was at a loss for words, and moreover, he could hardly believe everything that princess had just layed on him. "B-but Princess, are you....No, I can't, but," Renald placed his face in his hand for a moment and took a few breaths. Amelia had just told him everything. Meanwhile, Lina, Gourry and Zelgadiss stood by the door waiting for their companion.

"Renald, please think about this. It is a 50-50 chance. I'm leaving you in charge."

Renald whined. "But Princess!"

"If you hear of any threat, you know how to organize for battle."


"You can run the kingdom, Renald! May justice be with you! Bye bye!"


"Whaaaaat?!" Amelia snapped around and glared at the concilman.

"....How do you plan on getting there?"

"Uhhh.." Amelia turned to her friends. Her face asked the same question that Renald had just proposed.

"Ehehh..." Lina shrugged.

Zelgadiss shrugged. "We usualy walk. How about that for a change?", he said in a sarcastic manner.

"Feet?" Gourry said, pointing down.

Amelia turned back to Renald. "We will walk!"

"Never!" Renald said, folding his arms. "You can take horses! Princess, you should not have to walk all that way!" Renald turned to his attendants. "Go prepare the horses!"

"Sir!" The attendants bowed and quickly turned, running for the pasture.

Renald faced Amelia. "Do you and your," Renald looked back to three people who he only knew as dancing fools. "friends, have everything ready."

"We sure do!" Lina yelled across the room, giving a thumbs up to Renald. This only made the councilman more nervous.


Everyone stood outside the castle waiting for the horses to be brought around. Amelia had changed into her travling suit. The wind flapped their capes in diffrent directions and sent a cold chill up Amelia's back.

Gourry turned to Amelia. "You OK?"

The Princess nodded. "Yeah, I just hope we made the right decision."

"Of course we did! Besides, we left your beady-eyed councilman in charge. Nothing can go wrong!" Lina went over and patted Amelia on the back. "Relax, Amelia!"

Amelia looked up at her friend. "Thanks, Lina." It was not long before two men came around, each leading one horse.

"Two horses?!" Lina turned around and glared at Renald. "What kind of royal treament is this?!"

The councilman replied calmly. "Please, you didn't expect us to give you four horses, did you?"

Lina scoffed and grabbed the reins of the first horse she saw. "Alright, fine! Get on Gourry!"

"Me?" Gourry walked over to the tall horse that Lina sat upon. He tried for a few minutes but still couldn't get on the horse.

"Gourry! It's not that hard! Put your foot-" Lina burried her face in her hands. "Alright, Gourry... Listen. You-OH FORGET IT! Levitation!" Lina cast the spell and lifted Gourry up placing him on top of the horse.

"Thanks, Lina!" Gourry sighed, and positioned himself in a more comfortable matter. He turned his head and soon realized that he was sitting on the back of the horse. Lina was right infornt of him. "Hey Lina, why do you get to steer the horse?"

"Because, if you steer the horse you will most likely lead us in the wrong direction and get us lost!"

"Oh, OK then!"

Lina turned her head around and glared at the last two travlers who had not gotten on their horse. "Are you just gonna' stand there and wait for the horse to lift you up?"

"Uh, no." Amelia stuttered. She looked over at Zelgadiss and a slight blush crept up on her face. "Um, Zelgadiss-san. Would you like to steer the horse?"

Zelgadiss had his arms folded and wasn't facing Amelia so she couldn't see him blushing. He began to nervously scratch the back of his head. "Well, maybe I should. Then you can, uh, h-hold on to me. That way you won't fall off."

Amelia smiled. "Um, OK."

Zelgadiss didn't say anything. He mounted the horse and put his hand out to help Amelia. Amelia walked over and grabbed the chimera's gentle hand as he pulled her up on the steed.

"Thank you", the princess said, as she put her arms gently around the chimera's waist.

"Yeah, whatever." Zelgadiss grabbed the reins of the horse. "Are you two ready yet?"

"Of course!" Lina beamed. She turned to Gourry. "Grab on Gourry!"

"OK!" The swordsman said. He put his hands forward and unknowingly grabbed Lina's chest. "Lina, maybe you did shrink! That yellow thing you wear makes you look bigger, but it's all padding!"

"Argh! Fireball!!" Lina knocked Gourry off the horse with a powerfull ball of fire.

"Lina-san, you knocked him off the horse!" Amelia squeeled.

"Gourry, don't you do that again!" The sorceress yelled.


Lina cast another levitation spell and lifted Gourry back up on the horse.

"My WAIST this time!"

"I'm sorry, Lina." The swordsman moaned in pain.

Renald finally waved the travelers off as they left the palace.