Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Gentle ❯ Running Into Doors Can Break Your Heart ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I haven't the time to own anything.

Notes: They can't keep Miko No Hoshi away for long and damn them for trying, but as Lin-san said, they're all haneous bitches anyway. Here's part four, yaoi forever baby!

Prt. 4

His body ached. As he moved, he recognized the horrid feel of the dried blood covering him and saw it marring the white of the sheets. Gateau had already departed though the window showed the sun was just rising over the eastern hills. Wincing at the new pain, he wrapped the stained sheet about him before slipping down the hall and into the bathroom.

He didn't look into the mirror. Dropping the cover, he stepped into the shower. He turned the water on too hot and just stood there. The liquid stung his wounds, an almost welcome distraction. He had done wrong, opposing the other man like that. It was just so difficult to figure out what wasn't wrong...


"Chocolate?" Tira walked softly down the hall, searching for her sister. Stopping to listen, she heard the hiss of the shower. Testing the door she found it unlocked. Seeing as how Chocolate was the only one who did such things, quite on purpose most of the time, she assumed her sister was within.

Slipping through the door, she waved ineffectively at the steam. The call of her sister's name received no answer. She was probably daydreaming about Carrot again. With a sigh she stepped forward and threw open the curtain.

Even the sound of the water seemed to dim as the silence prolonged itself. Marron stood perfectly still with a blue washcloth clutched in one hand and an expression of surprise frozen on his face. He made no move to shift or attempt to cover himself; it was too late anyway.

The water dripped slowly over his pale skin marred by the long dark marks and bright red gashes. They covered his arms and legs, crisscrossing in places and laying parallel in others. Briefly he was thankful she couldn't see his back which had bourn the brunt of the attack.


"Do you mind?" He asked it in a cold tone, but frustration was seeping in.

She blushed brightly, realizing she had been out right staring at him. Mumbling apologies she backed slowly to the door, locking it as she retreated to the hallway. There she leaned against the wall, bringing a hand the her mouth and trying to block the sobs that escaped.

She had known something was going on, but now...

Abuse. It didn't seem like something Marron would ever be a victim of. The thought hadn't occurred to her but now everything fell terribly into place. So many long sleeved shirts, stiff movements three days after a battle, even the claimed clumsiness just short of 'I ran into a door' flooded suddenly back into her mind and she berated herself for being so blind.

She had to fix it. Standing a bit taller and with a determined look, she walked down the hall. She would make it better.


Dressed in his normal white robes Marron walked down the stairs. He was temporarily relieved to see the empty kitchen before a voice called him to the door.

"Marron, come here."

Pushing open the door he stepped onto the small front porch. Its light colored planks rattled slightly under his steps as he moved to lean against the rail that ran along the outer edge. His gaze fell on the woods ahead, not wanting to look at the woman beside him.

Tira's hands twisted in her dress as she sat off to the side in the swing. It was big enough for two and usually Marron would sit beside her and they would watch the sun set over the horizon. Now it was morning and they were far apart. He was praying she wouldn't speak and she was praying she could.

Standing, she approached him. Reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder she was hurt as he shied away. For even a gentle touch to merit a reaction...


"I do not want to discuss this."

"We should..." She stood directly beside him now, wanting desperately to take his hand in hers and knowing the gesture would not be appreciated.

"/We/ should not do anything."

"I just want to help." She looked at him with worried eyes, seeing for the first time how tired he looked.

"I don't need your help." He clutched the porch rail with both hands, his knuckles turning white.

"Let me, please, let me help you," her heart pleaded for her, hand finally sneaking out to cover one of his on the rail.

"No. I'm not," a heavy sigh. "I'm not some one to pity Tira. I'm not some woman that got beat up by her dead beat husband. Its different for...for us."

"Us? " She laughed, a bit high, "Gay men, is that what you mean? So its okay for Gateau to do this to you, is that it? You're not going to do anything about it? Look at me damnit!" She was angry, not so much at him as the situation and her own ineffectualness in it.

Golden eyes fell on her and she saw the hurt there as well as the foolish pride he tired to explain. "I am a man Tira, I do not need your help nor do I want it. I can take care of myself."

Quick as a flash she grabbed his sleeve and pulled it up to reveal the hateful bruises running across his forearm. He jerked the arm away. "Well, you sure haven't done a good job so far."

"Leave me alone."

She matched his cold leaden tone with her own. "What's with you?" Her eyes narrowed. "Do you /like/ it? Do you enjoy it when he hits you, is it a game? A little S and M fun? I want to know the truth! Do you get off on it? "

He grabbed her collar, staring into her eyes fiercely. "You want to know the truth? You wanna know the truth Tira?! I don't get off on it, most of the time I don't fucking get off at all!" He released her with a shove and she hit the rail. With a slam of the door he was gone.


Notes: This might actually be going somewhere. This conversation between Marron and Tira was actually the first thing I thought of and the reason for the fic in general, but it will go on...if you want it too.



Her Supreme Omni-potence,
Miko No Hoshi

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