Sorcerer Hunters Fan Fiction ❯ Magic Carpet ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Miko No Hoshi: {looks this over and cries} I didn't mean wasn't supposed to be like this...

Notes: I'm actually very aggravated at myself over this. It was just supposed to be a lemon, PWP, plain and simple. But then I started and it became this...and actually, as I got to the end, I got this whole idea for a multi-chapter fic! {sigh} Well, I'm not sure if I'll do more with it or not, but please excuse me for the moment...

Warnings: OOCness, lemon, other oddness

Magic Carpet
Part One: Games

Smiling in sure triumph, Carrot rushed through the streets of the small town. The sun was falling quickly over the horizon and the hunters had stopped just in time to find a room for the night. For five days they had been making the long and hurried trek back to the church on Momma's orders, all of them were exhausted and he had just found the solution.

Carrot gripped what appeared to be a thick roll of material. It was rather long, laying sideways in his arms and extending from his knees well over his left shoulder. It also was heavy, as could be seen by his frequent grunts of effort as he worried his burden back to the inn.

On such short notice the hunters had only been able to secure one space for sleeping, but they were not going to complain. It was a small suite on the third floor, a tiny bedroom and a simple sitting room, but it was warm and really much better than the ground outside.

Carrot was nearly dragging his purchase as he reached the door. Pushing it open, he was greeted by the curious stares of his companions. Gateau shifted his arm quickly from behind Marron, pushing the mage away to stand quickly and offer to help Carrot. Chocolate, roused from her light sleep over the arm of the couch, was instantly attached to her darling's arm even as Gateau placed the bundle on the floor.

Tira was the first to find a suitable question to ask as she and Marron came to gather around the odd-looking cloth. "What is it?"

Pushing Chocolate off his person, Carrot stooped to unroll it before the fireplace. "Its a rug," he announced proudly. The rug was indeed a masterful work of art. Its pattern was a complicate affair of circles and flourishes, all done in tones of gold interlaced with turquoise.

"Brother, why did you buy a rug?" Marron questioned.

"Well, the guy at the shop--"

"Shop?" Tira broke in.

"Yeah, yeah, the magic carpet shop--"

"Magic carpet?" Gateau choked back a laugh of sarcasm, not for the sake of Carrot but more for the serious expression on his lover's face.

"Are you saying you bought a magic carpet Brother?" the mage asked, staring at his sibling.

"Uh...yeah," a bit unsure of himself now, Carrot began to explain. "The guy said it flies and everything! So, you know, we won't have to walk anymore, and--what're you doing?"

Marron had knelt, pulling an ofuda from his sleeve, he placed it in the center of the rug. The paper lifted an inch or so and lit with a light just brighter than that of the dying fire before going completely out, floating lifelessly to the colored surface. Marron simply shook his head.

"How much did you pay for this?" Gateau asked, remembering their waning money supply.

Carrot mumbled over the answer and the rest struggled to understand the mass amount of money.

"Unbeautiful idiot! That much!? Don't you ever think! Magic carpets don't even exist--" Gateau tirade was cut off by a quiet cough courtesy of Marron.

“Actually, Gateau, it is true that such carpets are in existence on this continent. However, they are considered a form of forbidden magic; that is why I was concerned that my brother had actually located something of a job in this town. Fortunately, that is not the case,” though the words were positive, they were accompanied by a small sigh.

“I just thought....”

“Its okay Darling,” Chocolate patted the dejected boy’s arm.

“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m going to bed,” Tira volunteered to interrupt the long silence that threatened to plague them. Everyone agreed with her plan and after a scuffle over bed arrangements (Carrot being quite ungrateful for his spot beneath Chocolate and eventually relocated between the girls) they settled in for the night.


Gateau was half asleep when Marron moved to settle in his arms. The couch was just wide enough to accommodate them both with Marron pressed tightly against him in a spoon type fashion. Shifting slightly to give the other more room, Gateau let his hand drop to lie on Marron’s thigh. To his surprise, slender fingers entwined with his own. This simple motion brought him more to consciousness, enough to think.

For the past few days all of the hunters had been too tired to do more than fall directly asleep as soon as dark provided for them an excuse to stop their seemingly endless walk. As soon as Carrot would fall asleep, Marron would appear next to him, at least twice without Gateau knowing how he had gotten there. Lately too tired to engage in any fraction of their normal activities as lovers, Gateau was surprised at this simple sign of Marron’s affection. Marron not being a person to be obvious in the least, he had learned to watch for telltale signals.

“Marron?” he whispered.

“Yes Gateau?”

Well that certainly wasn’t the sleepy mumble he had been receiving lately. The mage was wide awake.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“Somewhat. I did have a chance to take a nap late this afternoon when we stopped for lunch.”

“Yes, I know. I happened to be that big lump you were sleeping on.”

“I did not notice that you minded.”

“Oh, I didn’t. Any chance to hold you is...just fine with me.”

Marron attempted to turn over, trying to face Gateau and nearly falling to the floor in the process. He was saved the embarrassment by Gateau’s strong arms. The blond made an impressive move and somehow positioned the mage so that he was lying directly atop the larger man. Marron’s head lifted off his chest and gold eyes met blue ones.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I think I like this arrangement.” There was however one problem. It seemed that Marron’s leg was lying strategically between his own, rubbing against a rather pertinent piece of his anatomy. It also seemed that the trim on Marron’s satiny robes rubbing against his bare chest produced an interesting sensation. And thirdly, it seemed that Marron was damn hot.

“You know what beautiful?”


“You’re damn hot.”

Marron chuckled softly. Gateau however did not miss the increasingly familiar glint in his gold eyes. That glint was mischievousness, it was well hidden, but truly dwelt just beneath the surface of Marron’s calm personality. Of course, the smirk he was wearing now was dangerously close to the one he wore when his brother trampled a particularly annoying sorcerer. Playing with Marron was like playing with fire, pretty, hot, and dangerous.

“I just got an idea,” he placed a chaste kiss on Marron’s lips, letting his tongue dart out as a promise of more to come. “Why don’t we make Carrot’s carpet, you know, a little magic.” His following actions were completely unnecessary, for the implication was quite clear, but he still carried on for the pure enjoyment. Twisting just so, he managed to access a section of Marron’s neck, gently he sucked and nipped at it, receiving a quiet moan for his effort.

“Come on,” Gateau prodded just a bit. Marron sat up carefully across Gateau, looking down at him.

“Are you serious?”

“Yes. Now get down there,” the order was turned into a request by the smile that crossed his face.

With one cautious glance towards the closed door that led to the bedroom, Marron complied. Sliding off the couch, he sat cross-legged on the rug, running his hand over its soft surface. It was quite nice. His attention to the fabric was soon cut off as Gateau joined him, kneeling close. The blond slipped one arm behind Marron, dipping him back just slightly to kiss him deeply. Their tongues met and refused to be parted until the annoying human necessity of breathing demanded it.

Pulling back and taking a deep breath, Gateau looked at the blushing face of his lover. Marron ran a hand through his hair as blue eyes watched attentively. With a predatory look, Gateau grabbed at the front of white robes, pulling Marron to him with a growl. The mage caught on quickly to what kind of game this would be. Fisting a hand in Gateau short hair, he kissed the other passionately, nipping at Gateau's lower lip even as he pulled back.

Gateau himself wondered if he should have initiated this after all, as he was pushed roughly to the ground, the mage having to throw mostly his full weight against other to accomplish this. While Gateau was constantly careful not to hurt his lover, Marron seemed to be under the assumption that the larger man "could take it"--and he could, as long as, in the end, he got the upper hand.

Now Marron settled himself across Gateau's hips. Planting his hands next to Gateau's head, long hair falling to curtain them, he began to lick at Gateau neck. All too ready to oblige, Gateau tilted his head back, closing his eyes as one of Marron's hands pressed against his forehead to hold it in the place, as if he hadn't just moved it himself. It might have been frustrating if Marron hadn't been so intent on making a mark on his neck, biting and sucking the sensitive flesh, managing to catch just the right nerve to make the other's breath come heavier.

Soon content that Gateau would have something to remember the night by, Marron shifted downward. Tongue and teeth attacked Gateau's left nipple. When it hardened quickly, he bit it, at the same time raking his short fingernails down the blonde's chest, leaving small red welts in their wake. Those he kissed lightly, perhaps in an asking forgiveness, perhaps in appreciation of his own work. Trailing kisses and bites down Gateau's shapely abdomen, he paused at the hem of the blue jeans the other wore, momentarily taking the snap into his teeth and managing to get it apart. He could have done the zipper too, but that wasn't the game.

Scooting back, he sat on Gateau's thighs, his weight light enough not to be painful. Unzipping the jeans, he pushed the cloth down just far enough to free Gateau's hardened length, eyeing it as if its present state was a grand accomplishment of his own design. He stroked it lightly, just a brush of fingers up the side. With a particularly wicked smile, he grasped it firm in his hand. Instinctively Gateau reached to protect himself, though the grip wasn't really painful, it could have easily become so. His hand, quite accidentally, found its way directly in front of Marron's face. Seeing this as a point of distrust, and not appreciating it in the least, the mage managed to snag one of the fingers between his teeth and bit it rather harshly.

"Shit!" Gateau jerked back, shaking his hand.

"I don't like that."

"You just--ah, uh, you--jeeze, sorry," he was distracted from his reply as Marron began to suck his cock in a most expert fashion. His head moved up and down, taking in as much of Gateau's impressive length as his could, hands pressing against the clear-cut lines that marked the beginning of the muscled hunter's legs. These ministrations continued until Gateau himself called a stop, feeling somewhat as if he was surrendering.

"Marron, if you--ah! If you don't stop..."

At that the mage pulled back, a small, shining strand of saliva clinging in momentary connection before disappearing into the air. Satisfied that he had won at least the first round, and quite ready for some attention to be paid to him, Marron began to work at the collar of his robes. If it weren't for the chance of Carrot waking in the night, he wouldn't have thought of sleeping fully dressed, but it had seemed necessary if he was going to be up wandering from his bed to Gateau's and then back again.

Now Gateau sat up, legs still pinned under Marron, to aide him with the removal of the suddenly bothersome clothes. As patient as the mage was with other things, when it came to sex he was much like other teenage boys, getting a little too excited and having rather clumsy fingers. Not that Gateau was much better, the mere though of having a naked Marron in his arms was enough to rile the blond considerably.

So together they worked, Marron soon dropping the top of his robes so that they puddled around his waist. Ever annoying, he had to stand to ride himself of the rest. Taking a step away from Gateau, he saw the older man turn to watch him appreciatively. Pushing his tunic out of the way, he worked at the drawstring of his thin pants, holding the hem a moment even after it was undone for the simple purpose of tormenting Gateau.

Suddenly he fell, Gateau's strong arms pushing him off balance easily and catching him. Marron growled lightly and Gateau was forced to wonder if it was for the fact that he had caught the boy instead of letting him hit the floor. There was something verging just on the edge of masochism in Marron's attitude sometimes, and though flirting with it led to vicious bouts of sex, it worried him as well. Pushing the thought aside, he quickly pressed Marron to the floor, covering him with his own weight.

Sliding backwards, he grabbed the pant's edge and pulled them from Marron, tossing the offending cloth aside. Marron lay still, hair fanned out against the carpet, pale skin glowing in the light of the dying fire. One arm was tossed across his eyes, the other across his stomach. Below that, the small spread that was his waist, nearly nonexistent led to the toned edge of his thighs. It was here Gateau touched before shifting a gaze to the perfect organ that lay in their juncture. It was pale, flushed a light pink in desire, and already beginning to stand straighter.

If Marron had been willing at the moment, Gateau would have spent the time to caress and linger over every bit of his flesh, tasting and touching, but as it was, he was lucky to be given the reprieve to look. And he had started it.

"Gateau," his name, spoken in a short, harsh breath, the warning to move on or matters would once again be taken into Marron's own hands. Still, couldn't resist a light kiss to Marron's chest, or navel, or--

Gateau's head made yet another sudden contact with the floor. Stunning him for a moment and giving Marron the chance to crawl atop him. Stroking Gateau's erection a few times, as if in cursory examinations of its state of readiness, Marron brought his eyes to the others face. Shifting forward, he once again kissed Gateau, deep and long, throwing off the other's common sense for another time as well. Lifting and positioning himself correctly, Marron was surprise as strong hands stopped his progress.

"Don't," Gateau warned.

"My turn," Marron responded, using the pause to impale himself forcibly upon Gateau's length.

Gateau held him then. Though he had gone against instruction and done it to himself, Gateau still held him as gold eyes closed in pain and small hands contracted into hurting fists. And though the pain was still there, Marron smiled. That's when Gateau first truly regretted it, regretted the game he had started. With sudden conviction, he didn't want to do this anymore, but that was lost as Marron started to move.

Hot friction engulfed in, letting him out only to take him in again. God it was sweet, motions leading him slowly into bliss, watching Marron stroke his own cock in time. But then it stopped. Marron pulled away, turning to the side and falling to the carpet. Gateau turned quick enough to watch him stretch out on the carpet, on his stomach, shapely bottom delectable in the tiny bit of fire light, head laid on folded hands, eyes facing Gateau.

"If you want it, then take me," he whispered.

Unable to resist, feeling as if it wasn't even his decision, Gateau rose. Lifting Marron's thin hips, he spread the boy's legs and settled between them. Marron pulled himself onto all fours, head hanging down and raven hair hiding any expression that might have been there.

Surrendering to the game, Gateau plunged forward, pushing into Marron's tight body in one smooth stroke. The mage groaned, half in pleasure and half in pain. Gateau moved quickly, not only for the sake of finishing but pressed by his own desire. His thrusts were hard and rough, hands tightening on Marron's hips, just hard enough to leave a mark.

"Harder," Marron demanded though the force of each thrust already rocked his frame and made him fight for balance.

Gateau ignored him, keeping the rhythm he had set, striking a spot within his lover that should have kept him quiet and content. Marron fought through the bliss to demand again.


Fed up with the situation and so very close to the end, Gateau conceded. With full strength, he went forward again and again. Marron's hands curled against the carpet and tears welled in his eyes as opposite forces tried to take control of his body. Either pleasure would win or he would pass out before knowing the
end; he smiled. The brink, the edge, the time of forgetting approached.

Gateau went first, hands tightening, breath catching in a low moan as he leaned over Marron. The sensation was a like a wave, pulling him under, leaving just enough awareness for him to run a last few strokes over Marron's straining erection. It was enough.

"Gateau!" the other cried, loud in the silence of the night. His spine contracted under Gateau's weight, tensing as his white seed fell to the carpet in several short spurts.

They rested there, in the odd position of weight and balance. Then Gateau shifted, pulling gently out of Marron to lay on the floor to the right, directing the other into his arms and spooning around him. Sweat and skin stuck them together once again, reducing the pang of separation as best it could.

As the cool of the room began to settle over them, Gateau propped himself up on his elbow to look over Marron. Reaching out, he ran a finger through the wet spot on the carpet, lifting it slowly to his lips. Golden eyes, heavy with fringes of sleep, watched him in expectation. Licking the coated digit, Gateau sampled the bitter, salty taste so familiar. Dipping down to Marron, he kissed the mage deeply, letting his tongue gather yet another taste, mixing with the other, sharing with its owner, feeling whole. Finally, he drew back.

"Magic," he whispered.


Notes: I dunno, I dunno... its such a good idea I have, you know, explaining all those weird thingies I introduced to Marron’s character like exactly what he’s trying to, hm... {sigh} Please review.