Speed Racer Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Love, Life, and Reincarnations ❯ Happy Birthday, Kagome ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


At the mention of her name, Kagome raised her head to meet the shimmering brown eyes of Rin. The young girl looked as if she'd been crying. She touched her own cheeks to test something and, sure enough, she'd been crying as well. They'd been doing that a lot lately, it seemed liked. Letting out a soft sigh, Kagome held her arms out to the young girl.

Two years. Two long and trying years had passed since Inuyasha and Sesshomaru had passed away. Four days after they had burned Inuyasha's body they'd found Jaken and a distraught Rin crying over Sesshomaru's body. Given that Sesshomaru had done an honorable act by taking in Rin as his ward, they gave him the same burial as Inuyasha. She still crinkled her nose at the thought of their burnt flesh. It had also left them wondering what to do with Sesshomaru's swords. As Kagome had taken the Tetsusaiga, they'd decided to give Rin the Tensaiga. It had helped that the little girl had insisted she keep it to remember the youkai lord by since he had used it to revive her. Tokijin, on the other hand, had presented a problem. Sesshomaru had been the only one powerful enough to wield the sword and none of them dared to touch it for fear of it controlling them in the same manner it had controlled Kaijimbo. It had taken some effort and a great deal of cooperation between Totosai and several monks and priestesses strong in spiritual power, but they had managed to purify and exorcize Tokijin, destroying the sword in the process.

'Once this quest is over, I'm taking her and Shippou with me through the well,' she told herself as she cradled the girl in her arms. 'I can't leave them here. They've already suffered enough loss in their short lives. They're not going to lose me as well.'

"Kagome-sama?" Rin's whisper broke into her thoughts.

"Yes, Rin?"

"Do you think Lord Sesshomaru and Inuyasha are watching over us?"

"Hai . . . I believe that they are, Rin, and I believe that they'd want us to succeed."

"I think so, too," the girl looked up and smiled. She settled into Kagome's arms and the two girls ended up watching the campfire before too much longer. Shippou and Kirara joined them after a few moments, and Sango and Miroku began to prepare the evening meal. Behind them, Jaken fed Uhn and Ah. They had witnessed many nights like this and Kagome often wondered if Sesshomaru and Inuyasha, if they hadn't been killed, would have eventually joined forces. Both brothers had been formidable in their own rights but joined together, they would have been unstoppable.

'And Naraku would be extremely hard-pressed to destroy either one of them, even with the Shikon no Tama. But where would that leave Kouga?'

The wolf youkai had been scarce lately. After Inuyasha had died, he came around constantly, showering her with affections . . . affections that, even after two years of having him around, she didn't feel compelled to return. Her heart still belonged to Inuyasha.


"Yes, Sango?" She didn't look up from the fire.

"How are things in your era?"

"As well as they can," she replied absently. She had recently made a trip home to take a few tests and re-stock their supplies. Her mother had also given her some news. "Mama's made some decisions . . ."

"Like what?" The taijiya sat next to her.

"We're going to be leaving the shrine in a few months," she murmured. "Permanently. Mama's bought a house in America. We need to make a move against Naraku and soon."

"You're leaving us?" Shippou cried.

"No, Shippou, I'm not," she stated firmly. "You and Rin are coming with me. And, if Sango and Miroku like, they can come, too. I've already talked to Mama about it."

"How would we get through the well?" Sango inquired.

"I'm not sure . . . yet."

"But you are thinking of something, right, Kagome?"

"I am, Miroku," she nodded.

"What about Master Jaken?"

"I do not wish to go . . ."

They turned their attention to the imp who had finally joined him. He had a forlorn look on his face.

"You could come with us, Jaken," Kagome said softly.

"I know but I must fulfill my duties to the heir of the Western Lands," the imp sighed. "And, yes, there is one."

"Really? How?"

"It is best if I do not say," he shook his head. "With Lords Sesshomaru and Inuyasha dead, it's best for no one to go after the new Lord."

"And if you tell us, it could make the new Lord vulnerable," Miroku supplied.


They fell silent and Kagome returned her attention back to the fire. Myoga had told her once that Inuyasha had been the true heir to the Western Lands. In the event of his death, Sesshomaru inherited them but that had not been the cause of the brothers' hatred for each other. When asked, both Jaken and Myoga shrugged and claimed that only Inuyasha and Sesshomaru truly knew why. Inuyasha's succession ceremony was supposed to have taken place last year. On her seventeenth birthday.

Kagome sighed inwardly. Her birthday. She'd be turning eighteen in seven months, and it'd be bittersweet. Sweet because she'd be in America, making a new start for herself, and hopefully Miroku and Sango would be with her. Bitter because she'd want Inuyasha to be there with her. She held no hope of ever finding his reincarnation, if he even had one. Japan's population had grown proportionately since this era, and she saddened as she thought of everything she'd be leaving behind.

'But it's for the better,' she told herself. 'We all need to get away . . . away from the pain and heartache. If we're not here, it won't be as painful. We'll still remember but we won't hurt as much. And that's all I can hope for.'

She settled into a fitful slumber . . .

* * *

"Are you sure about this?" Mrs. Higurashi stared at the delivery man, her expression a bit shocked.

"Very sure, ma'am," he nodded. "It was found in an old box in my family's home. It'd been there for many, many generations, and was supposed to have been delivered two years ago. We just now found it."

"I see," she murmured.

"We are very sorry for the delay but we do hope that it is enjoyed." He bowed then left. Mrs. Higurashi's eyes widened when she read the note attached to the slender box then smiled.

"I'm sure that it will be. Very sure."

She went into her home and stored the box inside of another that had been marked "For Kagome's Birthday" and she had no doubts that it would be well-received.

* * *

"She wants us to what?!"

Kagome cringed at the anger she heard in Kouga's voice but stood her ground. Standing on a branch directly above her was Kagura, the wind sorceress. Around them stood the rest of her group, and everyone watched with baited breath.

"She wants us to help her get rid of Naraku," she repeated.


"No?" Kagome raised an eyebrow at him.

"No. We're not going to help her. It's obviously a trap set by that bastard."


"Yes," he nodded. "I lead now, and my decision is final."

"Is it now? Well, Kouga, I hate to disappoint you but I have decided to help Kagura. I'm not going to waste this one chance to finally get rid of Naraku. In fact, we've all agreed to help her. Especially since time is not on our side."

"We can't trust her!" He all but shouted. In that instant, Kagome wished she had a subduing rosary for the wolf youkai. It had worked to get her way with Inuyasha but this was Kouga. She had to remain calm.

"Maybe not, Kouga, but as I said, I'm not wasting this opportunity. To many have died because of the Shikon no Tama. It ends now."

"Kagome . . ."

"No, Kouga. I'm done talking. We're attacking Naraku. Tonight."

She turned and walked away. Kagura joined her as did Sango and Miroku with Kirara, Shippou, Rin, and Jaken. What needed saying had been said. They could wait no longer.

"Thank you, Kagome," the wind sorceress murmured.

"Don't thank me yet," she stated, colder than what she had intended. "Let's just stick to the plan. Got it?"

"Got it."

Kagura pulled out her fan as she picked up her bow and quiver of arrows. Kirara transformed then took the sky, Rin and Shippou on her back. The two children were heading back to Edo, to Kaede, where they would be out of harm's way. The villagers, Kaede, and Kirara would protect them. In the event Naraku went after the children and the village, they'd be whisked to the Bone-Eater's Well and to Kagome's time, the spell already worked out. Her mother would be waiting for them.

As for the rest of their plan, it was simple. Kagura would be the first to approach Naraku as everyone got into position. Then, if he didn't detect them right away, they'd make their appearance one by one and hit him with everything they had. And it would take all that they had to defeat him.

'If only I knew what Kikyou was going to do. She's the only wild card and we haven't seen her since Inuyasha died.'

It couldn't be helped, however. They had to make their stand, even if it meant making a deal with one of Naraku's incarnations.

'But she wants to be free from him and I can't blame her for wanting her freedom.'

"Are we ready?"

"Hai," came the chorused replies.

"Let's get it over with."

With a snap of her fingers, they loped into a run, parting to two sides. The ground shook under their feet, and Uhn and Ah appeared next to them. Kagome grabbed a hold of the reigns and pulled herself up. Sango, Miroku, and Kagura followed suit. Jaken and perched himself on Uhn's head. Once everyone was on, the two-headed dragon took to the sky.

'Inuyasha, Sesshomaru . . . wherever you are, please lend us your strength. We're going to need it.'

* * *

Kouga panted as he tried to keep up with the two-headed dragon. They were heading straight for a trap. He just knew it but he didn't have the stamina, or the jewel shards, to keep up. They had been given to Kagome after he had slain Inuyasha. It was the least he could do to make her feel better but he began to regret it now.

"Dammit," he growled. "I won't get there in time."

"Going somewhere?" a female voice inquired.

He came to a quick stop, sniffing and growling. It was her. The one who bore only a marginally similar scent to Kagome's but otherwise carried the scent of clay and bones.

"What do you want?" Kouga snarled.

"To keep you away from my reincarnation," she stated coldly. "Naraku's time has come, just like Kagome's time here has come. You cannot stop her. In fact, you must not stop her."

"But she's walking into a trap!" he argued.

"For once, she is not. It is Naraku who will be ensnared. Just stay out of the way, Kouga, if all you're going to do is stop her."

"I'd like to see you make me!"

He started to lunge for her when every part of his body froze. The undead priestess smirked, chilling his blood.

"I will not allow you to interfere anymore, Kouga. Either you can help or you can stay here and live with the knowledge and shame that a young human female had more courage than what you did to take on the most hated hanyou our time has ever seen. The choice is yours."

The undead priestess turned and vanished from his sight. Kouga growled as he struggled to free himself from her spell. It just wasn't turning out to be his day.

* * *

Kagome paused for a moment to catch her breath. They had taken Naraku by surprise, something that had surprised yet pleased her. However, she had not let her guard down, not for a single moment. No one had. They couldn't afford to. Yet, he had begun to weaken. She saw it in his aura. It worked in their favour that she kept all of their shards of the Shikon shards purified, kept herself from completely hating the hanyou whom she had battled for nearly three years, and that had begun to purify the shards that Naraku possessed.

'I just need a few more arrows,' she thought as she reached for her last one. 'I can take him down.'

"Need a hand?"

"That depends," she replied tartly. "Exactly how do you plan on assisting us, Kikyou?"

"Here . . ." A quiver filled with arrows suddenly rested against her leg. "I don't think that you'll need them, though. Just promise me one thing, Kagome."

"And what would that be?"

"Promise me that, in another life, you'll find Inuyasha once again and heal the wounds of his soul."


A soft blue glow filled her vision and a warming sensation washed over her. For a long time, she hadn't felt whole, that a small piece of her was missing. She'd always known that Kikyou had possessed that part of her, had clung to that piece so that she might destroy Inuyasha. Kikyou had now given it back.

"Now is the time, Kagome. We are one once more and Naraku doesn't stand a chance. I'll show you the way. And thank you . . . Thank you for loving Inuyasha for what he was and not what he could have been."

The souls that Kikyou had kept within her over the years swarmed around Naraku, destroying his poisonous insects in the process. Kanna had been knocked unconscious by her sister, Kagura, and Kohaku . . . he also lay on the ground, Miroku standing over him. A few of them stayed close to the combatants, like they were shields or something. The rest cleared a path. Kagome notched an arrow.

'And I have back up arrows in case I need them.'

She let the arrow loose . . .

* * *

"Happy birthday to you . . . Happy birthday to you . . . Happy birthday, dear Kagome . . . Happy birthday to you . . ."

The song had been sung, the candles blown out, and the cake sliced. Kagome had to admit that her mother had outdone herself in decorating their new home and creating a fantastic birthday feast in the process. She'd forgotten how nice it could be to have a simple celebration.

"Time to open the presents!" Souta called out, causing Kohaku, Rin, and Shippou to cheer out as well. She laughed. Children could be so enthusiastic at times.

"I don't know what they're more excited about," Sango commented. "The cake or the presents."

"Presents," Kagome supplied. "Cake can be had anytime. Presents are for special occasions only."

To that, Sango laughed as well and everyone found a place to sit. One by one, Kagome opened her presents. Jokes flew about some of them, mainly about the clothes from her mother and Sango had given her. Their new home was located in a nice, well-to-do suburb of Philadelphia, and everyone, minus Shippou, would be starting school the next day. Kagome couldn't wait. West Hall sounded like a nice place.

"One more present, Kagome!" Souta announced. Kohaku brought the box over and offered her a smile, one that she returned warmly.

"Look at the tag," her mother instructed. Kagome did so and gasped. Fingers trembling, she tore the paper off and lifted the lid. Inside sat a pair of blue fans. Tenderly she lifted them out and revealed a set of blue hair combs. The combs rested on blue silk. After setting the combs next to the fans, she pulled the fabric out, unveiling a twelve-layered kimono in four different shades of blue. There were gasps coming from every person in the room.

"Kagome, that is so beautiful," Sango breathed.

"Who is it from?"

"Inuyasha," she whispered. "It's from Inuyasha."