Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ Spirited Within ❯ The Dangers of Happiness ( Chapter 7 )

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Grassy plains and small blue lakes passed speedily below as the long pale dragon made his way to Swamp Bottom. Flying smoothly through the air, his spirits soared gaily with the mighty billowing fields. Making sure he whipped through every cloud, the green eyed youth almost laughed as he quickly made a flock of screaming birds scatter from his wild antics. His mind was filled with thoughts of her…
His once dull green eyes had become bright and brilliant. He hadn't been in a mood like this in his life.
He was so happy.
There was someone who knew him for who he truly was. Someone who cared about him. He knew it too. He had seen the bright warmth in her eyes as well.
She cared for him as he cared for her.
The sun seemed to shine more brilliantly just for him. The grass had turned greener. The sky was a more dazzling shade of blue. Flowers below seemed to glow a soft pink just to remind him of her.
The pink of her clothes she had been wearing…
Her soft face…
Her beautiful big eyes…
The smitten dragon did a few more flips and swirls in the air with his long scaly body. Warmth consumed him and he let it wash over his entire being. His life, for once, was brighter than sunshine.
Spying another flock of birds, Haku immediately dashed through them. They squawked in fright and annoyance as they spread apart to make room for him. Allowing himself a small laugh as the birds tried to reform, he did another series of flips. The wind played with his mane as it ran up along his body.
Haku longed to see Chihiro even more now that he had been able to talk to her properly. This morning just wasn't enough for him. He could have stayed by her side the entire day just talking to her. She was so… interesting. Everything she did surprised him. He found that he was greatly attracted to her sudden outbursts, her worried shining face, her sweet wide eyes, lovely petite smile, and the way she had instantly forgiven him for his cruelty toward her. She threw him off balance just a little. But it was just enough to drive the young dragon mad with…
With what…?
What were the names to his feelings inside of him? His devotion to Chihiro was something never felt before. He was still considered a very young spirit in his world. He had never experienced anything like this. The unknown warmth that filled him so fully seemed to take over his entire thought process; his obsession with her safety, the need to protect and care for her.
What were these feelings called? Friendship was definitely apart of it, but it was something else. Something so much stronger than common friendship… so much more than good acquaintanceship…
Something more eternal and whole… pure and innocent…
On and on, the green eyed spirit flew through the air, every once and a while startling flocks of birds that came into his path. Joyful minutes grew into blissful hours. All the while, every feeling and thought continually stayed with his darling friend who had injected these strange feelings in his soul.
He didn't realize how far he had gone. He didn't realize the danger he was in.
It was late afternoon when he felt it.
A slight prickling had entered his head; almost minuscule as to pass it off as a headache.
But Haku knew better though. He knew what it was right away.
Suddenly, the probe dug further into his skull trying to pry harshly into his mind.
He fear washed over him as the prying grew dangerously hard. Stopping in mid-air, he let his senses into the atmosphere and attempted to build up his lock. The intruder pushed roughly against his cemented mind. A wave of achy pain shot down Haku's spine with each breaking hit. Concentrating harder, Haku shoved back with all his strength and will.
But, it kept coming and coming; trying harder and harder to break into him.
The pale dragon swerved in erratic patterns, trying to rid him from the probe. Shaking and trembling with fright and effort, he forced his block to hold. The hits became increasingly harder as each knock slammed into his skull.
He couldn't hold on much longer…
The pain was so forceful…
His shields were breaking under the pressure…
Faintness fell upon his weakened mind…
Haku became slowly aware that he was falling down to the earth. He could no longer fly. He couldn't even hear his wind…
He was drifting away; swimming urgently against the rough current of his mind.
Desperately reaching for strength within, Haku franticly forced himself to search his searing head. Groping blindly, Chihiro's beautiful face suddenly immerged and broke through his pain. Her expression was gentle and warm. Almost identical to the one she had given him when he had confessed to her about his lost name. The feeling she gave was intoxicating.
Haku soaked in her image. The flowers all around her. The wind secluding them both from the surrounding world. They were united in that one moment. The world had drifted away into oblivion, but they had remained together staring into each others souls. She smiled slightly in his mind as her eyes continually bore into his. He was transfixed by the very sight of her loving eyes.
A warm healing began to wash over his mind much like the healing he received from nature.
It spread quickly through his body and Haku's strength returned. Power returned and along with vigor to fight. Stopping his fall in mid-air, the warmth filled his heart as he pushed with all his might on the intruder. Flying back into the sky, Haku continually beat the probe just as hard as it had been hitting him. The imposter began to fight even more for its control.
Chihiro continually stationed in his mind, Haku drew in all his power and slammed the probe with all his might. The intrusion wavered and gradually began to retreat. He increased his pounding as it slowly fled his mind.
Finally letting him go, it left his mind.
Through a sense of relief, Haku breathed in slowly to catch his breath. Though fatigue hit him, the dragon forced himself to continue flying in the air.
`Zeniba.' Haku growled as a sharp headache began to appear in his mind.
Obviously, the witch had felt his strong happy emotion and had decided to investigate. Looking around himself, he discovered he had already passed the barrier point to which Zeniba could sense emotions. He had flown right into her lands without realizing it!
Frustrated, Haku let out a low growl.
`How could I have been so careless?' he thought angrily, `I could have put everything in jeopardy!'
I promise you. I will crush you if you come back empty handed. You will never again see the light of day. And I will throw in your little girlfriend as well.”
Yubaba's warning rang in his head as though he was still in Peak Tower watching her leave. If he ruined this mission, Chihiro would be hurt. If he ruined this mission then he would be with the forgotten spirits and no one would be there to protect her. Yubaba would send her to the slaughter house along with her parents.
His beloved friend who had helped him in so many ways…
`No! I can't think of her!' Haku thought immediately. `If I do than it will attract Zeniba's attention even more.' Most likely, she already knew he was coming. `Hopefully, she just thought my feelings were lovebirds or an unusually happy leaf spirit.'
But… most likely not.
Still, she was on her guard now. Getting the seal will be even more difficult.
Cursing himself bitterly, Haku felt urge to slam his already sore head as hard as he could. Maybe then he would get some sense!
Still… even though he knew he should, Haku felt reluctant to get rid of these feelings. It was something that he had never experienced before. And he liked it. No, he didn't just like it. He cherished these feelings. Whenever he thought about her, it was as though his entire heart would light up.
He didn't want to go lock them up. These feelings, these emotions.
It hurt him almost as much as Zeniba's mind probe.
But it must be done--- if not for the sake of the seal and Yubaba, but for Chihiro and her safely.
Haku knew to take Yubaba's warning quite seriously.
Extremely reluctant, the young spirit pushed every emotional feeling once again into his lock. Chihiro's face disappeared from his mind and she too was shoved into his cold lock. Instantly, he felt the rush of nothingness leap forward. It was a familiar sensation. Instantaneously, all the happiness he had felt throughout the day became dead. The warmth was gone. He was cold as stone.
Completing his mission became once again his top priority. He was Yubaba's slave once again.
Flying at breakneck speed through the air, Haku flew with such an unbeatable pace that he reached Zeniba's swamp at around twilight.
The weather had gradually changed from its jovial splendor to darkened anger. Thunderclouds overhead gathered like a victorious army, and had spread their wrath throughout the once gloriously bright sky. Black consumed each corner of the vast heavens. Blustery weather howled at the trees and fought for their leaves. It whistled with rage and hate as it whipped at everything it encountered ferociously. The attack beat hard on Haku, but he braved it without a thought. Haku's wind, on the other hand, stayed slightly behind him, not wanting joining in with its blustering brothers. It swayed back and forth frightened by the sudden turn of tide.
Passing above the storm thrown trees, Haku's hard green eyes scanned the fields for the little lantern. That little light was the only signal to Zeniba's residence. The lantern was very weak magic. Haku had only to cloak himself and it would trick the ignorant object.
Spotting it only a half a mile away, Haku cloaked immediately. Landing just on the outskirts of her home, the properly invisible dragon silently transformed into his human shape.
In front of him, two wooden pillars, one on each side, lined the entrance to her house. The innocent and whimsical lantern swayed bored on his perch as the ever accelerating wind rocked it back and forth. Zeniba's house was little and quaint, much like a grandmother's home. It was drastically different from Yubaba's glittering jewels and elaborately decorated hallways.
Haku had examined Zeniba before when he was watching for the seals location. Her resemblance to Yubaba was uncanny. Though instead of filling out endless amounts of paperwork on a rich mahogany desk like Yubaba, Zeniba went out and fed the birds that came out to her house, or stayed inside and sewed herself a new dress.
Her lifestyle was one of easy living. She enjoyed her life instead of loathed it, as Haku had learned to do.
The green eyed boy had often gazed at her with jealousy. The envy would boil inside as he caught himself wishing for such a lovely existence. He would soon after have to cover the emotion for fear of discovery.
He had almost been caught early today. Almost failed his mission.
The young dragon's thoughts unconsciously turned to Chihiro. Suddenly, he felt his lock strain to open.
`No.' he commanded. `You're not coming out.'
Concentrating with all his might on Zeniba, Haku pushed Chihiro out of his mind once again.
Sneaking over the gate, Haku slipped past the still swinging lantern.
As expected, it didn't notice a thing.
Creeping through the grass, the green eyed youth stopped outside the left side window. It had a good view of the bedroom and hallway. Remembering the spell Yubaba put on her, Haku knew the effects of the bacteria would be working soon. She would be making her way to bed. Then, all he had to do was wait for her to fall asleep and reject the seal.
Haku suddenly wondered what exactly rejection might mean.
He could handle watching someone retch, but picking through the sick?
This definitely wasn't the best of missions.
Ten minutes of waiting and the sky opened its mouth and poured heavy rain. It immediately drenched everything it touched including Haku. Cold swept up and down his back as he wrapped his arms around his torso for warmth.
Hours passed and still no Zeniba. He began to memorize the sight of the hallway and bedroom. The room was dark and simple. A obviously hand sewed quilt covered a small bed that lay in the right hand side corner. There was a bookshelf that held cooking recipes and romance novels in the other corner adjacent to the door. A light blue rug snuggled the floor.
The hallway was also dimly lit and was made with wood. Judging from the obvious contentment of the timber, Haku realized that, unlike Yubaba who had taken the trees lives by force, Zeniba had asked the forest for her wood.
The rain fell heavily on him as he continued to wait.
Haku began to wonder if the spell had even worked.
Thinking maybe he should at least find a nearby tree to stand under, Haku suddenly noticed a movement. Zeniba's slouched form had appeared in the beginning of the hallway. She was holding onto the wall for support as she groaned with the effort of walking. Obviously the bacteria were doing their job. Her brow was sweaty, and her eyes drooped slightly. Her sliver hair perched uncharacteristically messy on her head. She stopped only once on her way to her room to catch her breath.
The seal was beginning to react.
Entering her bedroom, Zeniba crawled ungracefully into her quilted bed and buried herself deep within its folds. Haku's eyes brightened as she rolled over to her side and lay still. The covered mound rose up and down with even breathing.
Suddenly, Zeniba tossed and turned on the bed. It was as though she couldn't find a comfortable spot. With a loud moan she threw back the covers and abruptly sat up. Though her eyes were wide, she stared at the wall though transfixed. Haku realized that she was still asleep. Her wrinkled mouth opened widely and she made a coughing motion. The seal was rejecting itself! Just like Yubaba said!
And out it came. One large cough later, the seal lay innocently on her bed as though nothing had happened. Zeniba lay back down on her bed gently, and snored on.
It all was going according to plan.
Breaking into Zeniba's home was never difficult. She kept her windows unlocked so that she could let the breeze into her home whenever she wanted. Haku turned right to make his way to the front of the house. Opening the window silently, he slipped his thin frame through the lifted crack. The house was extremely dark. Haku had to wait for his eyes to adjust to his new shadowy surroundings.
The rain pounded loudly on the roof.
Making his way through the kitchen and sewing supplies, the extremely wet and alert dragon slowly creaked the door open leading to the hallway. Snoring could be heard on the other side of the door.
It squeaked deafeningly as he pushed it.
Wincing, Haku opened it quickly to not cause anymore noise.
It squealed even more blaringly.
He silently cursed at it.
A thunderous snort sounded from the bedroom and then all became still.
The house was completely quiet.
The snoring had stopped.
For a half a second, Haku stopped breathing all together. His muscles were tight. Closing his eyes, he silently prayed.
Sudden snoring came from the bedroom and green eyes popped open. Breathing again in little felt relief, Haku continued quietly forward through the dim lit hallway.
The door to her bedroom was already open all the way. Haku studied the room. It was just as he left it. Zeniba hadn't moved from her collapsed spot.
Entering her bedroom, Haku spied the seal on the covers. Zeniba laid face up on the bed; her mouth opening and closing with her continual snoring. Quickly, he slipped over to the bed and reached over the rumpled quilt to the seal.
His finger had barely grazed the seals edge when the snoring abruptly stopped.
Looking up quickly, Haku watched Zeniba's eyes open and look at him, fully awake.
A second passed where they just looked at each other.
The suddenly, she roared and leaped at him, clawing for his outstretched arm.
But he was too quick.
Grabbing the seal off the coverlet, Haku speedily raced through the adjacent door of her room and down the dark hallway. In the kitchen, pots, pans, and every other movable object hurled themselves forcefully at him as he ran around the tables and chairs in his haste. Needle pins flew from their respectable places and pricked his skin. Threads unwound themselves and wrapped their strong strings around his waist and legs to tie him back.
Fighting against his restraints, he reached the slightly ajar window and crawled out to the rainy open sky.
Putting the seal in his mouth, Haku quickly leaped into the air and transformed into a dragon. And like a blur, he flew off into the stormy night sky.