Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ Spirited Within ❯ Moonlight Memories ( Chapter 11 )

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The moon stood before Haku like a great beacon of light. Her radiant brilliance graced her happiness to the ground as she gazed over her world. There were no clouds to cover her splendor. Lighting his path and obediently following his trail, the rich, heavenly moon showered the pale dragon's surroundings with her glory. His quick sharp body lacked the usual wave in the air it normally held. His invisible windy companion was absent.
He refracted the moonlight's shine off of his newly healed scales. His almond shaped eyes blazed green and his mouth frowned determinedly as he raced past the illuminated greenery. His limbs tucked into his sides, Haku forced himself to continue to stare straight ahead while the trees and flowers turned their faces towards him as he sailed past. Noticing them flashing him expressions of surprise and encouragement, he listened to their hushed voices as they talked to one another, quietly whispering words of conformation.
`Could this really be Haku…?' `…cannot be the same one who flies through the air back and forth…' `…has too much feeling…' `…never be him. This spirit holds too much…' `…He is different…' `…stronger than usual…' `…more determined…' `…eager even…' `…such power…' `…what changed him…?'
The dragon's once unwavering locked mind was now spread apart with his unbridled emotions. All could feel his thoughts. All could feel his urgency. His mind was open to anything and everything. And all could feel his fervor to reach Chihiro.
Steadily as the night waned onward, Haku felt his body begin to tire. But without his wind there to help him fly, the dragon's usual flight routine had become a desperate struggle.
He pushed himself forward, hoping he could last just long enough to make it to the border of Zeniba's lands.
But only a few hours later, Haku knew his strength was gone. No matter how determined he might be, the flight was too long to make in one night.
He had to stop… He had to rest… But he had to see Chihiro again...
Haku knew in order to keep going he needed his wind. The one that helped him ride the airstreams like a wave on the water.
The one who had taken care of Chihiro.
His friend who had stayed by his side for all these lonely years in the bathhouse.
And what had he said to it---
I never needed you! Go away!”
Haku heard his own words from the past shout back at him as guilt and shame began to seep through his stomach. Almost out of instinct, the green eyed youth tried to cover this emotion. But… what was there to cover? Why cover his guilt? Why try to pretend he wasn't ashamed of his actions?
I don't want to see you again!”
His first friend in this world… How could he have said those things? If he called for it, would it come? If he apologized, would it accept?
Slowly, the young spirit's altitude dropped as he lowered his speed. The plants below, still tilting their flowering faces to him, faintly cheered him on. But it was too much. He had to stop…
Out of sheer misery, Haku drew in a deep breath and gave a huge remorseful roar. With this, he cast his guilt and sorrow through the atmosphere. Every plant and animal felt his shame as if a rushing tide had swept through the plains. The air overflowed with his cry and carried it off in every direction. It impacted the sky and moon together as the charging emotion filled the surrounding areas.
He hoped it would feel his call.
He hoped it would come back to him.
It was not long until familiar sounds entered the tired dragon's ears. Pricking them slightly southward, Haku listened intently as the wind, his wind, picked up his slow pace; swirling and rushing to him like mad water rapids.
Once it reached him, it circled around him in an apology accepted kind of way and right away brushed itself up against his scales. This gave Haku more leverage as he kicked to the sky once again with more rigor than before. A strange kind of relief seemed to lift from his heart as he listened to the familiar whistling floating around him. The green eyed dragon smiled widely at his invisible companion while it circled his body.
Together, they would get Chihiro from Swamp Bottom.
Together, they would protect her.

Night had grown in full bloom as Haku finally made it to Zeniba's lands
Haku knew immediately when the old witch had sensed him. With his emotions so open, Zeniba would have to be blind to not recognize him; especially with Chihiro's face planted so firmly in his brain. The air only a few miles from her home instantly warmed with welcome and the plants that had once been so hostile, giggled as he passed them.
`I wonder why she isn't mad.' He thought wonderingly to himself. `I would have thought she'd attack me on spot.' The green eyed dragon smiled to himself as he thought about the strong probe that had fought his brain. `I'm thankful Zeniba isn't angry at me anymore because I don't think that I can lock my emotions again to help me fight her off.' Haku chuckled to his wind. It gave a light shrill in amusement.
Locked emotions… what good had it done to lock his feelings away? He had never wanted to be Yubaba's henchman. He had never wanted any of her magic.
Finally, he didn't have to hide himself from everyone anymore.
He could be himself.
Not Haku, the henchmen of Yubaba.
Not Haku, the tool of profit for the bathhouse.
And certainly not Master Haku.
Just… Haku.
A slight sadness crept over his heart as he thought about himself. He still didn't know his true name. He was still stuck with Yubaba. Even if he had gotten her controlling spell out of him, it would only be a matter of time before Yubaba put another in.
Without his true name… all Chihiro had done for him might be for nothing.
Shaking his giant long head, Haku let those thoughts slide out of his mind.
The moon had already crossed over to the other side as the little lantern, signaling the location of Zeniba's house, came into view. Haku felt his heart rise with the excitement of seeing Chihiro again.
His wind was so animated and eager, it flew out from under Haku, which made the pale dragon drop a couple of yards, and raced towards the little cottage. It banged against the windows of Zeniba's house just as Haku began his steep dive over the fence.
Landing with a soft thump against the sweet flourishing green grass, he looked up just in time to see Zeniba's wooden front door creak open.
A small round face poked out through the crack and Haku let himself purr with happiness. There she was.
Beautiful Chihiro.
She gasped at him as his wind swirled the air around them. The gentle airstreams pushed back her dangling bangs and windswept his long mane covered tail.
“Haku!” She cried in her lovely sweet voice and took off towards him, leaving the door cracked open. Lowering his head to her small hands, Haku purred louder as she held his long chin and caressed her face on his huge snout.
“Haku,” she whispered his name again and Haku felt shivers run through his long body. The wind stopped swirling; ensnaring them both together. Closing his eyes, he reveled in the tender touch of her hands and the soft skin of her cheeks as she buried her face in his fur. “Thank goodness.” She breathed her words softly as though still unable to grasp the fact he was here. Her breath smelled sweet and heavenly. Her scent covered Haku, trapping him in a secluded world with just her. “You're alive. I can't believe it.” The green eyed dragon smiled lovingly with his eyes still closed as she began to nuzzle his face tenderly.
“How did it happen?”
Somewhere in the background, Zeniba's voice rang out. All was lost to Haku except for the little angel who continued to hold him tightly with her small hands. Chihiro; however, pulled her face away from Haku's to address the old woman approaching them. “Look, Granny! Haku's alive!” she smiled widely, her eyes crinkling with excitement and relief.
Opening his eyes and breaking the seclusion that had ensnared his mind, the dragon looked straight at the witch who looked so much like Yubaba. Searching Zeniba's half closed eyes, he could tell exactly how much different they really were from each other. In these shining wide orbs, Haku could only see kindness and compassion reflecting within. He saw a love for everything that grew and a sympathetic caring for those in need.
And he bowed his head respectfully to her.
“Haku, I will forgive you for stealing my precious seal,” Zeniba said gently. “But in return you must take care of this girl.”
`No need to tell me, Zeniba. I've got it covered.' Haku sent the old woman through his thoughts, a big silly smile still plastered on his face.
As a small pink rat carried by a black bug floated towards where they were standing, Haku suddenly felt Chihiro's warm hand slide off his cheek.
“Granny!” She cried, and ran into Zeniba's open arms.
Haku, on the other hand, turned his attention towards the mysterious floating pair that stayed right in front of his face. Slowly, he brought his snout closer to them and with a quick smell discovered they were none other than Boh and Yu-bird.
`Ha! What happened to you guys?' Haku chuckled and received a quick scowl from both. Still snickering, Haku focused his attention back on Chihiro. She was whispering her goodbyes quietly to Zeniba.
Turning away from the old woman, Chihiro ran towards Haku; a radiant smile planted on her angelic face. Using Haku's foreleg to climb onto his neck, she pinched her knees lightly together and grasped his horns with her delicate fingers. “Granny, take care! Thanks for everything!” Chihiro cried over her shoulder. The wind quickly swirled with him as, with a final wave farewell to Zeniba, Haku gently took off the ground, and soared off into the night sky.

Over world below, Haku swooped in and out of small dives; entertaining the adorable angel on his neck. She giggled with surprise as he led her into another quick plunge through a cloud.
“Haku! You're getting me wet!” She laughed, brushing her damp bangs out of her eyes as he snorted with amusement.
Together they climbed through the skies; over the clouds and, it seemed, within reaching distance of the bright moon. A slight sense of deja-vu had overcome Haku, but he thought nothing of it.
He thought of nothing, but her…
Haku purred quietly as they traveled; his wind circling him and Chihiro affectionately.
“Haku, listen.” Chihiro sweet voice suddenly came from above him. “I just remembered something from a long time ago. I think it may help you.” Haku perked his ears to catch her voice more clearly as she continued her speech.
“Once when I was little, I dropped my shoe into a river. When I tried to get it back, I fell in. I thought I'd drowned, but the water carried me to shore. It finally came back to me. The river's name was the Kohaku River.” A slight shiver ran through Haku's spine.
He knew that name…
“I think it was you. And your real name is… Kohaku River.”
Haku was suddenly blinded by shock that hit his mind as the wind--- his wind--- suddenly forced its way through his body into his head. It seemed to strip him of his awareness.
His mind was filling with memories… so many memories…
Memories of a forgotten time…
Each lost remembrance rejoined its brothers in the debts of his consciousness as Haku tried to gather his surroundings.
His wind… this entire time… had been his lost memories?...
It had been… his name?
But Yubaba had taken it. She held it under contract.
Could it be that it escaped her…? And had found him…?
Since he could not recall even having it, he could not accept it into his mind. Thats why it had stayed with him constantly…
Thats why it had refused to ever enter the bathhouse. It was afraid of being recatured.
A sudden memory flashed itself along Haku's eyes and he watched remembering:
"Sign here," Yubaba's gnarly voice said as she handed him his contract.
A weak and disleveled Haku barely stood as his flimsy legs clinked together with exhaustion. Taking the floating paper and pen from the air, Haku walked slowly towards the fireplace. Lowering himself down onto his weak knees, he breathed deeply and signed his name with a shaking hand, on the contract.
As soon as he was done,the fire within the crate suddenly burst forth with a towering blaze; shocking Haku to retreat from the paper and fall back alarm.
The fire had singed his name off.
"What happened? What's wrong?" Yubaba's annoyed tone rang through the office. "Stop playing with the fire and bring your contract here!" she yelled.
Haku stood slowly and, causiously picked up the paper, studying its damage.Thinking quickly, he wrote his name again sloppily on the side of the contract.
It didn't help much because the original had already escaped into the night air...
The memory ended as it joined with others to connect the questions that his brain had long forgotten. He remembered"his wind's"excitement when Chihiro had first come to the Spirit World. His name and memories had remembered her. It had recognized her from the past.
His memories had remembered her from so long ago.
As the forceful recollections compacted his mind, Haku's vision was covered with an image of his home… his river…
Great mighty trees towered the sky; reaching their powerful limbs to the heavens. Flowers in bloom released their reproducing pollen in the ever blowing wind that caressed the gentle waves of grass. Small birds picked at soft petite rocks lined with foliage and other eroding elements. A small wooden bridge crossed over him, casting a dark shadow in the water below. He flowed smoothly and freely, gliding along the rough gentle current…
The sharp night air hit his face and pulled at his sleeves. Something strangely warm was holding his hand tightly. Blinking slowly, Haku's vision adjusted to focus on Chihiro. The fear in her eyes puzzled Haku and he reached for the fingers of her other hand. Interlacing them with his own, his eyes sparkled as he remembered her story.
The pink shoe… the young girl…
It had been Chihiro!
That's why he had felt such need to protect her. He had saved her before. He had cared for her before.
He had loved her before!
“You did it, Chihiro!” His eyes shined an emerald sparkle as he caught her watery gaze with his own. “I remember I was the spirit of the Kohaku River!”
Her tears began to shed out of her eyes; falling more slowly than she was to the earth below. Her face lit up with surprise. “A river spirit?”
“My name is the Kohaku River.” Haku said proudly.
“They filled in that river. It's all apartments now!”
“That must be why I can't find my way home, Chihiro.” It all made sense. His river was gone. That's why he was lost. “I remember you falling into my river!” Haku told her excitedly, “And I remember your little pink shoe!”
“So you carried me back to shallow water!” Chihiro cried in shock. “You saved me!”
Suddenly feeling an urge to be closer to her, Haku closed his eyes and pulled her to him by their interlocked hands. The soft skin of her forehead touched his and he sighed in contentment.
“I knew you were good.” She whispered and Haku smiled.
He slowly stopped their dropping altitude as they neared closer to the ground. Haku shifted his body to face north; towards the bathhouse. Then he gently pulled Chihiro along; back into the white heavens of the sky.
And so, side by side, both river spirit and human floated together; their hands never breaking the interlacing connection they had made.