Spirited Away Fan Fiction ❯ The Other World ❯ Adventure Planning ( Chapter 3 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't _ own _ Haku!! *sobs*.......Oh, I don't own the rest of the movie either.
DS: *big grin* ^__________^I feel so LOVED!!! *very happy* I actually got good reviews! After months of waiting after I first posted this, I'm finally on the third Chapter! Yay! Everyone, thank you so much for your patience, and I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't been updating lately. My computer sucks. But anyway, Merry Christmas! And enjoy the fic!
Thankies much! ^_^
"Okaasan! I'm home!" Chihiro shouted to her mother as she breezed into the house.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Ogino!" Sakura greeted her, bowing quickly and following Chihiro upstairs.
Chihiro ran into her room and scanned the jumble of papers on her desk. Hadn't she put it here after she came back? Her eyes passed over old candy bar wrappers and homework assignments not yet finished. Where WAS it?
Sakura came into the room. "Well? Have you found it?"
Chihiro looked around frantically. It HAD to be here! Where was her camera? She spotted it on the futon.
"Ah! Over there!" She exclaimed, sprinting over and lifted it up to reveal a fully-developed instant photo underneath. Chihiro picked it up......and gasped.
"What? What is it?" Sakura peeked over her shoulder.
There in Chihiro's hand was a photo of a path in a forest...everything wet and drizzly…but there was no tunnel. Not even the short little statue in front of it! Only an old brick wall, rising from the earth, all chipped and vine-covered.
"What about it?"
Chihiro looked back at her friend, horrified and confused about what just happened. "Sakura, this is the picture! Or it's supposed to be."
Sakura stifled an astonished gasp.
"I swear, I was there just this morning! I was scared out of my wits, but I DID take the picture...I have no idea why it isn't showing up!" Chihiro hoped she would believe her.
To her surprise, Sakura just shrugged, showing only the littlest bit of disappointment. "I believe you, Chihiro. I really didn't expect much....After all," she added, her face lighting up. "How can you take a picture of a spirits' gateway!" Her face showed only signs of excitement now. "This only proves that the tunnel isn't just an old tunnel. It backs your story! And now that you know where it is, we can go there!" Sakura was practically jumping for joy.
Chihiro grinned. Sakura's happy face was contagious.....but she was very tired....
"Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow, Chihiro? It IS Saturday..."
"Er...no, not really. Why?"
Sakura's face was still the epitome of excitement. "Can I come over tomorrow so we can look for the tunnel then? And we can bring Haku back with us!"
Chihiro blinked. Was she SERIOUS? What would people say to a strangely old-fashioned kid appearing out of nowhere in the forest? But still..... "Well...I...I really don't know if we'd be allowed to go back..." Chihiro said hesitantly. "I mean, what if a person can only go once, like in those fairy-legends? Or what if we get stuck there...."
"....Again?" Sakura finished with a grin.
She really is excited about entering an unpredictable, trapping world, Chihiro mused. But that was Sakura for you: loving the unexpected and adventurous. Gawd, she DID watch too many Disney movies.....
Sakura put on puppy eyes. "Please? Oh, please please please, Chihiro!"
Chihiro sighed. It was no use. "Alright, we can TRY, but- "
"Yippeee!!" Sakura danced around the bedroom, visions of bathhouses and white dragons already rolling through her head.
".......but we might not even find anything, I'm warning you!" Chihiro finished.
"Well, we can try! Oh, thank you Chihiro! Thank you so much!" Then Sakura gasped and looked at her watch. Then to the window. "It's getting late! I gotta go home!" With that, she dashed down the stairs, only stopping to say goodbye to Chihiro's mom. Then she was out the door.
Chihiro stood there for a minute, thinking. COULD they bring Haku here, into the modern world? Would he go to her school? She laughed to herself. What would Bumblebee Kimi buzz about if she saw Haku at school with them?
Chihiro made her way downstairs to grab a snack. She wasn't really hungry for dinner…it was leftovers, anyway. She grabbed a rice cake and went to sit on the back porch.
What a beautiful evening. The sun was in the middle of setting, golds and crimsons painting the horizon, while a deep indigo covered the rest of the sky. Chihiro gazed over at the Forest. Half of her dreaded going back there, but part of her hoped really hard that they could find it again, that they could find everything inside-
What was that!?
Chihiro stood up and squinted across the field. A figure had just dashed out of the woods, and was now standing stalk still on the nearest side of the bridge. Haku! No, wait, that was silly. Why would he be out here?
Chihiro took a step, despite herself, and started to walk quickly across the field to get a better view. The figure moved away from the bridge and was hurrying quite quickly to the other side of the filed. Chihiro picked up her pace and ran after. The person stopped short next to a big boulder, not seeming to notice Chihiro coming towards...her. As Chihiro got closer and hid behind a short, dead tree, she saw that it was Mika.
Mika snapped her head up, as if hearing something, and turned in Chihiro's direction. Instead of coming near, she sprinted off again, and into the back door of her own home.
What was all that about? Chihiro trudged back across the field, wondering about what just happened. Why had Mika been in the woods? And at this hour?
Chihiro thought about it for a while. Maybe she should try and get to know Mika better. She HAD been the first neighbor they'd had since they moved here, and Chihiro didn't even know Mika's last name.
It was pretty dark now, and Chihiro just barely made it inside before her parents started to worry.
Mr. and Mrs. Ogino watched their daughter go quietly upstairs, and a little later call down to wish then goodnight.
Mrs. Ogino looked at her husband, a bit worried. Their daughter had been acting strangely since they moved here. True, after their little incident in the woods behind the house, she had warmed considerably towards their new home. But she seemed different somehow. Incomplete. And a bit lonely.
"Dear, what do you think is wrong with Chihiro?" She asked. Mr. Ogino grunted and looked up from his book.
"Chihiro. What do you think is wrong with her?"
"Wrong? There's nothing wrong...Is there?"
"Well, she's been acting moody and quiet since we got here. And barely complaining about anything, even if she doesn't like it."
"Isn't that normal Chihiro behavior?"
Mrs. Ogino gave her husband a look, then sighed and determined to stop worrying about it.
DS: AAAAAAGH!! *dies of chapter's horrible shortness. Come back to life*
Once again, so sorry!!! ^^;;;