The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ Dance! A waltz between Sages ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“You would not believe the nerve of that girl Missy. I mean, here she comes all high and mighty and shit then blows me off. She's a sage just like you guys. She needs us.”
Azmara chewed her lip as she stirred her tea loudly. It irritated her as she recalled the chain of events that happened the day before. Damn that Yuiko Tachibana. She just had to think she was so special that she didn't have to join up with Azmara and her friends. If Yuiko didn't join up soon then Raion would have her medallion. “Damnit! Where're Azalea and Theo?”
“Theo's got classes today and I don't know where Azalea is. Hey Astrid another slice of that cake!”
Elsewhere, Azalea watched as Yuiko enjoyed lunch with a man and a woman at a fine dining restaurant. After what Azmara had told her the night before she thought that she'd take it upon herself to track Yuiko's moves. She watched as she spoke with the man sitting beside her. They seemed to be quite close, more than friends. As she watched, Azalea wondered if she could ever share that happiness with the one person. The only guy she'd ever grown close to in the past two months. Azalea disappeared from the sight to head for Theorello's studio. She watched as he dismissed his class from the day's lesson. Once everyone had gone Azalea entered and stood before him. “I thought you'd be out with Sumina today.”
“No… not today. I thought I'd come see you. I… I've been thinking about Yuiko. I wonder why she refuses to join us.”
Theo didn't answer Azalea's thoughts. He knew exactly why Yuiko did what she did. Yuiko was afraid of her gift and her destiny. She wasn't too far from what Azmara was when it began. Azmara and Yuiko were exactly the same. “Perhaps I should go talk to her. Following her every move isn't going to help.” Theo threw on his jacket and walked past Azalea but stopped before he exited. “Does this displease you?”
“No, go on. I'm tired of following her myself. I'll… I'll just leave.”
Azalea left before Theo could call out to her. There was something that was bothering her but what? Theo didn't have the time to worry about Azalea. He had to find Yuiko and fast.
“Miss Yuiko, Kai called to remind you about your album shoot tomorrow. He wants you there at eleven then lunch with Megumi Kato to talk about the collaboration. Lastly your mother and father called from the U.S. They said they'd like for you to visit in the fall.”
“Is that all Suburu? I'd like to relieve my stress by the pool. And on your way out, tell security to turn off all the cameras. Including the ones inside the pool and the changing rooms. That will be all.”
Suburu bowed and left Yuiko alone to relax by the pool. He didn't know it, but Yuiko had him tell security to turn off all the cameras so that she could deal with Theorello. Sitting up, she removed her sunglasses and hat to prepare for battle. “I thought I told Azmara Toyama that I didn't want to see anyone.”
“Azmara didn't relay that message to me. Good afternoon Miss Tachibana, my name's Theorello Yukimura. I'm the Sage of Light. I didn't come here to fight-”
“But by coming her you initiated it. Get out of my home!!”
Yuiko stood ready for a fight. Her orange colored aura surrounded her body fiercely. She was not about to back out of a fight and neither was Theo. Unlike Yuiko, he didn't allow his power to flow free. He would contain his power and fight her without its use. Yuiko took it upon herself to make the first move and sent spirits at Theo. The silver haired man found himself surrounded by souls of the dead. Each of them had a ghoulish look on their faces with chains hanging from their arms and legs. “My power, my ability. I can pulls souls from the under the grave. They work under my command and mine only. Now that you know that, spirits attack!”
The spirits came for Theo but he easily fought them off. With raining white lights appearing from above his head, Theo washed away the spirits that opposed him. “I don't want to fight you Yuiko.” He said calmly.
Angrily, Yuiko charged at Theo and tried to hit him. He easily stepped out of the way over attacks and tripped her. Before she could hit the ground Theo stood up and caught her. “Nice catch.”
“Thank you, I am also a dance teacher. I'm very graceful on my feet Miss Yuiko.”
Yuiko stood up and walked over to her seat to retrieve her towel. She wrapped it around her body then turned back to Theo with a frown on her face. “Why the hell do you guys keep coming back? I don't want to join your silly little team. I don't care what you do just leave me out of it.”
“And then what? If you stand alone on your own then Rioma and Tatsuya will have a better chance of taking your medallion.”
Yuiko chuckled as she listened to Theo speak of their enemies. So they had similar enemies, big deal. That wasn't enough reason for her to join them. She would take out anyone who came her way. “I don't need you. Piss off Theo, I can handle this on my own.”
“Those are big words coming from a little girl.”
Yuiko looked up at Theo and approached him with angry eyes. She came close to him, her lips inches away from his. “Take…that… back.”
“Why? It is true. You scared little girl. You're afraid and it's written all over your face sweetheart.” Theo walked past Yuiko but she turned him around. He was not going to insult her then walk off. “Do you know who you are talking to?”
“You obviously don't know who you are. You think you're Yuiko Tachibana but you're not. Misami Hirogi loves your music, hundreds of fans love your music. They all idolize but they have no idea what kind of person you really are. Who'd want to adore a loathsome, arrogant, over privileged coward?” Yuiko shook fiercely as she listened to Theorello insult her. Who was he to criticize the decisions she made. She was a star now. She had money, fame and love from countless fans across Japan and through America. Why the hell would she through it all away on a stupid curse?
“Get out! Get out of my home and if you dare come back-”
“You'll call the cops. I know. Yuiko you can call the police all you want. It won't make a difference once they find you dead. And god forbid that Raion has what he wants from you and does worse, the sad part about it will be that you could have prevented it yet you neglected the help of those who cared for you. I will leave but I hope my words rest with you.”
Theo left Yuiko alone to think on his words. Hopefully she'd reconsider her choice and join Azmara. Only the goddesses knew what would happen if she didn't. All had been said of what may happen if she did or didn't join them. Now all they could do was wait. When Theo told Azmara that, she reluctantly agreed with him. They'd done all that they could.
Theorello arrived in his apartment after having an hour's meeting with Link, Azmara, Misami, Azalea and Astrid. He was tired and ready to drift into a long slumber. He didn't have any scheduled dance classes and everyone else was going to school. He looked around his room and caught a glimpse of a picture of him and Azalea. Then he remembered he had to speak with her. The sound of trouble in her voice had resurfaced in his mind. Tomorrow he'd pick her up from school so that they could talk about it over strawberry ice cream. Just when he was about to undress for bed, he heard something in the kitchen. Maybe it was Azalea. Maybe it was the twins. He threw on his robe and walked out of his room but found Yuiko sitting at his table instead of the two guesses he made. “I wasn't expecting you.”
“I wasn't expecting to come either. It just happened. I thought it over and I wanna know. I wanna know what'll happen if I join you.”
Theo went to prepare a cup of coffee for Yuiko but she declined to the offer. “You are just like Azmara when all of this began. She too was confused and scared but she took up her responsibilities to this world and the world that needed her. I trust you'll do the same.” He said.
“Am I going to die?”
“Only if you don't fight alongside us Yuiko. We've all been blessed with amazing gifts and a task to protect this world. We cannot ignore this power because it is our fate as well our destiny. Fate or destiny, gift or curse, that is for us to decide on how we approach it and what we do with it. I've accepted it as a gift and a destiny but you think of it as a curse. You see it as if it's a plague of some sort. You think that it will deprive you from your natural gifts when in reality it is no such thing. You can't ignore this call, none of us can. If we die Yuiko, we died with honor. We died protecting the lives of the innocent and restoring it to those who had it stolen from them. That is something worth dying for. Knowing that makes me proud of what I do and what I've done for them. Yuiko, the choice to stand beside us is yours alone but if the enemy should seek and find you then that fate will be yours alone to bear.”
Yuiko looked into Theo's handsome purple eyes. After all that he'd said there was only one thing she wanted to know. “Why are you telling me this? Why not let me die?”
“Because I care about you Yuiko. I don't want to see someone with so much potential get hurt.”
Yuiko smiled and came closer to him. No one had ever said such nice things like that. “Well thanks for caring dance teacher.”
Yuiko closed the space between them and pressed her lips against his. Theo reached up to caress her cheek gently as their lips fought passionately. For a young girl she was a good kisser. Theo stood up and took Yuiko into his arms but a knock on his door startled the two. When he turned and looked, it was Link and Astrid. The two stepped inside silently, making it visible that they meant business. Theo had excused Yuiko from their meeting but when she left, she left a kiss on his cheek. Now the three men were alone to talk but tension had not left the room. “I thought we were gonna wait.” Link said.
“I guess she wants to join us. Is that what you came to tell me?”
“No, I had Astrid bring me over to tell you that Azalea was coming over tomorrow but that won't be necessary.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I'm taking Azalea out for ice cream and you'll be having lunch with Yuiko.”
Theo ran a hand over his bang and massaged his forehead with two fingers. He knew exactly where this was going but now he couldn't defend himself. “Link, that was-”
“Fuck you man.”
Astrid jumped at the sound of Link swearing. He was very angry and frankly, Astrid was upset by it as well. Could Theo have been so insensible of Azalea's feelings toward him? It was as plain as the red hair on Astrid's head. Azalea was in love with him. Everyone knew it could never be but for Azalea to find out that Theo was interested in another woman this way would break her heart. She was too young to bare that kind of heartache.
“Dude, this isn't the time to be fighting. Theo's gonna call it off and Azalea will never find out.”
“I don't give a shit about the sage. I don't want my girl's little sister getting hurt. Azalea's my best friend and I love her to death but if you hurt her I swear… I'll… grr ahh!!!”
“Link dude chill out man! This isn't helping. Let's not overreact now. We have too much going on. Theo's gonna call it off tomorrow. None of us will breathe a word of this. Agreed?”
Link stared Theo down as he agreed not to tell anyone else. Astrid and Theo agreed to the deal and left it as it was. Unfortunately for them, Rioma was outside listening to everything that was said. With a quart of cookie dough ice cream in hand, she smiled as she ate the frozen treat. “You promise to tell but I won't. I suppose this will be the perfect opportunity to finish these fools off. Wait'll Lord Raion hears this! Hee hee hee hee! Sleep tight everyone… for it maybe the last slumber you have before I said you into an everlasting one.”
Lil Lovely Angel: Ah… I just love drama. Unfortunately my fav soap opera is aired anymore. Thanks a lot Passions!!! You're fackin awesome now that I can't find out if Louis left Fancy or if Ethan really died! Oh well… I'll see everyone next chapter. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!