The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Legend of Zelda: Chosen of Destiny ❯ Offense! The Attack on Hyrule Castle ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Lil Lovely Angel: Ok... *sigh* here we are with another chapter. Just hope it goes well.
"What are the chances of Yuiko being the Sage of Shadows? It's... phenomenal."
"I know everyone's confused but I can explain later. Right now I need Azalea to be put someplace safe. Michiru can you take care of her?"
Michiru nodded as she took the still unconscious Azalea from Yuiko's arms. Before she departed she stared at Yuiko and whispered to her: "I couldn't ask for a better person to join our team."
"Thank you Michiru and I am truly sorry for everything I've done. We'll talk more later on. Right now I'm going to take out this paper face bitch."
As Michiru carried Azalea away Yuiko opened her palm to show Origami the shadow sphere that increased in her hand. The servant of Raion showed no fear as she commanded her horde of paper cranes to strike Yuiko down. "I'm not afraid of you!!! Sage or not you will perish."
"Whatever lady. Like you paper pigeons are supposed to scare me. Have a healthy dose of darkness. Shadow Flare!"
Yuiko loaded the sphere with enough power to cause it to explode and when it did, it not only wiped out Origami and her cranes but nearly destroyed her friends. "Yuiko watch what you're doing or else you're going to kill us!"
"Oh, so sorry Missy. Is everyone ok? Not missing any limbs right?"
Yuiko scratched the back of her head and added a small chuckle but no one was laughing. She was going to have to take a chance to learn how to control her newfound power. Right now, Yuiko still had a concert to finish. "My fans are waiting. I'll catch up with you guys at Michiru's place if thats all right with everyone."
When Yuiko left them everyone regrouped at Michiru's home. There, she fixed tea and cookies while they waited for the Sage of Shadows to return. All was present except for Azalea, who was resting in Michiru's bedroom. Link knew she'd be ecstatic to hear that the last sage was found. Azmara would return to them soon and Raion would have his last stand. All would be made right again.
"To think that we knew who the last sage was. It's been an ironic journey since when started out, right Link?" Astrid asked between nibbles on his cookie. Link agreed with Astrid. It was the same way it was a hundred years ago. He had searched for what was right in front of his eyes and never knew it. History had repeated itself to prove that what you are searching for is right beside you. Link mentally thanked the goddesses for sending him friends that would never abandon him. He couldn't ask to work with a better group. "Link are you ok? You're zoning out over there."
"I'm fine Lovely. I was just thinking that all this time I've been searching hard for something that was right in front of me. I'm grateful to have all of you fought this with me." Link said. Astrid hurled a cookie at Link head and added a big laugh with it. "Man that's what friends are for. You're stuck with us dude and that's how it's gonna be for about… I don't know… forever maybe. Even Misami is happy to help you out even though she'd never worked a day in her life and her services are lacking a bit."
Astrid's insult earned him a black eye courtesy of Misami Hirogi. While he saw stars Misami assured Link that she was honored to be helping him. Link knew that she had been a greet help to him . Now he'd need their all to set Azmara's soul free from Lord Raion. "Hey guys I'm here! Isn't is cool that I'm the new sage? I promise no bullshit this time. I want Azmara back just as much as you do." Yuiko said as she entered.
"There'd better be no bullshit Yuiko. We need you on this. Right now we've got to get back to Hyrule so we can bring Azmara back. Is there any plan of attack?" Lovely asked. At first everyone was silent. None of them had a strategy to bring Azmara back but they were going to need one. Raion had to have an army of monsters waiting for them to come. Theorello cleared his throat to break the silence and give his input on a plan. "I suppose we let myself, Astrid and Misami stay behind. I can shine my light on the undead and Misami can use a bubble to safely transport you inside. We'll hold them off while you infiltrate the castle." He suggested.
Lovely agreed but she had an issue with allowing Azalea to accompany them. After what Origami did to her she felt uneasy with Azamra's younger sister on the offensive side. She knew that when she woke she'd decline to Lovely's arrangements. Azmara was indeed her sister but Lovely would never forgive herself if Azalea was hurt worse than what she was tonight. She had to voice her opinion on her thoughts about Azalea. "I can't let Azalea go inside with us. Astrid, I want you and Theo to keep Azalea outside with you. I know it's alot to ask for but make sure that she stays outside at all times."
"She won't be a problem. Just make sure you get Azmara out and give Raion a good punch in the jaw for me."
Lovely fought the urge to sigh in relief. She knew that Azalea wasn't going to like the plan where it stood. She thought it would be best if she explained it but Theorello had volunteered to speak with her. He still had a way of reassuring the young girl and that was going to be need if Azalea was going to co-operate with the plan. Then, there were more pressing matters such as the act of returning Azmara's soul to her body. That was where Yuiko and Michiru came together. "What's your take on this Michiru?"
"Well, Yuiko and myself will need to dive into the realm in which Ganondorf resides. While inside, Yuiko will use her ability to part the darkness within and I use my ability to communicate with Azmara's soul. Once we're out with Azmara's soul it should return to her body." Michiru explained. Lovely waited for any objections but none was made. She gave everyone a chance to prepare for their battle for Azmara's soul. She walked outside to find little Azalea sitting under Michiru's gazebo. She was playing with one of the fireflies that she had captured. Lovely cleared her throat to make her presence known as she stepped beside Azalea. The young girl lifted her green eyes up at Lovely then turned back to the fly in hand. "I used to love catching them as a kid. I still do. I didn't know you were a big fan of them. I... never had that heart to collect the in glass jars. I always thought of it as cruelty." Lovely said.
"Yeah... so did Azmara. You used to terrorize Misami when they were kids. I used to be afraid of them when I was four. Azmara took me from dad's arms and brought me over to the Bellflowers that grandma planted. She took one of the fireflies our and held it up to me. She said "They won't hurt you. Just be gentle and they'll light up in your hand." I never stopped chasing them after that night. Soon Azmara will be back home with us and everything will be like it's supposed to be. I'm happy that she's coming back home. But... I can't go with you and Link, right?"
Lovely knew that Azalea had been listening to her conversation with the other sages. She didn't feel bad about excluding Azalea from the rescue team. It would be in Azalea's best interest if she remained with Theo. "Azalea-"
"You don't have to explain. Let's just get my sister home. I'll help out the best way that I can."
"Thank you Azalea..."
In Hyrule, Raion paced back and forth inside the castle. He was reflecting on everything that had happened in the past months. Justia, Yurimaru, Rioma, Tatsuya and Origami had failed him. Shinichi was still in hiding and may the bastard remain there. Lord Ganondorf was being to get impatient. There wasn't much that he could do. "When I get out of here I'm going to make you suffer for failing me Raion."
"My lord! This isn't my doing."
"Oh it very much is. They were your minions and they failed. You are responsible for not seeing to the victory. I swear I'll destroy you once I am released." Ganondorf promised. That promise sent a shudder of fear down Raion's back. He had done everything within his power to hold Azmara's friends back from retrieving her soul. Now Ganondorf was angry. "I see I'll have to take matters into my own hands."
"Well now's your chance. Those fools have come for their friend. This is your last chance Raion. You had better not fail me."
Just outside, the sages and Lovely began their attack on Ganondorf's castle. Astrid was the first to land and with his flames, he parted a pathway through the oncoming undead. "Don't go getting yourselves killed, understand Michi?"
"Yes of course. Link go ahead, my dead warriors will keep the undead at bay for you."
Link stopped to sheathe his sword and turned back toward his friends. "Michiru you have to come with me now! I can't get in on my own."
Michiru looked back at Link but immediately turned to fight off the undead that came near. She had underestimated the Raion's ability. "They keep coming back. Link I can't go with you now."
"He's not going alone then. I'm going whether you guys like it or not. Come on Link my sister is waiting!"
Azalea grabbed Lovely's hand with a small whirlwind of leaves, she cleared another path.The two raced down the way to grab Link and move forward. "Sorry guys but my sister is waiting!!!"
"Hey you're not going to leave us here! Come on Yuiko they are not getting away! Astrid you'd better not die on me or else I'll have Michiru send me to the other side so I can kick your ass!!"
 "Oh yeah baby go kick some ass!"
Misami dashed past Astrid, Michiru and Theo to join up with her friends that darted for the castle. Once inside, Link, Yuiko, Azalea, Misami and Lovely stopped the catch a breath. Yuiko sat on the steps and took a look back outside to where she had left her friends. Guilt was written in her face. "I should have stayed with them." She murmured. "I could have helped Michiru a little bit more."
"Don't worry about her. She's got all the help she can have with Theo and Astrid. My Astrid is at his pinnacle with his powers so you can breathe easy. Nothing is going to happen to them. Right now we have to expect Raion to throw something ridiculously clever at us. No doubt he'll try to separate us from Link." Azalea said as she rose to her feet. "Come on everyone, my sister is depending on us. We can't stop now."
As Link and Azalea led everyone deeper into the castle, Raion was indeed preparing to separate everyone from Link. With the help of the new weapon that Ganondorf gave to him, Azmara was never going to see her friends again.