The Legend Of Zelda Fan Fiction ❯ Shadow Heart ❯ Your Friendly Neighborhood Shadow ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Definitely my favorite chapter so far!
---Your Not so Friendly Neighborhood Shadow---
The sun had just dipped below the horizon, allowing the shadow to have complete control of the land once more. Malon had grown up and spent all her life on the Lon Lon Ranch and had no fears of the darkness, but something was just bothering her. It felt like someone was following her every movement and right behind her every footstep. If she tripped into the pool of darkness, would she hear the imaginary laughter again? Were the eyes watching her right now? With shivers having Olympic races down her spine, she decided to sneak into the barn rather than going all the way back to the house in one run.
Malon hadn't found the time to visit Epona. Pushing open the barn door, Epona was in the front and center stall. She was also the only horse that didn't give a soft whinny when Malon walked into the barn, straight to her. The animals seemed to have such a fond liking of Malon and could almost sense when she were near. It must have been her pixie like footsteps that gave her away. Though quiet, Epona was the fastest horse to Malon when called from the pasture.
Smiling and forgetting her troubles, the girl stroked her hand soothingly down the mare's face. “Epona, Epona..” Malon sang the beloved horse's name lovingly and smiled as she got the desired results. Epona let out a shrill whinny and nodded her head. White bangs bobbed up and down upon the horses soft face.
Malon couldn't help but laugh as her old friend showed her adoration. “You remember that song…” With an abrupt bolt, Epona was also the first horse to reach the back of her stall in quick shuffle. The others didn't waste time doing the same in a flurry of startle, hooves clopping the ground echoing through the stillness of the barn as they raced to their limited safety. Malon froze as a cool presence manifested itself behind her, causing the red hairs on the back of her neck to raise. Time stilled. Malon began to lose track of how long she stood in her statue's stance. When she gathered enough courage to slowly and quietly turn around, she were met with Link's eyes in the doorway. Only.. They were the same burning red hues from that morning!
The figure was already in front of her without sound. A hand came forward violently to catch her mouth, to catch her muffled scream that was working its way up from the back of her dry throat. There was no one to save her now from the wicked laughter, Link wouldn't be there to save her from falling into the darkness. His voice; the eyes had a voice also, but they didn't match the laughter. “Frightened? Don't be. If you scream- I'll hurt you.” Though unseen, the figure's lips twitched up into an amused smile. All Malon could catch were those unfeeling red eyes.. The rest blended into the barn's darkened walls. There was a pause to let the seemingly slow girl catch onto what the demonic creature just said. And in that moment, the sharp witted creature did his own thinking. “Her skin.. It's so..warm.. No.. I'm just cold.. …Her blood is rushing for me...” (No the rating isn't going to change..yet..XD)
He had never felt the skin of another without choking them or injuring them in some way or another. It had taken him until now to notice how soft and warm that external, hurtable feature could be. With a snort, the figure tossed the girl to the side.
Malon didn't have any strength in her legs and would of fallen anyway without the help. She backed up on her hands, kicking wildly with her feet to move away from her assulter. Soon, she had no place to go. Her back pressed flush against the face of Epona's wooden stall door. As her heart played hummingbird, she couldn't tell if she were even breathing let alone make enough noise that would be considered a scream.
For some reason, the cowering bothered the creature quite a bit. His burning eyes narrowed as he yelled in a sudden outburst. “DIDN'T I SAY I WOULDN'T HURT YOU?!?!”
Malon was struck with fear until she felt the wood behind her shake. Her head moved up just slightly, but she was afraid to take her eyes of the horrible creature. On top of her head, she felt a warm breath. “Epona..” Her friend's nearness eased her some, enough she could speak in a soft squeak of a voice. “W-What..Why…” The creature sighed, not patient to her dumb stuttering. He was right in her face withen a moment, his eyes inches from hers and his cool breath against her heated face. “What. Don't tell me you are going to cry now?” Though she couldn't see it, the creature grinned. It was barely possible, but Malon lowered her voice even more to just a horse hair above a whisper. “..what..-what are you…?”
The creature gave a comical snort and was on the other side of the room with less than a blink of time. “Your new master. You can just forget about those two men that used to own you, you're mine now.”
Malon didn't quite understand. “Own…me..?”
The creature was getting tired of Malon very quickly. The hidden expression on his face was “isn't it obvious.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up roughly, forcing her to stand. “Get out of here. I command you.” “Hmph.. Maybe if she can see me, this will be smoother. Words don't seem to work.
Malon grabbed her wrist instantly where it had been pulled, her face twisting into an expression of confused pain. There would be bruises there soon... “Do..Do you mean..out of the ranch..?” The creature sighed in annoyance and snached the same wrist, dragging her faster than she could move herself out of the door and slamming it shut behind them. He once again tossed her onto the ground in a rough deposit. Now, she cried out from the injury and held her hurt wrist to her chest. He easily could of broken it without much trouble. Malon whimpered, fighting back tears in the corners of her eyes as they whirled around. Was he going to attack her again?. The creature had stopped moving, so Malon glanced up quickly..and gasped in shock. “LINK!”
The dark creature read her sudden expression, crossing his arms. “No, I'm not your precious `Hero.'” He spat the name. The creature, wasn't so much a creature as an evil shadow. His form was more pronounced under the light of a full Hyrule moon. Some of Malon's clothes and even her red hair had traces of their color in the pale light. The shadow had none. Every single one of his features were dark, save for his hair and eyes. His tunic, sword, shield, and boots.. They were all black. His skin was a translucent grey with gleaming silver hair to match.. His eyes stood out most of all; a piercing demonic red. No wonder they reminded her of Link's, save for their hostility.. Every part of him was just like Link. Only discolored.
“Now. I want you to understand something, and understand it well. No one is going to find out about me. Got it?” The shadow checked over her expression and came to a mental agreement. “But if you slip.. That's ok.. I'll just take it out on your previous owners or precious horses…” Malon's eyes widened. “NO! You can't-AH!” She threw her painless hand to her cheek and grasped it in shock. He just..struck her..? Malon looked up to the Shadow slowly, who had a passive smile as though he just tapped her. “I told you not to raise your voice, and YOU will not tell ME what to do. If you just do what you're told, this should all go smooth…”
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Poor, poor Malon! What is the torturous Shadow going to do to her? Review, and you'll find out!