Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ All My Gunslingers ❯ Dark Romance ( Chapter 4 )

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Meryl continued to perform artificial respiration when suddenly Legato's mouth shifted slightly under hers. It was as if he were...responding. Well, that was good. She felt his chest heaving under her hands and it seemed that he was getting control of his lungs. But when his arms encircled her, drawing her closer (and touching a place she hadn't asked to be touched), she realized that they were crossing wires. Meryl, a bit panicky, began to try to slip from his grasp. She knew he didn't like her (especially with her new suppositions) and she wasn't going to hang around and be sneered at. Meryl lifted her head to stare at her friend and kidnappers.

Meryl: A little help here, pl

Milly, seeing that no one was going to stop her, hustled over and helped pry Meryl away from Legato. Meryl wiped at her slightly swollen lips and stood back. If it had been under better circumstances, she would have actually liked performing mouth-to-mouth on Legato Bluesummers, but this was all just too awkward.
When Meryl withdrew, Legato took a minute to figure out what was going on, and then sat up, shaking his head to clear it. He felt awful physically, but strangely, was in a rare good mood.

Legato: What...

Milly: Are you okay, Meryl?

l: Yes, I'm fine. As fine as we can be right now, I guess.

Meryl folded her arms, rubbing her hands along her exposed skin in the slightly chilly air. Milly felt a bit bolstered by this and stood straighter, looking all around.

Milly: So, how much time do our parents have to deal with before you carry out your threats?

What was going on? Legato looked from Milly to Meryl to Caine, then to Zazie--damn that guy was good looking--to Wolfwood. Damn. Double whammy. Legato decided to keep from sounding stupid, he'd keep his mouth shut. He hated when he wasn't informed. But he didn't want to stay here--wherever here was--any longer than necessary. That Millions Knives guy had seemed distinctly interested.

Wolfwood didn't want to answer the question, and Zazie was completely ignoring the captives, so ultimately it was Caine who had to reply.

Caine: They have until the suns come up. After dawn breaks, if we don't have the money in hand and the workers a new unionized cont
ract, you all will be killed.

Legato's head swung back to Caine at this last word and he stood up, a bit unsteadily.

Legato: Killed?! What the hell are you talking about?
Milly and Meryl shuddered slightly at the terms Caine had said the group had put out. They didn't know what their families would do in this pinch, actually, never having had their interests so directly challenged. They both wanted to stick together, but their keepers seemed to have had other ideas.
Zazie: Shut up. All of you. Just shut up. (he looked to Caine and Wolfwood) Who's taking the first watch? My host...I'm tired.

Lighting a cigarette, Wolfwood didn't think he'd be getting much sleep at all that night, but he decided to try if he could. And since he wouldn't be sleeping at all before dawn, he asked for the third watch. Caine then agreed to take the first one, and Zazie pointed to other four, darkened corners of the warehouse.

Zazie: Ok, short rich girl, over there, big rich girl, over there. Pretty rich boy, over there. And Caine, you sit here where you can see everyone. I'm going to sleep right here in the middle of the floor.
Noticing no one seemed ready to move, he growled and waved his gun at them.

Zazie: Beat it!

Wolfwood: Relax, man.
(he looked at the prisoners) There are some blankets in my saddlebags, I'll go get 'em.
Knives rubbed his chin, tracing a finger slowly across the computer screen, stopping as it reached the blinking, red dot. So, they had already stopped. He pulled up information on the location quickly. An old, abandoned warehouse. How cliché. Some people simply had no style.

Wasting no time, Knives told Elendira to change directions. The transvestite did as he was told, swinging the limo around, listening carefully to the directions Knives gave him. Sensing what was coming, he smiled.

The monitor blipped, drawing Knives' attention back to the computer. A new update from the Eye of Michael had come in. How interesting. Reading the note quickly, his lips curled upward into a sardonic grin. Apparently, the escaped specimen had been sighted in the same general area as the anarchists. That was perfect.

Knives: Elendira.

Elendira: Yes,
Master Knives. I understand.

Satisfied, Knives leaned back in his seat, taking a bottle of wine from the cooler. He opened it and poured some of the liquid into a glass, swirling it around slightly before taking a sip. He licked his lips appreciatively. Superb.

had been wandering for a while, shaken after nearly being hit by that guy on his motorcycle. Looking up, he blinked, taking in the sight of the warehouse before him. There seemed to be people in there. Slumping down by the doorway, Livio close his eyes, utterly lost. He didn't even know his own name.
Wolfwood stepped outside and saw Livio sitting on the steps. He stank like the gutter and looked almost as bad.

Wolfwood: This is private
property. You have to leave.

He walked over to his motorcycle and got the blankets. Feeling sorry for the man, who seemed vaguely familiar, he handed one to him. Livio shifted slightly, looking up at the guy. Squinting up at him, he thought there was something oddly familiar about him...

Wolfwood: Go on, go sleep it off somewhere.
Sleep it off? He wasn't drunk. Shaking his head, Livio pushed the blanket away. As he did so, the hood of his ragged cloak fell away, revealing the tattoos, missing ear, and wild silver-ish hair. He pulled the hood back over his head quickly, not wanting the man to think he was some sort of freak.

Livio: I'm not drunk. I just...
(he frowned, thinking hard) don't remember. Anything.
Oh, great, Wolfwood thought. The guy wasn't drunk, he just was loony. Wolfwood still felt sorry for him, but didn't have time to lose. He didn't like leaving Milly inside there alone. He had a bad feeling about agent #3, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. That guy was crazy too. But in a more sinister way. Sure, this guy looked wacky as well, but that somehow provided him with more justification for his behavior.

Wolfwood: Look, friend, I don't want to be hard on you, but you have to leave here. What do you w
ant, a coupla double dollars?

He peeled a few bucks from his billfold and waited. If this didn't work, he'd go back in and send the other nutjob out to deal with him.
Money? Well, the truth was that Livio WAS completely and utterly broke. But, he didn't want to accept it from this guy. What he really wanted was to find out why everything up to several hours ago was a complete blank in his mind. And, he wanted to know why he was a freak of nature.

No. No, I can't accept that.

He stood slowly, pulling his ragged clothing closer about him. Livio knew he looked like utter shit, but he didn't know what to do about it. Somewhat curious, he peaked over the man's shoulder. There were other people in there.

Livio: What're you guys doing in there?
This guy wasn't making it any easier on himself, Wolfwood thought. Lucky it was him and not Zazie or Caine who'd come out. Maybe he was a softie. The thought annoyed him and he flicked his ash to the ground angrily.

Wolfwood: None of your business. Now you got about two seconds to turn around and start walking away. That's the last thing I'm gonna say to you.

Well, that was odd. And very blunt, too, Livio thought. Whoever this man was, he certainly didn't want him around. And that, of course, made him even more curious as to what was going on in there. On the other hand, he could see that he wasn't welcome and that this guy was likely to get hostile. Squinting at him, Livio took a better look at him briefly, ready to leave. His eyes widened.

Livio: Hey! You're the guy who almost hit me!
Wolfwood did a double take at the guy, then scowled. As he remembered it, he may have almost hit this man, but the idiot had been standing in the middle of the street!

Wolfwood: Yeah, and you're the guy who was standing in the middle of the street! You're lucky
I saw you in time! Now scram!

He didn't wait any longer, but walked into the warehouse, slamming and bolting the door behind him. Going over to Meryl, Milly, and Legato, he distributed the blankets, then gave the remaining one to Caine.

Although they had
hated to be split up, the girls had complied. In her shadowy corner Meryl grimaced at Zazie and secretly gave him the finger. She watched Milly settle down in her own corner, almost as shadowed, and then at Legato. He'd really kissed her back there, as much as it was in a fit of mistaken identity or something. Still, she was glad he was still alive. If one of the heirs died before the demands were met, it might lead the Bluesummers family to push for revenge.

For her own part, Milly had felt more nervous when Wolfwood left to get the blankets. She didn't like the looks of that Zazie at all, what with his gruff and nasty manner. Caine seemed in control of herself, but would she help if Zazie got too violent? Biting her lip, Milly sat Indian style on the floor. She perked up very slightly when Wolfwood returned, looking a bit put out. The girls took the blankets given them, nodding their thanks.

Not knowing what else to do, Meryl tried to make herself comfortable and sleep. Milly, however, was too high strung to even make an attempt. Wolfwood said he wouldn't hurt her, but she didn't know about the others. These might be their last hours alive...she wanted to be awake for them.
Legato was sort of high-strung still from the drugs, but his body needed rest after the OD experience. He took the blanket with a glare at the handsome man and curled up in the corner, sitting with his knees in front of his chest.

Zazie too, without the benefit of a blanket, hunkered down, and with a smirk to all, shut his eyes.

Wolfwood saw Milly wasn't sleeping and wanted to comfort her somehow. But he didn't know if she would want his company. He slowly moved over to her, looking for some sign of forgiveness, acceptance, welcome, anything.

Wolfwood: Can I sit here?

Milly stared up at Wolfwood, conflicting emotions in her chest. She felt that she should be much angrier with this man than she actually was. He had kidnapped her! Yet she could not shake off the initial feelings she had of him. She felt almost safe around him, even in this situation. And it wasn't good to be alone, she thought. Milly nodded and patted the floor once beside her.

Milly: Sure.

She scooted a bit to make room and hugged herself, looking straight ahead into the darkness. She wondered what her parents were doing now in the negotiations. She desperately hoped that some kind of agreement could be reached and that each side would keep its promises. And all because she had decided to go to the stupid debutante ball!
Wolfwood never though a single word could make him feel so good, but he felt the warmth of hope flood through him, and wondered what it meant. He couldn't have expected this girl to be nice to him, not after he'd brought her here, but she didn't seem to hate him. He settled next to her, close, mimicking her position so their shoulders touched. The smell of her hair, that he'd first noticed when they were was even more heady now. Glancing across the warehouse, Wolfwood noticed the far corners weren't even visible in the darkness. He was sure Caine was lurking in one. He was thankful the operative hadn't questioned his decision to go over to Milly.

Milly: I wish I hadn't attended that stupid ball. Meryl's right, they ARE dumb. Even if...
(she had to smile) you were a good dancer, Mr. Wolfwood.

She felt restless and trapped. She wished she could walk around, do anything besides just sit here and wait for the inevitable. She felt their shoulders touching and Wolfwood's scent wafted to her nose. He was, ironically, her only sense of comfort right now. She subconsciously leaned in a little closer.

Risking a look at Milly, Wolfwood was even more surprised to see the hint of a smile on her face. She looked like she was enjoying the memory. So did he...her waist in his hands, her hand on his shoulder....They had danced well together. If he hadn't been so preoccupied with the mission, he would have maybe been able to see the truth of her identity before this had all happened. But would it have changed anything? He smiled back at her, wondering sadly what he could do. He was crazy about her...but without her...the mission...As Milly moved in a little closer, Wolfwood put an arm around her shoulders automatically.

Wolfwood: I may be a good dancer, but you're an even better kisser. I can't stop thinking about it. I don't know what you've done to me--I don't understand it!

He reached for a cigarette, then remembered the glow in the dark would alert Caine more to his location. Not that the woman's keen eyes didn't already know where he was, but he didn't want to advertise. Zazie shifted restlessly on the floor and Legato began snoring. Wolfwood put back the smoke and squeezed Milly's shoulders gently. If only they had met any other time, any other place.
His arm draped around her shoulders and Milly couldn't help but lean in a little more. He was warm and strangely being so kind to her, even after learning who she was. But after this, if she did make it out...they might not ever see each other again for certain. There was just too much in the way. Perhaps if she left home and struck out on her own in the city, then--but Wolfwood might be a drifter by nature. Still, she wanted to savor this moment.

She agreed with what he'd said…She didn't quite know what was happening either. She had never been so drawn to anyone so quickly before. Just touching him at the shoulder sent small tingles up her spine. She answered his whisper with one of her own.

Milly: I feel the same. It's so confusing. It's like we bewitched each other. I know it's crazy...but I think you're a good man, even with all of this happening. You're still so kind to me. People would say this is wrong, but I don't feel like that. This feels perfectly right.
It is wrong... Wolfwood thought. He was bad news, and so was she, really. Daughter to one of the richest families on the planet...He was an outlaw, had thirty million in double dollar bounties on his head. He believed what he did was for good, yes, that much was true, but he had been planning on killing her before he knew who she was. Killing her for the greater good. How could he have thought of it? Now it seemed an impossibility. But then she turned to him, eyes pleading.

Milly: I know this is a bad suggestion, but I think I'd like to kiss you again. We have so little time...I want to at least have this to make it special.

She raised her hands, ran them through his hair, and kissed him softly on the lips, not caring if their watch saw them or not. Surely she couldn't with them whispering so quietly and being in the shadow?
When she kissed him, he thought it hadn't been a bad suggestion at all. He was amazed that this woman could feel the same way about him as he did for her. He did feel as if he was under a spell, as her lips pressed against his. It was like before, her mouth was as he remembered it, only this time it was more intimate somehow. The darkness, the silence, the futility. Suddenly the situation seemed even more desperate. How could give this up? Her family would see him in jail rather than in their daughter's arms.
The tingles up and down Milly's spine became more electric as his lips ravished hers. She closed her eyes, giving into the sensations of taste and warmth and rough cloth, and when he deepened the kiss she automatically adjusted to it. It felt so good. She wasn't cold anymore, her cheeks feeling flushed and her hair coming out of its coiffure, a few white petals from the flowers that hadn't been cast away on the motorcycle ride floating on top of them.

Wolfwood crushed her to him, kissing her again, more firmly, his tongue grazing her lips as he gave in to his passion. He held her tight. She was pliant, allowing him to be forceful, perhaps sensing their ultimate fate was out of their hands, but tonight, their destiny could be their own. When he broke the kiss, breathless, he buried his head in her neck, worried for both of them.

Wolfwood: Milly, it'll never work. You're falling for the wrong kind of man--sure I'm trying to do the right thing, but I'll go to jail if I get caught. If you were smart, you would tell me to get lost right now, push me away. This
is crazy. One kiss from you and my world changed, Milly. It might be too late, but tell me to go, try! Maybe if you tell me you don't want me, we can still live the lives we had before we met each other.

Then, in complete contrast to his words, he began kissing her again, harder, ferociously, and pulled her to him once more.
One part of her heart acknowledged the wisdom of his words. This was too much and too soon, even if they were from the same background. But his words stung a little. This felt too right somehow to just push away. She licked her swollen lips, trying to regain some sanity. He was right. This needed to stop...but when she opened her mouth, she found no words would come. What was wrong with her? She tried again, but she realized that it was indeed too late. He kissed her again and when they pulled for breath, she tried one last effort.

Milly: I...I...
(she broke down silently.) I'm sorry. I can't. Even if your cohorts weren't here to make me stay, I still don't think I would go.

She touched her forehead against his and they clung to each other, Milly trying to read his fathomless eyes in the wan light. She saw such sadness and torment there, and she had been the cause of it! Without thinking she kissed his eyelids and rested her cheek against his.

Milly: I'm sorry...but I can't be anyone else but me. But that person you saw on the streets yesterday was also the real me. I never meant to deceive you...but let me deceive myself right now and pretend this can last.
Unable to verbally respond, Wolfwood renewed his sensory assault, tugging her hair with his fingers, his kisses relentless. He thought yesterday, when he'd met her, that he believed in love at first sight. And now, here, he was sure of it. They could deceive each other, as she said, just for tonight. He lay Milly back on the blanket, his hands roving over her body, the material of her dress smooth beneath his fingers. The skin of her shoulders was soft, supple, and her kisses became more feverish as he lay down with her.

Wolfwood: This is the real you. And the real me. I didn't know who I was until I met you. I know it doesn't make sense, really, but it's true. I can't stand it! It's so wrong, so unfair. Make me forget everything else, Milly! Let it be only us.
The darkness and warmth pressed in a cocoon all around then and Milly felt that suddenly the world was narrowing to just the two of them. She felt a bit dizzy, not knowing where her legs and arms began and where his ended. She curled up against Wolfwood's body on the blanket, sighing softly as he ran his hands over her. Milly kissed him under his chin and stroked it, feeling the smooth, freshly shaved skin. Last time there had been stubble there...She hooked one leg around his and pressed a palm against his broad chest.

Milly: I'll try my best. Don't think of anything else. It's so strange...but even in this place, we can make each other happy, just for a brief time. I'll help you forget.

She felt the time for words was past. She kissed him again, harder and holding nothing back as she ran her hands across his back and the nape of his neck. She felt herself being lost in him and hardly knew nothing else.


Caine didn't smoke, but at times like this she could see the attraction. Waiting was boring. Watching was boring. Of course, she smirked, there was something to watch. The sniper's keen eyes easily pierced through the unlit expanse of the warehouse and saw Chapel getting it on with that rich girl. The guy had no shame. She didn't watch them for too long, but every once in a while checked to make sure he hadn't been disarmed or stabbed or something. Currently, it looked like he was being disarmed in a different manner...the two figures were no longer upright, and as she looked, she saw Chapel's jacket come off. Hmm....she kept looking. He had two shoulder holsters. Those came off as well. Caine stood up silently, thinking this wasn't such a good idea. If that Milly girl wanted to, she could just lunge for a gun. Of course, at the moment, both of the girl's hands were running through the guy's hair, so maybe she was overreacting. Still, she decided modesty be damned, she was going to keep closer watch on the tryst now. Caine didn't mind that a fellow kidnapper mess around with a hostage, especially not when the hostage was so obviously willing, but she wasn't going to let him jeopardize the mission. So she kept her rifle trained on Milly Thompson (what parts of her were not covered up by Wolfwood's body) and watched.


Legato rolled over on the concrete floor. He was cold and this surface was wreaking havoc on his muscles. He was going to need a week of chiropractic massage at the least after three hours on this floor. Muffled noises across the room made his eyes open, peering in the darkness. He tried to figure out what was going on, and realized he couldn't see that man, that guy whom he'd sworn he'd kill if he ever got the chance. A small, distinctly feminine sigh then reached Legato's ears and he sat up abruptly. Was someone making out?! The more he listened, the more he was convinced he was right. And since Zazie was lying completely visible in the middle of the room, and he was the only other guy, that meant it had to be that black-suited holier-than-thou piece of shit. Legato's eyes blazed with fury and he focused on finding the source of the sound, moving slightly away from his corner. He fully expected to be warned back to it, but maybe the guard was otherwise occupied. Maybe the guard was the one getting it on. Legato would have gagged if he wasn't so furious. If he found that guy, making out with the bad chick or Meryl or Milly, he'd kick his head in. He'd get blood all over this concrete floor and then he'd make the guy suffer. OH yes.

Lina, being the intermediary, slipped through the streets to find Rai Dei. When she did, she went up to him, frowning. She hadn't known about the death threats.

Lina: They might be willing to compromise with you. never said anything about possibly hurting them. I know Meryl and Milly and they aren't bad. If they die, it will mean a lot of trouble.

Rai Dei listened, then
put down the phone. Lina had reported that it looked promising for the parents to give in to their demands. He was surprised they hadn't mounted any attempt to find the children yet. Maybe they didn't believe the seriousness of their intent, or they were planning ways to get out of the contracts after getting the kids back. Well, he was ready for such subterfuge. He called Hoppered, E.G., and Monev into the back room and gave them their orders.

s they kept deliberating, the families took a very short break to clear their heads. It was then Mr. Thompson spied Leonof and beckoned him over.

Mr. T: You got any ideas about how to get our kids back,
Leonof? We could use all the help we could get.
Leonof: I say give them what they want, get the prisoners back, then neutralize the enemy threat, go in and clear the place. When the terrorists are off guard, I'll run in and grab the kids. Maybe we make it out alive. Either way, the scum won't get away with this crime.

The three famil
ies listened to Leonof's suggestion and in theory agreed with it. They would give the money and contracts...but once the children were released, they would start a hunt for the anarchists. Mr. Stryfe and Bluesummers agreed to start rounding up what mercenaries and private soldiers they could find while Mr. Thompson finalized the negotiations, pretending to give into their demands. He turned to Leonof.)

Mr. T: You want to head the operations after the children are safe? We'll have our men in hiding and once everything's settled, we'll let them loose. You want a piece of the action?
Leonof: Of course.
Mr. Thompson felt a slight apprehension after speaking with Leonof, but it was too late to back out now. He received a call from the other families to tell him a 'rescue force' had been assembled. Mr. T turned to his war comrade.

Mr. T: Well, everything's ready.
You get prepared. We'll make the negotiations just before the suns come up. And then we'll strike.