Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ In The Shadow Of The Sun ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Leina stomped down on a stick, causing the thin wood to split in half under the weight of her foot. She picked up the remains and chucked it as hard as she could at a nearby tree.

“This is just great...” she thought to herself. “We’ve been in these woods for four days now with barely anything to eat; I’m tired and hungry...”

“Hurry up, Leina!”

Leina stopped staring at the ground like it was its fault that they were hungry and tired. She looked up at her friend, Leonna. Leonna's beautiful blonde hair fluttered around her slightly tan, yet perfect face. Her green eyes, smile, and over-all aura told Leina that she was quite happy.

Leina sighed. “Why are you so happy? I’m starving here!”

Leonna laughed. “Because Luna just told me that we’re almost there!”

Leina immediately changed her attitude. “YES! Finally!” She started sprinting up the remainder of the hill, tripping on the knotted roots of the trees.

She heard a giggle from above her.

“Luna! Stop laughing at me!” she yelled up to the crystal blue sky. She was finally on top of the last hill before they got to their destination, and adrenaline pumped through her. On top of the hill was a big clearing, surrounded by trees on all sides.

A girl with moonlight yellow hair that came down past her waist and amazing blue-grey eyes skipped over to Leina.

“Aw, c’mon, Leina! Don’t be a poor sport!” She smacked Leina on the back. “I can’t help it if you’re completely un-coordinated!”

Leina made an attempt at a growl, then turned at looked down on the small town of Forks, Washington. It was a small little town, but Leina thought it looked all right. She wasn’t that thrilled about the lack of any sunny days per year (only about eight of them), but she could live with it. It’d be best if it wasn’t such a big town, anyway.

She looked over at her friends. Leonna was calmly leaning against a tree near the edge of the clearing. Luna bounced on the balls of her feet, eager to leave and get going again. Like always, she was a complete ball of energy.

She grinned. “Well, let’s go!”

Leonna sighed as she punted an acorn in mild frustration about thirty feet. Leina and Luna were arguing a few meters ahead.

“We’re lost, aren’t we? You got us lost... again!” Leina ranted.

Luna looked unhappy, which was quite rare for her. “No, I haven’t! WE aren’t lost! We’re just... uh...”

Leina huffed. “We just have no idea where the heck we are...”

“Um, guys?”

The two looked back at Leonna, who had remained mostly silent during the hike down from the clearing.

Leonna continued, ignoring their stares of slight amazement. "I see more light ahead. We should probably be coming out of the forest soon."

"I'll go up and see." Luna seemed to disappear.

Leina squinted ahead of her. "What? I don't see anything," she complained. "But then again, your eyes are much better than mine."

Luna re-appeared, bouncing from excitement. "We're almost there!" she announced.

Soon enough, the group burst into the light. It was a bit lighter than the forest, but they were fine with that. Leonna looked up at the sky.

"Hey, guys? It looks like the dark clouds are coming this way. We better get moving."

The girls walked down to the road: a one lane only road with no lines or anything.

"Which way should we go?" Leonna asked.

"I think we should go l-"

"No, go right!" Luna yelled. "We need to go right!"

Leonna and Leina both grabbed her by the shoulders, forcing the girl to look into their eyes. "Are you positive?"

"I'm sure!" Luna nodded, grinning. "Civilization is that way!" she cried, pointing. "Forward, MARCH!" She happily started marching on the side of the road.

Leina turned to Leonna. They shrugged, agreeing to trust their silly friend, and started to follow.

After walking for about forty-five minutes, filled with many complaints from Leina, they came to a wooden sign.

Leonna read it aloud. "'La Push. Quileute Reservation.'"

Leina groaned. " NOT...Forks..."

A gasp escaped from Luna. "I see a totem pole!" The hyper child ran toward the giant column of wood and proceeded to scamper up. She sat, blissfully happy, on the top of an eagle's head.

Leonna sighed and walked over with Leina to sit by the totem pole of the side of the road. Leonna sank gracefully to sit Indian-style, looking up at Luna. Leina plopped down on the dew-y grass, her legs bent, knees pointing upwards. She rested her arms on her knees.

"How far away is Forks from here...?" Leina wondered aloud.

"It's about fifteen miles!" Luna said, grinning. "Ooo! I can see it from here!" She pointed.

Leina's jaw dropped. "It's that way?"

Luna's head bobbed up and down.

"So, basically," Leonna started, compiling their facts, "if we would have gone left, we would have been in Forks by now?"

"Well, it would have taken about one point ninety-four more minutes to get to Forks, but-" She continued to babble on to herself.

Leina practically vibrated, she was so furious. Her hair practically stood on end.

"So, what should we do now?" Leonna asked, attempting to change the subject.

"Well, first... I'M GONNA KILL LUNA!!!" Leina sprang up from her spot, and tried to claw her way up the totem pole.

Luna laughed. "Look, Leonna! Leina's acting like a kitty! Hi, kitty-Leina!" she said, waving.


A flash of lightening and a clap of thunder erupted from the sky, seeming to reinforce her words.

"OH, PERFECT!!!!" Leina screamed up at the sky, that started to rain down on her in response. Within a matter of seconds, the girls were soaked to the bone.


The girls froze, turning and looking over to see who had yelled at them.

A boy, probably about their age or a little younger, was leaning over to look at them out of the passenger window of his car. This was the first car they had seen in Washington; the car was a Rabbit. The boy had black hair that came down to the base of his neck and deep, chocolate-colored eyes. He seemed to have an easy-going aura about him. Leonna's ever-observant eyes picked up the fact that he had a rubber band around his wrist, most likely for pulling back his hair when it got in his way.

“Hey, what’re you girls doin’ out in the rain? Are you guys hitchhikers or something?”

Luna stood up on top of the totem pole. “Look out below!”

Leina’s eyes opened wide, as did the boy’s... but for a different reason.

“Holy crow! She’s not gonna jump, is she?”

Luna leaped from the top. Leina sprang from the side of the giant wooden column, barely missing being clobbered by Luna.

A hiss of air escaped the boy's lips as Luna, unharmed, walked over with her friends toward the 1986 Volkswagen Rabbit.

"Geez... that girl's crazy..." the boy muttered. "Do you girls need a ride somewhere?"

"Well, we're trying to get to Forks, but we had a bit of a mix-up with directions." Leonna sent Luna a hard, accusing look.

The boy looked up at the sky. "Well, the rain's coming down kind of hard, and the roads might get bad..." He grinned. "How about you guys stay at my house 'til the storm blows over? Then, I can give you guys a ride back to Forks."

The girls looked at each other.

“It seems like a good plan.” Leina swept a stray lock of her wet hair away from her face.

Leonna nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

“Yay! A CAR!”

The boy scooted back into the driver’s seat. Luna and Leonna slipped into the back seat, Luna bouncing in her seat from enthusiasm. Leina scooted into shot gun.

“By the way, my name’s Jacob. Jacob Black,” he explained as he swung the car back into the road. “You can call me Jake, too, if you want.” He smiled good-naturedly at the girls. He seemed to be quite a comfortable person to be around.

“I’m Luna!” she pipped up.

“I’m Leina Saxen.”

Leonna was silent, starting out the window.

Jacob turned back to face her, still keeping the car steady and, thankfully, on the road. “And your name?” he asked, a bit more shy.

Leonna seemed to snap out of it, and met Jacob’s eyes, smiling. “I’m Leonna Lexa,” she explained in her calm voice.

He grinned, eyes returning back to the road. “So, what brings you ladies to Washington?”

“We’re moving into the area,” Leonna commented, eyes returning to the window.

“Yeah, we were supposed to end up in Forks, but Miss Hyper over there gave us the wrong directions.” Leina sank lower into her seat.

“Hey!” Luna protested. “I just said ‘Civilization is that way’! I never said it was Forks!”

“Well, you made us think it was!”

“It was gonna rain soon, and this was closer!”

“By two minutes difference!”

Luna sank down in her seat, arms folded. “It was one point nine-four... plus, I was hungry!”

Jacob laughed at the two girls. Leina’s eyes opened wide. She straightened up and stared at her friend, disbelief in her eyes.

“Why do you ALWAYS have to think with your stomach!?!”

Jacob laughed again while Leonna giggled quietly. Leina sank lower into her seat. She mumbled inaudibly to herself.

“Here we are!”

The girls looked in front of them at Jacob’s house. They each smiled appreciatively.

“It’s very nice,” Leina said, grinning. Jacob’s house was a bit small, but she thought it was cute.

Jacob blushed with mild embarrassment. “Thanks... here, I’ll go run in and get an umbrella.”

“Oh, no. That’s alright, Jacob, we really don’t mind.” Leonna opened her door.

“Yay! I like the rain!” Luna threw open the door and started dancing around the front yard. Her arms were spread out, her head lifted towards the sky to catch the rain on her tongue. Jacob chuckled again.

The four trouped into the house, Jacob leading.

“Hey, Dad! I’m home, and I brought company!”

A heavy-set man in a wheel-chair rolled into the “foyer.” He had many folds in his dark, tan skin. He also had long, almost-completely gray hair, and dark brown-black eyes. He smiled, but his eyes revealed a bit of confusion.

“Who are these lovely ladies, Jacob? I haven’t seen them around Forks...”

“This is Luna, Leina and Leonna,” Jacob explained, pointing to each girl in turn. “They just moved to Forks. I’m gonna give them a ride over to town after the storm’s done.”

“Well, nice to meet you girls.” Then he turned to Jacob specifically. “Jacob, I’m going over to Charlie’s to watch the game... he should be here in a few minutes...” He glanced out the window, then looked back to Jacob. “Will you be ok here for dinner?”

Jacob nodded, his face flushed a bit. “Yeah, we should be fine...”

The girls grinned at Jacob.

“All right, well, I’ll just be out on the porch waiting. You all have fun.” Then he wheeled himself out the door.

“That’s my dad, Billy Black. Charlie Swan is the sheriff in Forks. Hopefully, you girls won’t have to meet him,” he said, jokingly.

He walked into another room. The girls followed.

The room was fairly small, with a television and a sofa that looked more like a love seat as the focal point of the room.

“You guys can watch television here, if you want. I’ll go get some dinner ready... you guys must be hungry!”

Luna jumped over and glomped Jacob. “FOOD! I love you, Jacob!”

Leonna stepped over next to Jacob. “Um, where would we be able to change...?”

He blushed. “Uh, well... I guess you could... just use my room... unless you mind or something...”

“No, I wouldn’t mind.”

Jacob scratched the back of his head. “Well, I guess just follow me, then.” He started walking over by the stairs.

Leonna and Leina looked over at Luna.

“I don’t think I need to change; I’m good!” Indeed, her clothes were almost completely dry. She sat down on the sofa, cross-legged, and grinning. Leina shrugged, then followed Leonna and Jacob up the steps.

Jacob turned once he hit the landing and opened the door to his room. It was, like the rest of the house, a fairly small room with the bed taking up the majority of the space.

Jacob seemed embarrassed that there were two older girls in his room. “You guys can change in here... if you need a bathroom,” brighter red, “there’s one down the hall.” Then he turned around, and walked over to the door, hand on the doorknob. “I’ll be downstairs in the kitchen if you need anything.” Then he left.

Leina and Leonna both un-shouldered their bags and roamed for another change of clothes. Leina pushed aside some trail-snack foods, a water bottle and more random traveling supplies, she un-earthed a pair of long, blank tank top with a few silver designs.

Leonna grabbed her stuff, then walked out of the room, heading to the restroom.

Leina quickly changed out of the saturated jeans and brown t-shirt that she had been wearing before, and slipped into the nice, dry clothes. She quickly shook her head, trying to get her hair a bit more dry before heading down.

She heard a quiet knock on the door. Leonna peeked into the room. "Are you done? I smell something burning... we should probably go down and help Jacob."

Leina nodded, then grabbed her bag and started to head down the stairs with Leonna.

"Let's just hope he didn't ask Luna for help."

They quickened their pace. Leina jumped the last few steps, and landed with a hard "thunk!" on the floor. She sprinted into the kitchen, completely blowing past Luna, while Leonna followed quickly behind.

They flew into the kitchen, and saw Jacob rushing around the kitchen, still not sure about what to do. Leonna quickly walked over, took the pot of burning food and dumped it into the sink, and turned the water on. Thin, gray smoke spiraled up, hitting the ceiling.

“What in hell’s name were you trying to make?!” Leina yelled.

Jacob grinned, sheepishly. “I was trying to make this corn stuff… I’m not entirely sure what went wrong.”

Leonna looked at the mound of burnt corn paste in the sink. “I think you turned up the heat too high… you need to let it cook slower so it doesn’t burn… plus, you needed a bit of oil in the pan.”

Jacob looked at Leonna, clear amazement on his face. “You can tell all that? Just by looking at that mistake?”

Leonna nodded. “Well, that’s what I figured happened.” She grinned, modestly. “Would you want some help making dinner?”

“Oh, no! That’s ok, I can make something else! You’re the guest-“

“No, really. I don’t mind helping.”

Jacob was definitely not winning the argument. “But, seriously, I can make something different-”

“Jacob, I really don’t mind helping. Plus, this way, we can have dinner and still keep your house in one piece.”

Jacob grinned. “Hey! My house is still in one piece!”

Leonna smirked.

Leina just stood there, staring at the two. “Well, I guess, if neither of you need any help… I’ll just go and watch television with Luna." She left right after giving both of them a weird, almost pleading, look.

Jacob turned to Leonna. "What was that about?"

Leonna sighed. "Well, Luna, as you can guess, is a little hyper. Leina usually doesn't have that much patience... but can usually handle Luna for a while... she's worried that, a) we'll take too long, and she's hungry, and b) we'll take too long, and she'll just start screaming."

"Ah... so I suppose we better get started then!"

Leonna walked over to the pantry. "Do you have any idea of what you want to make?"

Jacob shook his head. "Not anymore... what I planned didn't really go that well." He scratched his head again.

Leonna nodded, smiling, and turned back to the shelves of food. She gave up looking there, then checked the fridge and freezer. Finally, she seemed content with her findings: some frozen dough, tomato sauce, and a bag of shredded cheese.

"How about we make pizza? That'll be easy to make, and pretty quick..."

Jacob nodded. "Good idea!"

After a few minutes, and a mini-frozen dough fight, Jacob and Leonna were finished making the pizzas. Jacob went over to the fridge and grabbed four orange sodas.

Leonna shook her head. "We'll only need three... Luna doesn't mix well with caffeine.”

Jacob gave her an odd look, but put one soda back into the fridge. Leonna nodded, then grabbed the tray holding the pizza and walked into the television room. Luna was bouncing up and down on the sofa, pointing at the screen.

“Lookie lookie, Leina! It’s sparkly!!!” She grinned as she pointed to a commercial for a machine that could put sparkle-gems on your clothes.

Leina was at the complete other end of the sofa. She had assumed the fetal position, and was staying as far away from Luna as she could. It looked like she couldn’t take any more sparkles.

Jacob and Leonna laughed. Leina semi-snapped out of it.

“Oh, food!!!!!” Luna jumped off the sofa as Leonna set the tray of pizza on a table. Luna ran into the kitchen, grabbed a bunch of paper plates, threw all but one at Jacob, then grabbed three pieces of pizza and shoved half of one into her mouth.

Everyone laughed and started eating the pizza. Jacob went over to a cabinet. He crouched down, a piece of pizza in his mouth.

"Voo alh vhwanah wasch ah mwoee?"

The girls stared at him, no idea what he was saying. Luna snorted.

Jacob quickly chewed the pizza in his mouth and grabbed the remainder of the slice. "Fhorry, gulp, what I said was 'you all wanna watch a movie?'"

"Yay! Movie!"

"What would y'guys want to watch?"

"How about 'X-Men'?" Leina shrugged.

Jacob nodded. "That sounds good."

"Wait, what about 'Ghostrider'?"

"'Jon Tucker Must Die'!"


They chose to ignore that Luna comment.

Leonna raised her hand.

"...yes, Leonna?"

"I might have a fun movie to watch..." She reached into her bag and took out a box. "'Underworld'?"

"Yes. Let's watch that one!" Leina agreed.

Jacob shrugged. "Sure, I've never seen it before." He grabbed the DVD from Leonna and put the movie in. Luna jumped onto the couch's right arm, while Leonna sat next to her on the actual cushion. Leina sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa. Jacob hopped over away from the television and landed on the sofa, almost causing it to fall over. He laughed, then settled in to watch, arm rested on the backing of the sofa.

They sat on the edge of their seats during the vampire versus lychan shoot off. Leina shuddered when Kraven, one of the vampires, came on the screen.

“I hate that guy... he gives me the creeps...”

Leonna started shivering a while later. Jacob refocused on the screen. The human Michael was being bitten by the lychan Lucian.

“Hey, you okay?” Jacob asked, truly worried about her.

Leonna nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine...”

They all laughed together when Lucian got thrown off the hood of a car and when a female vampire jumped onto the ceiling at the sight of the bitten Michael.

Finally, the movie was over. Jacob hopped off the sofa, almost hitting Leina.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”

Jacob laughed. “Sorry, next time, I’ll look where I leap!”

He took the DVD out of the player, handed it to Leonna (who quickly put it away), and looked outside the window.

“Hey, the rain’s stopped, guys! You ready to go to Forks?”

The girls jumped off of the sofa, grabbed their bags, and ran outside to the Rabbit. Jacob laughed, then grabbed the keys, locked the door, then followed them out.

Luna and Leina sat in the back seats, while Leonna sat up in the shotgun seat. Jacob hopped into the driver's seat, started the car, and backed out of the driveway.

"So, where are you guys staying in Forks?"

Leina sat up in her seat, leaning towards the front of the car. "Well, we aren't sure which one is actually our house yet, but we requested the type of area that our house be built."

"So, you basically... ordered a house?"

Leonna nodded. "We sent a request form to Forks, they agreed, we contacted each other... and finally we sent them the check, and here we are."

The four chatted pleasantly as they sped down the streets on the way to Forks. Finally, she had entered the town of Forks. Jacob started pointing out different houses and stores.

"Where do you guys want me to drop you off at?"

Leina and Luna looked at each other, and shrugged.

""We have absolutely no idea...""

Leonna sighed. "Thankfully, I do... can you take us to the Emerson Real Estate building?"

Jacob nodded, then made a quick U-turn and pulled into the parking lot of a small, one-story building. The girls quickly got out, grabbing their bags.

"Thanks so much, Jacob!"

"Thaaaaank youuuuuuu!"

"Hope to see you soon!" Leina finished.

Jacob nodded, smiling. "Yeah, hopefully we'll get to see each other again!" She shot a grin to Leonna, then pulled away.

Leonna quickly turned and walked into the building. Luna and Leina followed. The inside of the building was quite normal, with off-white walls and a few simple tables. There seemed to be a back room, but the girls didn't take a long time to stare at it.

They walked up to the lady at the nearest counter. She looked about thirty, with fake, blonde hair, long, pink-painted nails and a mini-skirt. She smiled fake-ly at the three girls. "Hi, my name is Karen, how can I help you today?" More fake smiles.

Leonna spoke up first. "Hello, I'm Leonna Lexa, and we came here to find out where our house is."

Karen started typing on her computer. "Lexa... Lexa... oh, here's the file!" She stared at the screen, confused. "One moment..." She rose from her chair and went into the back room. A few minutes later, she came back with a slightly round-looking man. He had a bit of a stomach, gray hair, and a grandfather-ly smile that made the three girls feel more at ease.

"What can I help you ladies with?"

"Are you Mr. Emerson?" Leina asked.

The other two girls looked at her strangely. Mr. Emerson still smiled, but a hint of confuse-ment crossed his face. "Yes... but how'd you know?"

"I remembered your voice from when I was talking with you on the phone. I'm Leina Saxen, and this is Luna and Leonna Lexa."

He nodded, smiling even more friend-like. "Oh, yes! The three girls who requested a house be built for them... let's see..." He typed into the computer. "Ah! The house built in the forest."

Leonna nodded.

"So, when can we move in?" questioned Luna.

The lady, Karen, typed into the computer. “One day after you give us the finalization papers and the check... oh, wait, we have the check. You ladies just need the finalization papers.”

Leonna looked confused. “But... I sent those papers...”


“No, I swear I did! They were sitting on the counter in the forest green manila folder, and then I put them into the mail box right before we left!”


The girls turned to Luna. She was shifting nervously from foot to foot, and staring at the ground.

“Would the papers possibly have been different colors? Like blue... and green... and yellow...?” Leina and Leonna nodded slowly.

“Luna...” Leina said, a hard look in her eyes. “Please... tell me you didn’t do what I think you did...”

“Well,” Luna shifted again. “I was looking for construction paper, ‘cause I wanted to make confetti for when we got to the new house... and I saw the papers sitting there. I didn’t think they were important, so I...” Her voice dropped of quietly.

The five of them stood in silence for a while.

“AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Luna, I’m gonna-!” Leina started to chase Luna around the room. Luna laughed, thinking it was a game. Leonna sighed and rubbed her forehead.

“Um, excuse me?”

Leina froze in mid-noogie and the three girls looked over to Mr. Emerson.

“It isn’t completely hopeless... if you can give us one day to re-print off the papers, we can give them to you tomorrow to sign. If all goes well, you can have your house the day after tomorrow.”

The girls nodded. Mr. Emerson smiled at them.

“We have one house that you girls could use... it’s barely furnished, and the walls aren’t painted or anything... but you girls are welcome to use it.”

Leina let go of Luna. “Thank you, Mr. Emerson.”

“No problem, sweetie. Here’s the address...” He quickly scribbled down the address and a quick map. “And just come back tomorrow to get your papers.”

“Will do, Mr. Emerson.” Leonna grabbed Luna, who had been fascinated by making the water dispenser make bubbles. The three girls walked out of the building as a light rain started to come down.

Leina turned to her companions. “Today just isn’t our day, is it?”

They covered their heads with their bags as they sprinted down Forks' main street. Leonna squinted down at the scrap of paper. "We're almost there! It's just through the forest... just a bit into i-"

Leonna stopped running, staring blankly ahead. Luna and Leina stopped a few feet ahead of her and turned around. They looked curiously at Leonna.

"Leonna...? Are you ok?" Leina asked tentatively. She walked closer to Leonna. Leonna was shaking, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

"Leonna, what's wrong?" Leina asked urgently while Luna looked on next to her.

"I... I feel cold... but I'm burning up inside..." Just then, she fell. Leina caught her, trying to make sure she didn't hit the ground. Leonna was shaking more violently now.

"Crap... Luna, grab her bag, we gotta move now!" Luna nodded, following the order. They rushed into the forest, attempting to follow the soggy map. Leina moved Leonna so she was on her back. It was easier to carry her that way. The whole way, Leonna drifted in and out of consciousness. It seemed like the closer they got, the more viciously she shook.

Finally, a small house came into view. The windows were boarded over, the actual glass not in yet. Thankfully, it looked stable and warmer than the weather they were in.

Luna ran ahead and threw open the door. She ran inside while Leina and Leonna came brining up the rear. Leina swiftly set Leonna down, who was now rocking back and forth, as if she was having a terrible dream. Leina slammed the door shut, wide-eyed, and clicked the dead bolt. She whirled around and was face to face with a pair of giant, glowing, feline eyes.