Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Of Two Kingdoms ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Of Two Kingdoms
Chapter 5

"Muri. Prepare a horse and bring it to the front of the house. I'm leaving for the palace." Allen's voice was commanding and it echoed through the hanger as he left the two men staring at his retreating form. The knight ran to the manor, the red sash at his waist fluttering at his side. "Celena!" He called when he presumed himself close enough for anyone to hear him. He was still in the fields but he could see light in his sister's window. He ran faster and he saw a figure in the window.
From inside her room, Celena could hear the faint cries of her brother and she stood in front of the window to observe. He was running towards the house and he called again. She opened the window and leaned outside. "Allen! What is it? What's happened?" she responded as loud as she could. She saw him stop when he entered the gardens, looking up at her from where he stood.
"Van has arrived tonight. I'm riding to the palace. I . . ." his sister interrupted him before he could continue, an annoyed look on her face and her arms crossed.
"And I suppose you'll want me to stay behind to mind the house while you go and take care of things. Well, I won't stand for it and I'm coming with you."
Allen could have sworn he heard a "hmph" come from her but he was too distracted by his own annoyance. "Celena, these matters do not involve you. I didn't want you to try and . . ."
"What?" She demanded with petulance, interrupting him once again. "You didn't want me to ruin your plans again. Well, I won't and it doesn't matter anyway. I'm still coming with you. Misshel!" She left the window as she called for her servant, leaving her brother standing out in the gardens.
The knight could feel the heat rise in his face and he gritted his teeth. The nerve of that girl! Everything he does to protect her and she flings herself in harms way! What's the use anymore? He loosened his clenched fists, feeling the sweat in his palms and he forced himself to walk to the front of the house. Muri was waiting for him with the reigns of his horse tight in his grip. "Master Allen. Misshel has gone to fetch another horse for Lady Celena. Will she be riding with you?"
The frown was profusely deep on Allen's face when he answered through clenched teeth, "Yes."


An entourage had led Van's carriage and samurai through the gates of the palace. After taking the city by surprise with their early arrival, city guards hastily gathered in order to make a proper welcome for the king of Fanelia. Although it was exactly what Van had been hoping to avoid, he accepted the royal greeting respectfully. After all, they were only doing their jobs.
They were led through the expansive gardens of the palace of Asturia, stopping in the front of the grand establishment within a circle of loose gravel surrounding a small family of rose bushes. The sun had set a little more than an hour ago and the only light that shone around them was that of the two moons in a star-speckled sky. Notified of their arrival, King Aston's chief Advisor along with the eldest princess Eries waited for them beside to large golden doors.
"Your majesty," began the advisor in an unpleasant tone, "we are quite surprised by your sudden arrival, I must admit. Though I do hope you realize what an unsuitable hour this is to make your grand entrance."
"See here," said Jadik, coming from behind Van before the young king could reply. "His majesty King Van of Fanelia wishes to speak only to King Aston of Asturia himself and not his pompous advisor. I suggest that if you wish to speak to King Fanel, you will speak to him with respect." His older eyes looked upon the middle aged man coldly, his wrinkled brow furrowed in his seriousness. "Now be a good lad and see to our carriage." He left the man standing there, his mouth open as if to say something in objection but for respect of elders could not. Jadik watched Van kissing Princess Eries' hand in greeting before joining them.
"I thank you for letting myself and my men into your country, princess." Van said thoughtfully, "I must also apologize for the inappropriate hour during which we have come but I'm sure you understand the dire matters that must be dealt with."
"Of course, King Van." stated Eries, an understanding smile crossing her lips, "I will tell father that you are here so that you may discuss the preparations for the duel to take place."
"Duel?" Van's face was nothing less of confusion, as for Jadik's right behind him.
"What was that you said, your highness?"
Eries took a deep breath, leading them inside the foyer of the palace. "Everything will be explained in due course, gentleman. Until then, please make yourselves at home. Rooms have been prepared for his majesty King Fanel and his party."
"Did I hear something about a duel?" came Denevive's voice from outside. He almost sounded excited and quickly entered the palace. "If a duel is to be fought, then I'm sure King Van will be ready for whatever Asturia has to . . ."
"There will be no such thing." stated Jadik firmly, "The people of Fanelia would never want their own king to fight in such a ridiculous event. I certainly would not stand for it either. Like Princess Eries said, all will be explained in due course. Denevive, you will mind your temper and impulsiveness during your stay. Not a word of any of this is to be spoken beyond these walls. Now, go make yourself useful, boy."
The young samurai left the foyer, grumbling as he returned outside to help his fellow samurai with the baggage.


Allen rode his stead hard, almost as if to deliberately lose sight of his sister riding close behind him. Perhaps it would discourage her from following me if I lost her, he thought angrily. He didn't know exactly why he had agreed, albeit against his will, to let her come along with him. She would only get in the way or alter his true intentions to mend the situations.
"Are you still behind me?" Allen hollered over his shoulder, thinking to himself what a ridiculous question it must have seemed.
"What do you care, Allen?" Celena yelled from behind, kicking her horse to push it faster. "It's not like you're trying to lose me. Right, brother?" Sarcasm dripped from her very words, her horse panting as it began to pass the knight's beast. She managed to grin at his gawking face while she took the lead.
"What do you think you're doing?" If ever the knight felt anger towards his sister, it certainly hasn't shown until that moment. He growled, his gloved hands painfully tightening on the reigns of his horse, hearing the gleeful laughter coming from his disobedient sister in front of him. "Slow down and stay behind me. Celena! I won't say it again!"
More laughter came from the girl. She looked over her shoulder and shot him a defiant glance with a smile. "Don't worry, brother. I know the way." She leaned in low to her horse and tightened her grasp on the reigns as she let out a cry, coaxing the creature to quicken his pace. Allen was left chasing after her, cursing under his breath for her stubbornness. His horse was already getting tired, being older than Celena's steed Mystic. Eventually, Allen lost sight of his sister, the darkness of the forest not aiding him at all nor the slowing trot of his horse.
"Damn it to the abyss!" Allen cursed, his horse stopping from fatigue altogether. He looked down at the animal menacingly, "Muri had to give me the old one!" The horse, as if understanding, snorted in disapproval and bucked the knight off of his back. The kick sent Allen flying through the air, quickly being stopped by a puddle of rain water. The less-than-pleasing terrain managed to soften Allen's landing but almost instantly seeped his noble clothes in thick layers of mud. Face down in the muck, his hair weighed down with it, he slowly stood up. He groaned when he examined himself, a sour look shot towards his animal companion as he shook off the excess mud. "No carrots for a week." He growled.


"Majesty," said Jadik, his voice echoing throughout the King's private audience chamber, "I understand your sympathy for your growing country. I also understand how important land is to a prosperous country such as this to expand. To irrationally declare a threat of war to allies is unheard of! Especially when Fanelia is peaceful and has done nothing to threaten the people of Asturia."
"War will not be declared." said Aston stoically, "Instead, another battle will take place. A simple act of tradition, nothing more. It's been done for thousands of years in place of all the dreadfully boring negotiations. A duel."
Van and Jadik sat on the floor in front of a few small steps leading up to where King Aston slouched in a wooden throne cushioned in velvet. The three Fanelian samurai stood behind the young king and his advisor, their swords respectfully in full view.
Van glared at the king. "And if we do not accept?" All of the Fanelians were confused by far. Why in the world would such a large kingdom like Asturia want such specific and unusual land?
A deep, throaty laughter came from the Asturian king, making his full round belly bounce. "Then we seize the land since it has no real claim."
"That land," began the young king, "Is sacred land to Fanelia. It is the breeding ground for the land dragons that protect our country! Without that land, the race of dragons as we know it would diminish into nothing!"
"Such a pity." Aston said stoically. "Dragons are of no importance to Asturia. But as I said, the duel can be fought and whoever wins will have the claim on the land."
"This is foolish!" Roared Van, "Do you not understand anything I say? I cannot agree to this."
Aston sat, a hand to his face as he pondered ideas coming to his head. His eyes were closed and made a thoughtful expression on his usually smug features. "That could be a problem, young Van. No duel can take place unless it is agreed to by your party. That being the case, I will be forced to move in my troops to your 'sacred' land and begin construction for a new fort village. Our peace treaty will be terminated."
Van sat, his face beaded with sweat as he stared vainly at the ground, searching for an answer. He was bewildered, unable to comprehend what was happening. He finally shook his head reluctantly, "I . . . cannot fight."
"I will fight for his majesty!" said Denevive robustly.