Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Girl With the Raven Hair ❯ Prologue/The Girl With the Raven Hair ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Just so you know, I'm only going to write this once

Disclaimer: Just so you know I'm only going to write this once. I do NOT own Escaflowne or it's characters. I DO own Nanaki and Vallen, and maybe some other characters that will appear in the future.

Vallen lay on his back looking up at the stars with tears in his eyes. Why did she have to leave me? he thought.
Just then a blue pillar of light came down from the sky not too far away. A girl landed softly on the ground. She looked around not noticing Vallen.
"Whe… Where am I?" she asked to nobody in particular. Then all of a sudden it came to her, nobody, not even she ever knew how she knew, she just did. "Gaea" she whispered.

Chapter One: The Girl with the Raven Hair
It is winter in the forest. A girl with raven hair and a warm white coat is walking through. Inexplicably sharp icicles keep falling behind as she walks, always a foot behind her, no more no less. It looks like a shower of icicles is following her but never hitting her.
Vallen runs up to the edge of the forest seeing "The Girl" not to far down the trail which was unusually strait for a forest trail. He had been following her for hours, naming her "The Girl" until he figured out her name. Seeing an icicle about to drop ontop of her he yells out "Hey!" as a warning.
The girl turns around, forgetting what she was doing and glares at the boy. The boy is speechless, stunned by her emerald green eyes. Remembering why he called out, and still not being able to speak, he points upwards. The girl looks up surprised at first but then realising what was happening took a step back and grabbed the huge icicle.
Vallen was surprised, Nobody could have caught that. he thought. Though he soon forgot about that when he saw "The Girl" practically charging at him with the icicle held in her hand like a spear.
"What is the meaning of this!" she demanded.
"I … I … I was t … trying to save you." Vallen stammered.
"What do you mean you were trying to save me!" she yelled "You're interference almost killed me!"
Her yelling no longer scared him. He was insulted that she didn't want to believe that he saved her. "What do you mean I didn't save you!" he yelled back "I warned you about the icicle, didn't I! You just don't want to believe that you could need saving sometimes!"
She was shocked, though she didn't show it. Is he trustworthy? She thought. She looked into his eyes, knowing that he wouldn't be able to look away until she was finished. As soon as she was finished he dropped his eyes. Yes I can trust him, she thought, but I can't tell him, not yet at least. She warmed her expression just the slightest bit. "Well I suppose you might as well come with me, since you have been following me already."
"How… how did you know that?" asked Vallen surprised
"I …" She paused a second before continuing , it wouldn't do to tell him that she saw it in his eyes. "I knew ever since you started following me that you were there. I just wasn't sure if you were friend or foe. My name's Nanaki by the way. What's yours?"
"Vallen." he replied.
"Well, we best be on our way." said Nanaki.
"Where exactly is it that we are going?" Vallen asked innocently as they started to walk.
"To tell you the truth," Nanaki replied "I don't know myself. I just had a feeling that I should be headed in this direction."
"Oh" said Vallen confused.
"Do you know of any type of establishment in this direction?"
"I don't know," Vallen replied thoughtfully "I think maybe Fanelia."
Hmmm, Fanelia. thought Nanaki That sounds familiar, but where and when have I heard that before, I just can't recall. Out loud she said " Fanelia? Tell me about this Fanelia."
Vallen was not surprised at this, he hadn't thought that she was from around here "Well," he started "I'll start from the Destiny War. Fanelia is a country that was completely destroyed during the Destiny War, about, say 20 or so years ago. The king of Fanelia, he had just become king at the time and was only 15, fought in the battle with the help of a beautiful girl, she was the same age as him, from the Mystic Moon.
"The Mystic Moon is one of our two moons, it's the bluish coloured one." He said seeing her confused look.
"The Earth." muttered Nanaki.
"What was that you said?"
"Oh nothing," she replied, relieved when he continued.
" She had the power of visions, she could see the future in them and therefore helped Fanelia in the battles. She and the king fell in love but after the war was over she decided to go back to the Mystic Moon. Five or so years afterwards, though, they couldn't bear to be apart any longer so by the power of their wishes she came back. They got married soon afterwards. Fanelia was pretty much already rebuilt by this time. Fanelia is now very prosperous with King Van and Queen Hitomi ruling over it."
Van? Hitomi? Now where have I heard those names before? Wondered Nanaki. Oh, I wish I could remember. "That's very interesting," she said "but why did you tell me all that?"
"Oh …" said Vallen startled "I just assumed that you didn't know it already and I thought you'd be interested."
"How did you know I didn't know it already?" she asked
"Well, for one thing, you seemed very curious about Fanelia and if you had already known you probably would've known its name. For another," He said glancing at her clothes "your clothes aren't like any I've ever seen, so I guessed you weren't from around here."
Nanaki blushed inwardly at this, she should've known this wasn't what they dressed like here and found some replacement clothes, though how and from where she did not know.
They were silent for a long time after this giving them both a chance to think. Vallen during his thinking time found his thoughts drifting towards what he was doing before Nanaki came. It all came back in a rush, his mother … dead.

So, what do you think? Please review and tell me. Reviews will really help me continue because even though I want to write the story, if nobody else likes it I'll probably just forget about it and not write any more of it. So please review!