Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Girl With the Raven Hair ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: Vallen's memories are like this while things happening at the present moment will be in the normal 'black and white'

A/N: Vallen's memories and dreams are like this and Nanaki's dreams are like this while things happening at the present moment will be in the normal 'black and white'.

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Chapter Two: Dreams

Nanaki noticed the sudden change in the mood of her travelling companion. Though she didn't ask why, He'll tell me soon enough. she thought.
Vallen started to remember the events of that day.
Vallen was in a field awaiting the return of his mother and little sister, Alice. He was picking flowers for his sister because he knew how much she loved them.
" We should really set up camp," said Nanaki " It's really getting late."
"Huh? Oh yeah camp." Vallen replied annoyed to be knocked out of his memory. Nanaki realised that he wouldn't be of any help in the state he was in. She set out to get dry wood for a fire, wich would be very hard to find in the winter, and allowed him to go back to his memories.
Vallen looked up at the sky, they should've been here hours ago. He thought as he looked at the placement of the sun in the sky.
Suddenly a man came running out to the field he looked as if he had been caught in the middle of a dog fight.
"Vallen! ::pant:: Vallen, you're mother ::wheeze:: has been ::cough:: …"
"Vallen," said Nanaki trying to get his attention "here take this blanket, I have another one in my duffle bag that I'm going to use." She was lying she had no other blanket but her coat was much warmer than his and he looked like he needed it.
Vallen's head snapped up like he was coming out of a trance and looked around at their little camp. There was now a small fire not too far away from him and Nanaki was standing over him handing a blanket to him. He took it and smiled thankfully at Nanaki and only then did he notice her duffle bag, he didn't know why he hadn't seen it before, it wasn't big, but it wasn't small either. It was big enough that he should've noticed it. Oh well, he thought and let it slide, returning to his memories.
"What!" Vallen practically screamed at the man worried because of the way he was saying it. "What has my mother 'been'? Tell me, Geki."
"Lady Celena, your mother, ::cough:: has been killed."
Vallen saw the look of truth in Geki's eyes.
"NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vallen cried out in agony as he droped to his knees and started pounding the ground with his fist. "This can't be happening! This isn't happening!" Vallen stopped pounding the ground, his knuckles now red with blood. "Yes, that's it it isn't happening this is just a bad dream. Yes, a dream, a horrible ugly dream!" He looked up at Geki, his eyes filled with tears. "Please tell me this is a dream!"
Geki looked sorowfully at the boy, "I'm afraid it isn't Vallen."
"Wha?" Vallen's head again shot up coming out of his trance for the third time. He almost laughed at the sight. There was Nanaki sleeping by the fire snoreing so loudly it seemed as if she was going to put the fire out. Vallen temporarily forgot the thing that would be forever branded on his memory. He realised that she didn't have a blanket I guess she didn't have another blanket in that 'duffle bag' of hers after all. He thought, though he had half expected it. He took his own blanket and put it on her. She stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up. Rest now Nanaki, girl from the mistic moon.
Vallen went to sleep near Nanaki just outside of the blanket. His memories caught up with him in his dreams.
Vallen had already known this but still it was a blow to him. He looked down at his bloodied hand. It still held the flowers he had been picking for Alice only moments ago. They were now battered and torn. "O my god, Alice! Is she alright !?!" He almost chocked on his next words "Was she killed too?"
"No, fortunately we found her before they could harm her that badly." Responded Geki grateful that Vallen hadn't had to receive the blow of two deaths in one day.
Vallen sighed in releif "What happened? Who's 'they'?"
"Are you shure your up too hearing this?" asked Geki concerned
"I'm sure."
Nanaki tossed and turned in her sleep, horrified at what she was dreaming.
She was in a forest but it was like she wasn't there. She was simply an observer. A woman and her child were hide and go seek. The woman was counting as the child, gigling ran through the forest looking for a place to hide. The child looked no more than five. She looked sort of like Vallen. The same sandy blonde hair, the same shape in their faces, although she had a bit more baby fat. The only thing different about them, other then their age and the fact that she was a girl, was their eyes. Her's were a dark brown while his were sky blue. There was a group of three men not too far away.
Geki started explaining what happened "Raf, Hugh, and I were talking when we stopped to rest when Alice and your mother decided to play hide and seek…"
Nanaki's dream seemed to be more foccused on the woman and child and since she had no controll over what was happening she watched intently. She watched as the mother finished counting and went looking for her daughter. She watch as the mother pretended not to know where her daughter was. She watched as a group of bandits jumped out from behind a boulder…
"We heard a muffled cry, but we thought it was just Alice when your mother found her."
The banditsnd gaged the girl, hitting her when she struggled. The woman cried out for her daughter…
"We heard your mother yell 'Do what you want with me, but please don't hurt my baby!"
The bandits turned to the woman "As you wish." The leader sneered. He took out his sword.
"We got there in time to see one of the bandits thrust his sword through your mother's heart."
The woman let out a piercing scream and fell limp. Oh, make it stop! Please let me wake up! I don't want to see any more! Thought Nanaki.
"We charged at the bandits. It was three against five."
All of a sudden the men she had seen earlier came charging at the bandits.
"Two of them fled."
It was now even.
"We fought off the bandits."
When the bandits were either gone or dead,
"We picked up your mother's body,"
and they tried to comfort the girl as well as they could.

Vallen and Nanaki both woke up at pretty much the same time, surprised at their dreams. Though Nanaki was more surprised then Vallen.
Nanaki looked down, temporarly forgetting her 'dream', and noticed she had a blanket. "What? How did that get there?" She wondered aloud. She then looked beside her. There sat Vallen a little dazed because of his dream/memory. Though instead of being out the covers he was under them, the way he had been for practically the whole night. He had unconsciously pulled himself under the covers to keep himself warm, but Nanaki didn't know that. She slapped him.
"What was that for?!" he asked confused.
"What do you think it was for?" demanded Nanaki "I never told you you could put this blanket on me let alone crawl in under it with me!"
"What? I was under it? I didn't know that. I must have crawled under it in my sleep." He too had by now forgotten his dream. "And just so you know, I put the blanket over you because you looked cold. I never thought you would've yelled at me for that. Besides you lied to me. Though I don't know what as I could've expected from you."
"What is that supposed to mean!?!" she snarled
Vallen was frightened and amused at the look on her face. He couldn't help himself he burst out laughing. Nanaki was confused, but soon enough she started to laugh too.

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Yeah, I know, that was a stupid ending. I hope you enjoyed the rest though. Please review. Constructive critcism would really help me. I'd like to know if I should change anything. Well, 'til the next chapter.