Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Touched by Darkness ❯ Ventriloquism ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Why?" Folken said.

"No one knows why, he'll just kill anyone who gets in his way!"

"Sapphire you fool." Takara said to herself, tracing the rim of her goblet with a slender finger. The red wine in it began to swirl like a whirlpool, captivating the attentions of both Folken and Dilandau. But Folken snapped out of it sooner than Dilandau did.

"Do you know him?" Folken asked Takara.

No reply.

"I think you like her Stratagose," Dilandau teased. "I never knew you had a heart."

Takara got up without a word, and headed for the doorway, her waist-long hair flapping in the wind like a curtain. Dilandau was mesmerized by it. Strange as it may seem, because the likes of Hitomi didn't even have an affect on him like Takara does; maybe it's because her soul is darker than his, and the evil more eminent? She was halfway there before Folken said;

"Where are you going?"

A strand of dark shiny hair always fell from the middle of her forehead to her lips. "I'm sure you don't want more people getting killed, Stratagos. Although," Takara stood near the edge of the bridge, looking down towards the ground. A hand placed on the railing.

"I doubt someone like you really cares,"

And jumped effortlessly over the railing.

The words "Do you?" Echoing after her. Folken gasped, running to the bridge and watched as he saw Takara fall, her heels Clunked as she landed on the ground. It was obvious she wasn't hurt. He looked on as she stood, looking across the hanger, then he knew why; Folken saw one of the Dragon slayers board his guymelef, and saw her seize another by the collar. After some interrogating Takara threw him to the floor, and climbed into the nearest melef - Dilandau's, melef. The melef's chest opened for it's pilot, Takara gave them a devious smile before she got in. The door closed behind her. Dilandau shouted after her as it closed, not being able to do a thing as it flew away.

"AAARRGH! WHERE IS SHE GOING IN MY GUYMELEF!?!?" Dilandau was so angry; he tore out bits of his hair.

"I know where she's going." Folken calmly said, and he too walked away, leaving Dilandau alone and ever more confused.

Meanwhile, a hooded figure walked silently along the streets of Fanelia, minding their own business. Their height made them stand out from the crowd like a sore thumb; some people gave them funny looks. Others pointed and whispered, but they couldn't care less. The sun sat high above his subjects, giving them all a harsh light and unbearable heat. The hood covered the face completely, lost in shadow, no identity. The market sellers went about their usual business, yelling either "thanks" or "why you-!" to customers. After walking down one street after another, the hooded figure had no particular route or place to go, and so wandered for hours on end. Suddenly a humongous rumble from their stomach was so loud, everyone stopped to look at them. A unified "Tsk." And the crowd broke up again. One middle-aged woman took pity, and handed out some bread from her basket. The traveller looked up, almost questioning their kindness. If he didn't feel so weak, Sapphire would have taken her life. It's not like him to spare this woman; then again, even the greatest weapon is useless without a purpose… Takara, is his purpose. Without her, he was lost with no direction.

"My! You're not from 'round 'ere! So where you from handsome?"

Sapphire was taken aback. He was just about to do something when his mind told him to play it cool, and to just talk to her. This woman might only be commenting on his eyes, something people have always done ever since he can remember. Since he was alone and injured, it would not be wise to do anything rash. So he decided to go along with it. Just for now.

"Er… thank you. No, I'm not from this area, I was just passing actually."

"Oh! Are you headin' to the Summer Market down south? We get a lot of travellers passin' by Fanelia going that way, but I've never seen someone like you before! I bet you have a girl waitin' for you back home; go and get her somethin' nice from the Summer Market. And 'ere," She shoved the bread roll at him to take, which he did this time. Her accent was so strong Sapphire could barely understand what she was saying. But managed it by concentrating very hard. The woman seemed pleased with herself.

"I've got shopping to do dear! Bye now!" She said whilst waving, and went off. Sapphire was puzzled. Are all people here like this? They're either kind, or spoilt rotten like that kid. Sapphire looked around him for the first time. Everything was so peaceful, and everyone was talking to each other in a friendly kind of manner, be it a known person or a stranger, they all treated one another with kindness. Like one, big happy family. The more he thought about it, the more the cheerful atmosphere was starting to rub off on Sapphire, and was soon walking amongst them in a better mood, holding his head high. After walking a few yards, the young women of Fanelia took a liking to Sapphire, who also got noticed by the men, but they just saw him as a love rival for "their" women. Of course, the women weren't theirs exactly, but they still didn't like him as he posed a threat to them. Anyhow, the women approached Sapphire in a group of five or six, cornering him. All of them began acting as sweet as pie, talking to him and flirting with him, making him quite embarrassed. He as beginning to go red as he wasn't used to this sort of thing. Sapphire suddenly realised he was feeling weak and needed energy,

but there were too many witnesses if he suddenly took one of the girl's energy. He has to do something - and soon.

"Shall we?" Flick drags Sapphire by the arm into the Jade inn, the best place to take a stranger for food. On the way they bump into Merle, and they know her because Virgo is a cat girl too, who also orphaned like Merle. The others surround him so he can't escape, and off they go. When they get there, however, the keeper tells them at the door that it's full, and that they have to go somewhere else. It turns out, the tavern is crammed full of men mobbing a single woman. The keeper then tells them she minds her own business, trying to eat her food, and all they are trying to do is ask for her hand in marriage.

"Time for act one." Takara said glancing to the doorway, drinking from a wooden cup. Meanwhile, the group were still at the entrance.

"No wonder the street's so crowded here." Said Selphie.

Merle's fur was standing on end, but she didn't know why. She sniffed the air, but couldn't smell anything odd.

When some more customers arrived at the door the keeper was explaining his situation and saying he's sorry, and seeing as he's busy, the girls squeeze past and usher Sapphire in. Eventually they find a quiet spot and sit down, making Sapphire sit in the middle of them. He frowned, and Virgo saw.

"Is anything the matter? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Although he should be having the time of his life, being accompanied by so many girls, he couldn't shake off the one thought that kept crossing his mind; where is his leader? Then he doubles up in excruciating pain; the energy he drained from that woman Hitomi lasted longer than he though it would, but the truth is if he doesn't get to a healer soon, he will die because his injuries are so severe. Flick, Selphie, Virgo, Merle and the others all didn't know about what happened only hours before they met Sapphire, but they knew it was serious, whatever it was. They decided to carry on as normal, seeing as people were distracted by the "popular" woman somewhere else in the tavern, and wanted to go unnoticed; Flick and Virgo each got an arm and supported Sapphire, while the rest stayed behind them and Selphie lead the way out through the back exit. But as they got there, it was around the corner from where all the commotion was taking place, and at once Sapphire recovers, breaking free and running to where the woman is;

I know it's her; it's got to be. I can sense her aura. C'mon, get out of my way.

But when he got there, however, it wasn't who he expected to see; a ventriloquist girl about ten years old, entertaining people with her puppet to earn a living. She used a trick where they "seem" to make the puppet talk without moving their own lips, making people think the puppet really was talking of its own accord. The crowd loved it. They loved the girl. But Sapphire couldn't believe it. He was certain it was her; yet looked like her. Confusion swallowed him, making his head spin faster and faster until he could bear it no longer, collapsing unconscious. Then Selphie screamed. Blood was everywhere, a trail leading to Sapphire on the floor. People were beginning to leave the in, while some stayed where they were. The ventriloquist girl silently left.

A few minutes later he came around, greeted by the anxious faces of Flick, Selphie, Virgo and their gang. Sapphire tried to sit up but fell down.

A familiar voice spoke to him that only he can hear; It's not time for us to meet. Form an alliance with the dragon. I will contact you.

"(Takara…) Where-"

"Still at the tavern. A healer is coming to see to your wounds." Selphie informed him.

"He's over there." Merle said. "I think he's badly injured." The healer does a quick physical examination, and then orders for him to be taken to the palace so he and other healers can save him. As he was laid on a stretcher and was lifted up, they walked passed a tight hidden alley, and they couldn't believe what they saw, least of all Sapphire; the little ventriloquist got into something no one ever expected to see again;

A red guymelef.