Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Touched by Darkness ❯ Vision express ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Note; coloured italics like this means it's a vision. Blade, I hope I've written about you're characters right, if not, let me know!

"OI!! STOOOOP!!!!" Shouted a man at the top of his voice. Someone was running away from him, and he managed to raise some alarm amongst the people around him; instantly two big men took hold of their arms and dragged them back to the man who had been shouting. The person struggled but couldn't really do anything that wouldn't draw more attention to himself, so had to let them think they were in control. The men brought him to a weedy looking boy who was in his teens, dressed in silk and was dripping with wealth. He was very annoyed at being treated in such a way, and didn't hesitate to assert his rank.

"Sir, has this man offended you?" One of them asked.

"Yeah! He tried to rob me, and when he couldn't he tried to kill me!! I say PAY UP or else!!"

"Did you hear? You're luck he's not taking you to court, so pay up!!" The other bellowed into his ear. The young man only looked up, and stared at the adolescent boy who knew he was wrong but still acted as if he weren't. Bloody rich kid.

"HEY!" Duff. The young man got kicked behind the knees to make him kneel in front of the now infuriated boy. The big men awaited orders. They knew what would happen to people like this. The crowd around them were whispering, saying how the person should do as he was told to avoid further trouble. But he didn't. Now he was asking for it.

"Are you deaf!? Sir said to PAY - UP!!" The crowd all gasped when one of the big men went to punch him in the side of the head to make him unconscious, but just as he was about to make contact, the young man spun around (still on his knees) - and caught one fist with one hand. And the other fist. Seeing that he was going to lose the boy sent the other big man to help, but somehow they became tangled up with each other and were locked in position, and the young man was about to get to his feet when suddenly, a whole group of big men came rushing through the crowd and quickly began to pummel him; he was kicked in the stomach, punched in the head, then stabbed with a knife…

"WHATS GOING ON HERE!?!? C'MON BREAK IT UP BREAK IT UP!!" Several guards lined up on both sides of the street as the people made way for them. These were the Imperial troops. And that can only mean one thing. Another young man stepped in to see what was causing the riot; the adolescent boy got scared and tried to escape but a guard saw him, and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. It was his turn to be dragged and humiliated. Everyone in the crowd began jeering at him, saying he deserved to be punished.

"Your Majesty; a woman has told me that this boy got these men (beckoned for other guards to come forward with the rest) to beat this man here." The young man was lying on the dirty ground struggling to move, and the other man was going to help him when he groaned;

"Don't touch me."

Then a woman stepped through, and being confused at what she saw, she turned to the handsome man next to her.

"Van what's wrong with him? And who is he?" Hitomi asked.

"I'm… not so sure myself Hitomi."

Hitomi crouched down to the young man's level to speak to him, when he looked up at her. Hitomi's heart hurt seeing the state he was in; ruffled hair, dirt and bruises on his fair skin, and blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. Then she was mesmerised by a pair of dazzling deep blue eyes that seemed to have an endless depth to them. She wondered if she were dreaming because of it, and it was exactly because she was in this trance, that gave the injured man a crucial opportunity; he lunged for her, and got hold of her wrist…

"Where am I?" Hitomi was surrounded by a wall of chains…heard the sound of clanging metal… felt the painful and fear-infused voices… saw that the sky was dark, full of thunderclouds…forks of lightning struck at random… felt goose bumps as the cold atmosphere touched her body… shivering, Hitomi began to wonder if she had died and entered hell. Then she saw a man, just like the one who was lying on the ground moments before, and a tall woman with long dark hair. They were talking, but she was unable to hear what they were saying. Suddenly everything around her began to spin and become a blur, forcing her to shut her eyes. Hitomi's head finally stopped moving after what seemed like hours, and she was afraid since she had nothing to hold onto.

Upon opening her eyes, Hitomi found herself in a peaceful place, the direct opposite to where she'd just been. The sky was clear and blue, and some white fluffy clouds drifted lazily across it…the sunshine made her feel happy whereas the dreary weather before took that away…she heard birds sing to each other in place of horrific screams… an open meadow greeted her with freedom of space… the scent of flowers made her think she was in heaven… this blissful feeling wasn't to last when she thought for the second time; where am I? Panic pumped through her veins like water in a water hydrant… Hitomi ran for a while to the left, to the right, behind her, and then forward…but still she saw nothing. Then she saw it - a house. It was a cottage with a sandy coloured roof, a dainty little place, and the laughter of children could be heard nearby. She walked to the back of the cottage, endless rows upon rows of blue poppies, the huge flower heads of pink-tinted peonies, and giant purple clematises climbed alongside the wall. She saw other flowers that were just as beautiful. Lavender calmed her senses, and sweet scented roses greeted her. Hitomi felt like she was in a secret heaven. Eventually Hitomi came to the end of the garden, and saw a little boy playing with a Labrador puppy. He looked about five years old, and had startling blue eyes, even from this distance of a few feet. They didn't notice Hitomi watching them.

"Alistair! " Shouted someone. "I've made your favourite cake!" A woman carrying a tray full food and drink brought it to a table, and the little boy ran upto the woman and hugged her tight.

"Mum, you're the best!" He exclaimed. This put a smile to her face, and it touched Hitomi's heart. But just as it did so, she couldn't see a thing…

A blinding light followed and a scream pierced the air. When it disappeared and they could see again, the man was standing…. bringing his own weapon to Hitomi's throat. Hitomi was almost drowsy, relying on her captor for support. Van feared for her safety. Van nodded slightly to a guard behind them to free Hitomi, but the young man was way too fast and shifted to a different spot in an instant. This brought him close enough for Van to attack the man himself, but once again he was too quick.

"…. Van…." Hitomi said weakly. "Where are…. you?" Her eyebrows were knotted together in strain, and her head was lolling from side to side. Van was increasingly scared fro her life.

"Get out of the way." Said the young man. He didn't seem to be injured anymore, and the only indication of a fight was the blood that was still on the side of his mouth. "I know you love her, and care for her, so do as I say…"

What was Van to do? He had to save Hitomi, but at the same time he would be risking her life. There was no choice but to let them go. Van gestured for the guards to get out of the way, which they did, and the young man took Hitomi away with him, casting a suspicious glance at anyone who was too close to them. The crowds also parted, then reformed, and Van watched them disappear. Our young king has never felt so helpless.

Once they were out of sight, Hitomi had been taken quite faraway from the centre of the village. Silence surrounded them like hounds, only broken by a pattern of soft, shuffling footsteps like breaking waves in the sea. The trickle of blood was still there near his mouth. And as Hitomi weakly turned her head behind her, saw a shockingly long trail of thick blood. Her captor was becoming as weak as she felt. By now though, Hitomi was feeling stronger after being awake for several minutes. She was drained by the vision she had. Hitomi looked at the young man, who let her go, and was struggling to stand even though he was gripping a tree trunk for support. And he kept gulping, fiercely blinking his eyes and shaking his head, trying to stay focused. His eyes… They're exactly the same shade of blue as the little boy she saw in her vision!!! But…. Could it be? Was it him? How can she be certain? It might just be a coincidence…

"Why… are you staring at me like… that?" He choked. Hitomi decided to try her luck, whatever the consequence.

"Is your name Alistair?" Pause. Silence again. He may have regained some of his strength, but his wounds are deep and lethal.

Falling to the ground, he surrendered to the delirious state that will soon eat him whole.

Pain masked his handsome face. "It was."

"What do you mean exactly?" She didn't mean to pry, but Hitomi was curious to know why.

"I'm not stupid… Kanzaki." Hitomi was stunned. Inside, her heart was starting to pound harder and harder, louder and louder like a drum. She thought it might jump out of her throat if she didn't fight to stay in control. Hitomi was also finding it difficult to breath. But she was determined not to let it show through.

"I know you saw a-abit of my past… and I know… you are psychic… and… that you're not really a … native… of this planet. Huh… talk about irony…" He smiled again, and was starting to laugh before the pain was too much.

"Why don't you tell me everything? Maybe, maybe I can help you; if you let me-"

"HEY!! STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!!" An angry voice smacked her eardrums like the sound of thunder. Then another voice spoke to her in the same way;

"DO YOU WANT TO BE KILLED!?!? LISTEN TO US AND RUN!!! GO!!! FLEE!!! JUST GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!!" Hitomi's poor ears were still ringing from the last person who shouted at her. She was just thankful they stopped shouting.

Two women came into view shortly after Hitomi had heard them; one looked like a girl in her late teens, but was dressed like a warrior with metal armour plates and held a sharp spear; she also had a little creature sitting on her shoulder, eager and poised for a fight; and the other, was another girl who was maybe in her early twenties, also dressed in a similar fashion. They must have followed the trail of blood. They stood in front of Hitomi, facing the injured man lying on the ground. A smile played on his lips… His gaze was averted to the ground… He was laughing… But why?

"Well… we meet again." He choked.

"Thanks to those rumours about you Sapphire, yes, we found you, and the trail was a dead giveaway. Now you will die." Shiana said. Blade threw a dagger aiming for Sapphire's head, but it missed when he dodged it. She was furious, and only waited to kill him so that the little creature on her shoulder can transform into a dragon. Sapphire's life will end.

" Don't…" He gets up in considerable pain. "…Think so." Blood was also dripping form the wound in his side. If they didn't kill him, he would still die - of blood loss. Hitomi didn't know what was going on; she didn't understand either. But still, she didn't want him to die. So Hitomi stepped in front of him to protect him.

"No! Wait! You can't kill him! He might be innocent!" She pleaded.

"Let's just kill him!!"

"Blade, just ignore her, otherwise she'll get caught up in this."

Shiana maybe a warrior, but she's also the only diplomatic one of the two; Shiana didn't want innocents like Hitomi involved.

"But-" Sapphire wrapped an arm around Hitomi's neck, holding her hostage for the second time. Hitomi feels an excruciating pain in her back, and everything happened so fast the woman called Blade barely got there in time to break Hitomi's fall; after she screamed, she was falling to the ground unconscious; Sapphire has regained his full strength by taking it from Hitomi, melting into the wall behind them and disappearing altogether. Shiana took one look at the girl and knew she didn't have long to live. In just a few seconds Hitomi's lips turned blue, and her body was cold. A scramble of footsteps sent dust flying upwards as some people who had heard the scream came to see what was going on. Van was leading the way. He stood there, not being able to take in what he saw before him. Chills ran down his spine like a train on a railway line. Goosebumps rose up all over his body. Van was shaking from head to toe. Feron, his personal aide, broke through the trance by saying,

"What's wrong with her?"

Van ran to her side, and forcibly took her from Blade's arms into his, cradling her and stroking her hair. He seemed reasonably calm and collected, but it was clear even to those who didn't know him personally, that he was fighting back the tears. The strain showed on his face. He kept saying her name, over and over, kept asking her to answer him, to talk to him. Just hearing her voice would be enough to comfort him. At least her heart continued to beat. Or did it?