Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ 5 Princes, 4 Assasins, a General, and a Kip ❯ Chapter 14

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 14
Disclaimer: Don't own Gundam Wing or Weiss Kreuz, so don't sue.
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Kip grinned and looked back at Amorra thinking she was finally free. Something was wrong though. Amorra was walking towards Drarlath and Sevavia. Turning, she pulled the ring off her neck and dropped the blue bag. “Amorra?”
“Thank you Kip. You have freed the princes true powered and now I will combine them with my own.” Amorra smiled finally acknowledging Kip.
“What are you doing Amorra?” Kip asked confused. “Is it really Drarlath and Sevavia controlling you?”
“On the contrary my dearest Kip. It is I they listen to.” Amorra laughed. “This was my plan all along.”
Kip stood silently as he absorbed the information Amorra had just told him. “What?” he asked quietly.
“You heard me Kip. They listen to me” Amorra repeated as he waved her hand and the medallions flew from the Gundam Wing guys and into her hand. All of the Gundam Wing member's armor soon disappeared and they looked just as they did before they began their chant on Sterrick.
“Amorra! What do you think you're doing?” Kip demanded.
“What does it look like Kip?” Amorra smiled. “I am taking the princes full, unleashed power.”
“Amorra!” Kip called again running towards her. Drarlath and Sevavia block his path to Amorra.
“What do you want us to do with him Amorra?” Sevavia asked
“Join me Kip.” Amorra replied ignoring Sevavia and walked up to Kip.
“What?” Kip asked surprised. “Why would I do that? You are the one who betrayed…” Kip was cut off as Amorra slapped him across the face.
“Me! Betrayed!? It's more like you who are the betrayer to your own kind!” Amorra yelled. “Don't tell me you forgot all of the horrors they have done to us? The murdering of our race? The hiding of our true power so we wouldn't be killed.” Amorra face was of pure hatred and pain. “We were slaves! Not even treated as well as the pets they owned!” Amorra continued. “They used us and abused us…” Amorra couldn't continue as she covered her face with one of her hands.
“Amorra” Kip called out softly, “Amorra I haven't forgotten but they don't treat use like that anymore. We have respect. They trust us. They care for us now. Yes we are sill servants but we are no longer forced to suffer as we did so many centauries ago.”
“LIER!” Amorra cried out, “They only say that now! What would happen if they saw our true power? Would they treat us with the same kindness? Or would they fear us and kill us? Humans and all like their kind hate and fear with they do not know. They would never understand us. That is why I did what had to be done.”
“…”Kip opened his mouth to argue but Amorra continued to speak, ignoring him.
“I knew that our time was running out and so I had to find a way to eliminate the princes without arousing suspicion.” Amorra smirked once again as she remember her plan.
“You! You were the one who killed our parents?” demanded Duo stepping forward but Heero caught Duo's arm, preventing Duo from trying to rush forward.
“No prince Duo. That was Sterrick. I had to find an idiot who was powerful enough to attempt to kill you and think that he could capture me. I had to let him `catch' me in order for him to think he was the one in control. I merely manipulated him into attacking. If you were killed then, I would have been able to destroy everything immediately; however, I didn't realize Kip would run to your help.” Amorra smiled, “Kip has always been a good elf. Of course he would love to serve such low creatures.” She snarled the last bit as she glared at the princes in front of her.
“Amorra why now? Why did you decide now to attack instead of when we were first captured? At least then I could se why.” Kip looked so devastated as he watched his love throw words of hate towards his masters.
Amorra looked at him gently at first but soon the look grew into one of anger, “Story time is over.” She announced walking away from the Gundam Wing princes, Zech, and Kip. She snapped her fingers and from the risers fell the Weis and Schwarz members not to gently to the floor with the others. “You now know why. I have told you all and now you'll die.”
“I don't believe you” Kip yelled “What happened to my Amorra? The one I love? The one who always smiled and kept me optimistic despite our situation? The one who was just happy being with the ones she loves?” Kip whispered the final part so softly that almost everyone could barely hear. “The one who loves me?”
“She's dead!” Amorra announced before she closed her eyes and began to chant a spell.
Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd.”
“Amorra! No!” Kip shouted running towards Amorra but Drarlath and Sevavia blocked his path. “Amorra!” Kip repeatedly shouted. “Amorra!”
Amorra looked at Kip though is looked as though she was looking past him. “The time has come to finish my plan Kip. This world and ours is over!” she closed her eyes once more and began to chant once again, “Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd. Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd.”
“What's happening?” Quatre asked as the ground began to rumble slightly.
“She's changing her life” Kip answered, his gaze not once leaving Amorra.
“What does that mean?” demanded Wu Fei.
“Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd” Amorra continued to chant.
Sighing, Kip turned to the other people in the room and began to explain, “An elf is immortal. We live hundreds of thousands of years. Because of this we are given a choice to end our life and start over again.”
“Start over again?” Duo repeated confused.
“Yes, we can at one point decided to reset our lives. Throughout our lives we stay as I am now, an elf child. When we decided to end our life, we suddenly become older, adult elves. After that the longest we can live is 100 years. When we are reborn, our personalities are still the same but all of our memories are forgotten. An elf usually resets his or her life when it has become too painful or…” Kip stopped.
“Or what?” asked Trowa.
“Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd” A red light covered Amorra's body.
“Elves are very powerful. But just like human adults are stronger than human children, adult elves are ten times as strong as children elves. This has been a secret for almost eternity because we elves are peaceful. Mostly it's the first reason that we chose to age and start life over. The later is only when our life is at stake and sometime not even that. It's too dangerous.”
“So now were screwed” mumbled Yoji as he looked at Aya sitting beside him.
Aya was so pale it was obvious that the poison had almost taken its toll. Aya couldn't breathe easily and his chest felt extremely tight like someone was crushing him. “It's not over yet!” Aya breathed trying to stand.
“Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd” Amorra continued to chant.
“Aya-kun! Don't try to get up” Omi begged kneeling beside the leader of Weiss. “You need to rest.”
“I won't die like this.” Aya glared, “I will not die from an illness. I would rather choose to die in battle.” He struggled but eventually was able to stand.
“Neither will I” Yoji agreed standing up and leaning against the wall.
“Yoji-kun” Omi was near tears at the thought of looking two of his closest friends.
“I completely agree with the both of you.” Duo grinned. “If the god of death is going down, he's going to take someone with him.” Duo smirked as he looked at Heero. “You in?”
“Hn” replied Heero pulling out his gun. “Baka”
“I know” Duo looked at the others, “So who wants to die in a totally awesome fight?”
“We are all behind you Maxwell” Wu Fei answered and Duo saw the nodding of Trowa, Quatre, and Zech.
“Who says it's completely hopeless?” Ken replied trying to be optimistic. “We actually might win”
“But Ken-kun” Omi began before he say the look of determination in his boyfriend's eyes. “Your right Ken-kun.” Omi wiped the few tears from his face, “We can win this.” He smiled.
“Ken's right” whispered Kip sadly. The others turned to face Kip as he said the soft agreement.
“What do you mean? I thought you said that elves were immortal?” questioned Quatre.
“They are. We elves are immune to illness, and are reborn when ever we choose to die; however, if our source energy crystal is broken, we die for good.” Kip solemnly looked at the others, “Our energy crystals are to us like the heart of a human is to them. Without is we die.”
“Lors almors cvertus eflesft'te. Alme ntsrs reklnk huhne a mlijl ie liejlmgrd” Amorra continued to chant in the background.
“You mean all we have to do is smash the crystal?” Duo asked bluntly, “Sorry” Duo quickly apologized as he saw Kip flinch at the word `smash'.
“I'm alright” Kip nodded before continuing to explain, “Elves normally do not tell others where their crystal is on them, but Amorra and me…we…hers is on the base of her neck hidden by her hair.”
“It can not be that easy” snorted Aya.
“Aya! Why do you have to always bring the whole group down?” Yoji sighed, “So what? We're screwed if we don't try it and we most likely be screwed if we do. What have we got to lose?”
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As the red light began to fade, a woman replaced Amorra's old body. The woman was extremely beautiful with long white hair that reached the floor and moon like skin. Her crystal blue eyes were vibrant blue as the afternoon sky and her lips were as red as a freshly bloomed rose. A white robe clothed her body and her feet were bare. “Kip I will ask you once more.” she said calmly and seriously, “Join me and we can destroy theses weaker mortals before us.”
“No!” Kip shouted, “Turn back now Amorra! Restart your life. I will wait for you, I swear!” Kip begged.
“I am no longer Amorra!” Amorra shouted, “I am Nightmare! The destroyer of all. Kill them my children! Kill them all!” she commanded Drarlath and Sevavia.
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Drarlath walked slowly towards the 5 princes, grinning like a mad man. “I am going to have fun ripping you all to shreds.” He laughed as he flew Quatre against the wall and dodged a lightning attack from Trowa. Fair well your majesties” he laughed as he made a mock bow before attaching Duo.
“Damn” cursed Duo as Drarlath lifted him up by his neck and began to strangle him.
“Don't touch him” glared Heero as he aimed his gun at Drarlath.
“Heero! You can't fight him with a gun!” shouted Quatre.
“Hn” Heero smirked as he shot the gun but as the bullet left the gun, a flame surrounded it like a force field, giving the bullet more power that an ordinary bullet.
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“Hello again my pretty, pretty kitties” smiled Sevavia. “I am surprised how much you are able to take my poison Aya. Maybe I should give you more” she laughed as Yoji jumped behind her and tried to choke her with his wire. She turned her body into poison as appeared behind Aya as she said, “Good try Yoji. If I was human I would have died.” She laughed before running a hand down Aya's back, “But I'm not so try again.”
“Don't touch me” Aya growled pulling away and slashing with his sword.
Laughing, Sevavia dodged all of his wild attacks until Aya stopped and dropped to the ground.
“Aya!” Yoji shouted running to the wounded red head. Aya was shaking and cold to the touch as Yoji held him. “Aya” Yoji whispered quietly.
“I'm…I'm fine Kudo.” Aya tried to growl, “I just fell.”
“Yeah, I know Aya” Yoji nodded pulling Aya's body to him.
“Aya-kun” Omi whispered, “Damn you!” he yelled attacking Sevavia relentlessly.
“Omi!” Ken shouted worried about his boyfriend attacking with so much emotion, he wouldn't think clearly.
Kip watched in silence as Drarlath and Sevavia attacked the assassins and princes. Thinking quickly he realized what he must do though it pained him.
“It's no use you know” a voice interrupted his thoughts. Turning, Kip saw it was Amorra speaking.
“It's never too late” Kip answered strongly.
“Why do you always protect those who don't deserve it?” demanded Amorra.
“I protect those who I care for” replied Kip.
“And what of me? Why didn't you protect me?” Amorra was close to tears but she refused to cry. She did that to much already. She stopped crying to long time ago and swore it would never happen again.
“Amorra” Kip whispered reaching out to touch Amorra once more.
“I waited for you! I protected you! You left me alone!” Amorra shouted. “With…with them” she backed away.
“Them? Them who? You were always with me” Kip questioned.
“I wasn't always with you Kip. Whenever you left…they…” Amorra calmed her breath and controlled her emotions once more. “I was never first. The princes were. I was never.”
“Oh God!” Kip stared wide eyed at Amorra. “Who are they?”
“Oh so now you care?” laughed Amorra turned away from, “When it is only I who could save the princes? Now you are there for me?”
“I have always cared Amorra! Everything I did was for us. For our freedom.” Kip answered grabbing a hold of Amorra shoulders and making her face him. “I knew if I showed them they could trust us, they would free us. They were going to too. That night at the coronation.”
“Liar! Why should I believe you! I know you told the princes where my energy crystal was.” Amorra hissed.
“That was to only give them hope.” Kip answered, “If you are going to destroy something. If you are going to hate someone, hate me. Kill me. I was the one who hurt you. I was the one who betrayed you, not the princes.” Kip reached into his shirt and pulled out a small crystal. “Here” he smiled, “I can't hurt you, you know. You have an advantage” he laughed sadly as he placed the crystal into her hand and closed her hand around it. “It's not that big. Just put a little pressure.” He informed her.
“Kip” Amorra whispered.
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Drarlath and Sevavia suddenly felt an odd feeling around them. Their master was not angry anymore.
“We have to do something” informed Drarlath to his sister through their minds, “or the plans our master has will be destroyed.”
“I agree” nodded Sevavia speaking back mentally, “It's that damn Kip.”
“Right,” Drarlath flew up, away from the Gundam Wing princes and Zech, and Sevavia pulled away from the Weiss assassins.
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“What's going on?” asked Ken as he saw Sevavia leave from attacking Omi.
“I have no idea” Omi replied wiping some blood from his lips.
“Where the hell is he going?” demanded Duo as he was suddenly dropped from Drarlath and watched Drarlath turned to another direction.
“Are you ok?” Heero asked placing an arm around Duo and pulled him to his feet.
“I'm fine Heero” Duo sighed leaning heavily into the perfect soldier.
“Hn” replied Heero not believing Duo for once.
“I'll never hate you Amorra. I love you.” Kip smiled as he began to squeeze Amorra's hand in order to crush his crystal.
“No!” Amorra shouted pulling away from Kip. “Don't!” she shouted as she gently held Kip's energy crystal.
“Amorra?” Kip looked up to see tears flowing freely down Amorra's face. Suddenly Amorra's face turned into a face of horror. Amorra ran and pushed Kip down. “Amorra!” Kip shouted surprised as Amorra fell to the ground after absorbing the brother and sister into her. “Amorra!”
Amorra had watched as Drarlath and Sevavia flew to attack and kill Kip, Amorra turning into her true poisonous form and Drarlath turning into a powerful black light that could cut through anything. As Kip had protected her, she would protect him. She would make it up to him…she had to. Although Drarlath and Sevavia were from her body, they grew stronger on their own and she knew she would die when they entered her. At the last moment she pushed Kip down and absorbed the trouble she had caused in the first place. Falling to hit the ground, a smile was on her lips.
“Amorra!” shouted Kip picking her up, “Amorra! No!” he cried.
“I heard you were leaving” she whispered softly as everyone gathered around the two elves. “I thought you were leaving me”
“Oh Amorra. I would never leave you.” Kip wiped the few tears from Amorra's face. “Don't cry. It's alright.”
“I didn't break it” Amorra replied lifting her hand that had Kip's energy crystal and placed it back into Kip's chest. “I couldn't”
“I couldn't either” laughed Kip softly with some sadness as Amorra's body transformed into the elf child's form.
“I'm scared Kip. I've never re-started my life before.” Amorra confessed.
“I know but don't worry. It's like falling asleep. Soon you will be yourself again.” Kip pulled Amorra's body to him.
“I won't remember you. I won't remember anything.” Amorra replied softly as a few more tears escaped her eyes.
“But I will” Kip smiled, “And I will remember for us. I will remind you.”
“For us” Amorra smiled back.
“Will you wait for me?” Amorra asked.
“Forever” Kip kissed Amorra once on the lips and once on the forehead. “Sleep now. I'll be here when you wake.”
Amorra smiled, “I have one last bit of information.”
“Aya's antidote is in my bag. He should still be able to survive.”
“Thank you” Kip whispered as Amorra closed her eyes and soon all was left was a small crystal. “When we get home, I'll bring you back” he vowed.
“Let's go home” Omi smiled as he handed the retrieved antidote to Yoji.
Author's notes: Well one last chapter and this will finally be done. How is it ending? Please review.
Oh and I have a question: Who would win in a hand to hand combat between Aya and Heero? No gun or sword cause of course a gun would win. Review and let me know. I have one last fight to happen. Aya vs. Heero!