Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction / GetBackers Fan Fiction ❯ Drabbles ❯ Gundam Wing: Movies ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: Movies

Author: Christina/AquaianGoddess

Fandom: Gundam Wing

Rating: G

Pairings: 1x2x5 in some form of order

Summery: Duo loves his movies…
Warnings: slight yaoi

Notes: Gundam Wing Drabble for my friend Maris

Words: 401

Heero settled down at the desk in his room, opened his laptop and began to type up the report for Lady Une. He had barely gotten down the first few sentences when Duo slammed open the door and glowered at Heero. "Okay, look, I know you haven't watched TV, you've never seen a movie much less a theatre, you've missed out on one great aspect of pop culture just because you've been too damned stubborn. I don't wanna hear crap about J training you and all that junk."


"Don't make me tape your mouth shut, let me finish my rant. The movie theatre is the best place to go. It puts absolutely everybody, even those who say it doesn't, but it puts EVERYBODY at awe no matter what they're into. Seeing things on the big screen, much fun being surrounded by people as pumped up - and yes, obsessed - as yourself."


"Shush, I'm not finished. This is a piece of art, this is a part of history itself, this is bigger than life, bigger than my imagination, bigger than the Gundams themselves!" Heero gave him a look of disbelief. "...Okay no, not really, but it's pretty damn close. See, you don't understand now and I am going to force you to understand why we need to go. So we are going to go even if I have to drag you out myself and never mind that you missed the first two parts, you'll be in such awe you'll beg me to watch them when we get home. So, once again, we're going, and that is the END of it. Do you understand me?"

Heero blinked up at Duo, who had forced Heero to the ground and was ranting in his face. Heero idly noted that his lover's breath smelled like cinnamon gum. He gave a tiny sigh of what some would call defeat, but then again, this was Heero Yuy. It was more of a `Let's appease Duo before he makes us sleep on the couch' sigh. "Yes Duo, we'll go see The Return of the King, alright?"

Duo stood up and did a quick victory dance. "Squee! Legolas baby, here I come!"

Heero shook his head as Duo danced out of the room and resettled himself back at the desk. "I wonder if he'll use the same speech on Wufei?"