Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Gambling My Freedom Away ❯ Chapter 3: Twice as... NICE? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

TITLE: Gambling My Freedom Away


BY: Simply Kim

GENRE: Yaoi (Angst/Humor/AU)

CAST: Guys from Weiß and Schwarz... Oh yeah, and maybe the Crashers too if needed... heh, I really don't know...

DISCLAIMERS: The series I'm referring to do not belong to me… ^_^ only the weird story does.

CHAPTER 3: Twice as... NICE?

"Ran, are you sure you're okay with this?"

Ran's back visibly stiffened at the wary question. He slowly turned, his features a mask of badly held fear and sense of self-preservation. The redhead was, as usual, trying to school his features to its usual mask of calmness.

He was trying... but he was not succeeding.

Tanned fingers raked ginger tresses. Sighing, the other spoke. "Aw, shit, I know you're not alright with the arrangement, you stubborn idiot... Why don't you just skip it and try to hold yourself back together, the way you were before the bastard fucked up your life?"

Ran sighed, his mask finally disintegrating to nothingness as he looked down, defeated, suddenly interested in the way his boots shone under the dim lights of the living room. "I can't Schu."

"EH?" Schuldig cried out in disbelief. "What do you mean you can't? You survived before, so why not try to live life again now?"

"It isn't that simple, Schu." He replied, twirling a crimson eartail around his fingers. "I have to do this again. I have to do this until I finally win the hand and get back from him what was originally mine."

"But -"

"I know it sounds so pathetically irrational, but my life was destroyed by a game of cards... isn't it good to get everything back and unleash a form of revenge through a game of cards as well?"

The German wanted to argue that the idea was INDEED pathetically irrational, but what he saw in the set of Ran's determined features stopped him from uttering his protests anymore. After a few moments of glaring, he finally gave his reluctant acquiescence. "Alright, fine. You've made your desires known." He crossed the boundary between him and his best friend, his arms encasing the smaller man comfortingly.

Schuldig wanted to protect him... however, he knew that his protection wasn't enough for Ran to live in peace. He needed to fulfill a promise to his family... and he, as a friend, should respect his decision and lend a supporting hand if ever everything the redhead planned fails.

He buried his nose on the thick mane of crimson, his arms wound tight, as if never to let go. "You're one stubborn bastard." He huffed, his voice muffled as he pushed his lips deeper.

There was a slight vibration on his throat, along with a faint chuckle that somehow sounded false to his ears.

"I know Schu... I know."

* * *

Crawford knew he looked silly as he surveyed his business for the second time that day. He knew that people were staring at him, thinking, with enough proof, that he was undeniably insane.

He was smiling as he inspected every gaming stall...

A lot.

He couldn't help it. He was excited to see his kitten...

Same time, they agreed...

And he knew Fujimiya would never back out from any type of deal.

Winner takes what he wants.

No limits.

No holding back.

No anything.

This afternoon would be very interesting...

Crawford licked his lips in anticipation.

Just half an hour more...

He couldn't wait.

* * *

Youji was mulling over what would be the outcome of that afternoon's card game when the door to his room opened. He immediately looked up and a smile formed on his lips as he saw whom it was.

"Schu... what brings you here?" The blonde's emerald eyes glittered with hidden happiness and visible amusement at the almost hesitant approach of his friend.

Schuldig grinned, scratching the back of his head sheepishly as he sauntered toward the bed. "Hey Yotan." He greeted almost shyly. He plopped down on the soft mattress and gripped the edge of the bed lightly. "How are you feeling?"

Youji hid his shocked expression in a sunny smile. Schuldig is concerned about ME?/ "I'm doing fine... I feel better now..." Now that you're here... "Umm... so, what..."

"What am I doing here?" The German chuckled nervously. "Honestly, I don't know."

"You... don't know?" The blond faltered, leaning forward, his hair swishing forward that it covered part of his face. "I don't understand..."

A hand reached out and fingered the silky cornsilk strands, playing with them for a while before finally tucking them behind both ears.

"I don't understand it either."

Youji could not breathe. He wasn't quite sure if he was having another of his attacks, or if he was having his first bout of asthma... or maybe it was just a sign that his fantasies were somehow becoming true.

Suddenly, the hand that lingered on the tip of his right ear dropped. Schuldig cleared his throat, tearing his gaze away from the sickly form on the bed. He instead focused on the Botticelli painting hanging on the opposite wall.


Schuldig cut him off, with a weary sigh. "Look, I came here because I wanted to talk to you about something."

The loss of warmth on his ear tip disappointed Youji to no end... along with the way his friend's eyes shied away from him. He felt his heart ache... he never knew a touch could affect him so. He gazed with muted unhappiness at the German, trying to process what the other was saying.

"... About... Ran..."

Ah. Ran


Why was it that the only name he had ever heard from Schuldig's mouth spoken with such strong passion was the name Ran? He knew they were the best of friends, but... why does he have to mention his surrogate brother's name everytime they're together? Youji gripped the edge of his blanket so hard that his knuckles turned white.

Maybe Schuldig was... in love with... with Ran.

That was the soundest explanation he had concerning the German's constant uttering of that name.

"What about Ran?" He asked, ignoring the painful aches that needled his weary senses.

"I'm worried about him... he looked so forlorn and afraid when he left..." Schuldig voiced out his thoughts, eyes still on the painting. "What if he loses again and as a consequence, become the bastard's bower slave?"

"Bower slave?"

"Ah, sorry, bed slave I mean."

Youji admitted that he was very afraid of the worst that could happen to Ran that afternoon. He's always worrying about him... but he knew, and somehow, he sensed that Schuldig's affections run much deeper.

Like right now...

Schuldig is fretting over the outcome too much that it seemed as if he wasn't about to shut up until Ran finally comes home, while he, Kudou Youji would only sit and try to divert his thoughts from his sworn brother's to other things that might be of help when crisis arises.

Youji would kill for Ran, just as he would for anyone who would harm those he cares for deeply... Schuldig...

Schuldig would SLAUGHTER thousands just for Ran ALONE and no one else.

Tears threatened to fall and knives of jealousy were stabbing his heart repeatedly. He knew he shouldn't be jealous of Ran, since he doesn't know any of what Youji already knew... but he couldn't help it...


"I know you love him Yotan." Ran said softly. "I've known ever since the last of my family vanished in front of my eyes and you took me under your wing."

"I -"

"I knew even before he became my best friend, I knew even before I finally accepted you and Omi as my only family."

"Ran..." Youji opened his eyes, gazing softly at the smiling face.

"He's such a pain in the ass, but still..." Ran chuckled. "Still, he's got something good inside him. I just know it." He stared into Youji's eyes. "And I know that you know what I'm saying more than anyone, because you were with him longer than I was."

"You're right." He conceded. "But that doesn't mean that I should say whatever it is that I'm feeling to him. He'll just laugh at me."

Ran's brows furrowed. "Eh? Why? He's not that callous, you know!"

"Hai, but you know that guy... he'll think I'm just goofing off or probably he'll consider it as a payback in my part for all the headaches he gave me for the past eight years."

The redhead chuckled. "Probably... but it doesn't hurt to try."

"No, you're wrong about that Ran... it would end a friendship… a precious friendship." Youji's eyes were somehow lost. He shook his head and grinned weakly at the redhead. "And it would only end in a lot of disappointment and heartbreak."


He shook away the sordid and hateful thoughts in his mind, finally focusing on Schuldig's words, trying not to let the outmost concern affect him anymore.

"I'm sure he would be alright." He murmured, quietly. "He's a strong person... we cannot do anything once he decides to do something... you know how stubborn he is..."

"EXACTLY!" Schuldig chuckled as he turned his eyes back at him. "I told him a while ago that he's a really stubborn bastard, and guess what he said..."

"What?" Youji smiled a little, as he took in the childish look in the German's Jade eyes.

"He said: 'I know Schu... I know' would you believe that guy?" Schuldig finally burst out laughing at a memory only he himself knew of.

I was right about things Ran... You're wrong... Youji thought as he let out a forced chuckle so as not to offend Schuldig. I will never have him...


Ran gazed in amusement at Youji's blushing face.

"Yotan, why won't you tell him?"

The blonde sighed and met his eyes. "I - I can't."

Ran's pale hand sifted through the tangled strands gently. "Why not?"


I cannot tell him Ran, because it would ruin a friendship... it would ruin lives... his... yours... and mine... I can't handle that... He thought despairingly. No one would want to have a relationship with me anymore when they have healthy and robust people like you around... No one cared for me romantically ever since I got sick... and no one would definitely start now when I'm... I just... I just can't tell him... because...

"He deserves someone better than I am."

* * *

"You came."

Ran wanted to just bolt and put the revenge-hungry part of him away...

Just to get away from this man.

"I did." He answered as calmly as he could muster. He hoped that he looked unfazed, because, he really didn't feel unshaken at all.

"Well then, sit down and let's play." Crawford was as immaculate as ever. His white suit was pristine, his shoes were polished to perfection... and not a single strand of his hair was out of place.

Ran nodded quickly and sat down.

A hand was given after a few shuffles. Amethyst eyes were staring at the way the cards were mixed up, trying to gauge if the level of skill the owner of the casino extended to that of cheating. Apparently, it wasn't, and the giving out of cards went smoothly.

They were playing blackjack again... the same game that destroyed his family.

The same game he lost to yesterday...

The same game that he vowed he wouldn't lose today.

The first hand formed an eighteen. He needed a three to win, so he picked a card from the deck and almost crowed with relief as he uncovered a three of spades. He got a twenty-one!

Surprisingly, Crawford did not pick any card at all.

Ran was silently hoping that he would win in this game...

"I'm giving it out." He finally declared, his hands clammy as he fingered his three cards.

"We'll show our hands same time again, is that okay with you?" Crawford's golden brown orbs glittered with anticipation.

"One, two, three." Ran counted loudly for both their benefits.

Ran couldn't believe his eyes.

A draw.

They both got a twenty-one!

His heart sank as he encountered Crawford's amused eyes.

"Again?" The casino owner grinned almost predatorily.

* * *

"So, who won?"

Brown eyes glared at another pair of chocolate orbs a shade darker than the first.

"Shush... you're disturbing my concentration!"

"Eh? I'M disturbing your concentration? Since when did watching ever need too much concentration?"


"Why are you shushing me? If you wanna know, just come here for godsakes and LOOK for YOURSELF!"

"Alright, alright, move a little bit, Ken-kun, I'm taking a look!"

He peeped into the crack and gasped as his eyes encountered a pair of shapely legs. Blood dripped from his nose and he immediately fell back, swirly-eyed and unconscious.

"Oi, Nagi-kun, what happened to you? Are you alright, Nagi-kun? Nagi-kun!"

"The two of you." Came a sudden female voice, as the door they were watching from opened. Pale skin glowing with health and ebony hair caressing smooth cheeks entered Ken's line of sight. "Birman!" He exclaimed, his eyes widening into that of saucers as he saw the scantily clad bartender. Blood trickled down his nose the same fashion Nagi's did and was immediately out cold.

"Oi, the two of you, get up!" Birman cried out in dismay. Great. She was going to get the vodka bottles by herself again. "These damned hentai kids!" She muttered darkly as she stepped into the darkness of the supply room. She flipped open the light switch and smiled as a single golden eye and a wry grin greeted her.

"Damned hentai kiddies hurt God."

Birman laughed, patting the bartender who was going to replace her after her shift, on the shoulder.

"Amen to that Farfarello, amen to that!"

* * *

Ran flipped over his second hand.

Sweat beaded his brow as he got a twenty.

"Oh no." He muttered nervously.

"Did you say anything, Fujimiya?" Crawford asked, his brow furrowed in mock concern.

"Ah, Iie, no, nothing..."

Ran's trembling hand took a card from the deck before him. Two of hearts... not good. He tried another.

Nine of diamonds.

No... He would have to discard a face card for it, and his hand would count to only nineteen.

He sighed. It was hopeless.

His eyes wandered to the casino owner. He was, again, picking up many cards, and with a final sigh, the American stopped and tapped his fingers on the wooden gaming table. Sensing Ran's gaze on him, he looked up, and their eyes connected. "Something on my face?"

Ran blushed, immediately looking down in mortification. "None."

"You finished with your hand?"

He nodded, looking up at his opponent again. "Show them."

Both flipped their cards.

Golden browns twinkled.

"Seems like... I win again."

At that point, Ran wanted to die.

* * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * *

A/N: And that's the third chapter! I included Farfie in here too... heh-heh, you get to see him more in the next chapters, trying his best to hurt God! *Evil grin* Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed reading this part... ^_____^

On to the next chapter! Reviews minna!

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