Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Of Bloody Kittens and Germans with Fangs ❯ Southern Comfort ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Alas, I don't own them. I wish I did, but I don't. *sniffle* And I'm too poor to buy them. Maybe I can download the rights somewhere... But until then, I'm stealing them and putting them in my own little world. Deal with it.

Warnings/Notes: AU. Vampires. Blood. Death (revisited and warmed over. No new deaths.) Rape! (Bad Crawlie!). Yaoi/shounen-ai. Italics indicate thought, whereas {italics} indicate telepathic speech.

Thank Yous!: Thank you to everyone who supported me on ff.net! Hopefully you will continue to support me here at mediaminer.org! Huzzah for non-fascist fanfiction pages! ^.^ Thank you Akeru, Princess Pearliest, Romilly McAran, Rikkali, charis (x3!), Nagikins (When do we get to learn about Seven Knots to Heaven? Hmm? Hmm?), Na-chan (sorry, once again I'm too impatient to have you beta this chapter for me ^^;) phenocrystian (Thank you for pestering me to get it done!), Silver Wing, Hila, and Lady Kickass. Yes, the NC-17 thing sucks. Oh well. If ff.net is going to be closed minded, I'll just be closed accounted. *nods*

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Of Bloody Kittens and Germans with Fangs

Ch. 8 - Southern Comfort

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Yohji quietly slunk down the hallway, wishing to God that he had his watch back. Instead he clung to Ran's small dagger. This building was huge. There were halls upon halls, doors upon doors. He didn't know why a person would need such a building, but he didn't really want to think about it. He just had to find Schuldich.

Schuldich-sama? He tried to project, hoping the German could hear him.

A few minutes passed with no reply. So he tried again.



Suddenly a scream ripped through both the building and through Yohji's mind. Thin hands flew to his head, pressing against the sides to try to stop the pain that tore through his skull. Another scream sounded, this time only echoing through the halls. Yohji slowly lowered his hands and moved towards the screaming. It had to be the German.

It was hard to figure out exactly where the sounds were coming from, as they echoed terribly. But finally, blessedly, the blond found the source. A plain white door with a small window. Yohji looked around, then peered carefully through the glass. Inside were the two vampires. The red head was bound naked with his arms over his head on a long metal bar, held so as to make it impossible for the joints to bend. The bar was chained to the ceiling, holding the redhead upright with his toes barely skimming the ground. His head was bent down, flame-colored hair hiding his face, and harsh red welts and gashes criss-crossed his back. Blood was smeared all over the pale flesh, as well as trickling down the backs of his thighs. Crawford was busily draining the German of whatever blood happened to be left in his body, all of this making the untouchable German look unbelievably submissive.

Jade green eyes narrowed in anger. This raven haired bastard was about to take everything from him. The German was the only thing he had left, really. If he died, there would be no way of escaping. Yohji would end up like Ran, one way or the other. A broken, whimpering, pathetic shadow, or dead. He didn't much care for either prospect.

{Hide, kitten..} The command was a mere whisper in the blond's mind, much like the incoherent thoughts a person has right before drifting off to sleep.

Yohji ducked back down a corridor, watching as the American came out of the room, smoothing down his white, now slightly bloodstained suit and walking back where Yohji had come from. The blond knew they didn't have much time now. Crawford would find Ran dead in the cell where Yohji should have been, then come looking for him.

Once the American was out of sight, Yohji emerged and made his way back to the door. He turned the handle, scowling when he found it locked. Carefully, he slid his knife between the door and the frame, gently trying to coax the lock back. Again he jerked on the knob, and an opened door was his reward. The blond slipped into the room and immediately set about freeing his master.

"Can you walk?" Yohji whispered, bracing an arm around the German as he released both straps from his wrists.

{We'll see in a moment..} Schuldich grunted as he feet touch the ground, leaning heavily on the blond.

"We have to hurry."

{I think I could have fig-}

I killed Ran. Yohji sighed. He couldn't bring himself to say it out loud.

{What?} Schuldich groaned, slowly steadying himself on his own feet.

I killed him. The blond gathered up the German's clothing, dropping everything that had been turned into tattered ribbons. He asked me to. I didn't want to... but..

{Explain later and help me get dressed, kitten.} Schuldich ordered as he struggled with his pants, leaning against the wall for support.

"That's all there is. Everything else is remnants." The blond pulled the black slacks up and fastened them for the German.

Schuldich nodded, winding an arm around Yohji's waist. {Let's get the fuck out of here.}

"Going somewhere?"

Schuldich and Yohji both looked up to meet the eyes of a very annoyed Bradley Crawford holding the corpse of a very dead Fujimiya Ran.

"Look at this." He tsked, dropping the body before the pair. "Look at what he did."

Yohji winced as Ran's skull cracked on the ground.

Schuldich glared.

"So. What are we going to do about this?"

Schuldich growled something in German under his breath, more likely than not something obscene.

Crawford just shook his head, the light glinting off of his glasses. "I think a trade is in order. It's only fair."

The red-head didn't move. He kept his death glare focused hard on the American.

Yohji's heart clenched in his chest. "No!" He cried out, then covered his mouth.

"I don't think he likes that idea too much, Bradley." Defiance ran rampant in the German's statement.

Crawford closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't really fucking care, Schuldich. How do you plan on stopping me? You can barely stand on your own." The man raised his head and smirked.

"Shi-ne!" Yohji screamed, lunging at the American with his knife.

"Yohji, don't!" Schuldich yelled, bracing himself against the wall as his support left him.

The warning, however, was too little too late. Crawford easily caught the blond by the wrist, wrenching his arms back behind him and ripping the weapon away. Yohji snarled like a caged animal, squirming and struggling, kicking his legs and snapping his jaw at the American.

Crawford just laughed. "He has energy, I'll give you that." He gave the boy's arms a sharp twist, balancing them precariously on the edge of snapping. The blond cried out in pain, quickly biting it back. "Now, I'm in a good mood Schuldich, so I'll let you leave alive."

"Of course you will, you always do. If you didn't, who would have to fuck with?" Emerald eyes bore harshly into smug coffee brown.

"Who do you think?" The raven-haired man shifted Yohji's arms slightly, causing the blond's face to twist in pain. He still refused to make a sound.

"Bastard." Schuldich hissed, slowly limping out of the room. "This isn't over."

Jade green eyes widened in fear. This was not about to happen. "Schuldich-sama!" Yohji cried out. "No!" His cries turned into a scream as the American lifted his arms, effectively breaking both of them.

{I'll be back, kitten. Don't worry.}

Yohji whimpered, his now broken arms still in the grasp of the American. Schuldich-sama! For the love of God, please come back!

"So, here we are." Crawford purred, his tongue tracing up Yohji's neck. The blond winced away, a growl emanating deep in his throat. "I think someone needs a few obedience lessons." The American nuzzled the blond's ear as he fumbled with the fly of Yohji's pants.

Yohji yelped and tried to jerk away, only managing to hurt himself further. Within moments his pants were around his ankles and his face was being pushed down against the blood splattered cement floor. He tried to kick at the man, only to have his leg caught and then knee bent almost to the breaking point.

"Don't make me break these too."

With a whimper, the blond relaxed his leg. Crawford nodded and set it back down. "Good boy. You aren't as stupid as I thought." A hand ran over Yohji's ass, then one finger probed his entrance, causing the blond to tense up. That, followed by the American shifting behind him was the only warning Yohji got before the man's thick length thrust into him, drawing a harsh scream from the blond's throat.

Crawford didn't even bother giving Yohji time to adjust as he quickly began moving, each thrust wrenching a scream from the boy, tearing the blond a little more with each stroke. It was just a few seconds before he felt blood trickling down his thighs. But the man continued, not even uttering a sound.

Yohji cried out, his arms laying useless under him as he tried to struggle away. Suddenly his head was pulled back, exposing his throat. The blond whimpered, as a sharp pain exploded on his neck, realizing the vampire was feeding from him. He prayed for the warm feeling to spread through his body, prayed that the bright, vibrant colors would block out the blood red starbursts of pain. But it didn't. If anything, it made the pain worse. His whole body started throbbing. Then in one final, agonizing burst of pain, the worst was over. Crawford drove deep into Yohji, groaning softly as he released himself into the blond. The raven-haired man released Yohji's neck, resting for a moment before getting to his feet.

"Mother... fucker..." Yohji growled low, then received a kick to the stomach for the editorial, which caused him to yelp and curl up on his side.

"That's Master to you. Don't forget it." The American snorted in disgust at the bloody Japanese boy, then left, locking the door behind him.

Yohji sobbed. His whole body hurt, all the way down to his soul. Slowly, he managed to crawl over to Ran's corpse and lay down, barely registering the puddle of cool blood under him. Now, he only wanted something familiar. With a shuddering breath, he pressed his face into Ran's shoulder, glad that at least the skin was still slightly warm.

"What did I do to deserve this, Ran-kun?" Yohji sniffled before his body decided to have mercy on him and he dropped off into unconsciousness.

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A/N: ;.; Poor Yotan! I'm sorry. But this just popped out of no where and I couldn't make it go away. The next chapter will be better, I promise! This chapter is brought to you by Whoppers (The Original Malted Milk Balls) and Mt. Dew! Yay Dew! ^.^ *gleeee*

Yohji: *glares at Jade* I hate you.

Schu: I hate you too.

Aya: I hate you too.

Why do you hate me!? You got mentioned again!

Aya: I'm still dead!

But you're still in the story.

Aya: *grunts*

Brad: Woo! I got laid!

Schu: *growls at Brad*

Brad: *growls back*

Yohji: Boys, boys, there's plenty of the Yotan to go around.

Farfie: Why wasn't I in a chapter after I died? *glare* *licks knife*

O.O Uhm.. because.. that is... err... it hurt God?

Farfie: Okei! ^.^ *scampers off*
