X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis Quest ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from X-Men, I’m only borrowing them for awhile. Also, this fic will tie in to Adventures of Shadowcat and Rogue as well as the just completed Excalibur Alternative.

X-Men, the Genesis Quest: Reflections.

Madelyne Pryor also known as Genesis dismissed Mr. Sinister, the redhead in green body armor turning towards the window and gazing out at the icy territory of Antarctica stretching out around them. The floating castle was invisible to all sensors and observation satelites, only a up close naked eye view could disrupt the cloaking effect. The castle, along with her other new resources were part of a chain of events she could barely believe herself... and she had been there, so to speak.

“Malice,” Madelyne called.

“Yes?” the computer’s feminine voice answered.

Once a disembodied intelligence serving Sinister Malice had nearly died, her consciousness torn apart in a encounter with Polaris. Using her telepathy Madelyne had stitched her back together, ultimately installing her into the castle’s computers. While basically untrustworthy Malice had proved loyal so far, mostly because she enjoyed seeing Sinister brought so low as to serve Madelyne.

“I want to create a journal, please. First entry dated today,” Madelyne said as she left the main hall, heading down the hall past her war room, kitchen and eventually to her bedroom.

“Ready to record,” Malice reported.

“My name is Madelyne Pryor,” she said as she unclipped the red cape off her armor, catching and folding it with smooth grace, “but you could as easily call me Madelyne Grey. I’m a clone of Jean Grey, a copy who was created for the sole purpose of becoming breeding stock in Mr. Sinister’s schemes.”

In her armor Madelyne walked over to a concealed bar, poring herself a drink. “I met and married Scott Summers, a act I now believe as caused by subconscious programing Sinister implanted.” she said bitterly. “We bore a child together, then Scott deserted me... a act that also played right into Sinister’s hands.”

“I was attacked at home by his Marauders and fled Alaska with our son Nathan, eventually making it down to San Francisco before they finally caught up with me. Taking the child away they were ready to kill me when the X-men arrived.... a meeting that caused real mixed feelings in me.”

“I had blamed the X-men for a lot of our marriage troubles,” Madelyne softly mused as she sat in a soft chair in the corner of the room, “but I suppose that was irrational. Even more uncomfortable was the activation of a second Sinister mind program that led me to try to seduce Havok, Scott’s brother.”

Madelyne sighed softly, thinking of Alex Summers for a moment. A less confident and secure version of Scott he had been easy prey for her. She had begin to work on him after she joined the X-men unofficially, eventually following the team to their supposed deaths in Dallas and rebirth in Australia.

“After I was contacted by the demons of Limbo things began to spiral more and more out of my control,” Madelyne admitted. “I found myself with powers that corrupted anyone nearby me, at war with Scott’s new team X-Factor and committed to sacrificing Nathan to open a portal to hell. Or Limbo, whichever’s closer.”

“In the end Scott and Jean defeated me, and in a last moment of insanity I attempted to kill myself and take Jean with me,” she smiled wryly, “only to fail once more. And that, as they say, should have been the end of me.”

“But it wasn’t,” Madelyne took a drink to soothe her dry throat. “Nate Grey, the alternate universe counterpart of my son accidentally recreated me as a amnesiac, using immense psionic energies and the scattered remnants of my consciousness. I accompanied him for awhile then fell in with the Hellfire Club, where I eventually regained my full memories.”

“I left the club and debated my future, but there was one thing I knew I had to do: deal with Sinister.” A smile teased Madelyne’s lips, “Finding Sinister’s bases with my new abilities wasn’t too hard, and in the process of punishing him I also discovered the Celestial technology that he and Apocolypse had, and took it for my own.”

Madylene paused, “Save and end entry.”

“Understood,” Malice said.

“Recording your memoirs?” the mocking voice asked.

Madelyne turned as the black haired woman entered, smiling faintly. Selene smiled back as she slinked across the floor in black leather, a sinple piece catsuit that clung to every curve. “I was just killing time till you returned,” Madelyne said, getting up from her seat, walking over and stroking the pale skinned woman’s cheek.

Selene was a ageless mutant vampire, one who had tangled with the X-men both on her own and along with the Hellfire club. It was during Madelyne’s association with the club that they met, Selene helping her understand her expanded powers. It was also then that Selene had seduced her, drawing Madelyne into a affair that only ended when she left the club. After Madelyne defeated Sinister she called Selene, and their relationship had resumed.

“Sebastian’s up to his old tricks,” Selene sighed as she leaned into Madelyne’s touch, “his recruiting for a team to overthrow Dacosta from the Hellfire club. I turned him down, of course,”

“Of course,” Madelyne kissed her lingeringly.

Selene’s voice was faintly husky as she said, “You’d better stop that if you want to hear the rest of my intelligence report.”

“Spoil sport,” Madelyne teased as they moved to sit on a couch against one wall. Selene sat gracefully, draping her leather clad body over the silky fabric.

“You know about the outing of Xavier’s school,” Selene said, “as well as the other X-teams. Currently X-Corp, a non-profit organization, is organizing non-affiliated mutants while providing training, shelter and other services. The x-men are currently in four squads, the Xtreme, Gambit’s squad, Cyclops team and Excalibur.”

“I would have expected Storm to rejoin her team with the primary X-men,” Madelyne looked surprised.

“I think Storm feels having her unit can be more effective as a proactive team, seeking out threats to human and mutant alike,” Selene revealed.

“Is Storm aware of me?” Madelyne narrowed her eyes in concern.

“No,” Selene shook her head, “in fact she helped us in stopping Stryfe. He was one of the few beings capable of threatening you.”

“Good,” Madelyne nodded.

“There’s a interesting rumor floating around Xavier’s school,” Selene added maliciously, “it seems poor Jean is being cheated on.”

“Scott is messing around?” Madelyne looked amused.

“With Emma Frost,” Selene nodded. She looked thoughtful, “My first instinct is to assume she’s manipulating him, but it’s hard to say.”

“Either way,” Madelyne chuckled, “I like it.” She looked thoughtful, “It’s a nice piece of turn about... Jean unknowingly stole Scott from me, and now is losing him to another.”

“Nate Grey is still missing,” Selene said regretfully, “I’m not sure what happened after he stopped your counterpart Queen Jean, but he hasn’t been seen since....”

“Hmm,” Madelyne frowned, well aware of the debt she owed the boy. Shaking off her reflections she asked, “Are our agents in place?”

“The X-man Foxx is reporting as needed,” Selene smiled, “and our plant in the Hellfire Club is firmly in place.” A grin, “We know everything we need.”

“Good,” Madelyne nodded, “I’m tired of waiting.”

Selene smirked as she looked at Madelyne with wanting in her eyes, “Me too.”

Madelyne grinned as she kissed Selene once more, “But tonight, I can think of better things we can do.”

To be continued....

Notes: Madelyne’s history is a mess, and I attempted to clean it up as best as I could. My summary is accurate up to the point where she leave the Hellfire club, more or less. I am also completely ignoring a retcon in the later part of the X-Man series that revealed that Maddy was really a evil other dimensional counterpart of Jean, called “Queen Jean: who killed the Maddy that Nate ressurected.