X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Genesis Quest ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
X-Men, the Genesis Quest: Two

“All right Mr. Summers,” Evangeline Whedon asked briskly as the black haired woman sat in the office of the headmaster of Xavier’s Institute, “do you want to hear the bad news first or the worse news?”

“Worse news,” Scott Summers answered, his brown hair falling into his ruby quartz covered eyes.

“You’re the glass half empty type?” Evangeline asked as she adjusted her tie, her white blouse hugging her slim body.

“Something like that,” Scott sighed. “So?”

“You and Jean Grey are being sued in the wrongful death of Madelyne Pryor,” Evangeline said seriously.

“WHAT?” Scott blinked, sitting up in surprise.

“You and your wife are being sued,” Evangeline calmly repeated, “by a woman claiming to be Madelyne’s biological sister.”

Emma Frost got up from where she was leaning against a couch, “But Madelyne was just a clone, created by Mister Sinister. She couldn’t have a sister.”

“True, but the judge involved doesn’t know that,” Evangelyne noted, “and it’s going to be hell to prove for us.”

“Lovely,” Scott sighed. “And the bad news you mentioned?”

“Jean Grey is filing for divorce,” Evangeline said calmly as she handed him several more papers, “on the grounds of infidelity.”

“We knew that was coming,” Emma sighed.

In the aftermath of the outing of the school, Emma Frost had offered her assistance as a therapist to Scott Summers, helping him overcome thr trauma he still carried after his possession by the mutant Apocolypse. However, during those sessions Emma had fallen for Scott, eventually drawing him into a sexual relationship, one that Jean found out about.

“I still can’t believe that Jean convinced the Professor to move the students to the old Massachusetts Academy with her as headmaster,” Scott mused, a frown on his face.

“It’s not all that surprising,” Evangeline pointed out reasonably, “Xavier’s school is a target now that you’re all outed. The Massachusetts Academy is a bit lower profile.” Briskly she left copies of the various documents on Scott’s desk, “I assume I’ll be representing you in the wrongful death case?”

“Please,” Scott nodded.

“You’ll need to get a separate lawyer for the divorce, however,” Evangeline said as she headed for the door.

“Why?” Emma asked dryly.

Evangeline gave Emma a dangerous look, “Because I’ve already been retained as Jean’s lawyer in that case.”

“Ready to go?” Marie D’Ancanto asked as Evangeline left the office. The brown haired woman wore a simple business suit, the only odd element being the eye-patch she wore on the left side of her face.

“Business is done, yeah,” Evangeline agreed as both women walked through the oddly quiet halls of the Xavier Institute.

With most of the students gone the place was eerily quiet, and even the X-Men’s numbers had been depleted by the split in ranks. Several major members, including Beast, Archangel and Colossus, had left along with Jean to help teach and protect the students.

“How did Scotty take the news?” the blonde haired young man asked as he strode up, his black costume shimmering with waves of white light.

“About as well as could be expected, Alex,” Evangeline answered wryly.

Alex Summers, also known as Havok, looked at Marie with a somewhat disapproving look, “Nice to see you too, Miss D’Ancanto.”

“Charmed,” Marie answered dryly.

Alex’s lips twitched up in a smile. “Sorry,” he sighed as he explained, “it’s been a rough couple of days.”

“I can understand that,” Marie agreed. “So who ended up staying here with Scott?”

“Me,” Alex smiled wryly, “Northstar, Wolverine, Bishop, Cable, Stacy X, Juggernaut, Foxx, Husk and Chamber.”

Evangeline sighed, “well, let’s hope none of the big baddies decide to hit the Mansion. If they do, it could get VERY bad.”

“You got that right,” the fur covered young woman noted as she slinked up to them. A smile, “Name’s Foxx.” She looked oddly naked even with her fur, her full breasts bouncing slightly and bits of darker fur marking her nipples and crotch.

“Nice to meet you,” Evangeline nodded, “new recruit?”

“I was in Xavier’s covert program like Sage and Stacy-X,” Foxx explained, “but with everything that’s happened I thought I’d better help out here.”

“I’m sure they’re glad to have you,” Marie said, feeling faintly disturbed by the girl’s unabashed sensuality.

“Well, we’d better get going,” Evangeline said. She looked at Alex, “Are the protesters still blocking the front gate?”

“Yeah,” Alex sighed. He smiled grimly and asked, “Do you want a few of us to clear the way for you?”

“Actually, I have a better idea,” Evangeline said as she headed for the back yard.

“Oh no,” Marie groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Foxx asked as they went out the back door to where the pool waited.

“Just watch,” Marie sighed.

With a remarkable degree of casualness Evangeline stripped, her skirt, top and suit jacket hitting the floor one after the other. Then the woman took a few steps away and began to change. In just a few moments where a woman stood, a honest to goodness dragon crouched comfortably on the grass.

“Holy....” Foxx blurted, taking a few steps backward in awe.

“Impressive, isn’t she?” Alex grinned.

“Ready to go?” Evangeline the dragon asked as Marie finished collecting her clothes.

Marie shook her head as she climbed up on Evangeline, “You should give people some warning when you’re going to use your mutant power.”

“Sorry, Foxx,” Evangelene said as the dragon turned and loped around the buildings and towards the front gate. The anti-mutant protesters took one look at the giant dragon bearing down at them and cleared the way hastily.

Meanwhile, back in the office Scott sighed happily as Emma rubbed his shoulders from behind. “It’ll be alright, Scott,” she said briskly.

“We’ll need to call in the reserves,” Scott sighed, “shore up our numbers a bit. We also need to make sure Jean has enough people to defend the Academy too.”

“I’m tempted to let Jean do it on her own,” Emma snipped, “but I suppose we must, if only for the students sake.”

“Emma,” Scott sighed as he squeezed her hand, “you’re just annoyed that the Cookoos went along with Jean.”

“Teenage rebellion,” Emma sniffed, “they’ll be back.”

Scott sighed as she eased a tight muscle. “With Ororo running her team and Excalibur over in England, who do we have available to call in?”

“We could try tempting a few of them back into the fold,” Emma offered.

“Unwritten rule,” Scott half smiled, “no poaching from other X-squads.”

“Heh,” Emma smiled. “We could move Karma back up to full X-Men status,” she suggested.

“They didn’t go with Jean?” Scott seemed surprised.

“No,” Emma said wickedly, “in fact she seemed annoyed at being snubbed when Jean pulled the kids out.”

“Good,” Scott nodded, “and I got a communication from the Underground. Apparently Fantomex and a few others want to rejoin.”

“We could use them,” Emma nodded, “it’s not a healthy time to be a mutant.”

To be continued....