Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Dying Memories ❯ Hisoka ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Dying Memories 2
By: Karie

Again, I'm weird. Enjoy Minna!

That feeling. Its funny, I've never felt it until I wasn't alive anymore.

He's heavy. The weight reminds me of that night... Sakura trees are supposed to be relaxing. But, I felt uneasy, wandering the grove.

And then that scream, that painful scream. I didn't mean to look. I was going to turn, run away, it wasn't my concern. But, it became my concern.

Silver. I'll always hate that color now. That lightless color. It takes in light but doesn't give any back, just taunts you, shining there. From the inside.

And red. I hate red too. That color, always bad. Alway painful. Tsuzuki says that I give him strength. And he gives me memories.

The cold hands on my arms. That voice, that hated, musical voice. I didn't think someone could be so calm, so factual about murder until him.

And writting. Red. No, red ink is my enemy. Even Tatsumi is affected when I see something written in red. I fall apart. I can't take it. It reminds me. No, no more memories. They'll only hurt me more.

The weight, the cold, dead weight laying on me, under the sakura tree that should be relaxing. But it wasn't and I was right to be uneasy.

And no one cared. While I was sick, lying down there in the cold cell they gave me, because they were frightened of me. Of what I could do. They didn't care. They didn't want me to live. And I will despise them also.

He cares. The baka. He cares too much, even when he is hurting, he cares more for me. He trys to take care of me. Doesn't touch me with his bare hands. Doesn't let his feelings and emotions excape a tight barrier he's learned to put up.

But I protect him too. I believe in him. If I believe in no one else, I believe in Tsuzuki. The baka. He cares. And its new, this care he has for me. It fights through the memories, the pain.

It must be, what this feeling is. He is heavy, and when I move him, he knows.

"Hisoka... I couldn't feel you there."

He cares. And he believes in me as well. I guess, I can comfort him and vice versa. If he cares. Even if I'm not alive anymore, I guess care, this feeling, pushes the memories of past and pain away.


Ummmm... Huh?

KARIE *muah!*