Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Game of Love ❯ Safe House ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thank you to everyone who reviewed, you people are the BEST!!!!!!!! *hugz everyone who reviewed*

I DO NOT OWN YU-GI-OH OR GUNDAM WING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will use those code names alot in this story, well whenever they are in battle or they are in their gundams; I put the name legend in so you won't get lost.

For the Names… Black = Evil = Yami's, White = Good = Lights… Get it???

Summary: Yugi, Joey, Ryou and Anzu are a Special Team that work for the Earth Alliance/OZ to protect the cities of Earth. Yami, Seto, Bakura and Mai are warriors that Work for The White Fang and the colonies to destroy Earth. What happens when the two teams meet during a mission for peace? Will they kill each other or will love take its course? Yami x Yugi, Seto x Joey, Ryou x Bakura, Mai x Anzu, and maybe Malik x Marik??

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"Well it's nice to see you alive, Snow Demon, you should really be more careful, you almost had me worried," Crimson Eyes laughed as Snow Demon charged his weapon, Silver Demon's rocket launchers, he aimed straight at Crimson Dragon.

"Don't try me Crimson Eyes," The teen, who Crimson Eyes thought was long dead, spat, it seemed that Snow Demon was in no mood for games.

"What? I was gunna send flowers, I just never got around to it," Crimson Eyes smirked, looked at his long time friend, who was at the moment aiming a charged weapon at his head, Snow Demon, oh how well that name fit him? It was him to a, how do they say it? To a 'T', His hair was as white as the snow that fell in winter, but his eyes, his chocolate coloured eyes told a story of hate, murder, and bloodshed.

"I don't suppose you know where Harpy is now, do you?" Snow Demon lowered his head allowing his hair to fall into his face, 'So he thinks he can mess with my head and get away with it, eh? Well I'll show him' Snow Demon laughed to himself.

"What are you challenging me as a leader?" Crimson Eyes yelled, he watched Silver Demon's rocket launcher discharge and lower to his side, Crimson Eyes would not stand for some loser challenging him, he was not gunna do anything thing at the moment, but soon Snow Demon would regret ever challenging him!

Blue Eyes just looked on as the two bickered, he broke out laughing, causing both Crimson Eyes and Snow Demon to stop fight and stare at him, "What's so funny, Blue Eyes!" Snow Demon ordered rather then asked.

Blue Eyes stop laughing and pressed a button on the control panel of his gundam, and within minutes his gundam turned into the Blue Eyes White Dragon, he reached over and hit the main engine flipped some switches and took off, leaving a very confused Crimson Eyes and Snow Demon.


Yugi Motou sat on the couch of his safe house, well not his safe house, their safe house, the safe house at himself, Joey Wheeler, Ryou Bakura and Tea Gardener stayed, Yugi sat reading his favourite book, War and Peace, it seemed to fit the moment went he first saw it, now he just couldn't put the book down, but what surprised him the most was how quiet the safe house was, normally Joey and Tea would argue over who was the worst cook.

Personally Yugi would rather not eat anything made by anyone but Ryou, he was with out a doubt the best cook of them all, Yugi was getting to the best part of the book, when he heard Tea's scream coming from the lake.

Yugi book-marked his page and ran out of the safe house towards the lake, three minutes later, when Yugi arrived at the lake he couldn't believe what he saw…

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That's it… sorry it's short, but my next chapter will make up for it I promise!!