Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Change in Games ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I don't own, but I know someone who works at Levelup! Games and I absolutely don't own YGO.
Hello! I'm here again! I've heard that there's something going on about the review button. This is serious…anyway, here's the update!!!!!!!!!
By the way, I'm picturing this from the Asian point of view, so that means that there's a mix of the Japanese and American version of YGO. And I'll be explaining the Filipino terms that are indigenous to Ragnarok Online. Also, it'll be a bit different with my modifications and recalibrations to fit with the game. *Stops and Blinks* Sorry if that kinda sounded like one of Kaiba's documents.
Also, I'm going to experiment with colors here. So here's a guide with the chat messages.
Yugi's chat messages
Joey's chat messages
Let's see you try to guess who this is…
Chapter1: Finding Out
It was an extraordinary day in domino city when nothing out of the ordinary happened: no catastrophes, no tournaments, and no crazy possessed white-haired guys trying to take over the world… (Three white haired villains behind me (Y'know who…): *muttering assassination plots*)
Anyway, it was Yugi and co.'s last session before their two weeks of semestral break, which was ahem…Kaiba's favorite, Computer Science. And he was…as usual, aloof and antisocial, sitting by himself at the back of the classroom.
Back to the topic, Yugi and co. were just surfing the internet, when one of Yugi's classmates exclaimed, “Hey everyone, check this out! A new game's been released!”
Everyone (besides Kaiba) rushed to crowd over the boy's computer station to check out the website. The boy, being claustrophobic, shouted out, “Just use your own computers! The URL is `www.levelupgames.com'!!!!!”
The crowd was dispersed and the students went back to their respective computers and hurriedly typed in the URL.
Yugi, after a convincing conversation with Yami, decided to check out the website. “…level…up…games…dot…com. There, let's see what this is about…” he mused, pressing the `enter' button.
=How many games do you have? = Yami asked curiously.
-Too many to count…- Yugi replied with a chuckle.
The website popped up and he saw a large blue logo on the head of the screen. The word `Ragnarok' was written in a sort of gash-like text. Just then, he received a chat message from none other than Joey.
# Watdya think dis game's `bout? # Joey typed in.
Yugi typed back. # could you please use proper grammar? I can barely understand a word with all that slang! #
# Sry, it's just dat sometimes, words can b a lil' long… :P # Joey replied.
Then came another message. # I'm already on the website. Check out da chars. #
# Chars? # Yugi asked.
Suddenly, another person came into their chat room.
# He means the characters. # The person said.
# Who're you?! #
# A ragna-player. That game's been around for 3 years now, but it's been in the Philippines in that time. It's only now they released it in Japan. #
# Where's da Philippines? #
# >) bobo, if you listened in geography class, you'll know that the Philippines is a country in between Japan and China. # [1]
# Who're you, anyway?? `: \ # [2]
# /gg Maybe you'll find me in the game. But I doubt you'll even last up to lvl 30!!!!! /heh # [3 & 4]
With that, Joey left the chat room and soon after, the person did too. Yugi shook his head and read the paragraph under the logo.
Ragnarok online is a widely known Korean role playing game. It's set in rune-midgard, the world of man in Norse mythology. With the end of the world, Ragnarok, approaching, the inhabitants of Rune Midgard took out their swords, bows, spell books and axes and battled with the denizens of evil to save their world. Join the game and register now, and you'll get 500,000 worth spending money, or as it is called, zeny!
This is a game where players can socialize with the other players over the internet. You can choose from the 6 character classes, swordsman, archer, mage, merchant, thief and acolyte. And you can progress to the second jobs when you hit lvl 50.
=Maybe we can get everybody to try this out…= Yami suggested.
-Yeah! Then we can play together!-
Then, Yugi sent his friends an instant message saying to log onto the internet when they get back home.
[1] Bobo - Filipino for `dumb'
[2] that was what I hope was a `raised eyebrow' smiley. LOL
[3] /gg - it's an emoticon in Ragnarok online. Meaning if you type that in, a speech bubble appears over your character's head and does the said emotion. This one means `smirk'.
[4] /heh - another emoticon. This one is `laughing'.
That's all for now, it's hard trying to string together everything, c'ya!