Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Change in Games ❯ First log-in ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: Own nothing but my fanfic, my imagination, and Kingdom Anime…
On with the Ragna-fic!!!!
#Tristan's messages#
#Tea's messages#
#Ryou's messages#
#Duke's messages#
---------------------------------------- (Here are the jobs) -----------------------------------------------
As soon as Yugi got home, he dropped all of his school things and rushed to his computer and logged onto the internet. Then, he was greeted by a chat room opening with the starting message said:
#Yugi, why did you call everyone to log on as soon as we got home? # Tea asked.
#I wanted to try out this new online RPG game. And I thought it would be fun if we all tried it. # He typed in hurriedly.
#I hope we're not going to have a re-run of what happened when we met Ryou…# Tristan typed worriedly. [1]
#How many times do I have to apologize for that?!??!# Ryou asked.
Suddenly, Joey and Duke entered the chat room.
#Does anybody know how to get the game CD?# Duke asked.
#I saw that der was a downloading icon on the site. Maybe it's der…# Joey replied airily.
#Okay, everyone go the website and d-load the game, then when it's done, play the game and we'll meet up.# Yugi typed in.
They all agreed and logged off.
Yugi typed the URL in a flash. =And here we go again with another game…do I have to save you from this one too?= Yami asked jokingly.
-Hopefully not…- Yugi replied and clicked on the download button.
The download was relatively fast. A few minutes later, Yugi was on the Ragnarok login screen, listening to the slow harp playing as the BGM. [2]
=Very blissful music…= Yami mused, Yugi chuckled at this.
-Okay, I have to create a character…- Yugi announced. -It says here…that you may choose the hair style and hair color. What should I choose?-
=Choose what you think looks nice for your character.= Yami advised.
-But, they don't allow 3 colors in the hair…-
=Then, pick one color in your hair…=
Yugi finally decided on a red-haired boy. His hair was standing up, as if gelled that way. Then, he clicked on `play'.
(This will be in the POV of Yugi's character, ironically named `Yugi'.)
Yugi was in a large classroom of some sorts, sitting behind a desk and looking at a rather old man wearing loose purple robes, his beard short and stumpy. He was staring off at something in the distance, eyes unfocused and glassy.
“Umm… excuse me sir…what do I do?” Yugi asked him. [3]
The man didn't reply. Yugi turned around and sat back down at the desk.
Just then, a white light flashed on the chair next to him and there sat a character that remarkably looked like Joey.
“Joey, is that you?” Yugi asked. The avatar looked at him and said, “Yup, it's me Yugi.”
He looked Yugi up and down and remarked. “Nice hair.”
“Hehe…thanks…” Yugi replied.
Then, two more lights came from behind them and there sat Tea and Tristan. Tea's avatar had brown hair with flyaway ends while Tristan's hair was a dark brown with long locks that covered his right eye slightly.
“Hey guys!” Tea greeted. “Yugi, that's a nice hairdo!”
“Thanks Tea, but I like Tristan's better.” Yugi replied pointing at Tristan's new hairstyle.
Yeah man, that look suits ya!” Joey agreed, slapping Tristan's back. (Tristan: Oof!)
“Hehe, thanks guys.” He said. “I couldn't find anything that looked like my `do, so I chose this.”
Then another two flashes indicated that Duke and Ryou logged on. Duke's avatar had long dark brown hair that was in a ponytail while Ryou had short white hair what curled up at the sides.
“Hey Duke, Ryou…what took you guys so long?” Joey asked suspiciously.
“My computer is slow.” Ryou said simply.
“I couldn't decide what hairstyle to pick. There was no black, so I chose brown.” Duke said.
Suddenly, another flash of light came and there stood a girl avatar with long red hair. She was wearing a pale white uniform, like something a mail man would wear.
“Hi there. I'm GM Midori.” She said, introducing herself.
“Umm…excuse me ma'am…”Yugi said. “We're new to this game and I think we're kinda stuck in this room.”
“Oh, newbies.” She said, nodding her head. “This is the Novice testing room. All you have to do is approach this NPC…” She gestured to the man behind her. “…He'll give you a test, and that test will decide what job class you'll be in. The six job classes are swordsman, mage, archer, acolyte, thief and merchant.” She explained. “I'll be here to keep score since he's only used to quizzing one novice at a time.”
“I think Ryou's going to get thief.” Joey thought aloud as Ryou sweat dropped.
They all approached the NPC and he sprang to life.
“This test consists of 6 simple multiple choice questions, some depicting several scenarios. There are 6 choices, A, B, C, D, E, and F. whichever of the 6 letters you pick the most decides the job class.” He said in a monotone voice.
Everyone nodded and he continued. “Just answer one at a time and the Game Moderator, or GM, will tally the scores.”
(It will take too long, so I'll just post the scores.)
Yugi: 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.D (majority D)
Joey: B's throughout the quiz
Tristan: 1.C 2.B 3.F 4.B 5.F 6.F (majority F)
Tea: all A's except #4, which is C
Duke: 1.D 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.D 6.C (majority C)
Ryou: for some reason, all E's.
“Okay, go to the GM, and she'll give you your job classes.” The NPC announced.
They all crowded around Midori, who was handing out papers. “This is so weird…”She mused. “All of you got one job class.” Everyone looked at their results and they were amazed. “I got Archer.” Tristan announced. “Wow, I got Acolyte!” Tea cried out. “What did you get, Joey? I got Mage.” Yugi asked. “As always, I got a warrior, Swordsman.” Joey declared proudly. “Well…I got merchant.” Duke said. “And I don't know why, Ryou got thief.” Everybody was wondering why Ryou got all E's. “It's because Bakura was the one playing at the time. And since he's a thief…” He drifted off and everyone understood.
“Well, since you guys got your job classes, it's time for all of you to look the part.” Midori announced as she snapped her fingers. Everyone's character glowed slightly and they were wearing different outfits.
Yugi: a long sleeved red shirt with red pants while wearing a long cream-colored cape with a high collar over his shoulders.
Joey: a brown outfit with wrist, knee, and shin guards, boots and a scabbard on his left side.
Tristan: a murky long sleeved sweater with padded pants with boots and a quiver on his back.
Tea: a long sleeved pink and white ankle-length dress with a cross on the chest with a rosary around her neck.
Ryou: A sleeveless turtleneck sweater with a dark brown jacket over it with dark brown pants and boots.
Duke: a long sleeved dull brown shirt with a beige vest and dark brown pants with boots and a large sling bag on his left side. [4]
“All that's left is to play the game. You all will be sent to Prontera, the capital city of this game, and from there you decide where to go.” She said as she snapped her fingers and they all disappeared.
They reappeared in a beautiful field outside of a walled city. “We must be outside Prontera.” Yugi said as everyone looked around.
“Wow…whoever made this game must be really talented with graphics. Everything looks so real!” Tea mused.
“Yeah, It's like we're really in the forest.” Yugi agreed.
Suddenly, they heard Tea squeal, “Oh my god it's so cute!” They boys rushed to her side where they saw a monster that looked like a drop of pink lemonade.
“It's so cute! What is it?” Tea asked girlishly.
The monster looked at them and said cutely, “Poring?”
“I think it's a Poring.” Joey replied. Suddenly, three more Poring came around them.
“They're all so cute!” Tea cried out.
Suddenly, Tristan tripped and dropped an arrow. Suddenly, all of the Porings bounced towards the arrow, one of them holding it in its mouth.
“Hey, gimme back that arrow!” Tristan called out as he chased after the Poring, but it was too fast and easily outran him. Then, Tristan stood up straight and slapped his forehead. “What am I doing?” He took out his bow, loaded an arrow, aimed at the Poring, and fired.
The shot was dead on. As soon as it was hit, the Poring exploded and dropped the stolen arrow and a green-colored apple.
“Tristan, did you have to kill it?” Tea asked. “It's that little gumdrop's fault! He stole my arrow!” Tristan protested, picking up the arrow and apple.
Suddenly, they were surrounded by 15 or more Porings. “Look what you did, Tristan!!!” Joey cried out. The Porings closed in, about to attack when they heard a voice cry, “Arrow Shower!!” Then, a rain of arrows came down and each arrow was dead on, hitting all of the Porings.
“Whoa!” Joey breathed. Then, a boy came out of a nearby bush. He had messy pale blue hair and he was wearing what looked like two angel wings on his head. He wore a cream white robe over a pale blue shirt and pants and he had a long stick with a chain attached to it behind his back. He looked at the items the Porings dropped. Then he stood up and called out. “They didn't have it, big brother!!” [5]
On cue, another person came out of the bush. As soon as he did, Joey took out his sword and snarled angrily. “What're you doing here, Kaiba?!?”
Seto, dressed in a beige short sleeved turtleneck sweater with a white jacket over it with black and white wristbands with brown pants and thick, leather boots, a massive quiver of arrows on his back and an elegantly crafted bow in his hands, and a strange apple with an arrow through it on his head and sunglasses shielding his eyes, smirked at Joey and replied, “What's wrong, since this game in online, anybody can play, right?” [6]
Joey was just about to attack Seto when Yugi stepped in between them. “You play Ragnarok?” He asked.
“Since the open beta trial 2 years ago, that's why this character of mine is level 89.” Seto replied.
“Eighty-nine?!?!” They all gaped. Then, Mokuba added. “And going on 90!”
“Anyway, what were you doing with all those Porings?” Seto asked suspiciously, eyeing the 6 of them.
“Umm…that's a long story.” Tristan said, sweat dropping.
“Anyway, did you see a Poring with a Rosary in its mouth?” Seto asked, glancing from left to right.
They all shook their heads and asked why.
“Umm…because I was horsing around and a Poring stole my rosary.” Mokuba admitted childishly.
“It's not called horsing around when you were running away from 20 of them.” Seto pointed out, and Mokuba did an emoticon. “/pif You didn't have to say that!!!” [7]
“How did you do that???” Duke asked.
“The emoticon?” Mokuba asked. “You're new to this, aren't you?”
Everyone sweat dropped and said “Yeah…” Pathetically.
~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~++~+~+~+< /b>
[1] What happened was in the manga; Bakura took over Ryou and sealed everyone into an RPG miniature. And Tristan still doubts RPG games ever since that day.
[2] BGM stands for background music. Y'know, the music that always loops when you play games.
[3] the `say' here is when the person types it in and the avatar gets a speech bubble over his head and `says' what you typed in.
[4] Those are the outfits that the character classes wear, there are two variations of them, one for the guys and one for the girls. For reference, Mokuba's outfit is a male acolyte's and Tea's is a female acolyte.
[5] If you're wondering, since both Kaiba brothers have played longer than Yugi and co., they have rare equips, a.k.a. the two angel wings on Mokuba's head, which is a headgear called `Angel Wing', and the long stick with a chain, which is a weapon called Chain, the strongest mace-type weapon.
[6] That would be the outfit of a Hunter, the 2nd job class of an archer, and BTW, that apple is called an `Apple o' Archer' a headgear that helps you aim better, despite the weird stares you get from people when you wear it.
[7] /pif - An emoticon which means `angry huff' it looks funny if you know what it looks like. It's a pouting face with a plume of smoke coming out of the mouth.
Okay, this was really long, so enjoy it!!!