Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Camouflage ❯ Upside Down ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The vote for the pairing for this story is still going. I'll try to write both YY fluff and YS fluff both the actual pair is decided.


Marik is Malik's alter ego. Malik is Malik or Marik in the dubbed series.

Disclaimer: Don't own Yugioh!!!!

Now on with the story!! ^_^

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Chapter 1

Upside Down

Yami's POV

My life has always been straightforward and blunt. Everything was neat and orderly. My fraternal twin brother, Seto, and I are both the CEOs of Kaiba Corps, which makes us filthy rich. Therefore, we are both quite popular at school. However, unlike me, Seto is extremely antisocial. I had pretty much everything I wanted in my life - friends, family (well sorta), looks, and popularity. All I'm missing is a boyfriend. You heard me right. I said boyfriend. That's right, I'm gay. I have the biggest crush on my friend Ryou, but he's going out with Bakura, another friend of mine. I'll have to tell you about me friends too.

That reminds me, I have to tell you about my friends too. My friends are Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Anzu, Mai, Jou, Honda, and Otogi. Ryou is shy, cute (well at least to me and Bakura), smart, and somewhat feminine. Bakura is as much of Ryou's contradictory as he is Ryou's analogous. Bakura may act rude and brash, but deep down he's pretty mellow. As for Malik and Marik, they also go out. Malik is the overprotective older twin brother of Ryou, even though they are quite different. Marik, on the other hand, is kinda psychotic in a way, but he's a good guy deep down. I prefer to think of Anzu of the motherly figure of our little cliché. Anzu is very protective of all of us, especially Ryou. I believe she sees Ryou as her deceased younger sister. Mai is rather self-centered, but she still cares about everyone in our group. Jou and Honda are two of a kind. They are the best of buds and are as close as brothers. Ra knows that they are closer friends than Seto and I are brothers. And last but not least, there's Otogi. Otogi is a rather shady character. I'm not sure if we could trust him but everyone else seems to. There's not a lot that I know about Otogi, but I do know that he basically worships Pegasus.

That pretty much sums up my life. `Nyways, my life is pretty nice. That is, until I met her. Her name was Yuki Mino. She turned my life upside down and broke all the rules that I had set up for my life. I will always remember the day she first appeared in my life.

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Normal POV

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Yami's POV

Bakura and I laughed as Marik told us about how he terrorized a little freshmen for being rude to him. We quickly stopped our laughter as soon as our history teacher, Tomanaga-sensei, walked in. As much as I enjoy history, Tomanaga-sensei, aka Toadlord, can make bloody and gory battles sound like sitting in a meeting room and listening to my lackluster, balding executives.

"Uhmmm. Class, we have a new pupil joining us today," said Tomanaga-sensei and then he swiveled his balding head and `uhmmmed' in his usual annoying fashion.

Out of the shadows stepped a petite girl with bright heliotrope eyes that could put the stars to shame. Shimmering strands of golden silk framed her pale unblemished profile. Long sable hair with tipped by fire reached her mid back. She wore long, loose camouflage cargo pants and a black leather tank top with lots of buckles and straps. To match her clothes, she wore a leather neck buckle, a lot silver armlets, and a silver ankh on her left ear. Everything about this new girl screamed rebel.

"Hello. My name is Yuki Mino," she murmured softly.

I instantly felt some sort of weird attraction to Yuki. I'd always thought I was gay, but I guess my attraction to Yuki is an exception. Well, Yuki is pretty hot. Just about all the guys in this class are drooling over her, excluding Ryou, Bakura, Malik, and Marik.

"Tell us about yourself, Yuki," Tomanaga-sensei urged gently.

"Well, there isn't much to know about me. I'm 16 years old, I live by myself in an apartment, and I'm not a doormat that people can step on."

"Uhmmm. That's good enough, Mino-san. Why don't you take a seat by Kaiba-san over there," Tomanaga said and nodded at me.

I immediately raised my hand. Yuki slowly walked over to the seat next to me and sat down. During the entire class period, all I could do was glance at Yuki out of the corner of my eye. She was something different from all the other girls at this school. Yuki was quiet, attentive, and obedient throughout the entire lesson and yet, her clothes screamed defiance. I need to figure her out, because until I do, my entire world will be upside down.

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Well, that's that. Oh, just to clarify, I'm a girl. ~_*

Please, please review.

Thanks minna
