Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Heart of the Cards, Guide Me ❯ Author's Note ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Author's Note

Hey, I'm sorry about skipping a chapter when I first put this up. Silly me, I messed up the chapters.
Okay, I wrote some of this stuff at the beginning of the chapters, but I added a bit more, so bear with me. I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, I made a reference to Pokémon; I don't own that either.
Yeah, I know this isn't entirely accurate. I'm not an expert on Tristan so I had to make most of it up...
I created Sakura in my image. Red hair (although mine is short) and green eyes. Okay, my eyes aren't always green, I admit, my eyes change from blue to green depending on my mood. I'm a major book worm and I love to write. (Ha, couldn't you tell?) I am kind of shy to new people, but those who know me know I love to speak my mind.
I got Meritaten's name from an Egyptian princess. She was the eldest child of Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) and Nefertiti. She is thought to be the wife of Pharaoh Nefernefruaten (Smenkhkare).
Horemheb was actually a general and a Pharaoh who strengthened Egypt after Akhenaten's lack of conquests. He rewrote the records so they said he gained the throne after Amenhotep III, thus erasing records of Amarna.
How's that for a history lesson? Okay, I don't know all of this by heart. I got some of my info from National Geographic (I don't own that either) April 2001 edition. I knew most of it, but I just needed help with spelling names and etc.
So okay. As you see I left this open for sequels, but that's not going to happen so make it up yourself. I didn't want Sakura to die, but she's the daughter of the Yamis, the tool of Fate, so I don't think we've seen the last of her just yet (well, okay, I'd say that if I were writing a sequel).
And, okay, if you really want a sequel, a prequel (Meritaten and Pharaoh? Why not), or if you have any suggestions for other fics, just say so. In a review, email me, I don't care.
Well, I've finally hit the end of a fic. Goodbye for now, Seto Kaiba forever (I'm so sorry I didn't put more of you in this, Seto), and don't forget to trust in the heart of the cards.
