Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Hopes and Fears ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters except for Koike Mitsubishi, Ozawa-san, Onda Kazuya and Onda Yoshitaka. I do not plan on making any form of profit from this fictional piece of work.
“0*****0” Change of Scene/Time Lapse
Chapter 4
Monday morning had finally rolled around and Jounouchi couldn't be happier. Shizuka had worn him out completely over the weekend. She had dragged him all over town. She had even dragged him to one of those hotels where you rented a room just to karaoke in privacy. Sure it had been a blast but he was tired now. He smiled though when he remembered his mother's defeated look when she handed over the twenty-thousand yen.
He got out of his bed and stretched like a cat. He was really tired and wished that he could stay home but he had to get to work early today because the boss wanted to talk to him. “Ah I wonder what I've done this time.” He thought to himself. The last time that his boss, the owner of the publishing company he worked for, had talked to him was about one year ago regarding his book. He had been chewed out about how long he had taken to finish it. After all, they had given him six months to complete it and he had taken twice that to even get it halfway completed. He understood where his employer was coming from. He smiled though as he remembered all the praise he had gotten about the book itself. The man had nearly been in tears, he seemed to love it so much. He loved it even more when he saw how much money it made his company.
“Old timing fool!” he exclaimed as he sauntered across his bedroom over to his bathroom. He opened the door and immediately his teeth began to chatter. He really never understood why his bathroom was always so cold in the mornings. He seemed to forget that he was stark naked.
“If only I had a lover who would embrace me from behind and make me feel all warm and fuzzy again.” He said wistfully to himself as he put some toothpaste on his toothbrush. He dipped the bright orange toothbrush under the running water and then brought it back up to his mouth. “Ah Jounouchi! Warm and fuzzy shall you never feel!” He said trying his best to sound like some all knowing sage.
When he was finished scrubbing the living daylights out of his teeth, he stepped into his shower and turned the knob. He sighed to himself as the warm water rushed out of the shower down onto his skin. He really wished that he could share his shower with someone else; feel that someone else wrap his arms around his waist and lay his chin upon his shoulder. Then he'd close his eyes and smile, bringing his hand to curl around this person's head and rest there, toying with the wet hair. To feel that way again about someone, to hold someone again in that manner, he really longed for it. And there was someone in particular he wished it to be. Someone with cold blue eyes and a voice that would always make him shiver. “Kaiba, you don't know what you do to me.” He said mournfully as he leaned against the tiled wall of the shower.
“I'm really sorry Kaiba shachou-sama! I tried my very best to do everythin…”
“Well it's obvious that your best is not good at all! Incompetent! All you workers are incompetent!” Kaiba screamed at the poor shaking young lady in front of him.
“B-but Shachou-sama! I tried very hard to…” She was cut off again by Kaiba's booming voice.
“You tried? You tried? You're making me laugh!” He burst out in his trade mark `Muwhahahahaha' laughter and then stopped suddenly. “You're fired! Get out of my office and building now!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. The petit raven haired woman ran from his office sobbing. “Another fool gone. There is no one in the world competent enough to work for me.” He grumbled as he swiveled around in his chair to face the windows.
He didn't even jump when the door to his office creaked. “What do you want Isono?” He asked his fidgeting assistant who was wiping away some sweat from his forehead with his handkerchief.
“Kaiba-san sir, the young lady you just fired, w-was Matsumoto-san's daughter. I don't t-think he'll…”
“… like that very much? Well then that's his problem. It's not my fault that his daughter is not only incompetent but a bimbo as well.” Kaiba replied tiredly as he rubbed his temples. It had been a good few days since he last yelled at an employee. “Now if you would like to keep your job Isono, I suggest you get out of my office now.”
“Yes Kaiba-san sir!” Isono said as he rushed out of Kaiba's office. Kaiba chuckled to himself. Isono, he'd really never fire him unless he did something really treacherous. He was the most loyal employee he had and would be foolish to fire him for some stupid reason. It was hard to find someone so loyal these days. “Fool!” he said as he chuckled some more.
The door to his office flew open again and this time a grumpy Mokuba stomped in. “What a bitch!!” he said loudly as he flopped down on the leather couch some feet away from Kaiba's desk.
“Mokuba haven't I told you a million times not to come barging into my office like that? I could have been seducing a client.” Kaiba said as he spun around in his chair to stare at his raven haired-trouble making brother.
“Sorry nii-sama but I'm just in a terrible mood this morning.” Mokuba said as he folded his arms across his chest and huffed. Kaiba smiled. His brother rarely ever got this angry.
“I believe you were calling someone a bitch when you came stomping in here?” Kaiba said as he rested his chin in the palms of his hands. He stared at Mokuba with an amused smile on his face.
“It's Rebecca; she's driving me crazy with all this Yuugi-chan talk.” He grumbled. “Yuugi-chan is so kind, Yuugi-chan is so sweet! Yuugi-chan, Yuugi-chan!!” He said in falsetto.
“It sounds like someone is jealous.” Kaiba said as he tried to hold back a laugh.
“I'm not jealous!” he replied hotly. “Why would I be jealous of…of that little short r…” he stopped short of what he truly wanted to say, head hanging in shame from bad mouthing Yuugi. “I know we broke up over the weekend but jeez, she doesn't need to rub it in anymore!”
Kaiba just shook his head at his little brother. He was such a character. He was still talking to Rebecca like if they were the best of friends and they only broke up a day ago. “She did always carry a torch for Mouto.”
“Ah let's not talk about that. What I want to talk about is this reunion party that Yuugi-kun's having. He sent us the invitation.” Mokuba pulled out the invitation and then flung it over to Kaiba. Kaiba caught it expertly without even looking.
“He's having it at The Akatsuki restaurant?” `Just great! Now I'm going to see that …' His thoughts were cut off by an enthusiastic Mokuba.
“Yes! I know that Mitsubishi-baka owns the place but hopefully we won't be seeing him there.” Mokuba said with a scowl. If only he wasn't constantly in the gossip columns, he would have had a public brawl with Koike a long time ago. “But with that aside, I think we'd have fun! And I think this is the perfect opportunity for you to seduce Jounouchi-sama!” Mokuba said cheerfully.
“Try and seduce small fish eh?” `I was thinking the same thing. I'll gradually make my intentions of making him mine known to him that night. I'll have to remember to be a bit polite though.' He suddenly let out a dark chuckle; his cheeks tinted a light pink. Yes, he Kaiba Seto only blushed when it concerned Jounouchi Katsuya. The thought of making Jounouchi his made his cheeks turn pink.
“Nii-sama, I bet you're thinking about when you finally make Jounouchi-sama yours right? I can see it on your face!” Mokuba teased. Kaiba was too caught up in thinking about Jounouchi to really hear what his little brother even said or remember he was in the room.
“He's so…” He finished with a sigh. “Every time I think about him I want to…god I wonder what it's like to kiss those lovely lips of his” His eyes widened when he heard a loud chuckle. “What are you laughing at?” he asked; back in his `I'll kick your ass' mode again.
“Nii-sama, I wish I had recorded that! My gosh! People think you're so cold, if only they would hear you say mushy things like that!” He only laughed harder when his brother pinned a glare on him. “There's no need to be embarrassed nii-sama! Jounouchi is that special someone for you right? It's alright.”
`My special someone? I guess he is. I never thought about it that way.' He thought to himself as he adjusted his tie nervously. Mokuba was grinning at him. He hated to be that transparent. He coughed into his hand before he began again. “So the party is this Saturday I see. Luckily I'm free this Saturday so I guess I'll be gracing them with my presence.”
“Yes you will. I made sure that Isono-san and Takeshi-san cleared your schedule for Saturday. I wanted to make sure that you didn't miss your opportunity at seducing your favorite proletariat. What better time to do it than when two of his ex's are present too!” Mokuba seemed to really like scandalous stuff.
`Two exes? Who's the other one besides that woman?' He asked himself. Mokuba saw the look on his face and so continued on with a broad grin upon his handsome young face.
“Oh but I don't think Ryou will make too much of a fuss. It's Mai you have to look out for. She's scary at times. Nice rack but still scary.”
`Ryou? I didn't know Jounouchi and Ryou dated. When was that and why didn't I know?' Thinking about all this was making Kaiba's head tingle. He wasn't like other normal people whose heads ached when trying to process so much confusing information. His just tingled, the way your mouth tingles after you brush your teeth. Forgetting about his foolish pride for a few moments, he asked Mokuba the question the raven haired youngster was waiting for. “When did Jounouchi and that white haired weirdo date?”
`Ha, knew you couldn't resist nii-sama!' “Oh, they dated a year after Jounouchi and Mai called it quits. They kept the relationship on the down-low. Even Yugi-kun didn't know about it until last year.”
`So Ryou dated Jounouchi. I wonder for how long though?' He didn't even have to voice his question, Mokuba knew him so well.
“They only dated for six months. They called it quits after they graduated school, most probably because Ryou went off to London to study. He wants to become a teacher you know, Ryou that is.” Mokuba took a deep breath and then continued on. “As for why only last year Yuugi-tachi found out about it, I really don't know. I've heard though that Ryou really liked Jounouchi a lot and when he returns he might even want to try things again.” He grinned when his older brother scowled. The last part was totally made up but his beloved older brother didn't need to know that.
`Try again? Try again?' The voice in his head asked sounding very close to hysterical. `So he thinks he can just waltz back here from wherever the hell he went and be Jounouchi's lover just like that huh? I'll have him know otherwise!' Kaiba's face was taking on a very scary look. He looked ready to rip someone in half.
Mokuba backed into his seat a little at his brother's expression. `Oh oh! Poor Ryou! Maybe I shouldn't have said that last part.' He smiled as some sweat rolled down the side of his face. `Nii-sama looks like he wants to murder someone.' “Well, I'll better be going! I think I'll stop by the record store and buy some new music! See ya!” Mokuba said as he left his brother's office quickly.
“Isono!” Kaiba yelled.
“Yes Kaiba-san sir!” Isono said as he rushed in the office. He had to resist the urge to stand at attention and salute.
Kaiba stood up from his seat suddenly, the doors to his office suddenly flying open from a strong gust of wind that had come out of no where. “Get me my coat Isono.”
“Yes Sir!” Isono said as he rushed to get Kaiba's black trench coat from his hidden coat rack. He pulled out the black trench coat and handed it over to his boss. Kaiba slipped it on with ease.
“Has the new car arrived?” Kaiba asked.
“Yes b-but…!”
“Good. Bring it round front now. I'll be down shortly.” He continued to look out the massive windows at the city below, his eyes shining with an unrecognizable emotion. “Why aren't you out of my office as yet?”
“Yes Kaiba-san!” Isono said as he rushed out of the office. A minute later Kaiba received the call that the Mercedes was down front waiting for him to take for a ride. He picked up his brief case and walked out of the office, the wind suddenly returning out of no where again. His secretary stared after him in awe. After working there for five years she still hadn't gotten over the fact that wind seemed to follow him everywhere, especially when he was making an exit.
“Cancel all my one o'clock appointments Takeshi-san. I'm going out for a while.” He called as he continued walking to the elevator.
“Yes Kaiba shachou-sama!” She answered as she watched him enter the elevator. When the doors closed, Ozawa-san her trainee appeared from the photocopying room with a stack of papers.
“What was that all about Takeshi-san? Where did that wind come from? I almost lost all the copies!” Ozawa-san cried as he clutched the papers to his chest.
“It seems Shachou-sama is on a mission Ozawa-san.” She said as she looked at the closed elevator doors. “I feel sorry for whoever is in his way.” Ozawa-san only gulped.
Jounouchi climbed into his car with a sigh. The meeting with his boss went well, really well.
“Jounouchi-san! How are you my boy?” asked Onda Kazuya, owner of Usagi Books. Usagi Books was once a tiny publishing company but that was before Jounouchi joined their team. Jounouchi's book more than helped it to become the famous publishing house that it was today. He was now the company's most famous writer at just the tender age of twenty-one. What a feat!
“It's nice to see you again Onda-san. I'm well.” Jounouchi said as he sat down in the chair that Kazuya offered him.
“That's good. I must say Jounouchi-san; you keep surprising me with those books of yours.” Kazuya took off his glasses and laid them down on the desk in front of him. “I've always dreamed that this tiny company would be known as the best in Japan you know. Everyone wants to be number one not so?”
“Yes Onda-san.” Jounouchi replied. He learnt not to interrupt Onda-san's speeches too much. When he asked you a question it was best to reply with less than five words.
“For years people have laughed at me, told me that I had a worthless company that wasn't going to go anywhere and now look at my company. It's known as the best publishing house in Japan.” He raked his long fingers through his hair. “It is only with perseverance that one makes it to the top not so Jounouchi-san?”
“Yes Onda-san.” Jounouchi answered. He really wanted to know what all this talk about perseverance had to do with his book.
“And like me, you have a lot of perseverance.” He stared at Jounouchi for a good minute and then continued on. “Anyway Jounouchi-san the new book is exceptional!” He let out a strange laugh and then scratched his head. “I don't know what it is with your books that I love so much but I just love the way you write.” He gave Jounouchi another intense stare and then let out another one of his strange sounding laughs. Jounouchi's face was red from the compliments yet still fixed in a way that you could tell he found the man in front of him a weirdo.
“My wife just loves that book of yours Jounouchi-san. She's always carrying it everywhere with her and so does my son. But I don't think I've ever seen him looking at anything but the last page. Strange boy he is sometimes.”
Jounouchi was about to comment about the last page being the one with his picture but he stopped when realization came to him. He turned pink. Just as Kazuya was going to ask Jounouchi why his face was so red, someone burst through the door.
“Father! I heard that…oh my Jounouchi-san it's a pleasure to meet you.” Onda Yoshitaka said as he stared at Jounouchi. He sashayed over to Jounouchi and extended his hand. Jounouchi rose from his seat and shook the outstretched hand. His eyes widened to the size of dinner plates when Yoshitaka kissed his hand and then held it to his cheek. “Even more gorgeous in person.” He whispered. He kissed Jounouchi's hand again and then released it gently. “Sorry for interrupting your meeting father, I didn't know that you were discussing things with Jounouchi-sama.” He was giving Jounouchi a look that clearly said that he was more than happy to stumble upon their meeting. He looked ready to devour Jounouchi any minute.
“Yoshitaka-san was that the way I trained you? Did I teach you just to barge in on people's meetings?” Kazuya asked as he stood up from his chair. Suddenly he broke off into Mandarin so that Jounouchi couldn't understand. “I told you to stop hitting on my employees a hundred time's already Yoshitaka! Why do you like to shame your father so?”
Yoshitaka replied hotly. “You will always be ashamed of me no matter what I do! I could find the cure for cancer but you wouldn't give a shit because you would always consider me worthless! And he's gay by the way. I'm getting the hot gay guy vibes from him!” They both turned to stare at Jounouchi and the amber eyed man shrank back at the two stares he received.
“I don't see it Yoshitaka. He looks straight to me.” Kazuya said as he studied Jounouchi. Yoshitaka replied with a huge grin on his face.
“Ah but that's because your eyes only look for the straight things. He's gay! God I want to have some fun with him!” Yoshitaka almost licked his lips.
“Please spare me those scary comments son. I still think he's straight. I bet you twenty thousand yen he's straighter than an arrow.”
“You're on father! You'll see. He's a very happy boy!! I say let's up the stakes a bit. How about one hundred thousand yen?” Poor Jounouchi stared on, clueless as the two continued to discuss his sexuality in Mandarin.
“You're on son! Easy money! I'm sure to win.”
“Well then father, when I win, I want that money transferred to my Swiss account.” Yoshitaka said as he began to approach Jounouchi. He stopped right in front of the blond and then raised his hand to Jounouchi's chin. He winked flirtatiously at him and then lifted his chin a bit. He mouthed `yummy' and then laughed. When he walked off, both Kazuya and Jounouchi stared at him the way you would look at a zombie… in a pink tutu.
“Wait Yoshitaka! Why do you want the money transferred to that account?” Kazuya asked in Mandarin again. Jounouchi was starting to suspect something was going on, with that strange sounding language they were speaking.
“Well don't you know that all great con artists have a Swiss bank account?” He said as he flipped a lock of black hair over his shoulder. “Well I've always wanted to feel what it would be like to be a con artist but since I can't be one, this is the closest thing I've got. Isn't it grand?” He laughed happily and then exited the room not before blowing a kiss in Jounouchi's direction. Both men stared after him with expressions that clearly said they were thinking `What the fuck?'
“Ah…don't bother with him Jounouchi-san. I apologize for his rude behavior. Well that's everything really. I didn't have the time to personally thank your sister for the wonderful picture she gave us for the book. Please give her my regards Jounouchi-san.”
“Yes Onda-san, I will. It was nice meeting with you again Sir.”
“Same here Jounouchi-san. Please have a pleasant day.” Kazuya said as he shook Jounouchi's hand. Jounouchi bowed respectfully and then exited the office. When he closed the door he wiped some sweat off his forehead.
“What a crazy old man.” He whispered to himself. He chuckled as he walked to his office. Crazy old man indeed.
Jounouchi pressed down on the gas some more as he hit the highway. Yugi had called him concerning the reunion party Saturday. He really couldn't understand much what Yugi had been saying because well…he had seemed a little busy. Yami had finally returned from Kyoto and so they were probably making up for lost time. Yami was known to be a little… sex obsessed from time to time. He'd go ages without any and then when he was in the mood for some, poor Yugi would have no chance of escape. Why Yugi had decided to call him during or before one of their trysts was beyond him. All he knew was that he didn't ever want it to happen again. He had been traumatized for a good few hours.
He slowed down as he met up with some traffic. He was feeling oddly bored today. Maybe when he got to Domino he would feel more excited. It had been a while since he had seen Yami. Finally the lights turned to green and the cars began to move again. He switched lanes and then sped off, driving fast but not too fast. The radio started to play that American group Black Eyed Peas latest song `Don't Phunk with My Heart' and he turned up the volume. It was one of those songs that was annoying but you still liked it anyway.
“No, no, no, no, don't phunk with my heart!” He sang as he switched lanes yet again. He bobbed his head in time with the beat and added in a few shoulder shimmies too. The song was just too infectious. “I wonder if I take you home, would you still be in love baby, in love baby!”
He slowed down as he reached the turnoff to Domino and then sped back up again. He rocked back and forth in his seat as he continued to jig along to the song. He frowned when the song ended. Before he could turn back down the volume, the radio DJ announced loudly “Time for today's daily double play! This track hasn't been released off their brand new album `Monkey Business' as yet but we thought that we would treat you listeners to something truly funky! Now enjoy the funkiness that is `My Humps'!”
The beat started up and Jounouchi's eyes widened dramatically. This was that damn song Shizuka had been singing all through her stay. The first time he had heard her singing it, he had nearly spit out his coffee all over the table.
Jounouchi decided that this song was worth blasting with the windows down. To hell with the pollution, this deserved to get blasted loudly. He turned down the windows and turned up the volume. He could see Anzu busting out some moves to this on the dance floor. This song was one of those songs that you just had to shake your ass to. If you at least didn't move your ass, then you had to bob your head to the beat. So busy with bobbing his head, he didn't see the motorcycle pull along side his car and the driver look at him like he was crazy.
“Jounouchi-kun I didn't know you liked the Black Eyed Peas!” The driver said causing Jounouchi to nearly run off the road.
Jounouchi turned down the volume of the radio and then peered out his window at the driver of the motorcycle. Black hair sticking out from beneath a helmet that had Blue Eyes-White Dragon written on it in kanji, there were only two people he knew who were obsessed with that monster to this level, the Kaiba brothers. Kaiba Seto didn't look like the type to ride a motorcycle around Tokyo in one of his fancy business suits or know about The Black Eyed Peas. It was definitely Mokuba.
“Mokuba-kun as nice as it is to see you; I don't think the drivers behind me would appreciate it if we continued our little chat here. I'm heading over to the Kame Game shop, meet me there okay?”
“Sure Jounouchi-kun, meet ya there!” Mokuba said before he sped off. Jounouchi wiped some sweat from his brow and then turned back up the volume. It was time to jam out again.
Four minutes later he reached the Kame Game shop, having purposely driven a little slower so he could enjoy the rest of the song. He climbed out of his car and glided over towards Mokuba with a cat like grace. Mokuba suddenly wondered when Jounouchi had become so graceful. Gone was that little thuggish bounce he once walked with. Now he was graceful, cat-like and certainly damn sexy. Though Mokuba didn't swing that way he couldn't deny that time had definitely done Jounouchi well. He couldn't help but feel a little jealous that he wasn't yet so cool. He still had his awkwardness to him, like most people of his age. Jounouchi must have been one heck of a lady-killer.
“My, my Jounouchi-kun, you certainly have changed!” Mokuba said as he approached Jounouchi. He made sure to drop the sama and replace it with a kun. Jounouchi didn't need to know that he almost idolized him. Almost.
“It's nice to see you too Mokuba-chan!” Jounouchi said cheerfully. “My, have you gotten tall!” He said as he looked at Mokuba. Mokuba was his height now. “Taking after that tall brother of yours I see.”
Mokuba blushed. Being told that he was growing like his beloved older brother by Jounouchi made him turn red. “Umm…I guess so.” He said as he scratched his head in embarrassment.
The door jingled and Yuugi stuck his head out and smiled. “Mokuba-kun, Jounouchi-kun what are you two doing here?” he asked from behind the door. “Come inside!”
The two followed Yuugi's orders and followed the spiky haired young man inside. They found Yami digging around in some plastic bags in the kitchen. “Yami it's good to see you!” The former Pharaoh turned around to look at the pair and only nudged his head in their direction before going back to digging around in the plastic bags on the kitchen counter. Yuugi smiled at them.
“He's looking for the milk. He's obsessed with milk you know, powdered milk to be exact. He loves it to pieces.” Yuugi said as he gazed over at Yami fondly. Mokuba and Jounouchi had to stop themselves from saying `Awe how cute!!' at the display. “So Jounouchi-kun what are you doing here?”
“I came to get more details about the party.” Jounouchi said as he leaned against the wall. “And I saw this squirt on my way here so I decided that we should just have a chat over at kawaii ole Yuugi's. Talk about killing two birds with stone!” Jounouchi said as he flashed them a grin.
“How about we discuss the party and just chat in the living room?” Yuugi asked as he walked over to Yami. He brushed up against him as he walked past and the pharaoh spun around to hit him with a sultry look. Yuugi gave him a look that Jounouchi didn't think he'd ever see on sweet little Yuugi's innocent face. It was the `You know you want to fuck me' look. Yuugi was a little tease!
Mokuba cleared his throat at the scene. “Yuugi-kun may I have a glass of ice cold water please?”
“Sure Mokuba-kun!” Yuugi said as he moved past Yami again (of course brushing against him) to get a glass for Mokuba. He filled it up with ice cold water and then handed it over to the slowly turning purple Mokuba. Jounouchi fanned himself. The room seemed to be getting really hot all of a sudden. Maybe it had something to do with the heated gaze Yami was giving Yuugi. Yeah it had to be that. “Jounouchi-kun would you also like a glass? You look like you're over-heating.”
“Arigato Yuugi” Jounouchi looked at Mokuba who was gulping down his water. “You'll get brain freeze from gulping it down too fast you know.” Jounouchi said to the raven haired boy. Mokuba finished off his glass only to hold his head in pain. “Stubborn Kaiba!”
“So Jounouchi-kun what is it that you need to know about the party?” Yuugi asked as he handed Jounouchi his glass of water. Yuugi then busied himself with packing away the groceries, stretching to put a box of tea in the cabinet above the stove. His shirt rose as he tipped-toed and Jounouchi and Mokuba stared at the huge love bite on his hip with blushes on their cheeks. Yami gave them a little smug smile as he walked past them.
Jounouchi coughed into his hand a few times before he began. “Well for instance I want to know how on earth the others will make it on such short notice and also who exactly did you invite.”
“Well Jounouchi-kun I kind of told Anzu-chan and Ryou-kun about this a few months ago so they already had booked their flights. Honda-kun doesn't live so far away as they do so it was no problem. He says he has a bone to pick with you Jounouchi-kun.” Yuugi said as he closed the cabinet. He turned to Yami and smiled sweetly. “Mou hitori no boku will you bring some snacks to the living room?” Yami merely nodded his head and then Yuugi led Mokuba and Jounouchi to the living room.
“Ummm…Yuugi-kun is Rebecca coming to the party? I know she leaves Thursday night for America.”
“Ah unfortunately Rebecca-chan couldn't switch her flight. I wish she could have made it though.” Yuugi said as he entered the living room. “I understand you two called it quits Saturday?”
Jounouchi's eyes widened. Mokuba had been with Rebecca? He had to ask about it. “Yo, Mokie-chan, so was she an animal?”
Yuugi turned and gave Jounouchi a glare. Some sweat rolled down his cheek as his mouth twitched. When Yuugi turned away Mokuba quickly whispered in his ear, “Wilder than a tiger.” He winked at Jounouchi and the blond whistled.
“That's my boy!” Jounouchi said as he ruffled Mokuba's hair. Yuugi gave him another glare.
“Anyway as to answer your other question Jounouchi-kun, I invited most of everyone that we met back in Duellist Kingdom and Battle City. I couldn't get into contact with most of everyone from the KC Grand Prix though.”
Jounouchi shuddered. That meant a lot of annoying people would be there. His eyes widened and his body started to tremble. “You didn't invite Pegasus did you Yuugi?” he asked. Mokuba shuddered as well. Pegasus scared the shit out of him.
“Of course I did Jounouchi-kun. He was rather helpful in some of our times of need, I can't forget about him just like that.” Yuugi said as he straightened out some of the cushions on the couch. Jounouchi and Mokuba slouched in disappointment. “Ah but Malik-kun is coming too. All the way from Egypt and he's bringing Bakura's dark side with him too.” Jounouchi and Mokuba shivered even more.
“Y-yuugi, what were you thinking inviting those three to the same party when there will be so many innocent people around?” Jounouchi asked. Not only did he have to deal with seeing Mai and Varon together, he had to see those three psychos too. What torture!
“Yuugi-kun who else is coming?” Mokuba asked.
“Well of course there is Anzu-chan, Honda-kun, Otogi-san, Ryou-san, Mai-san, Varon-san, Pegasus-san, Amelda-san, Haga, Ryuzaki, Malik-san, both you Kaiba's, Jounouchi-kun and Shizuka-san and well that's about all the names I can remember for now.” Yuugi said and then took a deep breath.
Yami finally brought out the snacks and Jounouchi was ever grateful. Just when Mokuba was about to ask Yami a very naughty question concerning Yuugi and that love-bite, his cell phone rang. “Excuse me for a moment Yuugi-kun.” He said as he excused himself from the room. “Moshi, Mokuba speaking!”
“Mokuba I need to ask you a favour.” A deep voice rasped out from his cell phone.
“What is it?”
“I need you to stop by with your bike and come pick me up.”
“Why? Has something happened?” Mokuba asked worriedly.
“How soon can you make it?”
“Oh well maybe in thirty minutes. Where are you?” The voice answered and Mokuba's eyes danced with delight. “Okay I'll be there soon. Did you call a tow truck as yet?”
“What am I, some kind of idiot? Of course I did. They can't make it until three.”
“Don't worry nii-sama, I'll come soon and I'll bring you a surprise too. Ja ne!”
Mokuba shut off his phone and turned around only to bump into Jounouchi who was rushing towards the door. “Ah Jounouchi-kun what's the rush all of a sudden?”
“I just got a call from Yukito-kun my editor, he wants to see me.” Jounouchi smiled sheepishly at Mokuba. “Sorry I couldn't stay longer but he said it was really urgent.”
“Ah it's okay but can you do me a favour?” He stared up at Jounouchi with puppy eyes. “My bike doesn't have much gas left, only so much as to get me back home. Will you pick something up for me?”
“Of course I will. I doubt I'll be that long with Yukito-kun. What is it?”
“Oh you can't miss it! It's a huge red package.” Mokuba said smiling. Oh he was a Kaiba alright, he was just too frigging brilliant for his own good. He couldn't hold back the cat like grin on his face as he continued to give Jounouchi instructions. “I hope I'm no problem to you Jounouchi-kun. I would have gone but my bike…”
“Yeah, yeah I know. It doesn't have enough gas to carry you anywhere but home. No problem really, I'm heading over there so it's no problem.”
“Thanks so much Jounouchi-sama!! I mean Jounouchi-kun!!” Mokuba smiled widely at him and Jounouchi couldn't help but feel that something weird was going to happen and what was with the sama attached to his name just now?
“Ja ne Mokuba-kun!” Jounouchi started to walk off but stopped. “Tell that bastard of a brother of yours I said hello.”
“I will, ja ne Jounouchi-kun!” When Jounouchi walked out of sight, Mokuba broke out into his Cheshire cat grin. “Oh but Jounouchi-kun, you'll be able to tell him for yourself! muwhahahahhahahahaha!!!!”
Kaiba wanted to strangle someone. That certain someone who didn't fill up the gas tank of his brand new red Mercedes Benz, that certain someone who didn't put in the correct oil, yeah he wanted to kill that someone alright.
“Why is Mokuba taking so long?” Kaiba grumbled as he leaned back in his seat. He had called his trouble-maker brother about an hour and half ago and still he was not here. It was embarrassing to have all those fan-girls drive by his car and smile. It was embarrassing to have all those gay guys drive by and blow kisses and it was even more embarrassing that his car stopped in the middle of the highway. He had been speeding down the smooth road, thinking about ripping Jounouchi's clothes off when he finally got his hands on him and then bam! His car started to make strange noises and then it shut down and in the middle of the highway too. He was too embarrassed to call Isono. After he acted like some kind of superior maniac? Hell no!
“Kaiba-san I love you!!” some crazy fan-girl called out from a passing car. He would have left the windows up but it was too hot to do that. Thank God that he had rolled down the windows before the car had totally shut down, he would have been sweating his body off in the car at the moment.
“Damn it Mokuba, get here soon!” He cried as he clutched the steering wheel. This was agony.
Jounouchi cursed as he swerved into the next lane of the highway. He was so late to collect Mokuba's package. Yukito-kun… it was the first time he wanted to hit the gentle boyish man. Yukito had called him out, told him that it was an emergency, acted like if someone was going to die if he hadn't been there in fifteen minutes, all so that Touya's annoying little sister Sakura could meet him in person. This was the first Sakura that he encountered that he didn't really like. She was too sweet and that annoying scowling wolfish boyfriend of hers, yuck! They had held him down in such a useless conversation about his books and how Sakura idolized him and that she wished she could do this and that and someone shoot him already! He hated girls that were so sweet. They were so boring! His female characters in his books were always bad-asses, foul-mouthed and strong. They didn't act like they were supposed to, they acted how they felt, how they truly were.
“God this person is going to kill me.” He said as he swerved into another lane. “Now that I'm thinking about it, why would Mokuba want me to pick up a package in the middle of the highway?” He hadn't really thought about it until now but that was just strange. Who left packages in the middle of highways and why was the person delivering the package going to be surprised to see him and why did…unh! His head started to hurt. Too much confusing information!
“Oh I can see something red up ahead!” Jounouchi said with a smile. As he got closer he realized that the red object was a car, a Mercedes Benz to be exact and what was this strange feeling in his stomach? He pulled up right behind the red Benz and then stopped. He wiped some sweat from his brow and got out of the car. Why was he so anxious all of a sudden? It was just a stupid car, well a really expensive stupid car. But what worried him was the person inside the car. Why in the seven hells did he stop in the middle of the highway? He gulped as he approached the front door.
“Ah hello…um Mokuba-kun asked for me to pick…”
“What in the hell are you doing here makeinu?” Kaiba asked. This was the worst. Why, why, why? Why did his cute little koinu-chan have to see him in his most embarrassing time?
“Kaiba! What the hell?” Jounouchi scowled down at the brunet who was scowling right back at him. “I thought Mokuba said that I was supposed to pick up a huge red package that… the bastard I'm going to kill him!” Jounouchi exploded as he realized the little bugger had tricked him.
`I'm going to kill Mokuba myself when I get my hands on him. So cruel to let Jounouchi see me like this!' Kaiba thought as he tightened his hold on his steering wheel. Both the blond and brunet turned around when they heard loud screams.
“Ah look its Kaiba-san and Jounouchi-sama!” A fan girl cried. A crowd had slowly started to form around the two cars while in the background grumpy men could be heard screaming to get the hell out of the road.
“Kaiba this is bad, if they come any closer…oh man this is bad.” Jounouchi said as he looked around at the scary faces. They looked ready to jump on them and eat them up or worse yet, tie them up and make them wear funny costumes or…he wouldn't even go there.
“Now let me get this straight, Mokuba tricked you into coming to pick me up? Are you even more stupid than I thought you were?” Kaiba asked. He was secretly glad though that Jounouchi had come but Jounouchi didn't know that.
“So this is the way you act after I come to rescue you? And I'm an idiot? Who in the hell stops in the middle of the highway?” Jounouchi shouted back. The fan-girls looked on in awe.
“For your information makeinu, my car stalled, I'm not you.” Kaiba replied.
“Ohh you make me so mad Kaiba! I want to rip you apart.”
“Keep dreaming.”
“Oh my they're fighting! Hey weren't they rivals back when Jounouchi-sama used to duel with Yuugi Mouto-san?” A fan-girl asked another.
“Yeah I remember that time! Jounouchi-sama came fourth in Battle City and second in Duellist Kingdom. He and Yuugi-san are the best of friends and his favourite food is also kare rice. Kaiba-san's favourite food is beef cutlet and he came third in Battle City finals.” You can tell that these fan girls were hardcore.
Kaiba's eyebrows twitched. How the hell did they know his favourite food was beef cutlet? Ah but he learnt Jounouchi's favourite dish so when Jounouchi became his, he would make sure his chef knew to make plenty kare-rice for Jounouchi.
`Kaiba likes beef cutlet? Ah maybe if he wasn't an ass and when hell freezes over (Jounouchi feels that's the only time Kaiba will ask him out) I'll cook him some of my famous beef cutlet!' Jounouchi temporarily went off into a dream world of Kaiba coming home to him and he'd be wearing an apron and Kaiba would kiss him on the cheek and he'd said `Welcome back moneybags! Did you enjoy your day at work? Are you hungry? I cooked you your favourite dish!' Then he would hit Kaiba on his hand with a spoon that magically appeared from no where when Kaiba tried to pinch his butt. Ah such wonderful dreams!!
`What is up with koinu-chan? He looks like he's in total ecstasy!' Kaiba thought as he looked at Jounouchi smile dreamily and clasp his hands together. “Hey bonkotsu, I'd like to get home. Will you stop dreaming about doggy bones and fire hydrants and get us out of here.”
Jounouchi sighed. `Guess he'll always be an asshole!' “Fine, fine, get in my car already. For a guy who wants to get back to work so quickly you sure are taking your cool time!” He stepped out of the way as Kaiba opened his door. Ah this was the best part! Kaiba was going to look all dramatic now!
As expected, a strong gust of wind came out of no where blowing Kaiba's jacket about and slightly tousling his chestnut brown hair. His blue eyes stared at Jounouchi intensely, looking at him and taking in every detail.
`If he doesn't stop looking at me like that, I'll melt into a puddle! Why does he have this effect on my body? Every time he simply glares at me, I swoon like a yaoi-obsessed fan girl!' He watched as Kaiba strode off to his car and then stopped by the front passenger door.
“Well what are you waiting for makeinu? I want to get out of here.” Was it his imagination or was Jounouchi really blushing when he had looked at him just now?
“Right, right! I won't keep Prince charming waiting now will I?” He began to walk off and then he stopped, turning around to regard the crowd of fan girls. The same wind that Kaiba used for his dramatic walk blew his hair about his face. The fan girls sighed dreamily, some even getting nose bleeds. “I hope that you all will support my new book when it comes out next week. I'll be signing books and even giving out hugs and kisses to some lucky fans. Don't miss out. I'm dying to get to know my beautiful, wonderful fans better. I'll see you fine ladies next week then.” With that said, he winked at them and then turned back around to walk to his car.
“We won't miss it for the world Jounouchi-sama!” The fan girls screamed. Some stuffed paper up their noses trying to stop their nose bleeds, some fanned themselves in fear that they would faint, and the ones who fainted, well they just lay on the floor with drool hanging from their mouths.
Kaiba looked at Jounouchi with wide eyes. Since when did he know how to make women swoon? If he remembered quite clearly, Jounouchi couldn't even get a girl to hold a proper conversation with him back in High School, what was with this now?
“Kaiba, hey get in the car would you. I'd like to get out of here before the press comes!” Jounouchi said as he twirled the car keys in his hand, his other hand stuffed in his pocket. He grinned at Kaiba broadly as he opened his door. “After you Kaiba-sama!” He said in a mocking tone.
“Whatever.” Kaiba replied. He climbed into the car and pulled the door shut as Jounouchi made his way to his seat. The blonde climbed into the car and then stuck the keys in the ignition. “Hey Kaiba, what's going to happen to that car huh? It can't stay there in the middle of the highway.”
“I already called the tow truck company. They said that they couldn't make it until three.” Kaiba said in an irritated tone. Really, he should be the one who had to pick Jounouchi up if the blonde's car stalled not how it was now.
“Well what do you know its three o'clock on the dot!” Jounouchi said with a broad smile. They both turned around when they heard a loud screech. “Ah it's the tow truck!”
“No shit Sherlock.” Kaiba said with the roll of his eyes. On the inside he wanted to attach himself to Jounouchi and kiss him silly, spouting lovey things like `When you act so cute koinu-chan, I can't help but touch you!' Then Jounouchi would turn bright pink and start to stutter as he slowly backed away from him. Kaiba turned away from Jounouchi and smiled a lecherous smile. `When I make you mine Jounouchi, you won't be able to walk for a month. I'll f…'
“Kaiba, hey Kaiba! Don't you think you should pay the towing company? What's with that idiotic expression on you face?” Jounouchi leaned over to look at Kaiba's face closely. He blinked cutely at Kaiba, who was staring at him like he was some kind of monster fox or something. “Kaiba you definitely were thinking something naughty just now weren't you?” Jounouchi asked, his face just a few inches from Kaiba's. Kaiba started to sweat.
`What startlingly pretty eyes he has. Does he even know how pretty he is? Sticking his face so close to mine, I can see everything clearly now. Those soft little peach lips, the nearly perfect skin, damn it and those pretty eyes. He's trying to give me a heart attack.' Kaiba thought as he looked at Jounouchi some more. There was a sharp knock on Jounouchi's window and the blonde spun around to turn down his glass, breaking his spell over Kaiba.
“Hey which one of you is Kiba Seto?” A dirty looking man asked. His eyes widened when Kaiba's face came into view.
“That would be me and it's Kaiba Seto.” Kaiba said in an annoyed voice.
“Oh my! Kaiba-san we're very sorry we took so long. If we knew it was you we would have come as soon as you called.” The man said quickly as he started to sweat and fidget under Kaiba's intense stare.
“Whatever, how much is it? I don't have all day.” Jounouchi looked on at the display. Kaiba had so much power over people. It was remarkable.
“Umm…f-five...” He didn't even finish his sentence, Kaiba handed him two thousand yen. “b-but that's way too…” Kaiba handed him three more thousand dollar bills.
“I want you to deliver this car to the Kaiba mansion in Tokyo. Please deliver this car there in half an hour. Thank you.” Kaiba said curtly. The man stared at him open mouthed for a few seconds before nodding his head and rushing off to hook Kaiba's car up to take it away. “I'd like to get back to Kaiba Corp today you know loser dog.”
“Jeez, you speak to me like I'm dirt Kaiba. Don't you think you can act more mature?” Jounouchi snapped back angrily. He really hated it that Kaiba still couldn't acknowledge him as an equal now. He had a job, he was successful and he had grown up. `Why can't you see that Kaiba? I've tried so hard to get you to acknowledge me, but it seems though that it's not enough. What do I have to do?' Jounouchi asked himself as he sped off. He clutched the steering wheel tightly.
Kaiba remained quiet. He really didn't think that Jounouchi was scum, he just was accustomed to calling him names. That was the only thing he felt comfortable saying to Jounouchi, because he was so nervous around him.
No one said anything for about ten minutes until Jounouchi couldn't take the silence anymore. “So Kaiba are you coming to Yuugi's party?”
“What's it to you?” Kaiba replied. He knew Jounouchi was uncomfortable around him now. He wanted to kick himself in the ass if it were possible. `This is not the way to win his affection! Must act polite'
“Well it appears that my schedule is free. I might make an appearance for Mokuba's sake.” `I'm really going to see you Jounouchi.' He thought to himself.
“Ah the poor kid must have been nagging you huh? He's a good brother, that Mokuba. He just wants you to socialize more that's all.” Jounouchi said with a small smile. “So umm…well…that is…are you bringing anyone?” Jounouchi asked and then turned red.
`Why is he interested in that?' Kaiba asked himself. `Why is he blushing like that too? What's so embarrassing about that question?' “No.” He replied. `But I really wish I could take you as my partner.'
“Oh” was all Jounouchi said. `Of course he's not going to bring his lover to everyone's attention.' Jounouchi thought with the shake of his head.
“Are you bringing anyone Jounouchi?” Kaiba asked. `Because I'd really like to get closer to you and if you bring someone they'd get in the way.'
“Huh?” Jounouchi asked. His face was bright pink. First off, Kaiba asked him if he was bringing someone, second, he called him by his name, third, he called him by his name!! “Well I'm not in a relationship now, so I can't bring anyone to the party with me.”
Kaiba sighed in relief. “So why is that?”
“Why is what?”
“Why haven't you been in a relationship?” Kaiba asked. He really wanted to know himself. Why hadn't someone latched onto Jounouchi again?
“Woah Kaiba, that's a personal question you're asking there.”
“So it is, answer the question Jounouchi.”
“I don't see why it is you're so interested in that.” Jounouchi scowled to himself. Suddenly Kaiba's attitude was changing. He was calling him by his name, he was speaking to him in a normal tone of voice. What was with him all of a sudden?
“You're dodging the question Katsuya.” Kaiba said with a smirk. Suddenly the car lurched forward. Jounouchi had stepped down on the brakes.
“What did you just call me?” Jounouchi asked breathlessly. He knew he heard Kaiba say his first name. He couldn't believe it.
“Katsuya. Isn't that your name? Just answer the question Katsuya.”
Jounouchi shivered. The way Kaiba said his name, the way it rolled off his tongue. It sounded almost like it was Kaiba's most precious word. “I…didn't want to be with anyone.” He said slowly.
“Why didn't you want to be with anyone Katsuya?”
`Because I wanted to be with you Seto.' Jounouchi said to himself. “I…because…hey what's with the twenty-one questions? You think you're that rapper fifty cent or something?” Jounouchi asked flustered. The way Kaiba asked these things, it sounded like he was interested in Jounouchi. It made Jounouchi's heart beat fast because Kaiba was asking him in such a voice.
“You're dodging the question again Katsuya.” Kaiba said in a teasing voice.
“Because…well there is someone that I like, someone precious to me that I truly want to be with.” Jounouchi answered truthfully. He shyly looked at Kaiba and then turned away quickly when their eyes met.
Kaiba smiled because somehow, he knew that Jounouchi was talking about him. Somehow when Jounouchi had just said that line, his heart had eased its erratic beating. His heart knew that Jounouchi liked him. He didn't know why he hadn't noticed it before. Jounouchi…he liked him in return. Kaiba smiled. He truly smiled. How hadn't he noticed this before? The last years of High School together had been full of awkward moments, full of moments of Jounouchi turning bright red if they physically fought. The way he would look at him. He should have known.
“Someone precious huh? Who would have known that the mutt could feel such feelings? Guess this little puppy has finally become a full grown dog huh?” Kaiba teased. He actually laughed when Jounouchi's face crunched up in embarrassment.
“Why do you have to tease me so Kaiba? You're so mean. Uwuaa!” Jounouchi pretended to cry, before he looked up at Kaiba and grinned. They stared at each other intently, both looking back at each other with eyes so full of emotions. Kaiba's blue eyes pierced into Jounouchi's, his eyes full of longing. Jounouchi looked away for a split second then looked back again. He blushed. “Why are you looking at me like that Kaiba?” Jounouchi asked and looked down at his lap for a moment. His hands that were clutching the steering wheel were shaking slightly. `I'd like to know why you're looking at me like that. Like you want to be with me or something.'
“Like what Katsuya? How am I supposed to know what expression is on my face?” Kaiba asked.
“Well when someone is thinking about something, their face usually has a look to it. Like if you're thinking about your stocks dropping, you'll frown won't you? That's what I mean.”
“So what you truly want to know is what I'm thinking right?” Kaiba knew that soon Jounouchi wouldn't be able to take anymore of his questions. After all, he was answering Jounouchi's questions with questions of his own.
“Yes, what are you thinking to have such an expression on your face.”
“I guess you'll just have to think about some more won't you Jounouchi Katsuya?” Kaiba said before opening his door.
“Hey where are you going? Answer the question!!” Jounouchi grabbed Kaiba's hand without thinking. He turned bright red. `His hand, his skin is so warm and soft. Somehow I always thought that Kaiba would feel cold to the touch.'
“Well we are in front of Kaiba Corp you know, plus maybe I'll give you a reason at Yuugi's party. See you there then Jounouchi.” He tugged his hand away from Jounouchi and then climbed out of the car. He closed the door and leaned down to look at Jounouchi through the rolled down glass. “Maybe if you can use your brain just a little bit koinu, you just might figure it out before Saturday night.” He smiled (yes he actually smiled) at Jounouchi, who looked on at him dumbfounded and then turned to walk off.
Jounouchi stared after him in awe. `Kaiba you're confusing me and did he just call me puppy?' He asked himself. “He just called me puppy!!” He said with a smile. He clutched the steering wheel tightly and shouted “He called me puppy!!!” loudly. People who were passing by his car nearly jumped out of their skin.
Kaiba, who was ascending the stairs to Kaiba Corp smiled.
“Jounouchi after Saturday night, you will belong to me.” He said and then chuckled darkly.
You will be mine for the taking and I'll never let you go!
A/N: Well well, it's been a long time ne? (ducks as many different objects are chucked at her) I'm really sorry for taking so long to update. I got a job at the local library and it's so damn tiring. Pack the books back, check in the new books, send those books to fix, something's wrong with the barcode, jeez I want to burn anymore books that I come across!(yet she still goes into book stores and drools all over the place) Well at least I'm getting some money now and I've bought a lot of manga for myself!
Kuroi-san is currently obsessed with Naruto. I love to analyze that show. Break it down, look at the characters individually, try to figure out everyone's dreams and whose is strongest (random voice: yeah she's a literature freak). So far Naruto's dream is the strongest of any anime character that I've come across. But it makes me wonder, what is Yuugi's dream? He doesn't seem to have a goal or anything, well at least a permanent one like Naruto.
But when I think about it, that is some of the reason why Yuugi-oh is a weak show. The characters don't seem to have strong enough dreams(goals) that they want to achieve. If a character doesn't have a dream, then that character is worth nothing. Trust me, write a story where the character has no dream and it won't be worth much. And too, look at Anzu. She dreams of moving to America to become a successful dancer right? Yet I haven't seen her(this is the sucky dub I'm talking about here. I'm sure my opinions will change drastically when I see the sub) working hard to achieve anything. You might say I'm picking on Anzu but isn't it true what I say? They haven't shown her practicing her dance moves a lot. It makes you wonder if her dream means anything to her huh? The only person who I can say dream is the strongest so far is Jounouchi's. I think his dream of wanting to become a great duellist (and in a way, getting people to acknowledge him) is the best on the show so far. In a way, he and Naruto are alike. Both blond, both try their hardest, both incredibly cute and both incredibly goofy. Please don't tell me any nonsense about Yuugi-oh's theme being friendship either. No matter the theme, the characters must have some kind of goal/dream they wish to achieve.
Ah but thanks for all those reviews!! Ah someone told me last chapter or maybe last two chapters ago, to go buy the manga. Well that was kind of rude you know! And by the way, they don't sell Yuugi-oh manga in my country. Stop assuming that everyone has access to manga like the rest of you!( random voice: she's jealous!) You lucky ones, who have access to even Yaoi manga are so lucky! My country won't be selling any yaoi manga for a few years!!
Well see you next chapter and oh, before I forget. Soon I'll be posting a Naruto fic. SasuNaru of course with some KakaIru on the side. It's a humorous shounen-ai fic. So if you're interested, look out for it! Oh and if you want to ask any questions about anything(except very personal ones) please email me if you'd like. Bye for now!!