Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Journals ❯ Christmas? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Insanity Gurl: To be quite honest with you all I thought that last Journal story wasn't that great so I'm redoing it, and I'll "try" and make it funnier and more random then before! Also I'm sorry for all the late updates and everything but life really does slow you down and I guess my life's been slowed down completely! -_- That's of anyone actually cares…What's the bet half the people don't even read this… *Sighs* Well anyway. Yeah.

Warnings: Yaoi, Mentions of Cruelty to animals (Don't get me wrong I love animals), Heavy Swearing, Tea bashing (Why would that be a warning?)

Pairings: BakuraxYami MarikxMalikxRyou YugixAnzu YugixJou

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh… You would know if I did. Tea would be bashed every episode.


((Yami to hikari))

(Hikari to Yami)


~~ Switching from journal to POV

Let's start The Fic!


Bakura's POV

Have found dusty book under hikari's bed. Seems not to be in use so will use for personal issues and dealing with problems. What did the therapist say it was called…? Ah that's right. A journal. Don't see why hikari took me to therapy. Am clearly perfect in every way.

Enough about idiotic hikari. Have only just been warned about new baka holiday. Christmas. Hikari said presents and lots of food was involved so am sort of looking forward. Also heard that runt and all his gang are tagging along, for party Ryou is planning. Can't *wait* till they visit. Was the sarcasm that easy to sense? Damn.

Heard pharaoh is going to be there too. Have been having lots of dreams about pharaoh lately. Mostly all disturbing for the mortal's ever to understand. Peh.

Wondering what to get hikari for Christmas. Am not panicking about him so much as pharaoh. I cannot give him anything too easy for him to guess I like him.

I wonder if pharaoh knows about Christmas. Or any of the other Yamis? Will ring Yugi straight away for suggestions for Christmas presents. He's good at that… kind of stuff.


I drag my body down the stairs careful not to slip from my large pajamas. I glance at the clock on the wall and grunt. Seven thirty five o'clock. Fuck the runt he can wake up now.

I rub my eyes wondering where my weaker half has disappeared.

`Ah he's never home anymore. Probably off to fuck Marik and Malik again' a small smirk creeps along my lips as I reach for the phone book and flick through the pages.

I snatch the phone from its receiver and let out a large yawn before dialing the correct numbers to Yugi's home.

I tap my foot impatiently listening the sounding of the phone ring. That irritating ringing, burns in my ear and I snort waiting for an answer.

"Mutou Residence, Yami speaking" I glare at the phone. Ra damned thing.

Before I have any control over what I'm saying I scream,

"What the fuck?! Pharaoh?! I dialed for Yugi's number!"

"And how is that my problem tomb robber?" I hear him growl back followed by a short yawn. I just roll my eyes. Typical pharaoh. His comebacks were never really the best.

"Hang up and I'll try again." With that he hangs up, and I do too. I glare at the phone hoping this time it will do as I say. I fucken hate these modern day inventions.

Dialing Yugi's number again I wait but not as long as the first.



"…Can't you get anything right Bakura?!"

I would shout at him immensely but would I really waste my time? I didn't think so.

Again just before I say something, a smart reply most likely I hear the other phone turn off.

`What the fuck?! The bastard hanged up on me!'

Irritated I dial the previous number again and growl my foot tapping faster than before.

"Hello?" That same annoying voice.

"You didn't say goodbye asshole!" I shout into the phone. He doesn't reply. Hopefully his eardrums are bleeding. Wait no. Damn.

"Just leave me alone Bakura, isn't that simple?" he mumbles through the receiver. Well… it is quite hard when I want to hear his voice in my head. So I think up something. Ah what the heck I'll just ask him for some ideas.

"Pharaoh. Since I can't get hold of your hikari, maybe you can be of assistance to me…" I say the motion on my foot tapping reducing.

I could hear a choking noise on the other line.

"You want my help-!"

"NO! I merely require you're assistance…" I hastily say before he gets any ideas. That would be the last I would need!

"Ooh yeah? What for…?" I could hear a slight interest from his voice tone as I sit down at the bench counter.

"This Christmas tradition Ryou has told me about. I have no idea-!"

"You too?! We're in the same boat Bakura! I don't know what to get anyone!"

"What the? Get the fuck out of my boat pharaoh!" I hiss hotly as I hear Yami snicker. He'd better not be laughing at me. I'm currently tapping my finger on the counter gritting my teeth as Yami's snickering reduces. Good.

"Jeez Bakura maybe we should go shopping together…" I hear him say, waiting for him to add a try hard smart comment after so that I can do an even better insult.

Surprisingly he doesn't… Must be sick.

"Fine. Where shall I meet you?" I grunt trying to not show any happiness that might be brewing inside of me.

"At the mall at twelve, ok?"

"Peh" I respond with my usual answer. Not too many people knew if it was a yes or no. Not even I do…

"Great! See you then!" with that I hear a switch and then the low continuous ringing appear again. I sigh running my hand through my hair as I stagger up the staircase deciding to fall back to sleep before I get dragged about the place from pharaoh again. Sigh, life's never easy yet whoever said it was?


Dear useless mortal book.

Have just been invited to go with pharaoh out today at twelve for shopping. Not big shopping fan. Will not mind with pharaoh being there though. Although cannot buy anything for pharaoh while shopping with him. Am good liar but pharaoh senses it so can't lie bout present.

Will now sleep so I get beauty sleep. Nothing could beat my uttermost handsome looks but just want to look extra special.


Insanity Gurl: Sorry for all the late updates but I guess school is just such a worry. >.> Pain in the ass if you ask me. Any who I'll quit complaining about myself and head straight to the point!


Please. *Smiles sweetly*