Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Journals ❯ Shopping With The Yamis ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Insanity Gurl: Hwello! I'm back, and with another chappie. Thank you all for the reviews! I was going to update sooner buuuuuut... my comp had to be restarted so I lost the nearly finished chappie. *Sniffs and gives cookies to reviewers* but anyway! I will start straight away!

*Crunches on cookie*

I'm too lazy to write out the disclaimer so read the first chappie for that. XP


Yamis POV

Well, I'm standing outside the mall, and Bakura still hasn't showed up. He's half an hour late, either he's trying to be fashionably late, or he's sitting at home laughing his head off at me for ever thinking that us two would go shopping together.

Sigh, knowing him he's at home, while I'm stuck here in these freezing temperatures. Why did Christmas have to be so damn cold?!

I tug at the scarf draped along my neck, and tighten it grumbling to myself. If he doesn't show up in the next five minutes I'm going home.

Deciding to amuse myself for the meantime, I'll pace about the mall, just to check that he's not spying on me.

I'm still wondering about what Marik said to me. He told me that Bakura, had a crush on me and he just cracked up laughing after he said it. I doubt it's true. He'd probably just want to see my reaction to him telling me that. Meh. Like I'd believe that rubbish.

"Stupid Bakura..." I mutter to myself, growling lightly gripping my scarf tighter.

How could I ever think that Bakura would come shopping...with ME of all people. Well I guess I just wanted to see if it was true that Bakura liked me. Meh, that'll be the day. Stupid baka probably doesn't even have feelings.

I stuff my hands in my jacket's pockets, and let out a small sigh. I guess he's not showing up. So deciding that, I might as well walk home.

Just with that final thought, I walk from underneath the shelter of the mall entrance and walk around the side of the building.

'What was I thinking... sigh.' With the thought, I was cut off by a curse, followed by a couple of growls as I raise my head from the ground staring at Bakura who'd finally decided to show up. A small smile brushed along my lips, as I race over to him placing my hands on my waist.

"What the hell took you so long?!" I shout, giving him a narrow cold glare as he raises a brow and glares back.

"Oh that's a funny one pharaoh. I was the late one..." I grit my teeth, growling as I do and he smirks. As it finally hits me.

"Bakura... Where did you just come from?" I turn around biting my lip, as he walks up next to me, lifting his head high as though he was king. Jerk.

"From the entrance to the mall back there" I slap my hand on my head, muttering a few curses to myself and sigh.

"No wonder we couldn't find each other- "

"All your fault pharaoh" he cuts me off and we both enter the mall as I snort.

"My fault?! You're in this just as much as me..." I say, slipping my wallet out of my pocket and trace my fingers over the cash loads of money Yugi's Grandpa gave me, for not bragging to Kaiba about winning. I took great amount of strength but I managed it.

"Yes well you didn't tell me where to meet you so…" A sly grin perches itself over those mocking lips of his as I growl somewhat annoyed and reply.

"Well you didn't exactly ask so…-

"Shut up" I smirk at his comment, as I have obviously won… again.

I decide to change the subject, to get on Bakura's better side as he's standing there glaring at an innocent couple.

"Hey Bakura, Why don't we start looking for the gifts? I mean, there's no reason just to stand around here…" I look at him, willing to do anything for him to agree to something I say. Ok…Maybe not everything but most stuff anyway.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever pharaoh."

"Good! Ok, now we should both look for presents at the same time for the same people right?"


"Ok, so who are the people we need to get the presents for… Hmm… well, there's Yugi, Ryou, Jou, Honda, Malik, Marik, Mokuba and Kaiba right?" I say, as we continue to stroll through the mall, gazing through every shop.

"What about friendship bitch?" I can't help but snicker at Anzu's nickname, as Bakura shrugs it off as though it was nothing.

"Well I guess she won't mind if we somehow forget about her…" I grin evilly, which is extremely odd for even a Yami like me. Damn psychotic bastard is rubbing off onto me.

He just smirks back, whipping his wallet out nodding,

"Right, so who's first?"


It's been almost 4 hours and Bakura and I are both carrying roughly about 5 bags full of presents! My arms are practically falling off.

I groan loudly, as Bakura shoots me a glare. I think he's had enough of me for one day. And although I hate the guy, I kind of enjoyed today. Hey, beats sitting at home receiving `duel me' emails from Kaiba.

Also, Bakura and I have agreed that we are going to walk home together NOT because we want to, just incase one of us gets our Hikari to pick us up, so the other Yami can be dropped off home. If that makes any sense at all…

We also agreed to have a 20-minute look around for each other, so that went rather well…

"So Bakura, what did you get for me?" I lick my lips leaning over attempting to take a peek in his shopping bag, as he snatches it back.

"You'll just have to wait and see pharaoh. But like always mine will be better…" I grunt and roll my eyes, watching him smirk.

We cross the road, finally reaching Bakura's house as I help myself inside and dump all the shopping bags on the cough, collapsing down next to them.

I close my eyes, sighing deeply and run my hand along my forehead. Whoever knew that shopping could be so hard? I don't see how girls can put up with that all day.

I open one eye to observe what's around me, only to find Ryou and aibou fussing over what to do for decorations.

I guess that's me for today, I'd better get home and do my daily Journal on how well things went today.


Insanity Gurl: AH! I know this one sucked, but err…it wasn't my fault!! SORRY!! I'll make the next one better, and longer… <3 Please don't flame either!!

Thank you!!