Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaeroeke at Seto's House ❯ And it begins.....(default) ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kareoke Night

Ok everyone! This is my first time writing a YuGiOh fanfic, so go easy on me k? ^_^

Anyways, the setting for this fic is Seto's having a party to celebrate Joey and him getting engaged, the twist though, is it's a kareoke party ^_^! YAY! Hehe, I love kareoke fics........^_^;

Bishie's and provocative dancing abound! Sooooo....on wit' da fic!

Kai: *appears* She don't own nothin' got it? If she did each episode of YuGiOh would be full of yaoi ^_^ so.......ya, enjoy!

hikari to yami and Joey to Seto: /blah/

yami to hikari and Seto to Joey: /Blah/

Kareoke Night ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

*Phone rings* "Hello, Motou residents, Yugi speaking." "Hello Yugi, it's me, Seto. I'm throwing a party in honour of Joey and mines engagement and was wondering if you and Yami could attend?" Yugi,"Sounds like fun! I'll ask Yami." "YAMI!" "Yes aibou?" "Seto's throwing a big party and was wondering if we wanted to come, what do you say?" *Yami slips his arms around Yugi's waist* "Whatever you want to do Yugi." *blushing* "Hehe.....yes we'll be there Seto, what time?" "8pm, most likely all night." "Should we bring anything?" "It's gonna be kareoke....use your imagination......well, see you then! Bye!" "Bye Kaiba."

~Seto and Joey then proceed to call up Ryou, Bakura, Malik and Marik~

~*~*At Seto's house*~*~

"Alright everybody here?"

Jou,"Yep everybody's accounted for! Let's PARTY!!!"

"Now, now puppy, don't get ahead of your master, I may have to punish you........."

"Aw Set.....I've been a really bad puppy..........*grins slyly*"

Marik," As much as we would enjoy watching you two for the next 3 hours, the party hasn't even started yet so get a grip will ya!"

Seto+Joey, *blush furiously*

"Yes...well.....erm....*ahem* on to the party room then!"

"Smooth Set......real smooth."

"Quite mutt, or you'll be sleeping in the dog house tonight...."

Joey, "Ok! geez......."

*They walk down the hall to the party room Seto and Joey had designed and had built just for such occasions*

Bakura, "By Ra! You guys went all out for this place didn't you?"

"Yes, Joey and I made sure every detail was to our liking."

"Well....in that case, let's get this party started!!!" Everybody was surprised to find that none other than Ryou had been the source of that remark, "Yeah! That's my hikari! Come on everybody you heard him! Let's get- it-on-!!!"

Seto, "AHEM....in that case, I would like to draw your attention to the stage we will be performing on........" ~Seto snaps his fingures lights turn on revealing a huge stage with giant speakers a pair of microphones, numerous lights, and of course, a pair of poles~ Malik was the first to speak out of all the gawking people. "WHOO! We're gonna have some fun tonight!!!" Everyone agrees. Seto, "Now, who shall go first?" Surprisingly it was Yugi who piped up first, "I will!" //Aibou....?// /Don't worry Yami.....I plan to make tonight one to remember...../ His tone is sly even through their mind link. Yami just stares at his supposedly 'innocent' little hikari......wondering what he's up to......//Yugi what are you thinking of.........?// /You'll see Yami......you'll see........./

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

Sarah: Sorry guys! I promise next chappie the kareoke shall start! ^_______^

Kai: *is polishing his beyblade* You better update fast.....people get cranky when left like this....including you.

Sarah: I know.......I shall update soon though! yep yep ^_^ k, well.....review please! Thanx in advance!

(P.s. I know the ratings high for what's up at the moment, but it'll involve lotsa dirty dancing soon enough so just to be safe ^_~)