Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaeroeke at Seto's House ❯ Your one in a million... ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sarah: Ok peep's!!! I am SO SORRY about the wait!!! Kai: *ahem*
Sarah: Yes....well enough about that ^_^
Kai: *rolls eyes* well aren't you going to thank the reviewers...?They waited this long......
Sarah: I'm getting there!!! I'd like to thank all the awesome people who didn't run away within the first few lines of my fic and reviewed^_^
Kai: I'm telling ya, it's not THAT bad.........
Sarah: Thank you then ^_^
Anywayz, you peep's waited long enough! So on wit' da fic!!!
Kai: Finally....
Sarah: Be quite >_>
Kai: Fine...oh yeah, she doesn't own anything k? K? k ^_^


Last time, Malik was the one who got up on stage and sang! YAY!
Who'll be next......?

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~< /div>

~Seto's POV~

After Malik's performance, it got me thinking that perhap's it was time I sang. So as soon as Joey asked who was going next, I decided to throw the puppy a bone, "I'll be going next Joey-kun." As I said that you could practically see his eye's light up out of excitement...seem's he'd been just waiting for me to say those few words..well....he won't be disappointed. I told the staff which song I was to sing, I'd had it in my head for days.....yes, I know, sad, but I wanted to make sure I had a good one. Truth be told I'd spent 3 days searching for the right song....I eventually settled on one I heard Mokuba singing in the shower.....pathetic? Yes, but I got my song. It's called 'One in a Million' by Aliyah. Anyway....now onto my clothes.
I picked out a pair of black leather pants with a blue dragon coiled around each leg, also a deep blue dress shirt, silk of course, Joey get's rather excited over silk......ANYWAY this shirt also had to black dragons draped across the front, coiled into a heart shape. I decided not to do something TO seductive.........just because I don't want to make Joey feel he should've done more. Soooooooo......here it goes!

~Joey's POV~

I can't WAIT to see Seto's performance....I mean, if you've never heard him, take my word for it, that boy can SING. The light's are dimming now, guess he's going to start!

~General POV~

Seto walked out to the center of the darkened stage, his back to the crowd and microphone in both hands, and began to sing in a silky voice slightly higher than usual, yet still strong.

"Your one in a million....o-oh.....Your one in a million....o-oh......."
He then turn around to face the audience, the lights turning on to expose the dragons on his silk apparel.
"Sometimes love can hit you everyday, sometimes you can fall for ev-ryone you see. But only one can really make me stay, a sign, from the sky, sent to meeeeeee...." at this he raised his hand to gesture to the sky yet also in Joey direction, "'Cause your one in a million, once in a life time, you helped me discover what love was about.....yeah, your one in a million, once in a life time, you made me discover what lies in the heaven's above us." He then stared directly at Joey whilest walking down the catwalk, not to fast, but not to slow. "I've been looking for that special one, I've been searching for someone to give my love........Just when I thought that all my hope wall gone,I smiled, there you were and I was goooooooooone." He then grasped the microphone firmly with one hand and used his other to grab a nearby pole lean against it as if recalling a fond memory he then proceeded to cast his gaze in Joey's direction. "I'll always remember how I felt that day, a feeling indescribable to me, yeeeaaaah. Always new there was an answer for my prair, and you, your the one, the one for meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!......" then jumping away from the pole and walking down the catwalk part of the stage rather quickly, "Hey, your one in a million, once in a lifetime, you helped me discover what lies far above us. Your one in a million, yeah once in a life time, you helped me discover what love is about." a musical interlude gives Seto the opportunity to sit down on the steps in just a way that drove Joey crazy, one leg bent, the other out strait,leaning on one arm, whilest holding the microphone in one hand and staring longingly at the ceiling, he then began to sing again, "One in a million yeah once in a lifetime, you helped me discover what lies far above us.....your one in a million, yeah once in a lifetime, helped me discover what lies far above us......" Then turning his head quickly to Joeysinging in a faster pace, "In the beginning everything was cool yet nothing was possible, tried to catch me but it wasn't plausable, no-one could have me, it was my game until I met you baby and nothing was the same. From that moment I wanted you, because the funny thing about it is I liked the show, I like it when it's difficult, I like it when it's hard, but you know it's worth it that you find your heart! Yeah find your heeeeeaaaaart!" Now walking towards Joey, looking hime up and down and pointing to him, "Your one in a million, yeah once in a life time, you helped me descover what lies far above us. 'Cause your one in a million, yeah, once in a lifetime, you helped me discover what love is about...." The was a musical interlude so, now close to Joey, Seto tilted Joey's chin up to see him, then in a soft voice, "Come now Joeseph, let me see those puppy dog eyes......." Joey looked up, starry eyed at the usually cold CEO, the song then started again, and Seto sang out the last lines. "Your one in a million......o-oh....ooooooo.....your one in a millioooooooon..........." dragging out the last word with all the love he had, then ending and smiling down at a still starry-eyed Joey.
"How did you like it my koi.....?" Joey then finally snapped out of his daze "Seto......dat was.....amazing......when do you ever have time to sing?" Seto replied with a small grin, "You complaining puppy?" Joey, looking slightly startled, "Oh! no, not at all.....but I do have something to take care of so erm.....excuse me....." "I'll come with you....." said Seto suggestively, "in case you need any......help......" they both then headed in the general direction of the bathroom, when Malik piped up, "I would advise against anybody going near there until they come back......" Yami, "Good point........" then through his mind link,

//What's taking you Yugi...?// Yugi then replied quickly /I need alot of preparation!!! You know how much stuff Kaiba's got back here???/ //.......well do hurry....I'm getting quite anxious and it annoys me......// /I'll be out soon......oh, and I believe you'll be going after me won't you....?/ //If I must......can I not just watch you....? We could go home after.......there's some whipped cream in the fridge I hear.......// /Yami, really *rolls eyes*/ //What?// he said trying to sound innocent, and failing. /Not now! and yes, you must perform...../ //But why? I never did this before.....not even for ceremonies in Egypt....I refuse to.....but that whipped cream.......// He then sends Yugi a picture through the mind link, /YAMI!!! I don't wanna be all wound up before the show.......knock it off! If you won't perform by choice, then will you do it for me....?/ //Ok.....for you aibou........// /Thank you so much Yami-kun! Just for that, if you like, perhaps we can expiriment with that whipped cream...although I saw some chocolate sauce to....*sends an image to Yami*/ //.........well then! Better think of a song to sing!// Just then Bakura spoke up, "So who'll be going next around here.........?"

Sarah: Yep yep ^_^ Another chappie up FINALLY!!!
Kai: *waves small flag*
Sarah: Oh will you perk up already....?
Kai: I would........but you see with the power out and all I couldn't practice my 'blading inside.......so I'm slightly miffed at that *sniffs decisivly*
Sarah: Aaaaaaw! *huggles Kai*
Kai: ^_^U erm....thanks.....anyway *slightly red* please review!!!

Sarah: Hehe ^_^ Like he said, please review! Ja ne!