Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaeroeke at Seto's House ❯ All in the eye's of a boy.... ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sarah: Hey people! Sorry I took so long to write this, I had a test or quiz everyday this week!!!
Kai: *walks in*
Sarah: Your late! Where were you anyway???
Kai: I was sleeping!!! It's 4:30am!!!!
Sarah: erm......*sweatdrops* sorry ^_^U

Kai: Just don't write so early next time k?

Sarah: Oh fine........
Kai: Good.
Sarah: Well are you awake enough to do the disclaimers...?

Kai: Of course *rolls eyes*
Sarah: Good ^_____^
Kai: She owns nothing.....absolutely.....*yawn* nothing......ok?

Ok.....*goes to sleep on nearby couch*
Sarah: So then.....on with the fic!!!!

yami-hikari //blah//
hikari-yami /blah/

Last time we had Bakura, with Ryou's help mind you, sing ^_^! Let's see who'll be next hmm? Read on!!!

P.s. It's yaoi......so if you haven't figured that by now......yeah.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~

~Yami's POV~

Yugi was sitting next to me at the moment as the staff had to get the stuff ready for his performance, so naturally he was commenting how cute Bakura's song was (he'd just came in near the end), which got me thinking.......I'd heard a song once, 'A new day' by someone named Celine Dion, I'd been trying to recall the words all night without success, but fianlly I did. It seemed just so perfect to sing, and I figured that I might as well go ahead and sing now, I mean, Yugi's hear, Marik doesn't seem to want to sing.....he's erm....occupied with his hikari........so what the hell?

/Yugi?/ I say, //Yes Yami?// /Ummm.....I was wondering....../ //Yes....?// I'm slightly apprehensive to tell him, I mean what if he laughs at me? /Would you mind if I sang next?/ Yugi stares blankly at me for a moment, then he gives me a hug and says in an excited tone, "That would be great Yami!!! I've always wanted to here you sing!!!!" I'm just more than slightly pleased and shocked at this, and I must have been showing it as Yugi had to snap me out of it.
"Thank you Yugi, you won't regret it I promise." I say smiling down at his beaming face. "Kaiba! I believe I'd like to go next if that's alright." I say, Kaiba says it's fine, so I tell him my song and go back stage, taking Yugi with me.

"Why am I back here to Yami?" Yugi asked quizzically, "You'll see Yugi, just do as I say alright aibou?" I answer softly.
At this we get to the business of wardrobe.....a difficult thing with all the stuff to choose from. "Geez, Kaiba has to much stuff....." commented Yugi from behind a rack of clothes. In the end though, we decided to follow suit with each of us choosing a slightly blue-white silk dress shirt and flowing black dress-pants, keeping the black ankle-boots we were wearing(A/N:Always thought they'd look really hot like that....). Yugi left 2 buttons undone of his shirt, as did I, making sure that the cuffs were undone, and letting the collar fall gently around my neck.

"So what do you need me to do Yami?" inquired Yugi while he did up the last few buttons on his shirt. "Well my koi, I need you to go out on stage and sit on that stool there in the middle ok?" I tell him, "Ok Yami! Anything else?" he ask's looking rather anxious, "No, just sit there and wait Yugi, I'll do the rest." with this he gave me a quick kiss and ran off to get in position.

"Alright. Here goes nothing." I say to myself as the candle-lit stage dims and the I'm given the signal to start.


Quick note: Since there are 2 people singing at times this is how it will work, Yami singing 'lalalala'
Yugi singing ''lalalala'' together (if ever nescessary) #lalalala#

K? k ^_^! On wit' da fic!


~General POV~

The music started and 2 darkened figures could be seen on the candle-lit stage, when the smaller one started to sing along to the

intro in a very soft voice.......

"A new, day, has, come........a new day, has, come...." Then the taller of the two came into the light and sang in a sweet yet powerful voice, 'I was waiting for sooooo long.....for a miracle to come.' 'Everybody told me tooooo, be strong. Hold strong, and don't shed a tear....." he sang with all his heart as he came closer and closer to where the small tri-haired boy sat, 'through the darkness and good times, I new I'd make it riiiight. oooooooooooh....' 'and when I thought I had, it all, but I, was, waiting for you....' Yugi then sang backup along with Yami, "Hush, now...." sang the little one whilest looking starry eyed at Yami, 'I see the light in the sky....' sang Yami, looking to the sky and shielding his eyes as if from the sun, 'Oh,it's almost blinding me....I can't believe, I've been touched by an angel with loooove.....' he sang putting his hand upon Yugi's angelic face who pressed his own hand to Yami's, who then pulled away and resumed a powerful stance, holding the microphone in one hand whilest holding the other out in a gesture of acceptance, tilted his head to the sky once again, and began to sing.....'Let the rain come down and wash away, my tears, let it fill my soul and drown my feeeeeeaaars.....' then casting his gaze to the side, 'Let it shatter the walls for a ne-ew sun...' this is when Yugi came in, #For a new, day, has, coooooooome......#

The musical interlude that follows gives Yami the oppurtunity to walk over to Yugi, very slowly, gracefully, and give him a small kiss and turn to the audience, with his hand still resting on Yugi's shoulder and begin to sing again,making sure to sweep his gaze across the entire room, "Where there was darkness now there's liiiiiiight.....where there was pain now there's jooooooooooy.....' Then, leaning his head to the side so his gaze met Yugi's entranced stare, 'Where there was weakness, I found, my strength.....all, in, the eye's of a boy....' Yugi, to enchanted to sing, tried but was cut off by Yami's soothing voice and hand gently brushing his golden bangs from his face. 'Hush, now, I see the light in the sky......oh, it's almost blinding me, I can't believe I've been blessed by this angel with looooooove......' Yugi had finally recovered enough to sing properly but left Yami for a bit longer, jumping in for backup. 'Let the rain come down and wash away, my tears, let it fill my soul and drown me feeeeears!' 'Let it shatter the walls, for new sun!' "A new day, haaaaaas......" sang Yugi, they then both turned to the audience and sang out with as much heart as they had, #Let the rain come down and wash away my tears! Let it fill my soul and drown my fears! Let it shatter the walls for a new sun!# Then, their voices softening,but only slightly. #For a new, day, has come!# #Oooooooooooh, a new day, has come# Then Yami went solo once again, 'Oooooooh, I see the light in your eyes.......it's almost blinding.....Oh, all in the eye's of a boy......' 'Yeah, I can't believe I've been touched by an angel with looooooooove.....Oh I can't believe I've been blessed by this angel with loooooove....' They then both sang in very soft voices, with Yugi singing the softer part, 'Hush, now....' "huuuuuuush...." #A new, day....# "Huuuuuush........" At this the song was to end, Yami sang the last line solo, barely finishing the words before pulling Yugi into a tender kiss, 'Hush.....now.....'


Sarah: OK! DONE!
Kai: ZZzzzzZzzzzzz.....
Sarah: *gingerly takes Dranzer from Kai*
Kai:*snaps awake* AAAAAAAAAAH!!!

Sarah: Hehe, knew that would work ^^;
Kai: Your so funny >_>
Sarah: I know ^_~ Well anywayz, hope you injoyed this chapter ^^ I know, this fic seems to be going the way of a lovey-dovey thing, but........
Kai: But what? It IS a lovey-dovey thing!
Sarah:That may be true, but guess what???
Kai: ^_^U
Sarah: Yugi's going next!!!!
*collective gasp from scattered people*
Yep! So please review ^^!
Kai: Take awhile please.......I need some more sleep......*yawns*
Sarah : ^_^U