Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow! ❯ Week Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow
Week two


Sakura: Hey, everybody, and welcome back to the Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow…Um, I'm your host Sakura and I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of the other copyrighted things in this fic. And today we're going to…um, what are we doing today?

Everyone except Sakura: DUELING!!

Sakura: Hey, wait…we don't even have an arena…

Yugi: So we'll do it the old fashion way. Anybody got a table?

Kaiba: ::takes his dueling discs out of his briefcase:: I challenge Yugi to a duel!!

Yugi: …What? Now?

Kaiba: Why not?

Yugi: You're on!

::Kaiba throws a dueling disc at Yugi. Yugi catches it and puts his dueling deck in it.::

Kaiba: I make the opening move. Hitotsu Me Giant!

Yugi: Dark Magician! Dark Magic attack!

::Hitotsu Me Giant disappears::

Kaiba: Heh…you'll love this! Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon! Attack with Neutron Blast! ::Dark Magician disappears::

Yugi: Ehh… ::draws a card, gasps, looks over at Sakura writing in her notebook::

Sakura: ::winks at Yugi::

Yugi: Exodia! Obliterate!

Kaiba: No! It can't be! How did you get Exodia back?

Weevil: Yeah…?

Sakura: ::grins::

Kaiba: No! That's not fair! She likes Yugi!

Sakura: And I don't like you?

Tristan: Yeah…who is you favorite?

Sakura: Um… ::thinks, how to tell them I like Yugi the most without making them all kill me…:: Heh, um, I like you all!

Weevil: Even me?

Yami Bakura: And me?

Shadi: And me?

Joey: Why does Shadi keep doing that?

Sakura: He keeps popping up because we're all just in my head! Yugi is so fond of telling me that you guys are just a figment of my imagination.

Yami Yugi: So we're in your soul room? That does explain how Shadi keeps butting in…

Sakura: Ah! Look, can somebody write a script for this?

Clone Sakura: ::pops head out from backstage:: Hey! I think it's great the way it is!

Clone Sakuras 1-17: Yeah!

Pegasus: So many souls to steal…

Sakura: I told you no stealing souls!!

Sugoroku: Yeah! That rule got me out!

Kaiba: Don't forget me…

Mokuba: And me!

Sakura: Oh, yeah…okay! Let's get on with the show!! Um, if we're dueling today, who wants to go next?

::various people challenge others, Joey duels Bandit Keith, Mai duels Rex Raptor and easily wins (again), Sugoroku teaches Mokuba a bit, then they do a practice duel. Everybody is dueling somebody else, except Shadi (who mysteriously disappeared again) Tristan, and Sakura::

Sakura: Hey! Why doesn't anybody want to duel me?

Tristan: I don't have a dueling deck, only a few cards and my Lava Battle Guard, which JOEY stole…

Sakura: I can duel! I have a deck! Come on!!

Kaiba: ::winning a duel against Bakura:: I'll duel you! But no cheating this time. Use the cards you have in your deck now.

Sakura: You sure you really want me to do that?

Kaiba: Yes, I'm sure!

Sakura: Alright…have it your way. Again you threw away your only advantage…at least with my writing and adding cards I would have finished you faster. You're only going to prolong it…

Kaiba and Sakura: Let's duel!

Kaiba: I use Sagi, the Dark Clown!

Sakura: Kuriboh!

Kaiba: …?

Sakura: ::thinks, ha, it is as weak as it looks…he thinks I've infected it with Crush card, right?::

Kaiba: Nice try. I know what you've done to Kuriboh! You've infected it with a virus, and you set it out for me to destroy. I'll use this magic card, Negative Energy!

Sakura: ::heh, it's just a distraction!:: Gaia, the Fierce Knight!

Kaiba: Sagi, attack Gaia!

::Sagi the Dark Clown attacks and destroys Gaia the Fierce Knight, but just as the virus infects his deck, Kaiba realizes his mistake::

Sakura: ::smiles:: So now you see the trap I set. Kuriboh was nothing but a distraction. You thought I had placed a virus in him, so you didn't attack. You were wrong. Kuriboh was nothing but a defenseless Kuriboh. Gaia really had the virus!!

Yugi: Nice move.

Téa: Yay!!

Sugoroku: That's what I call trusting in the cards.

Yami Yugi: Yeah. Why didn't I ever think of that?

Sakura: So, Kaiba. What do you say now?

Kaiba: Since my duel with Pegasus, I've made a back up plan…Silver Fang!

Sakura: Ha! You place out your silly wolf? I'll show him! Go, Dark Magician! Use Dark Magic!

Yugi: Hey, that's my move…

::Kaiba's life points hit zero as Silver Fang is defeated::

Kaiba: ::stunned:: No…how…how did you do that?

Sakura: ::smiles:: You're in my world now, Kaiba. I am the Champion in my world.

::now Joey and Bandit Keith are the only ones left dueling::

Joey: Time Wizard!! Spin Time Roulette!

::everybody holds their breath as the spinner goes around and around, slowing, slowing::

Joey: Yes!

::the spinner stops on a time machine::

Time Wizard: Time…Magic…

::all of Bandit Keith's life points disappear::

Bandit Keith: ::thinks, not such an amateur anymore…::

::Joey runs to Mai, but looks at Sakura first, who nods::

Joey: Yes! ::hugs Mai::

Mai: ::thinks, not my little amateur anymore…wait, did I say 'my?':: Hi, Joey…

Sakura: Um…what else are we going to do today? We've dueled…

Yugi: Let's auction the girls this time!!

Shadi: No, not that again…

Sakura: Would you get out!! I'm doing this to enjoy my soul room, but you just keep barging in! What do you want!?

Everybody: ::as Shadi disappears:: …? Where'd he go?

Sakura: Gosh he's annoying!

Yami Bakura: Why don't you swear?

Sakura: ::glares at him:: I do not swear, so lay off!

Bones: So what are we going to do? Let's play Ghost In the Graveyard!

Joey: Only you would want to play that.

Para: Let's play Maze!

Dox: That is our craze.

Everybody except the Paradox Brothers: What?

::suddenly Shadi shows up and all the characters are in a maze--but everybody is seperated::

Shadi: You have to find each other!

::Shadi disappears::

Sakura: Hello? Who thinks they're closest to me?

Yugi: ::from over the wall on her left:: Um, don't shout! It hurts.

Sakura: That won't help. How will I get to you?

Clone Sakura: ::from somewhere deeper in the maze:: This isn't going to help!

Sakura: Okay, this is my soul room, even if Shadi made this maze. Does everybody see the pole with the blue flag on it?

Everybody but Mokuba: ::looks at the pole with the blue flag in the middle of the maze:: Yes!

Mokuba: ::who can't see over the walls:: Where?

Kaiba: Mokuba, stay where you are. We'll come and get you!

Sakura: Okay, if I know myself, I would never make a maze that was simple. If you want to get to the middle you have to go away from the middle. Everybody walk away from the flag!

::everybody starts walking away from the blue flag, after fifteen minutes all the paths start to merge and people start to find each other; soon everybody but the Paradox brothers are in a group and turn the last corner to the flag::

Sakura: Now to find Mokuba…what are you doing here?

::the Paradox brothers are standing under the flag with Mokuba next to them::

Para: We live in a maze.

Dox: So when in one we don't get phased.

Mokuba: They never got lost…

::suddenly all of the characters are back in the studio again::

Tristan: Weird…

Sakura: That isn't weird, at least not in my mind.

Yugi: Yup. We are just figments-

Sakura: Stop! You say that too much!!

Clone Sakura: ::from backstage:: Only 30 seconds left!

Sakura: Oh! Well, that's all the time we have today! Sayonara and arigatou!

::credits role::


2:55 PM eastern/standard time

Clone Sakura

Clone Sakura
Clone Sakuras 2-17
Yugi Muto
Yami Yugi
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mai Valentine
Bakura Ryou
Yami Bakura
Seto Kaiba
Mokuba Kaiba
Maximillion Pegasus
Sugoroku Muto
'Bandit' Keith Howard
Weevil Underwood
Rex Raptor
The Paradox Brothers

Kvaedi for her email
Brockiepoo15 for info from her site

All Clone Sakuras
This fanfiction
