Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow! ❯ Week Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow
Week Six

Roberi: Hello! Um, this is the Yu-Gi-Oh Talkshow, and I'm your new hostess Roberi!

Joey: Sakura never said hostess.

Bakura: Actually, her Yami never said hostess. The real Sakura said hostess.

Roberi: Shut up, will you? Okay, I'm not sure what we're doing today, so maybe we could figure that out?

Mai: ::covers Joey's mouth with a hand:: Do not say duel. If we have to duel again I think I'm going to die.

Roberi: I don't know how to duel.

Clone Sakura: ::looks up from writing the fic:: I've got a complete brain block. And it doesn't help that I have that Japanese song that's played during the credits of Mobile Fighter G Gundam stuck in my head. I don't even know what the words mean, and if you asked me to write the Japanese lyrics down I'd fail miserably…does anyone know any good tricks for getting songs that are stuck in your head out? Oh, and I don't own Mobile Fighter G Gundam and haven't seen it that many times but I like it so don't sue me.

Roberi: Um, I've seen a duel on this show before. I was flipping channels a few weeks ago and Kaiba was dueling Sakura.

Yugi: How many weeks ago was it? There were two duels like that one.

Roberi: Two duels? Who won? Was it a tie?

Tristan: Sakura won both.

Sugoroku: By trusting in her cards.

Bakura: But I'm not sure the duels were fair because of Sakura's Millennium Pendant.

Kaiba: ::thinks, I've been beaten by those demented Yamis too many times. I really should try to stop or find myself a Millennium Item…::

Clone Sakura: ::writing again, humming the G Gundam song:: Um, this is a bit repetitive, isn't it? It's kinda hard because I'm attempting to write two fics at the same time, this one and the one with Roberi in it. Can anybody honestly guess what Kaiba and Roberi's secrets are?

Roberi: I don't think anybody will…but, seriously, what are we going to do?

::suddenly Shadi pops up, then disappears as the cast finds themselves in France under the Eiffel Tower::

Roberi: Who the name of Ra was that?

Yugi: That was Shadi…

Joey: Where are we?

Clone Sakura: France!

Téa: I thought the Eiffel Tower was supposed to go straight up and down, not bend down in the middle.

::everyone looks up to see what Téa is talking about and see that she is right, La Tour Eiffel was…bent::

Clone Sakura: ::looking up from writing:: I couldn't help it! This episode was on recerntly and I seriously can't get it out of my head.

Mai: Why is that girl being tied to a tree?

::now everybody looks at the tree where Mai is looking. There is a man with black hair and a red cape wrapped around him tying her to a tree::

Tristan: Hey! What do you think you're doing?

::the man in the cape runs away, not even noticing the newcomers::

Tristan: Hey! ::goes over to the girl tied to the tree:: Hey, did that creep hurt you?

::the girl doesn't seem to notice Tristan, even though he's standing right in front of her::

Tristan: Hey! Hellloooo? Can you hear me? ::wave arms back and forth in front of the girl::

::the girl is looking behind Tristan::

Tristan: ::looks behind him and sees two very big robots:: AHH!! What the --- is that? Hey! Why can't I swear?!

Clone Sakura: You have other things to worry about than swearing!

::one of the robots gets closer and is going to stomp on Mai::

Mai: Ahh!

Joey: Mai! I'll save you! ::runs under the robot's foot just as it is about to crush Mai, then, when out of the path of the foot, he goes to kiss her::

Mai: Not now Joey! We have to get away from here!

::everyone starts running really fast in all different directions::

Clone Sakura: Wait! We have to get organized!! Um…Look! ::she pulls a door open from a building, revealing many steps down:: Into the catacombs!

::everybody rushes down the dark steps::

Téa: It's kinda scary down here!

Mai: And dark…

::Bakura's Millenium Ring starts to glow and one of its spikes levitates until it's horizontal::

Bakura: Ah! No, it's not pointing! ::closes eyes:: Tell me it's not pointing!!

Roberi: Yeah, it's pointing alright. It's pointing this way. Let's go!

::everybody except Bakura and Pegasus run, Bakura because he doesn't want to follow what his Ring does and Pegasus because he's…weird and likes it where he is::

Bakura: ::realizes that Pegasus is standing next to him:: AHHH!!!! Wait for me guys!! ::starts to run after the rest of the cast::

Clone Sakura: ::looks up from writing yet again:: Um, bear with me! It's all I can think of and since I don't do this for the reviews anyway I can do whatever I want to. Well, within the standards of what this is rated, of course.

Bakura: ::turns yet another corner in the moldy maze that is the catacombs of Paris:: Okay, so we are getting nowhere. I think I've seen this rock before… ::kicks a large pebble with his foot::

Clone Sakura: Yup, we really should do something to get out of this crazy maze!

Joey: Where are the Paradox brothers when you really need 'em?

::around another corner they come to a dead end, so it's like a room. There is a box in the middle of the room with writing on it. Bakura's Ring points straight at the box::

Sugoroku: The writing looks like French!

Clone Sakura: I know French! Um, let me see… ::grabs Bakura and pulls him closer to the box so the glow from the Ring illuminates the letters:: 'She who pulleth the Millennium- wha?

Yugi: What does it say?

Clone Sakura: It says, 'She who pulleth the Millennium Fish from this box is destined to have control over water.'

Sugoroku: Millennium Fish? I've never heard of it before.

Kaiba: ::disappointed:: She? ::thinks, now I'll never get a Millennium Item...::

Roberi: Who's going first?

Yugi: Um, why doesn't Clone Sakura go first?

Clone Sakura: ::gulp:: If I get my hand chopped off it's all your fault Yugi… ::she carefully sticks her hand in the box. She feels around inside…:: There's nothing in here!

Mai: What? Let me try… ::sticks her hand in the box:: She's right!

Téa: This is weird…

Yugi: So why is there nothing in there?

Sakura: It is a test.

Everyone except Sakura: ::looks at her:: How'd you get here?

Sakura: Um, Spock and I were working on a time machine. Something went wrong and it got connected up with the transporter. And now I can't go back.

Clone Sakura: Ah, shucks. Now I'll never get that job on the Enterprise…is that why Spock was here in the first place?

Sakura: Yep. Oh, and I suggest…that Téa tries the box.

Téa: Me?! I…what…I don't want a millennium item!!

Sakura: It's you or nobody…

Téa: I- ::sigh:: Alright, here it goes…

::Téa sticks her hand in the box::

Téa: Whoa! There is something in here! ::pulls something gold out of the box:: It's… ::looks at it oddly:: A fish?

Sakura: Well, what did the box say? 'She who pulleth the Millennium Fish', right? Well then it was telling the truth, right?

Téa: I guess so. But why me?

Sakura: Look, I'm the writer. But I am not an oracle or a prophecy. Who knows what I'll come up with after this?

Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh: I do…

Sakura: Was I talking to you? Go away!

::Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh walks away mumbling::

Sakura: Okay. So let's get on with it! ::grabs the notebook from Clone Sakura and starts writing::

Everybody except Sakura: …?…

::suddenly a huge wall of water sweeps through the corridor::

Everybody: Ahhhh!!!!

Sakura: Okay, so maybe I am a prophecy, but…Téa! A little help, please!!

Téa: Me!? Why… ::thinks for a second:: Oh yeah!! Um, how do I work this fish? Um, stop, water! Um, go, Shining Fish!

Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh: It's Shining Friendship, Téa.

Sakura: No it's not! Go away!!!

Téa: Um, water wall, stop…stop! …Please?

::surprisingly, after she says please, the water stops::

Wall of Water: Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? I only stop for manners. Thanks, little girl! If you hadn't said please I would never have been able to stop. ::rolls away, revealing a door near the far wall that (probably) wasn't there before::

Téa: ::shocked:: Um…did I do that?

::everybody goes through the door and walks up the stairs there (except, of course, Pegasus)::

~~Farther down the corridor...

Pegasus: So, what do you say we play a little game? Hmm, let's bet...your soul?

Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh: Hmm...

~~Back at the cast...

::the cast is now (somehow) back in the studio, coming through a door from backstage. The camerapeople are doing dances in the absence of the cast, and time is almost up::

Sakura: ::running out on stage:: Hello, we're back! We hope you enjoyed our show for today…we, um, had to change the schedule for a while…right! Anyways, I'm back! But we have to go! Until next week!

::credits role::


8:16 PM eastern/standard time

Clone Sakura

Clone Sakura
Clone Sakuras 2-4
Yugi Muto
Yami Yugi
Téa Gardner
Joey Wheeler
Tristan Taylor
Mai Valentine
Bakura Ryou
Seto Kaiba
Maximillion Pegasus
Sugoroku Muto
Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh

Brockiepoo15- sorry it wasn't up when you came back!

All Clone Sakuras
This fanfiction
The Millennium Fish
Great God of Yu-Gi-Oh

Mobile Fighter G Gundam