Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Kae Shukumei ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
¸.·´¯`·»¸.·´¯` ·» . «·´¯`·.¸«·´¯`& middot;.¸
¸.·´¯`·»¸.·´&mac r;`·» Prologue«·´¯`·.¸«·´ ¯`·.¸
¸.·´¯`·»¸.·´&mac r;`·» . «·´¯`·.¸«·´¯`& middot;.¸
by: Valkyrie Nienna Helyanwe

Youko and Sesshoumaru lashed out with their whips, Youko hit Sesshoumaru's out of the way and quickly lashed out with his again. He struck Sesshoumaru, hitting a main artery. A female kitsune jumped over the wall and ran out to him.

"NO! Sesshoumaru! You can't die on me."

"You know I am, Kagome. You know I must to fulfill the prophecy."

"I don't care, you can't die, I love you, you can't leave me."

"I must. You know who is to be the next lord of the west, take Toukijin, and give it to his friend. You know who. You know what to do. Goodbye koi, Ashiteru, we will meet again in the next life." and with that the great lord of the west died, his soul moving on to the afterlife.

"No. Sesshoumaru. Come back." she sobbed into his haori.

While all this was being said, Youko had retransformed into his redheaded counterpart, and the rest of the Rekai Tantei watched the scene unfold.


¸.·´¯`·» Kurama's POV «·´¯`·.¸

*Oh no, I didn't mean to kill him, I feel so bad for her. She is beautiful though. I wonder what they are saying.*

The girl grabbed Sesshoumaru's two swords and laid a finger on his chest. She began to glow light blue, and Sesshoumau's body turned to dust and blew away in the wind.

*She purified him? But how? Only mikos can do that. And no demon has ever been a miko also. It kinda defeats the purpose of having mikos.*

¸.·´¯`·» Normal POV «·´¯`·.¸

Kagome walked into the center of the ring with Tensaiga and Toukijin in her left hand. She laid Toukijin down in front of her and stood back up. She tipped her head back and lifted her right hand into the air.

"Tetsusaiga!" she yelled out and waited. Within moments, you could see a battered sword and sheath flying threw the air toward her outstretched hand. When Tetsusaiga got close enough, she grabbed it out of the air by the hilt and brought it into a downward arch.

Kagome stood in the center of the ring with the two sister swords in her hands, hilts touching in a horizontal position. She began to chant.

Tensaiga sword of Life
Tetsusaiga sword of Death
Calm, gentle, wild and free
Warriors of light
Call to each other
Join once again

There was a great flash of light, and when it died down, you could see Kagome standing there with the two joined swords. On one end, was a transformed Tetsusaiga, and on the other was Tensaiga. She twirled it like a baton and it became a staff, kinda like Miroku's, but wooden. She now had the weapon Excalibur, or the Staff of Swords.

Hiei and Kurama were dumbfounded. They both knew the legend of Excalibur, and knew that the sword could only be called on by the Chosen One in times of great need.

Kagome bent over and picked up Toukijin, and began walking toward the Rekai Tantei. She turned to Kurama and began to speak

“ You Youko Kurama, half brother to Sesshomaru Lord of the Western Lands are now the new Lord of the Western lands, and my mate.”

She placed a single finger on his forehead and with a small flash of white light he transformed to Youko Kurama, the silver kitsune. But the was one thing different this time, on his pale brow the blue crescent moon of the royal family of the Western Lands had appeared.

She sighed mentally as she did so, she had known it was going to happen but that didn’t mean she had to be happy about it, I can't believe he died on me that bastard! He promised to always be with me…stupid prophecy. She watched the play of emotions that crossed Youko’s face, with golden eyes so like HIS that it made her heart ache. He seemed so confused and disbelieving, Well lets see what he is thinking…

To say he was in a state of shock was an understatement, Kurama could barely get his erratic thoughts under control. *I can’t be the new Lord of the West! And there is no way I can be her mate…I love Hiei not her, I have never even met her before!*

Kagome was getting a little angry, he had to face his destiny and he had to follow the Prophecy but if he really wanted the little fire apparition….She opened a mental link.

~ And why can’t you Youko?~

* Who are you?* came across loud and clear with a slightly curious tone.

She smirked and began to walk across the clearing to Hiei ~ Your future mate, my name is Kagome. I will do you a favor since you have as little choice in this as I do, you had better follow my lead and mark me when I do this or you will lose your love.~

She bent down in front of Hiei, a small smirk on her face at what she was about to do as she held out Toukijin.“ Here Hiei, I bequeath Toukijin to you, but I must warn you. Keep a constant and sharp vigilance on the sword lest it take over your mind…”

With those words she placed Toukijin in his hands; then quicker then even his eyes could see she leaned over him and bit him. On the junction where the shoulder and neck meet, by reflex Hiei bit her back in the same place on the right side.

Kurama who had a small notion what Kagome was going to do had strode over to then while she talked with Hiei and was prepared when she made her move, he knelt and placed his own fangs on the opposite side of Kagome collarbone and bit, surprised at her sweet taste as her blood flowed into his mouth.

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Hi. This story is going to be a joint effort by a bunch of authors. Kinda like a round robin. The author that wrote the chapter will have there name at the top, underneath the heading. If you would like to help on the story, tell me in your review or email me with your penname and the site you post on.

Authors on this project so far from ff.net:

Valkyrie Nienna Helyanwe
Kurama and Hiei's lovable miko
Another thing, I had help with this chapter. My beta, Youkai_Serenity, helped me with the ending. Actually, she changed what I had there originally, so from 'You Youko Kurama' on is in her wording.