Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Of Course A Miko And A Demon Work! ❯ Daddy Impaled Her With A Sword! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of Course A Miko And A Demon Work!
Disclaimer: Don't own.
5: Daddy Impaled Her With A Sword!
Kurama walked leisurely through a door, two small kids following after him. Both were short, maybe around the age of five or six; the boy had, raven black hair standing up in a flamy mass and had blue eyes, the girl had long raven black hair and red eyes.
“Uncle Kurama?” asked the boy his voice slightly squeaky.
Kurama looked down, “Yes Gekisen?”
“Is mommy and daddy here?” finished his twin sister, Hitonare.
Gekisen glared at his sister before looking at Kurama and nodding.
“Hm, they should be up stairs, I'll go put on some tea, and you guys put your school bags in your room”
The twins nodded before practically flitting away upstairs.
They both passed their parents room, before they stopped and turned around stopping at their door.
“Did you hear that?” whispered Gekisen.
“Yeah sounded like creaking and moaning…” stated Hitonare whispering.
They looked at each other before they nodded, “Let's investigate” they both said.
They cracked the door open not making a sound, and looked with wide eyes at the scene before them. Both dropping their bags at the door, they ran for their lived downstairs.
“Uncle Kurama!” they both cried in stereo.
“What! What's the matter you two?!”
“Daddy was impaling mommy with some type of sword!” Gekisen cried.
“Mommy seemed hurt, she was moaning and stuff!” teared Hitonare.
“How could daddy do that to mammy!” they both burst into tears.
Kurama kept his face calm, but inside Yoko was laughing so hard, Kurama felt his side ready to split.
“There, there little ones, daddy's not hurting mommy, There playing…grown up sparring… Now how about some ice-cream?”
The two nodded eagerly, before racing out the door.
`I really need to tell Kagome to work on her sound barrier' thought Kurama, while walking after the kids.
*** *** *** 1 Hour Later*** *** ***
Kagome lay across Hiei as their breathing evened out.
“Mmm, that was fantastic…” murmured Kagome.
“Hn, who would have thought yogurt would spice someone's sex life up”
“I was thinking more like cream it up but we'll go with that,” Kagome sighed contently.
Her head shot up, almost hitting Hiei's in the process.
“Oh no! The kids! Kurama was supposed to bring them home early from school today!” Kagome said worriedly.
“Hn don't worry, the fox will probably know by the scent”
“But I put a barrier up!” Kagome looked around spotting the backpacks at the doorway.
“Oh no…” she groaned this time. She leaned back into the pillow, head in her hands.
“What?” Hiei asked raising an eyebrow.
“Their packs are dropped by the doorway…We are so gonna get interrogated when they get home…”
A/N: No that was not the lemon for the yogurt, if I decide to do it, it's just there. Anyways thanks again to all who review, hope you enjoyed! Oh and if I do the yogurt lemon I'm changing Sweet Passion, Raw Love to a PWP Lemon one-shot drabble thing with Kag and characters from YYH. Well Ja!