Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Pain Don't Mean a Thing ❯ Calm Before the Storm ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello! Welcome to Pain Don't Mean a Thing! This will be my real first fan fic. At least by my standards, because it was pre-written down. I'm not telling who's with who, but I need you guys to vote on pairings!! The vote will last till I get chapter 3 up, which could take awhile. So without too much further ado, I don't own a thing but me. So …. I'm sorry if you are one of the people having problems reading this due to cut off. ……………….if you are my suggestions are copy the whole story into word and then read it but do not save …………………!!!!!!! Thank you now ….
…………………Everyone: ON WITH THA' SHOW!!
Chapter 1, Calm Before the Storm
`Higurashi is my name! Not Akitomi!' I pleaded with my self as I ran. It felt as if hell was at my very feet as my mother cried out to me.
“Take the paper Kagome! Run away hur….”
My mothers voice was cut off when a dull smack rebounded through the desolate house, followed by a loud thump that shook the wall it came from.
Loud footsteps made their way to the door. I ran. I flew down the stairs caring little for my health, besides if my father caught me I'd be in much worse shape.
I was at the bottom as footsteps tumbled after me, angry footsteps.
I had everything I needed on my charm bracelet.
I ran out the front door, it's old hinges protesting the force and speed that where of the essence, to the tree of life, the Goshinbuku.
Under it's far side lay said paper weighted down by 4 small rocks.
I bent down, midrun, my fingers caressing hard ground. I grabbed the paper and with an extra burst of speed made it to the top of the shrine steps as Aku flew out of the door the rage clear on his face for the whole world to see.
“ Get back here you little wench!”
He screamed as he once again charged after me. My body gained new speed as I rushed down the shrine steps 4 or 5 steps at a time.
My feet touched level ground, I absorbed the shock not stopping, and continued to run tears burning my eyes. I ran blindly around the corner. I hit something blunt. The collision tipped me off balance and I crashed to the ground, I closed my eyes, as if it would keep away the pain. Sharp pains roared through my body the shock of the collision held me to the ground.
My fear welled up inside me.
Would he catch me? Did I run into him? These thoughts tortured me.
I looked up. Suddenly my sixth sense came to life, this man was a demon, a short demon but a demon. It was actually sad that he was taller than me. He…he was half yet not. The demon smirked, never a good sign.
His face quickly regained a Sesshomaru like aloofness.
“ What are you running from human?”
His voice was cold and harsh and yet behind his eyes lay a depth of…. sadness? He mocked me behind those eyes too, they all did, they all thought she was weak, always!!
“ Heh, I don't really know.” I replied. I really didn't, I could fry my dad's ass if I wasn't so damn scared of the guy.
“ Get back here you little bitch! You leach! You whore!” Aku screamed after me the sound engulfing the night. “ I will find you!!!”
I cringed he was so close.
“ That perhaps? ” the demon poked fun at me.
“ Yes, though I don't really know why.” I replied the sadness laced trough me voice smothering the sarcasm. He looked on stonic as ever. My father skidded around the corner. Seeing me he stopped and caught his breath.
“ You can't run forever! You have nowhere to go!” he screamed.
“ Yes. I. Do.” I ground out bluffing. The well had sealed it's self weeks ago, after we killed Naraku and completed the jewel.
“ Where?!”
“ Wherever this paper says!” I screamed back.
* Hiei's pov *
This man was beginning to piss me off. He reminded me of someone in my past that I hated very much. I decided to shut him up. I walked up to the man who unfortunately for him did not pay attention to me but merely regarded me as in superior to him, bad choice.
Normally I would have killed the human for his insolence but that damn Koennma had banned me from such on penalty of 300 more years of community service. I balled my hand into a fist, then I walked up behind the ignorant man who had subsided his yelling to a death glare match with the girl.
` Stupid ningen.' I thought as her eyes opened wide in shock realizing what I was going to do.
The man finally sensing me behind him or maybe sensing the threat I posed began to turn around. The woman's eyes became determined. “ Go to hell you bastard!” She screamed stepping up to the man. The anger in his aura flared. He completely forgot about me and raised his hand to strike the girl. For some reason this angered me. I struck the man in the back of his head sending him sprawling to the ground. She bowed in gratitude.
“Thank you demon. What is your name?”
` demon?! How dose she know that I am a demon? No normal human should be able to tell! This woman, Koennma would need to know, but that would mean I would have to take her to yuske's house.' “ Hiei.” I muttered. The woman would want to know name if I was going to take her to Koennma. “ well Hiei my name is Kagome.” She bowed again in respect. At least she was more knowledgeable that her father in respect.
The woman looked down at the paper that she still held. She glared at it. After about a minuet of glaring at the paper like an idiot her eye's widened in surprise as her knees gave way. “Hmph.” I caught the woman before she killed herself on the pavement, then Koennma would be really mad. The paper that fluttered out of her hand oddly caught my attention. From what I saw it said:
Go to yuske's house he'll know you……
the rest of the note was obscured from my vision as it fluttered off into the night. Yes I would take this girl to yuske's house. She had something to do with him that I did not know about.
Yuske did not have many friends and I knew all of them.
* Kagome's pov *
Urameshi, where had I heard that before? My forgotten childhood! It had to be somewhere in there! I delved into my mind searching my memories. After about 45 seconds I came across a barrier……it felt…hard….almost tangible.
I wasn't gonna let that stop me!
I rammed into the barrier ion an attempt to break it, a searing pain tore through my mind. I clutched my hands to my head trying to stop the pain. Agonizing waves of pinpricks tore through me, ripping my mind to tatters. My vision blurred and my toung filled my mouth so I couldn't speak. But the last thing I remembered was that the barrier broke.
My legs gave way as long forgotten memories surged forth and enveloped my mind reuniting me with myself. I was out before I didn't hit the ground.
* Hiei's pov *
I hoisted the woman over my shoulders. This was not my idea of fun. I threaded my way through the ningen streets and buildings and found my way to yuske's house. I jumped onto the darkened window sill of his bedroom. The window was open.
* Kagome's dream thingy*
the feeling of the returning memories was something to the effect of a dam the has been established to hold ten years of memories suddenly no longer existing and flooding my mind, drowning it, so more or less so I was drowning in an ocean of memories more memories then what I already had.
This over load along with the horrible mind killing painful ,
well pain is why I had blacked out. My memories seemed to come in reverse. The shrink!!! That damn shrink had erased all of those memories!!!!! Yuske and father both! This movie was just so confusing. After my mind numbing action/ horror movie had played itself out my sub-conscious absorbed it all and it was as if I hadn't skipped a beat…..
well ,almost.
My body then became very aware of my outside world, courtesy of my sub-conscious once more, I was well aware that I was racing through the air, and that two somethings,
two verystrong somethings,
where keeping me from losing our impossible speed and from plummeting 100- feet down to the not so forgiving concrete. Then we not -as- quickly- descended to about 20 feet and promptly stopped, midair and everything. My more rational side figured that we where most likely on something. `Whoever “we” is' I thought. I sensed a great deal of more energy on top of the already incredibly strong person that was holding me, not good!
* the all-seeing+ knowing(in this story at least) authoresses pov *
Kagome woke up ,fully aware of what was happening.. Kinda, in Hiei's arms. Quite wide awake too. Thinking something along these not so vague lines of
` crap, this is really gonna' suck!'
Kagome opened her eyes in that all to cute an desperately hopeful way. Seeing it was Hiei she relaxed, for some reason she felt….calm.. well considering what happened as calm as can be, and completely ignoring him
(which didn't go unnoticed mind you)
and turned to the second person/ power source in the dark room who was, for the record, just about half way everything, half way in bed, half awake, half angry at Hiei for waking him up, and 3/4ths of the way surprised to find Hiei in his room with a girl in his arms which didn't last to long. Kagome's eyes became saucers and her body became limp and heavy. “ Yuyu?” she barely whispered in a bewildered tone, sounding something like a broken record. Hiei taking notice of the dead weight in his arms dropped the weight. The girl plunked to the ground not even registering the fall. Yuyu, as she called him, also stood there…..asleep. Kagome's eyes dropped into annoyance. “ Yuske …” She asked her voice so sweet and deadly it had put Sesshomaru on guard many times. “ TEA PARTY PICTURE.” her voice was now a whisper laced with dark amusement.. something she belied to have picked up from Naraku. Yuske shot out of the bed, and straight down the middle of his head his hair stuck straight up making him look like a deranged cockatoo.
“WHAT?! WHERE?! GIVE IT TO ME! DON'T SHOW ANYBODY!!!” he yelled frantically
* Kagome's pov *
Actually I had burned the photo a log time ago but it was still funny. Hiei smirked devilishly. Yuske gazed at Kagome his eyes wider than saucers.
“Ka…Kagome?” He asked unsure of himself.
“Yep!” She replied in a perky tone that was at a new level of disguise.
“ Bu- but that sh-shrink!” Yuske stuttered.
“Yhea right Yuyu! Ain't gonna' happen!”
Kagome walked to the window gazing at the blue/black sky that killed the stars she missed so much. Kagome was correct in her 20 feet assumption. `good.' She thought.
“Yuyuke…” She paused to let the meaning of the new name sink in.
`Oh no something's wrong, kags don't call me that unless it bad, real bad…' Yuske thought in worry fully realizing the meaning. Hiei on the other hand was utterly lost. Seeing this she continued,
HE'S back.” There was a sense of desperation in the girls,
voice one that was lost and scared, one that was broken.
“ You, you don't mean…” Yuyu stammered.
“ Yes, I do, Yuyuke.” Kagome said cutting him off. “ Can I stay here for awhile Yuyuke?” the desperation seeping deeper into the voice of the miko. She continued to look out the window not letting them see her face. Not that there was much to hide but they couldn't see what she was planning to do it would ruin everything.
“ Of course kags!” Yuyu yelled in a and-why-would-I-say-no? kind of voice.” Good, then I'm off to rescue mom.” Kagome started to jump, Yuske caught her before so much as her head was out the window. `He's gotten faster, much faster.' Kagome thought in response.
“ Hell no Kags!! He'll just hurt you more, I'll go!” Yuyu declared.
NO.” Kagome growled out. Turning to Yuyu. “ I'm not weak! I will go you will stay! If Aku see's you he will come after you, your family and friends to get to me! You will not be seen by him! I will not be the cause to loose any one else! I am not just some weakling who will cower behind your protection and watch you get hurt for my sake!!” Kagome finished her rant and the anger in her aura flared dangerously high. But, Yuyu never being one to back down, fought just as hard.
“ NO. You listen to me Kagome,
I will not stand idly by and watch him hurt you or any one else in my family! I haven't seen you in 8 years and suddenly you show up saying the one biggest threat in your life has come back and you expect me to just let my cousin go gallivanting off on some little air of power and heroics?! To hell with that! I will go you just stay put!” Yuske yelled back his anger radiating off in waves that only fueled Kagome's anger more.
“ Do you want them to kill your family?!” her voice was high and shrill.
“He will kill you Yuske without remorse! You and your family, your friends! Kayko! Do you want her to die because of me?! I don't care about the heroics! I won't send you to your death I won't condemn anyone else! If he dose kill me then he'll do it while I get my family out and away if you go and he kills you then he will come after everyone you have ever known and loved, then he will come after me and my family then where would we be? Huh? Where! Six feet under all of us that Wouldn't do any of us much good now would it?! Your friend here might be a demon but he can't hide from Koennma if he kills a human in self-defense of you or himself!”
Kagome finished her second rant by stunning the hell out of everybody.
She stunned her self by letting those tid bits of information go, hell she didn't even know if Yuyu knew that Hiei was a demon, let alone anything about Koennma.
Yuske and Hiei where stunned that she knew about Koennma let alone Koennma himself!
Kagome took this time to escape backing up to the window and whispering final good byes.
“ Please Yuyuke wait for me I will return don't come looking for me,
I won't be bringing my family back it's to dangerous, if you must help meet me at the air port. Kagome had a serene smile as she fell out the window with her back to it. Both boys jolted out of their stupor from her stupid actions rushed to the window. That jump was suicide on a platter! She would crack her head on the pavement before she could flip, and the shock would be to much even if she did land on her feet she would surely break something!
______________________________Mwar____________________________________________ so that's it for now I won't tell you if Kagome kills her self this early but if she dose I'll tell you that with her mysterious connections with Koennma she would be brought back. I can't believe I'm finally done!!
Let me explain something since you guys are probably wondering a bout the names.
When Kagome and Yuske lived together as cousins (Atsuko was broke so kags and them took them in) she was too young to actually say his name (she was3 he was 2) so she just called him Yuyu, then when some tragedy emerged she tried her hardest to say his real name and only got Yuyuke so that's the 2 names and their meanings.
Oh and the tea party picture,
consisted of a 5 year old Yuske in a 6-year-old Kagome's sun dress having a tea party with Kuwabara, Kayko and stuffed animals. It was meant to be a joke against kags by making fun of her girly ways but kags just happened to have a camera….. And the credits roll!! so see you next time!!! Ja ne please review!!!!!!! Thanks for readin'!!!! Ookami says bye!!!