Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Half Demon I Am ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 7

My brother had turned into a pink kitten. I fell on to the ground laughing along with Kuwabara and Botan. Have you ever heard Hiei laugh? It's really cute. He started laughing with us, too. Kurama tried to hide his laugh behind a cough but failed miserably. Cheyenne was laughing, and watching all of our reactions.

When Yusuke tried to speak, his voice came out all squeaky. (like the evil lady off the Emperor's New Grove once she got turned into a cat). "WHAT THE HECK DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He yelled.
We all brust out laughing. Kuwabara then stood and walked over to Yusuke. He picked Yusuke up and started to hug and pet him. Yusuke was purring, but that didn't stop him from scratching Kuwabara's face up. "Bad Yusuke!" I joked, tapping his nose.

"Don't do that, it hurts!" He yelled, trying to scratch me. But I held him by his tail, so he couldn't. "Wait, where is the girl?!" Kuwabara yelled.

Just then a voice came out of nowhere.

"So you guys beat the first level congars. But there're six levels. So everyone gets to fight. If you get past level eight you will be able to face me, then you can get the girl. I'll be waiting..." then the voice faded away.

"How weird." I said.

"Well, I guess we should be going." Yusuke squeaked

I hope you like........ Please Review..........................

Sorry for this chapter to be really short but chapter eight ( witch is in working) is really long. And before I forget I had lots of help writeing this. So I want to thank MY BESTEST BEST FRIEND CHEYENNE or for those people who don't no her CrystalRaven44. So pretty please review.