Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Half empty Half full ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Crimson: Finished! *everyone hears the hallulah chorus* I never knew that one teacher could give a student so much work! Anyway I have to tell the people who are reading my other story that I am stumped. I don't know how to get to where I want to go. I would also like to apologize to a person who said she gave a suggestion for a name. I assure you that I didn't get that suggestion, or else I would have used it. I am very sorry though, and am happy you like my story. Now on with the story.

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Kuronue's POV

I watched Kurama's feeble attempts to speak. I tucked my pendant back safely around my neck. I turned to look at my sister. She looked confused, and I sighed before smiling sadly at her. I would have to explain things to her, and I had no idea of how she would take it either.

I looked up to the sky. The clouds were shadowing the sun's light, each cloud a mix of grays and black. I knew we would have to talk inside. Today was going to be a long one.

Noel's POV

Confusion was the only emotion I let show, but not the only emotion I felt. How my brother knew Kurama and Hiei, I did not know. Both of us were born and raised here, and the people have obviously never been here before. It appears that we both have secrets.

I noticed my brother look to the sky. It was about to rain, that was obvious. I guess we will have to go to our room for the conversation. However, I had no intention on going inside soon, even if it did rain.

I moved my eyes to the others. Kuwabara and Yusuke looked uninterested, already squabbling over something else. Kurama's eyes were still in there shocked state, though he has stopped stuttering, admitting he was unable to find words. Hiei had recuperated much faster, and was already back to his emotionless glare.

I was baffled when it came to him. I found from an early age that I had this ability. It allowed me to read all the emotions of people, both past and present, just by simply looking into their eyes. But Hiei was different. His eyes held no emotion at all, save the slight shock they possessed earlier.

I touched my cheek as a raindrop hit it. Of course when there is one, there are more and I, along with everyone else, was getting soaked. I didn't mind it though. I rather liked the rain. My mother used to say that it rained because kami-sama was sad for the unhappy slaves, and that the rain was really his tears. For some reason I believed it, and I still do today. Maybe he was even crying for me.

My brother gave me an annoyed look, probably because he was getting wet because I decided to be stubborn. I was about to retort to his attitude, when an adult ran out of the castle and stopped in front of my brother and I, panting for air. I knew him as one of my brother's friends, Damen.

He was taller than me, I only reached his shoulders. He had dark brown eyes and equally short dark brown hair, which was currently starting to stick to his forehead from the heavy rain. He looked straight at me, ignoring my brother. Although I was surprised by his appearance, all I showed was uninterest.

"Noel, Sky got into trouble, big trouble."

I turned to face him directly, let's just say he caught my attention. If my brother ever said that I have no else, then he lied. Sky was like my little sister or a daughter to me, and I found myself very protective of her.

"What happened?" I asked, my quiet voice betraying me for one more urgent.

"I am not sure," he admitted, "but she swears she didn't do it, and you know as well as I that she never lies, but of course the guards will jump at any chance to punish a slave and I am worried. You guys should go over and take care of it before they punish her."

I nodded, and he turned around, and started jogging to the door inside, giving the motion to follow him. I stopped mid-step and looked to the others.

"Aren't you coming?"

They nodded quickly, and I ran ahead to catch up with Damen, knowing the others were following my example.

After a couple of turns down the hallways, I realized we were heading towards the mess hall were everyone ate. I heard cries and hurried footsteps, and quickened my pace, giving Damen a look that told him I knew were he was leading me to. He nodded, and I ran ahead of him, pushing open the giant wood doors with ease.

Kuronue's POV

The second I heard Damen say that Sky was in trouble, I knew Noel would want to go to her. They had this bond. I saw Noel break into a fast run, passing Damen to the doors leading to the mess hall. I also ran past Damen, who was panting heavily from having to run so much.

As I ran in the mess hall behind my sister, I noticed it was a disaster, and I was thankful that we missed lunch for once. Food was everywhere. On the floor, the tables, the walls, even the ceiling, and in the middle of the room was Sky.

Sky was barely a child at the age of 5, and had to be the most innocent little girl in all the three worlds. She had long black hair, and was small and frail in appearance much like my sister. She had got her name from her Sky blue eyes, which were currently streaked with red from the tears falling down her cheek to the floor.

Noel slowed down to a walk, and went over to her. I stayed where I was by the doors, waiting for the others who didn't run as fast. I could tell Noel and Sky were talking, but I didn't strain to hear, it wasn't my business. I waited patiently for a while longer, and smiled when I saw Sky hug Noel, obviously feeling better.

I wondered who really caused this. Noel picked up Sky, who I just realized had fallen asleep. I found myself smiling again, and I could have sworn I saw a brief smile from Noel's lips as well.

I guess I lied when I said there was no one else, but still I wish she had another. Noel walked over besides me as the others entered the room, looking around at the mess before returning their eyes to Noel and I. Kuwabara was the first to speak.

"Hey Noel, who do you got there?" He asked, pointing to the sleeping figure in Noel's arms.

I rolled my eyes. Who else could it have been? Wasn't he listening to Damen? My sister, of course, didn't get angry at him, and replied in her normal, calm, soft voice.

"This is Sky."

Kurama nodded and smiled, probably thinking she was cute sleeping, but Yusuke and Kuwabara's eyes widened a little. It was Yusuke who spoke next.

"That's Sky? Wow, I was expecting her to be your age, not a little girl."

I shrugged my shoulders, it wasn't my fault he was slow. I looked over to the girl in my sister's arms and noticed a red stain on her shirt. Blood. I guess we were to late to get here before the guards punished her. I looked up to meet with Noel's gaze.

"We were too late, weren't we?" I already knew the answer, but I decided to ask anyway. She nodded sadly.

"Yes, we should get to our room, she needs some rest to heal," then she paused looking at me very seriously. "And we all need to talk."