Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Indebted ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Category: Anime, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yaoi, TWT
Warnings: fluff, bit of humor
Pairings: Kurama+Hiei
Author: Arigatomina
Email: arigatomina@hotmail.com
Complete Website: http://www.geocities.com/arigatomina


Part 3

Bits of steam rose up from the pouring water, and Hiei's eyebrow twitched at the sight. He'd never actually seen the use of the so-called 'tub,' but this only confirmed how stupid ningens were. Yusuke was kneeling on the bathroom floor, and the boy smiled as he tested the temperature.

"There," Yusuke nodded, wiping his hand on the towel he'd placed next to the tub. "We don't want it too deep or he might slip and drown."

With a mottled frown, Kuwabara touched a finger to the bath water. "It's kinda warm, isn't it? And that's a lot of water for a baby. He's small enough to fit in the kitchen sink."

"Yeah," Yusuke nodded, smirking up at his taller friend, "but I seriously doubt Keiko's going to want to cook if she has to clean fox fur out of the drain."

Pale blue eyes widened with joy, and Kuwabara straightened quickly. "Keiko's cooking? Are you sure she'd do that?"

"For Kurama. If it were just me, I'd have to beg, but I know her. She'll take one look at Kurama and head right for the kitchen. I think it's got something to do with women instincts."

"Shizuru might help out," Kuwabara said, thinking about it. They hadn't called the girls yet, but he knew they'd be right over the moment they heard. "I think she's got a thing for Kurama." Dark eyes flew up to him, and Kuwabara sniffed at Yusuke's incredulous expression. "Really, she looks at him all funny, I've noticed."

"But she's too old for him!"

Hiei had heard enough. With a snort, he turned to leave the bathroom, gritting his teeth when Yusuke called out for him. "I am not putting him in that," he growled, throwing a glare back at the boy. "He isn't dirty."

"We have to wash your nasty spit off him," Kuwabara glowered, disgust written over his face. "Otherwise he'll get sick."

A dangerous twitch moved Hiei's eyebrow, and Yusuke smiled at the short youkai. "Come on, Hiei, I bet he'd like a bath. The water's all warm, and nice. Besides, it's Kurama. You know how obsessive he is about his appearance. He's been stuck outside for two days, I wager a bath is just what he needs."

Looking down at the silver fox curled on his shoulder, Hiei let out a silent sigh. Kurama did seem to be picky about his appearance. He couldn't remember ever seeing the kitsunes's hair in any way mussed, and he glowered at the gold eyes that slowly turned to him. The kit seemed comfortable enough on his shoulder, but the compromise was one Hiei still didn't like. But he couldn't argue much with how the little fox had partially burrowed into the white scarf, pressing half inside it and close to his neck. The position did keep the kit from falling off when he moved. Yusuke stepped to him, and Hiei sniffed at the teen's wide smile.

"You're being awfully stubborn," Yusuke noted, his eyes glittering merrily when Hiei's scowl darkened. "You aren't afraid of water, are you?"

"Of course not!" The kit shifted on his shoulder, and Hiei glowered a bit, finally shoving past Yusuke so he could look down at the tub. That warm water was only about three inches high, not nearly enough to thoroughly wet the kitsune if it were to stand up, but he already had an idea the fox would not cooperate as easily as he had. It was true that some youkai did soak regularly in hot water, but that was to loosen muscles and had nothing at all to do with cleanliness. And as he'd told the idiots, the fox wasn't at all dirty. If Kurama represented the rest of the youko race, then they were naturally clean creatures. But it wasn't worth arguing over. "You want to stick him in that," Hiei muttered, crouching to touch a finger to the water. "It's too hot."

"What are you talking about?" Kuwabara frowned, brushing a hand in the warm water. "It's barely warm. Besides, if he can stand being so close to *you*, this will feel cold."

Hiei's eyes turned slowly, moving over the Baka's face as he smirked. "Idiot."

"Oi! You want to-"

With a quick smile, Yusuke moved to crouch between the two males, effectively cutting off Kuwabara's invitation of violence. "I don't know much about babies, but if it's too cold they get sick. I cooled the water enough so he won't get burned, don't worry."

"Worry?" Hiei snorted, his glare falling to the water again. "He's temperate. Put him in that and his body will shut down. He hasn't been active enough to need that."

Kuwabara frowned, straightening a bit so he could look over Yusuke. "Weirdo, what are you talking about? It's a *bath*, they're supposed to be warm." Red eyes flicked to him, and Kuwabara blinked in surprise. Hiei wasn't glaring at him for a change. "What?"

"Youkai only use heat for relaxation," Hiei stated, his gaze steady. "He's already been too inactive today."

Yusuke choked, his expression incredulous. "Inactive? You call him climbing all over you and attacking Kuwabara *inactive*? He's a baby."

With a glare for the reminder of his earlier escapades, Hiei nodded. "Yes, inactive. He used his youki to make that nest, but that may have been two days ago. His body is too relaxed already." Hiei's gaze fell to the little head peaking out of his scarf and he glowered at those bright gold eyes. "He will get lazy."

"That's it," Kuwabara said sharply, standing so he nearly towered over the crouching males. "You know *nothing* about babies. Koenma said he was a newborn. Newborn babies are supposed to lay around. All they do is eat and sleep, everyone knows that."

"You disgust me."

Yusuke's eyes widened at the flat way that statement was delivered, and he raised his hands, frowning first at Hiei, then at Kuwabara. "Okay, guys, that's enough of this discussion. You obviously have...different ideas of parenting. But right now we're talking about giving Kurama a bath, remember? Let's just stick with that. Okay?"

Closing his eyes, Hiei turned his face away from the two ningens. He had to, if he was going to keep his temper. They were the ones who knew nothing. Babies were only supposed to eat and sleep? How did they think baby youkai got the *food* to eat if they were sleeping all the time? It was one more bit of proof that humans were weak, and they obviously raised their children by giving them everything. The very thought disgusted him, making his hands curl into fists. But Yusuke was right about the matter at hand. There was no point even trying to explain youkai ways to the stubborn ningens. They'd learn eventually. For the second time that day, Hiei realized what a good thing it was that Kurama had latched onto him, and not one of the idiots. "Fine."

"Yeah," Kuwabara said, easing down again, "but what do we do about the bath?"

"Compromise," Yusuke smirked, poking a light finger at Hiei so the youkai glanced over at him. "The water's too warm, right? So if I add a little cold, that'll fix things, right?"

"It should be all cold."

Kuwabara let out a frustrated groan, and Yusuke sighed, giving in to a frown. "Look, Hiei, you have to work with us here. Just think, Kurama's not going to be a baby for long, so what does it matter if he's a little lazy right now? If we put him in cold water, he'll get sick. And believe me, there's nothing worse than trying to take care of a sick pet."

"P..." His jaws hurt from how tightly he'd clamped his mouth shut, but Hiei did his best not to repay the insult. He knew very well that 'pets' were considered inferior to ningens, and to hear a youkai denounced as something so low made him want to pummel his sometime-comrade. But this wasn't the time. With a deep, only partially calming breath, Hiei relaxed his glare. "He isn't a pet," he said slowly, his red eyes holding Yusuke's surprised gaze.

"Right..." Yusuke drawled, still caught off guard by the absolute fury that had flashed in Hiei's eyes. Turning to the tub, he shrugged quickly. "Well, anyway, let's just give him the bath and then we can call the girls. I don't know about you two, but I'm starving."

"What's the matter," Kuwabara smirked, "can't cook for yourself?"

"Why should I?" Yusuke sniffed. "I'm no good at cooking, and besides, Keiko forbid me from the kitchen the last time I tried." A soft snort reached him, and he turned to look at Hiei, ignoring the youkai's mocking expression. "Well?" he prodded, waving a hand at the little interested face watching them from inside that white scarf. "Get him in there."

When he'd ensconced the fox on his shoulder, Hiei had also discovered an easy way to remove him. Unwrapping the scarf, he bundled the kit in the cloth so those surprised struggles didn't even scratch his neck. Wide eyes watched him, the kitsune's little ears edged back a bit, and Hiei frowned. What was he supposed to do, just drop him in the tub? If the infant youko had any sense, it would leap right back out and then his clothes would be all wet. Since Yusuke was the one who'd suggested this unnecessary cleaning, Hiei turned his glare on the black-haired boy. "What now?"

"What do you mean?" Yusuke blinked. "You put him in the water and then roll him."

Kuwabara's eyes widened and he grabbed Yusuke's shoulder, giving the boy a rough shake. "Are you kidding?! You'll drown him!"

"Not if it's only for a second," Yusuke said, his voice going soft with a hint of uncertainty. "You grab his feet and dip him on his back so all the fur's wet." His friend's face was turning red with anger, and Yusuke leaned away, his tone dropping to a vague mumble. "That's what they say you do with cats..."

"I had no idea you were such a horrible person," Kuwabara growled, a bit of disappointment joining his angry expression. "That's the worst thing I've every heard. First off! Cat's clean themselves, they don't take baths in water-they *hate* water. And this time," he blinked, frowning a bit, "I agree with Hiei. This isn't a pet, it's Kurama. You really want to grab Kurama's feet and duck him upside down in a bunch of water? If you even *think* about it, I'll beat you myself."

"Oi," Yusuke mumbled, raising his hands in chagrin. "Sorry! What do I know about bathing babies? How would you do it?" Kuwabara sniffed, and seemed to puff up with pride.

"First you set him in the water," Kuwabara explained, still looking at his 'friend' with a distrustful gaze, "and then you take a little cup and pour water over him."

"Forget it." Two pairs of eyes turned to him in surprise, and Hiei glared at them both. "You are not capable of doing this." Yusuke's mouth opened, but Hiei rose, interrupting with a sharp tone. "The water is too hot for a bath. He doesn't *need* a bath. You don't know how to *give* a bath. Forget it."

Kuwabara, who was still feeling a bit superior for knowing the best way to bathe an infant frowned. "But-"

"When he needs a bath," Hiei interrupted, "I will give him one. Until then, I will not put him in that," he waved at the water, "with you incompetents nearby."

The youkai had already turned to the door, and Kuwabara hurried after him, Yusuke a step behind. "But you'll put him in cold water and he'll freeze!"

"I won't use cold," Hiei sighed, glaring back at the tall ningen.

"You promise?" The little fox was curled in the scarf, held in the crook of Hiei's arm, and Kuwabara looked down at it with concern. He didn't know how babies were treated in the Makai, but he seriously doubted Hiei's 'doctrine' was normal for infants. Somehow, he had an idea the short demon didn't know much more than they did.

"Yes," Hiei spat, turning away and stalking to the kitchen, "so drop it."

"Fine," Kuwabara spat back, making a face at the irritating demon, "but don't let him lick his feet until they're washed off!" The stubborn youkai stiffened visibly, and Kuwabara exchanged a quick smirk with Yusuke. "Well, so much for the bath."

"Yeah," Yusuke sighed, folding his arms. "And I was kinda looking forward to washing that fur. I can't believe Kurama actually has shampoo that smells like roses. I always figured that was because he keeps plants in his hair."

Snickering lightly, Kuwabara glanced over to where Hiei had taken a set at the table and was rewrapping the scarf, fox back in place on his shoulder. "Kurama really is weird sometimes. I mean, just look at him." The kitsune was rubbing its cheek languidly against Hiei's neck, the jaganshi's impassive expression making it look like he couldn't have cared less. "Picking *him* of all people..."

"Ah, he's a baby, he doesn't know any better." Crossing the kitchen, Yusuke moved to the telephone. "He probably went for Hiei because he's a youkai, too, that's all." Kuwabara had followed him, and he smirked at his friend. "Why don't you let that water out? I'm going to call Keiko. And don't worry, I'll tell her to get a hold of Genkai over at the temple and see if Yukina can come over, too." A wide smile greeted that promise, and Yusuke watched the happy teen prance off to the bathroom. His gaze fell on Hiei, checking for the youkai's reaction to the possibility of Yukina showing up, but he didn't get the response he'd expected. Hiei's eyes were on the table, expression dark, but the youkai's unwrapped right arm was curved, fingers moving against the kitsune's neck. Yusuke's lips curved into a wide grin, and he turned back to the phone, doing his best to pretend he hadn't seen that little slip.

* * *